Current approach of querying the group membership of DOMAIN\username
fails for domain users if no DC is reachable. Instead authorize the
user if
(i) admin groups are found in the process token
(ii) or the SID of the user is a member of the admin groups
The second check is needed to support adding the user to the
ovpn_admin_group when GUI is running, as such changes in group
membership will not be reflected in the token.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
Without this the service will continue to wait for input from GUI
and log pipe read errors to the event log.
Also fix a typo in the error messgae shown.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
Warnings dsabled if silent_connection is true
- interactive service is not installed or not running
- duplicate configs found and ignored
v2: Update description of --silent_connection in README
and English resource file (translations not updated).
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
Avoid reporting a connection that completed with errors (state change
message = CONNECTED,ERROR) as successful.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
- Check system metric for large and small icon sizes and
try to load the correct size instaed of scaling from one size.
Scaling will still happen if the required size is not available
in the icon resource. As we add more icon sizes they will
get automatically used as needed.
LoadImage scales up from next smallest size available. Revisit this
when LoadIconWithScaleDown (Vista+) becomes available in mingw.
Resolves Trac: #772 (icon scaling issue)
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
- Adjust widget positioning for text to render without
clipping. Several language resource files affected.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
- Copy updates to copyright by commit 32c31ab942 in
Englishc to all other language files.
- Change version displayed in About page to the form
- General settings dialog is incomplete in chinese:
copy from English version.
- Add the word "OpenVPN" in the About page of Norwegian
mistakenly removed by commit d81b93d487..
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
- Set dpi-awareness to true in the manifest (i.e., "system-dpi aware")
- Check system dpi and scale and/or position widgets and windows
that depend on the system dpi (only components within the status
window are affected).
Note: Declaring dpi awareness eliminates automatic rescaling of
windows that causes blurred text on high dpi monitors.
Windows 8.1 and later allow per monitor dpi setting which is
not handled here.
Without this some versions of Windows (e.g., Server 2008 32bit)
displays Product version =, File version =
- Also define the file and product versions in the stringinfo block
as a stringified form of PACKAGE_VERSION_RESOURCE (e.g., "").
Windows versions that take the Product version from this block
will now get the same value as older versions that use PRODUCTVERSION.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
strings need translation.
TODO: support for selecting pkcs11-id from the GUI
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
- Add a base64 decode function using Windows CyptoAPI
- Move multibyte to widechar conversions to a function
- Add config name to caption of password dialogs to help user
identify the request
- Add new dialog template for generic password/PIN requests
and use it to handle dynamic challenge
Note 1: if dynamic challenge response verification fails, an auth-failed
message is returned by the server causing the GUI to clear any saved
password even if the user-auth dialog itself succeeeded.
Note 2: Dialog template ID_DLG_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE added to language
files may require translation.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
WINAPI is __stdcall in 32 bit windows (ignored in 64 bit) causing
this bug to show up in the 32 bit version only.
Also fix out-of-bounds write of ovpn_version[] in openvpn.c
Resolves Trac #758
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
When openvpn exits due to error, the GUI pops up a modal dialog and
waits on user to click OK before cleaning up resources and closing
the status window. During this phase if the user clicks "connect"
from the tray menu, a new thread is started overwriiting several
handles in the connection struct.
Fix: Refuse to start a connection when previous status thread is
still active. Instead, bring the exisiting status window to fore-ground.
Also make the modal dialog a child of the status window for better
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
Sometimes gracefully stopping openvpn fails leaving the
process running in background. This causes restarting of
connections to fail until those processes are manually killed.
- Read process ID from interactive service to get process
handle when openvpn is started by the service.
- Add a last resort method to forcefully terminate openvpn
process that fails to exit aftier sending stop signal. Terminate
is triggered after a 3 second timeout following Stop.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>