- Add an option in the advanced settings menu for
the management port offset. Allows any value in the
range 1 to 61000 which with upto ~4000 added as connection
id keeps it in range.
Default is the currently hard coded value of 25340.
As Windows has no concept of privileged ports and the ephemeral
range used varies from version to version, no attempt is made to
avoid conflicts with ports in use.
- Add an option to choose the config menu view from the
advanced settings with three options:
Auto: Automatically switch to the nested view when
number of configs exceed a limit (currently 25)
Flat: Force the flat view irrespective of the number of
Nested: Force the nested view irrespective of the number
of configs
Issues: 370 and 387
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- Add a message box that support appending messages with
a title formatted at a larger font and a text
displayed in the default font.
- A global instance of the message box is used to
display messages from all profiles.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
We didn't use interactive service when gui was running
under admin because of some privilege escalation vulnerability in Vista.
Apparently this issue doesn't exist on Win7 and newer versions so
it is safe to use iservice on those systems.
Introduce "Always use interactive service" option,
which is "on" by default. This should enable users,
who by various reasons run gui as admin, use Wintun.
When gui is running as admin and interactive service
cannot be started or not installed, warn that wintun will not work.
Signed-off-by: Lev Stipakov <lev@openvpn.net>
- All missing strings are copied from the English version
which is the default.
- Description of "--command cmd" is also copied from the
English version where missing.
- Some whitespace changes for consistent formatting of all files
No user-visible changes except for the --help output
which will now include a description of the "--command cmd"
option in English when a translation is not available.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
Corrected initial pull request https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn-gui/pull/361 pull with correct Ukrainian grammar (I am a native speaker, and it's not just my thought on it, but a collaboration of other team members, the main contributor being Bohdan Kobilnyk)
- Prompt the user for permission if import may overwrite
an existing config.
- Also raise an error if the import file source matches the
global or local config directory. Reimporting a config on to
itself is not supported. This also avoids ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
in CopyFile() when source and destination are the same.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
This adds msvc project files and tiny code changes,
required to build this project with msvc.
Microsoft resource compiler, unlike mingw's windres,
doesn't fully support macros and multi-line strings,
so I had to create a separate resource file for msvc.
Signed-off-by: Lev Stipakov <lev@openvpn.net>
- This checkbox is inactive and does nothing.
The service-only usage can be still activated using the command
line option --service_only or by editing the registry, but its
not a recommended use case for GUI version 11.0 and above.
See also issue: #264
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
After a failure the auth-pass dialog is shown with the password
field prefilled but highlighted. This allows the user to easily
overwrite the password or resubmit the old password if the
failure was temporary.
After a private key passphrase failure, the dialog is not
prefilled with saved password as this failure happens locally
and in such cases the password is very likely wrong.
If the user aborts the dialog by pressing cancel, the saved
password will get used during the next connection attempt.
Wrong username or password warning text is changed to: "Wrong
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- Show the assigned IP numbers, traffic stats (bytes in/out), and
the GUI and OpenVPN core versions on the status window.
Note: IDS_TXT_BYTECOUNT = "Bytes in: %s out %s" needs translation.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
Why: The current message assumes the balloon to appear attached
to the icon which is not the case in Windows 10.
Based on feedback from larson0815 and Deantwo here:
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- New option --command <action> <params> to send commands to
a running instance of openvpn-gui.exe
Supported actions are
connect, disconnect, reconnect
each of which takes the name of the config (with or without the
extension .ovpn) as a parameter;
disconnect_all, exit
which take no parameter and
which takes an optional parameter = 0 or 1 (1 is the default)
Examples: with the gui running, start a new instance as
openvpn-gui.exe --command disconnect myvpn : ask running instance
to disconnect myvpn if connected
openvpn-gui.exe --command status myvpn : ask running instance
to show the status window for myvpn if available
openvpn-gui.exe --command disconnect_all : ask running instance
to disconnect all active connections
- The second instance exits after issuing a SendMessage to the
already running instance. If no action is specified, the running
instance is notified to show a balloon to alert the user
- These messages may also be sent from scripts as COPYDATA messages
with the wData element specifying the action to execute and lpData
a pointer to the parameter. The dwData param must be one of
SILENT. See main.h for their values.
v2: Bug fixes based on test reports from larson0815
here: https://github.com/selvanair/openvpn-gui/issues/5
and cron410 here: https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn-gui/issues/104
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- This works the same way as restart button in the status window
but is more conveniently accessible from the tray menu.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- Effective only when username and password are saved.
- The user may interrupt auto submission and edit the username/password.
- If silent_connection is on the dialog is bypassed without any delay.
v2 changes:
- Display message in normal text color and show remaining time
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- Make the OK button appear highlighted as the default action so that
the user can press enter and submit the form. This also gives a clearer
indication of the default action when automatic submission of saved
username/password activates.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
- Flag password and username input if these contain an invalid character
(currently only embedded '\n' is disallowed). Shows a popup when OK
is pressed so that the user can correct the input and resubmit.
- Add an error message to the log when the management i/f returns
ERROR for incorrectly parsed commands. Otherwise such errors go
Reported and tested by: Florian Beier (H4ndl3 on github)
Fixes Trac: #958
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <selva.nair@gmail.com>
I just put my contribution for the French translation of OpenVpn Gui
Can you put it in the next update
In thanking you
(The next update is for when?)