2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
/* <!-- copyright */
* aria2 - The high speed download utility
* Copyright (C) 2006 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
* permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
* OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
* individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
* including the two.
* You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
* for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
* file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
* version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
* do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
* version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
* files in the program, then also delete it here.
/* copyright --> */
#include "RequestGroup.h"
2007-12-10 14:01:21 +00:00
#include "PostDownloadHandler.h"
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
#include "DownloadEngine.h"
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
#include "DefaultSegmentManFactory.h"
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
#include "SegmentMan.h"
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
#include "NullProgressInfoFile.h"
#include "Dependency.h"
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
#include "prefs.h"
#include "InitiateConnectionCommandFactory.h"
#include "CUIDCounter.h"
#include "File.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "Util.h"
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
#include "BtRegistry.h"
#include "LogFactory.h"
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
#include "Logger.h"
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
#include "DiskAdaptor.h"
#include "DiskWriterFactory.h"
2007-10-15 14:55:24 +00:00
#include "RecoverableException.h"
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
#include "StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.h"
#include "CheckIntegrityCommand.h"
#include "UnknownLengthPieceStorage.h"
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
#include "BtContext.h"
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
#include "SingleFileDownloadContext.h"
#include "DlAbortEx.h"
#include "DownloadFailureException.h"
2007-11-13 11:46:58 +00:00
#include "RequestGroupMan.h"
2007-11-14 10:10:38 +00:00
#include "DefaultBtProgressInfoFile.h"
#include "DefaultPieceStorage.h"
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
#include "DownloadResult.h"
#include "DownloadHandlerFactory.h"
#include "MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.h"
#include "DownloadHandlerConstants.h"
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
#include "ServerHost.h"
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
#include "Option.h"
#include "FileEntry.h"
#include "Request.h"
#include "FileAllocationIterator.h"
2008-04-27 02:22:14 +00:00
#include "StringFormat.h"
2008-05-13 14:15:23 +00:00
#include "A2STR.h"
2008-08-04 17:06:47 +00:00
#include "URISelector.h"
#include "InOrderURISelector.h"
2007-07-04 16:04:57 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
# include "CheckIntegrityCommand.h"
2007-07-04 16:04:57 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
# include "BtCheckIntegrityEntry.h"
# include "DefaultPeerStorage.h"
# include "DefaultBtAnnounce.h"
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
# include "BtRuntime.h"
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
# include "BtSetup.h"
# include "BtFileAllocationEntry.h"
# include "BtPostDownloadHandler.h"
2008-02-01 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Added DHT functionality, compatible with mainline.
DHT is disabled by default. To enable it, give --enable-dht to
You may need to specify entry point to DHT network using
--dht-entry-point. DHT uses UDP port to listen incoming message.
Use --dht-listen-port to specify port number. Make sure that
firewall configuration can pass through UDP traffic to the port.
The routing table is saved in $HOME/.aria2/dht.dat.
* src/DHT*
* src/BNode.{h, cc}
* src/PeerInteractionCommand.cc: enable DHT functionality for a
particular torrent.
* src/Data.cc: Rewritten ctor.
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc: Added --enable-dht,
* src/DefaultBtInteractive.cc: Send port message if dht is
* src/RequestGroup.cc: Initialize DHT functionality. When
ends, remove BtContext from DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.
* src/BtPortMessage.{h, cc}: Rewritten.
* src/message.h
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.cc
* src/option_processing.cc: Added --enable-dht,
* src/Dictionary.{h, cc} (remove): New function.
* src/prefs.h
* src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h
* src/BtHandshakeMessage.cc
* src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}: Added datagram socket support.
* src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.cc
* src/BtSetup.cc: Add BtContext to DHTPeerAnnounceStorage here.
Create DHT commands.
* src/BtMessageFactory.h
* src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc}
2008-02-01 17:36:33 +00:00
# include "DHTSetup.h"
# include "DHTRegistry.h"
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
# include "PeerObject.h"
# include "BtMessageFactory.h"
# include "BtRequestFactory.h"
# include "BtMessageDispatcher.h"
# include "BtMessageReceiver.h"
# include "PeerConnection.h"
# include "ExtensionMessageFactory.h"
2008-02-01 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Added DHT functionality, compatible with mainline.
DHT is disabled by default. To enable it, give --enable-dht to
You may need to specify entry point to DHT network using
--dht-entry-point. DHT uses UDP port to listen incoming message.
Use --dht-listen-port to specify port number. Make sure that
firewall configuration can pass through UDP traffic to the port.
