2023-06-21 01:32:46 +00:00
import copy
2023-07-10 02:48:53 +00:00
from contextlib import nullcontext
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional
2023-06-21 01:32:46 +00:00
2023-07-20 02:39:06 +00:00
import torch
2023-08-03 06:51:36 +00:00
import torch.distributed as dist
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
from torch import Tensor
from torch import distributed as dist
from torch.distributed import ProcessGroup
2023-07-20 02:39:06 +00:00
from torch.nn import Module
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
from torch.optim import Adam, Optimizer
2023-07-20 02:39:06 +00:00
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
from colossalai.booster import Booster
from colossalai.booster.plugin import HybridParallelPlugin
2023-07-10 02:48:53 +00:00
from colossalai.lazy import LazyInitContext
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
from colossalai.pipeline.stage_manager import PipelineStageManager
2023-06-21 01:32:46 +00:00
from colossalai.shardformer import ShardConfig, ShardFormer
2023-08-03 06:51:36 +00:00
from colossalai.shardformer._utils import getattr_
2023-08-10 05:59:30 +00:00
from colossalai.shardformer.policies.auto_policy import Policy
2023-08-03 06:51:36 +00:00
from colossalai.tensor.d_tensor.api import is_customized_distributed_tensor, is_distributed_tensor
2023-06-21 01:32:46 +00:00
2023-08-07 08:41:07 +00:00
def build_model(model_fn,
use_lazy_init: bool = False):
# create new model
2023-07-10 02:48:53 +00:00
ctx = LazyInitContext() if use_lazy_init else nullcontext()
with ctx:
# create new model
org_model = model_fn()
model_copy = copy.deepcopy(org_model)
if use_lazy_init:
2023-06-21 01:32:46 +00:00
# shard model
2023-07-04 01:57:03 +00:00
shard_config = ShardConfig(enable_fused_normalization=enable_fused_normalization,
2023-08-07 08:41:07 +00:00
model_copy = copy.deepcopy(org_model)
2023-06-21 01:32:46 +00:00
shard_former = ShardFormer(shard_config=shard_config)
2023-07-05 06:30:17 +00:00
sharded_model, shared_params = shard_former.optimize(model_copy)
2023-07-10 02:48:53 +00:00
return org_model.cuda(), sharded_model.cuda()
2023-06-21 01:32:46 +00:00
2023-07-10 05:58:58 +00:00
def build_pipeline_model(model_fn,
2023-08-04 06:55:31 +00:00
use_lazy_init: bool = False,
policy: Optional[Policy] = None):
2023-07-10 05:58:58 +00:00
ctx = LazyInitContext() if use_lazy_init else nullcontext()
with ctx:
# create new model
org_model = model_fn()
model_copy = copy.deepcopy(org_model)
if use_lazy_init:
# shard model
shard_config = ShardConfig(enable_fused_normalization=enable_fused_normalization,
2023-07-11 03:37:26 +00:00
2023-07-10 05:58:58 +00:00
shard_former = ShardFormer(shard_config=shard_config)
2023-08-04 06:55:31 +00:00
sharded_model, shared_params = shard_former.optimize(model_copy, policy=policy)
2023-07-10 05:58:58 +00:00
return org_model.cuda(), sharded_model.cuda()
2023-06-21 01:32:46 +00:00
def run_forward(original_model, sharded_model, data_gen_fn, output_transform_fn, loss_fn):
# prepare input
data = data_gen_fn()
data = {k: v.cuda() for k, v in data.items()}
# switch to train mode
# run forward
org_output = original_model(**data)
org_output = output_transform_fn(org_output)
org_loss = loss_fn(org_output)
shard_output = sharded_model(**data)
shard_output = output_transform_fn(shard_output)
shard_loss = loss_fn(shard_output)
2023-06-30 01:32:37 +00:00
return org_output, org_loss, shard_output, shard_loss
2023-07-20 02:39:06 +00:00
def check_state_dict(org_model: Module, sharded_model: Module, name: str = ''):
org_sd = org_model.state_dict()
shard_sd = sharded_model.state_dict()
for k, v in org_sd.items():
assert k in shard_sd, f'{name} {k} not in sharded model'
shard_v = shard_sd[k]
assert v.shape == shard_v.shape, f'{name} {k} shape mismatch, {v.shape} vs {shard_v.shape}'
assert v.dtype == shard_v.dtype, f'{name} {k} dtype mismatch, {v.dtype} vs {shard_v.dtype}'
assert torch.equal(v, shard_v), f'{name} {k} value mismatch'
2023-08-03 06:51:36 +00:00
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
def build_model_from_hybrid_plugin(model_fn: Callable, loss_fn: Callable, test_config: Dict[str, Any]):
use_lazy_init = False
if 'use_lazy_init' in test_config:
use_lazy_init = test_config.pop('use_lazy_init')
2023-08-11 07:43:23 +00:00
ctx = LazyInitContext() if use_lazy_init else nullcontext()
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
with ctx:
2023-08-11 07:43:23 +00:00
org_model = model_fn()
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
sharded_model = copy.deepcopy(org_model)
if use_lazy_init:
2023-08-11 07:43:23 +00:00
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
2023-08-11 07:43:23 +00:00
org_model = org_model.cuda()
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
org_optimizer = Adam(org_model.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
sharded_optimizer = Adam(sharded_model.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
criterion = loss_fn
2023-08-11 07:43:23 +00:00
plugin = HybridParallelPlugin(**test_config)
booster = Booster(plugin=plugin)
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
2023-08-11 07:43:23 +00:00
sharded_model, sharded_optimizer, criterion, _, _ = booster.boost(sharded_model, sharded_optimizer, criterion)
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
return org_model, org_optimizer, sharded_model, sharded_optimizer, criterion, booster
