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file(name, data [,options]) default api

Description : Add (or update) a file to the zip file.


name type description
name string the name of the file. You can specify folders in the name : the folder separator is a forward slash ("/").
data String/ArrayBuffer/Uint8Array/Buffer the content of the file.
options object the options.

Content of options :

name type default description
base64 boolean false set to true if the data is base64 encoded. For example image data from a <canvas> element. Plain text and HTML do not need this option.
binary boolean false set to true if the data should be treated as raw content, false if this is a text. If base64 is used, this defaults to true, if the data is not a string, this will be set to true.
date date the current date the last modification date.
compression string null If set, specifies compression method to use for this specific file. If not, the default file compression will be used, see generate(options).
compressionOptions object null the options to use when compressing the file, see generate(options).
comment string null The comment for this file.
optimizedBinaryString boolean false Set to true if (and only if) the input is a "binary string" and has already been prepared with a 0xFF mask.
createFolders boolean false Set to true if folders in the file path should be automatically created, otherwise there will only be virtual folders that represent the path to the file.
unixPermissions 16 bits number null The UNIX permissions of the file, if any.
dosPermissions 6 bits number null The DOS permissions of the file, if any.
dir boolean false Set to true if this is a directory and content should be ignored.

You shouldn't update the data given to this method : it is kept as it so any update will impact the stored data.

For the permissions :

The field unixPermissions also accepts a string representing the octal value : "644", "755", etc. On nodejs you can use the mode attribute of nodejs' fs.Stats.

See also the platform option of generate().

About dir :

If dir is true or if a permission says it's a folder, this entry be flagged as a folder and the content will be ignored.

Returns : The current JSZip object, for chaining.

Throws : An exception if the data is not in a supported format.


zip.file("Hello.txt", "Hello World\n");

// base64
zip.file("smile.gif", "R0lGODdhBQAFAIACAAAAAP/eACwAAAAABQAFAAACCIwPkWerClIBADs=", {base64: true});
// from an ajax call with xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer'
zip.file("smile.gif", arraybufferFromXhr);
// or on nodejs
zip.file("smile.gif", fs.readFileSync("smile.gif"));

zip.file("Xmas.txt", "Ho ho ho !", {date : new Date("December 25, 2007 00:00:01")});
zip.file("folder/file.txt", "file in folder");

zip.file("animals.txt", "dog,platypus\n").file("people.txt", "james,sebastian\n");

// result : Hello.txt, smile.gif, Xmas.txt, animals.txt, people.txt,
// folder/, folder/file.txt
// In the above case, the "folder" folder will not have a 'D'irectory attribute or Method property. The
// folder only exists as part of the path to "file.txt".

zip.file("folder/file.txt", "file in folder", {createFolders: true});
// In this case, the "folder" folder WILL have a 'D'irectory attribute and a Method property of "store".
// It will exist whether or not "file.txt" is present.

zip.file("", "echo 'hello world'", {
  unixPermissions : "755"
// when generated with platform:UNIX, the file will be executable