The routing table is saved in $HOME/.aria2/dht.dat.
* src/DHT*
* src/BNode.{h, cc}
* src/PeerInteractionCommand.cc: enable DHT functionality for a
particular torrent.
* src/Data.cc: Rewritten ctor.
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc: Added --enable-dht,
* src/DefaultBtInteractive.cc: Send port message if dht is
* src/RequestGroup.cc: Initialize DHT functionality. When
ends, remove BtContext from DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.
* src/BtPortMessage.{h, cc}: Rewritten.
* src/message.h
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.cc
* src/option_processing.cc: Added --enable-dht,
* src/Dictionary.{h, cc} (remove): New function.
* src/prefs.h
* src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h
* src/BtHandshakeMessage.cc
* src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}: Added datagram socket support.
* src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.cc
* src/BtSetup.cc: Add BtContext to DHTPeerAnnounceStorage here.
Create DHT commands.
* src/BtMessageFactory.h
* src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc}
2008-02-01 17:36:33 +00:00
# include "DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.h"
2008-02-13 15:17:08 +00:00
# include "DHTEntryPointNameResolveCommand.h"
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
# include "MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.h"
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
namespace aria2 {
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
int32_t RequestGroup::_gidCounter = 0;
2008-05-05 08:25:41 +00:00
const std::string RequestGroup::ACCEPT_METALINK = "application/metalink+xml";
2008-04-25 17:44:03 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
RequestGroup::RequestGroup(const Option* option,
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
const std::deque<std::string>& uris):
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
_segmentManFactory(new DefaultSegmentManFactory(option)),
_progressInfoFile(new NullProgressInfoFile()),
2007-12-07 13:33:59 +00:00
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
2008-08-04 17:06:47 +00:00
_uriSelector(new InOrderURISelector()),
2008-09-07 14:38:26 +00:00
2008-09-10 14:56:44 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(_option->get(PREF_FILE_ALLOCATION) == V_PREALLOC) {
_fileAllocationEnabled = true;
} else {
_fileAllocationEnabled = false;
2007-06-30 09:52:39 +00:00
2008-05-05 08:25:41 +00:00
// Add types to be sent as a Accept header value here.
2008-04-25 17:44:03 +00:00
// It would be good to put this value in Option so that user can tweak
// and add this list.
2008-05-05 08:25:41 +00:00
// ACCEPT_METALINK is used for `transparent metalink'.
2008-04-25 17:44:03 +00:00
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
RequestGroup::~RequestGroup() {}
SegmentManHandle RequestGroup::initSegmentMan()
2007-06-03 14:24:37 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
_segmentMan = _segmentManFactory->createNewInstance(_downloadContext,
return _segmentMan;
2007-06-03 14:24:37 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
bool RequestGroup::downloadFinished() const
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(_pieceStorage.isNull()) {
return false;
} else {
return _pieceStorage->downloadFinished();
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-29 14:06:59 +00:00
bool RequestGroup::allDownloadFinished() const
if(_pieceStorage.isNull()) {
return false;
} else {
return _pieceStorage->allDownloadFinished();
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
void RequestGroup::closeFile()
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(!_pieceStorage.isNull()) {
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2008-05-11 09:36:39 +00:00
void RequestGroup::createInitialCommand(std::deque<Command*>& commands,
DownloadEngine* e)
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
BtContextHandle btContext = dynamic_pointer_cast<BtContext>(_downloadContext);
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(!btContext.isNull()) {
2007-11-13 11:46:58 +00:00
if(e->_requestGroupMan->isSameFileBeingDownloaded(this)) {
2008-04-27 02:22:14 +00:00
throw DownloadFailureException
2007-11-13 11:46:58 +00:00
2007-11-21 16:14:40 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(btContext->getFileEntries().size() > 1) {
// this is really multi file torrent.
// clear http/ftp uris because the current implementation does not
// allow integrating multi-file torrent and http/ftp.