def run_forward_backward_with_hybrid_plugin(org_model: Module, sharded_model: Module, sharded_optimizer: Optimizer,
data_gen_fn: Callable, output_transform_fn: Callable, criterion: Callable,
booster: Booster):
2023-08-11 02:32:53 +00:00
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
def _criterion(outputs, inputs):
outputs = output_transform_fn(outputs)
loss = criterion(outputs)
return loss
data = data_gen_fn()
if booster.plugin.stage_manager is not None:
2023-08-11 07:43:23 +00:00
for k, v in data.items():
if torch.is_tensor(v) or 'Tensor' in v.__class__.__name__:
new_shape = [1] * v.dim()
new_shape[0] = 4
data[k] = v.to('cuda').repeat(*new_shape)
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
data_iter = iter([data])
sharded_output = booster.execute_pipeline(data_iter,
sharded_loss = sharded_output['loss']
data = {k: v.cuda() for k, v in data.items()}
sharded_output = sharded_model(**data)
2023-08-10 05:59:30 +00:00
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
sharded_loss = criterion(sharded_output)
2023-08-10 05:59:30 +00:00
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
2023-08-10 05:59:30 +00:00
data = {k: v.cuda() for k, v in data.items()}
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
org_output = org_model(**data)
2023-08-11 02:32:53 +00:00
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
org_loss = criterion(org_output)
return org_loss, org_output, sharded_loss, sharded_output
def check_output_hidden_state(org_output: Tensor,
sharded_output: Tensor,
stage_manager: Optional[PipelineStageManager] = None,
atol: float = 1e-5,
2023-08-11 07:43:23 +00:00
rtol: float = 1e-3,
dim: int = 0):
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
org_hidden_state = org_output.last_hidden_state
if stage_manager is None:
sharded_hidden_state = sharded_output.last_hidden_state
if stage_manager and stage_manager.is_last_stage():
2023-08-11 07:43:23 +00:00
sharded_hidden_state = torch.cat([output.last_hidden_state for output in sharded_output['outputs']], dim=dim)
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
2023-08-10 05:59:30 +00:00
assert torch.allclose(org_hidden_state.float(), sharded_hidden_state.float(), atol=atol, rtol=rtol), \
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
f"shard model's output hidden state is not equal to origin model's last hidden state\n{org_hidden_state}\n{sharded_hidden_state}"
def check_loss(org_loss: Tensor, sharded_loss: Tensor, atol: float = 1e-5, rtol: float = 1e-3):
2023-08-10 05:59:30 +00:00
assert torch.allclose(org_loss.float(), sharded_loss.float(), atol=atol, rtol=rtol), \
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
f"shard model loss is not equal to origin model loss\n{org_loss}\n{sharded_loss}"
def check_weight(org_model: Module,
sharded_model: Module,
layer_suffix: List[str],
tp_group: Optional[ProcessGroup] = None,
dim: int = 0,
atol: float = 1e-5,
rtol: float = 1e-3,
verbose: bool = False):
for suffix in layer_suffix:
org_weight = getattr_(org_model, suffix).weight
sharded_weight = getattr_(sharded_model, suffix).weight
if is_distributed_tensor(sharded_weight) or is_customized_distributed_tensor(sharded_weight):
sharded_weight_list = [
2023-08-11 03:44:23 +00:00
torch.zeros_like(sharded_weight).to('cuda') for _ in range(dist.get_world_size(tp_group))
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
dist.all_gather(sharded_weight_list, sharded_weight, tp_group)
sharded_weight = torch.cat(sharded_weight_list, dim=dim)
if verbose and dist.get_rank() == 0:
print(f"'{suffix}' weight: {org_weight}, {sharded_weight}")
2023-08-10 05:59:30 +00:00
assert torch.allclose(org_weight.float(), sharded_weight.float(), atol=atol, rtol=rtol), \
2023-08-11 03:44:23 +00:00
f"shard model weight {suffix} is not equal to origin model weight\n{org_weight}\n{sharded_weight}"
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
def check_grad(org_model: Module,
sharded_model: Module,
layer_suffix: List[str],
tp_group: ProcessGroup = None,
dim: int = 0,
atol: float = 1e-5,
rtol: float = 1e-3,
verbose: bool = False):
2023-08-03 06:51:36 +00:00
for suffix in layer_suffix:
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
org_grad = getattr_(org_model, suffix).weight.grad
2023-08-03 06:51:36 +00:00
shard_grad = getattr_(sharded_model, suffix).weight.grad
shard_weight = getattr_(sharded_model, suffix).weight
if is_distributed_tensor(shard_weight) or is_customized_distributed_tensor(shard_weight):
2023-08-11 03:44:23 +00:00
shard_grad_list = [torch.zeros_like(shard_grad).to('cuda') for _ in range(dist.get_world_size(tp_group))]
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
dist.all_gather(shard_grad_list, shard_grad, tp_group)
shard_grad = torch.cat(shard_grad_list, dim=dim)
# embedding may be resized when using tensor parallel
if shard_grad.shape[0] > org_grad.shape[0]:
shard_grad = shard_grad[:org_grad.shape[0], :]
2023-08-03 06:51:36 +00:00
if verbose and dist.get_rank() == 0:
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
print(f"'{suffix}' grad: {org_grad}, {shard_grad}")
2023-08-10 05:59:30 +00:00
2023-08-03 06:51:36 +00:00
assert torch.allclose(
2023-08-10 05:59:30 +00:00
org_grad.float(), shard_grad.float(), rtol=rtol, atol=atol
2023-08-03 09:50:15 +00:00
), f"error attribute '{suffix}', orgin model grad is not equal to shard model grad\n{org_grad}\n{shard_grad}"