_logger->debug("Clearing http/ftp URIs because the current implementation does not allow integrating multi-file torrent and http/ftp.");
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-11-21 16:14:40 +00:00
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
progressInfoFile(new DefaultBtProgressInfoFile(_downloadContext,
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
BtRegistry::registerBtContext(btContext->getInfoHashAsString(), btContext);
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
BtRuntimeHandle btRuntime(new BtRuntime());
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
BtRegistry::registerBtRuntime(btContext->getInfoHashAsString(), btRuntime);
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
PeerStorageHandle peerStorage(new DefaultPeerStorage(btContext, _option));
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
BtRegistry::registerPeerStorage(btContext->getInfoHashAsString(), peerStorage);
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
BtAnnounceHandle btAnnounce(new DefaultBtAnnounce(btContext, _option));
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
BtRegistry::registerBtAnnounce(btContext->getInfoHashAsString(), btAnnounce);
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
SharedHandle<PeerObjectCluster> po(new PeerObjectCluster());
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2007-12-26 15:11:42 +00:00
// Remove the control file if download file doesn't exist
if(progressInfoFile->exists() && !_pieceStorage->getDiskAdaptor()->fileExists()) {
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
// Call Load, Save and file allocation command here
if(progressInfoFile->exists()) {
// load .aria2 file if it exists.
2007-08-28 15:46:49 +00:00
} else {
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(_pieceStorage->getDiskAdaptor()->fileExists()) {
2008-05-18 10:25:41 +00:00
if(!_option->getAsBool(PREF_CHECK_INTEGRITY) &&
2008-07-08 14:18:51 +00:00
!_option->getAsBool(PREF_ALLOW_OVERWRITE) &&
2008-07-12 13:54:36 +00:00
!_option->getAsBool(PREF_BT_SEED_UNVERIFIED)) {
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
// TODO we need this->haltRequested = true?
2008-04-27 02:22:14 +00:00
throw DownloadFailureException
2008-07-08 14:18:51 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
} else {
2008-07-12 13:54:36 +00:00
if(_option->getAsBool(PREF_BT_SEED_UNVERIFIED)) {
2008-07-08 14:18:51 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
} else {
2007-08-28 15:46:49 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
_progressInfoFile = progressInfoFile;
2008-02-01 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Added DHT functionality, compatible with mainline.
DHT is disabled by default. To enable it, give --enable-dht to
You may need to specify entry point to DHT network using
--dht-entry-point. DHT uses UDP port to listen incoming message.
Use --dht-listen-port to specify port number. Make sure that
firewall configuration can pass through UDP traffic to the port.
The routing table is saved in $HOME/.aria2/dht.dat.
* src/DHT*
* src/BNode.{h, cc}
* src/PeerInteractionCommand.cc: enable DHT functionality for a
particular torrent.
* src/Data.cc: Rewritten ctor.
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc: Added --enable-dht,
* src/DefaultBtInteractive.cc: Send port message if dht is
* src/RequestGroup.cc: Initialize DHT functionality. When
ends, remove BtContext from DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.
* src/BtPortMessage.{h, cc}: Rewritten.
* src/message.h
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.cc
* src/option_processing.cc: Added --enable-dht,
* src/Dictionary.{h, cc} (remove): New function.
* src/prefs.h
* src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h
* src/BtHandshakeMessage.cc
* src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}: Added datagram socket support.
* src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.cc
* src/BtSetup.cc: Add BtContext to DHTPeerAnnounceStorage here.
Create DHT commands.
* src/BtMessageFactory.h
* src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc}
2008-02-01 17:36:33 +00:00
if(!btContext->isPrivate() && _option->getAsBool(PREF_ENABLE_DHT)) {
2008-05-11 09:36:39 +00:00
std::deque<Command*> commands;
DHTSetup().setup(commands, e, _option);
2008-05-27 14:44:55 +00:00
if(!btContext->getNodes().empty() && DHTSetup::initialized()) {
2008-02-13 15:17:08 +00:00
DHTEntryPointNameResolveCommand* command =
new DHTEntryPointNameResolveCommand(CUIDCounterSingletonHolder::instance()->newID(), e, btContext->getNodes());
2008-02-01 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Added DHT functionality, compatible with mainline.
DHT is disabled by default. To enable it, give --enable-dht to
You may need to specify entry point to DHT network using
--dht-entry-point. DHT uses UDP port to listen incoming message.
Use --dht-listen-port to specify port number. Make sure that
firewall configuration can pass through UDP traffic to the port.
The routing table is saved in $HOME/.aria2/dht.dat.
* src/DHT*
* src/BNode.{h, cc}
* src/PeerInteractionCommand.cc: enable DHT functionality for a
particular torrent.
* src/Data.cc: Rewritten ctor.
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc: Added --enable-dht,
* src/DefaultBtInteractive.cc: Send port message if dht is
* src/RequestGroup.cc: Initialize DHT functionality. When
ends, remove BtContext from DHTPeerAnnounceStorage.
* src/BtPortMessage.{h, cc}: Rewritten.
* src/message.h
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.cc
* src/option_processing.cc: Added --enable-dht,
* src/Dictionary.{h, cc} (remove): New function.
* src/prefs.h
* src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.h
* src/BtHandshakeMessage.cc
* src/ActivePeerConnectionCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}: Added datagram socket support.
* src/DefaultBtMessageFactory.cc
* src/BtSetup.cc: Add BtContext to DHTPeerAnnounceStorage here.
Create DHT commands.
* src/BtMessageFactory.h
* src/PeerMessageUtil.{h, cc}
2008-02-01 17:36:33 +00:00
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
CheckIntegrityEntryHandle entry(new BtCheckIntegrityEntry(this));
2008-07-12 13:54:36 +00:00
// --bt-seed-unverified=true is given and download has completed, skip
// validation for piece hashes.
if(_option->getAsBool(PREF_BT_SEED_UNVERIFIED) &&
2008-07-08 14:18:51 +00:00
_pieceStorage->downloadFinished()) {
entry->onDownloadFinished(commands, e);
} else {
processCheckIntegrityEntry(commands, entry, e);
2008-05-11 09:36:39 +00:00
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
// TODO I assume here when totallength is set to DownloadContext and it is
// not 0, then filepath is also set DownloadContext correctly....
if(_downloadContext->getTotalLength() == 0) {
2008-05-11 09:36:39 +00:00
createNextCommand(commands, e, 1);
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
}else {
2007-11-13 11:46:58 +00:00
if(e->_requestGroupMan->isSameFileBeingDownloaded(this)) {
2008-04-27 02:22:14 +00:00
throw DownloadFailureException
2007-11-13 11:46:58 +00:00
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
2008-05-11 09:36:39 +00:00
BtProgressInfoFileHandle infoFile
(new DefaultBtProgressInfoFile(_downloadContext, _pieceStorage, _option));
if(infoFile->exists() || !downloadFinishedByFileLength()) {
SharedHandle<CheckIntegrityEntry> checkIntegrityEntry
(new StreamCheckIntegrityEntry(SharedHandle<Request>(), this));
processCheckIntegrityEntry(commands, checkIntegrityEntry, e);
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
2008-05-11 09:36:39 +00:00
void RequestGroup::processCheckIntegrityEntry(std::deque<Command*>& commands,
const CheckIntegrityEntryHandle& entry,
DownloadEngine* e)
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2008-05-18 10:25:41 +00:00
if(e->option->getAsBool(PREF_CHECK_INTEGRITY) &&
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
entry->isValidationReady()) {
2008-08-26 12:39:07 +00:00
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
CheckIntegrityCommand* command =
new CheckIntegrityCommand(CUIDCounterSingletonHolder::instance()->newID(), this, e, entry);
} else
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
2008-05-11 09:36:39 +00:00
entry->onDownloadIncomplete(commands, e);
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
void RequestGroup::initPieceStorage()
if(_downloadContext->getTotalLength() == 0) {
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
UnknownLengthPieceStorageHandle ps(new UnknownLengthPieceStorage(_downloadContext, _option));
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
if(!_diskWriterFactory.isNull()) {
_pieceStorage = ps;
} else {
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
DefaultPieceStorageHandle ps(new DefaultPieceStorage(_downloadContext, _option));
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
if(!_diskWriterFactory.isNull()) {
_pieceStorage = ps;
bool RequestGroup::downloadFinishedByFileLength()
2007-11-23 11:15:19 +00:00
// assuming that a control file doesn't exist.
2007-11-25 11:48:44 +00:00
if(!isPreLocalFileCheckEnabled() ||
2008-05-18 10:25:41 +00:00
_option->getAsBool(PREF_ALLOW_OVERWRITE) ||
(_option->getAsBool(PREF_CHECK_INTEGRITY) &&
2008-03-15 04:19:46 +00:00
!_downloadContext->getPieceHashes().empty())) {
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
return false;
// TODO consider the case when the getFilePath() returns dir path.
File outfile(getFilePath());
if(outfile.exists() && getTotalLength() == outfile.size()) {
_logger->notice(MSG_DOWNLOAD_ALREADY_COMPLETED, _gid, getFilePath().c_str());
return true;
} else {
return false;
void RequestGroup::loadAndOpenFile(const BtProgressInfoFileHandle& progressInfoFile)
try {
if(!isPreLocalFileCheckEnabled()) {
2007-12-26 15:11:42 +00:00
// Remove the control file if download file doesn't exist
if(progressInfoFile->exists() && !_pieceStorage->getDiskAdaptor()->fileExists()) {
2008-05-05 10:10:15 +00:00
while(1) {
if(progressInfoFile->exists()) {
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
} else {
2008-05-05 10:10:15 +00:00
File outfile(getFilePath());
2008-05-18 10:25:41 +00:00
if(outfile.exists() && _option->getAsBool(PREF_CONTINUE)) {
2008-05-05 10:10:15 +00:00
if(getTotalLength() < outfile.size()) {
throw DlAbortEx
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
2008-05-05 10:10:15 +00:00
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
} else {
2008-05-05 10:10:15 +00:00
2008-05-18 10:25:41 +00:00
if(outfile.exists() && _option->getAsBool(PREF_CHECK_INTEGRITY)) {
2008-05-05 10:10:15 +00:00
} else {
// call updateFilename here in case when filename is renamed
// by tryAutoFileRenaming()
if(progressInfoFile->exists()) {
2008-07-12 07:54:06 +00:00
// Close DiskAdaptor here. Renmaed file will be opened in the
// next loop .
2008-05-05 10:10:15 +00:00
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
2008-05-05 10:10:15 +00:00
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
2008-05-05 10:10:15 +00:00
2007-08-28 15:46:49 +00:00
2008-04-27 02:22:14 +00:00
} catch(RecoverableException& e) {
throw DownloadFailureException
(StringFormat(EX_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED).str(), e);
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
2007-11-23 11:15:19 +00:00
// assuming that a control file does not exist
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
void RequestGroup::shouldCancelDownloadForSafety()
2008-05-18 10:25:41 +00:00
if(_option->getAsBool(PREF_ALLOW_OVERWRITE)) {
2007-11-23 11:15:19 +00:00
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
File outfile(getFilePath());
2007-11-23 11:15:19 +00:00
if(outfile.exists()) {
2008-05-18 10:25:41 +00:00
if(_option->getAsBool(PREF_AUTO_FILE_RENAMING)) {
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
if(tryAutoFileRenaming()) {
2007-11-23 11:15:19 +00:00
_logger->notice(MSG_FILE_RENAMED, getFilePath().c_str());
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
} else {
2008-04-27 02:22:14 +00:00
throw DownloadFailureException
(StringFormat("File renaming failed: %s",
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
2007-11-23 11:15:19 +00:00
} else {
2008-04-27 02:22:14 +00:00
throw DownloadFailureException
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
bool RequestGroup::tryAutoFileRenaming()
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
std::string filepath = getFilePath();
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
if(filepath.empty()) {
return false;
2008-05-05 10:10:15 +00:00
SingleFileDownloadContextHandle ctx =
// Make a copy of ctx.
SingleFileDownloadContextHandle tempCtx(new SingleFileDownloadContext(*ctx.get()));
DefaultBtProgressInfoFile tempInfoFile(tempCtx, SharedHandle<PieceStorage>(), 0);
2008-03-09 12:24:01 +00:00
for(unsigned int i = 1; i < 10000; ++i) {
File newfile(filepath+"."+Util::uitos(i));
2008-05-05 10:10:15 +00:00
std::string newFilename = newfile.getBasename();
if(!newfile.exists() || (newfile.exists() && tempInfoFile.exists())) {
2007-11-10 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Don't connect server before checking file integrity at startup,
filesize and output file path are known.
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/StreamFileAllocationEntry.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
Added DownloadFailureException. If it is thrown, RequestGroup
* src/AbstractCommand.cc
* src/DownloadFailureException.h
* src/RequestGroup.cc
Catch RecoverableException, instead of DlAbortEx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
* src/FillRequestGroupCommand.cc
* src/MetaFileUtil.cc
* src/IteratableChunkChecksumValidator.cc
Now first parameter of MSG_DOWNLOAD_ABORTED is
* src/CheckIntegrityCommand.cc
* src/message.h
Print gid instead of idx.
* src/RequestGroupMan.cc
Removed exception throwers declaration.
* src/DirectDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/SocketCore.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/HttpResponse.{h, cc}
* src/DiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/CopyDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/MultiDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/HttpHeaderProcessor.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractSingleDiskAdaptor.{h, cc}
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
* src/DefaultDiskWriter.{h, cc}
* src/FtpConnection.{h, cc}
* src/AbstractDiskWriter.{h, cc}
Removed duplicate code.
* src/StreamCheckIntegrityEntry.cc
Removed unnecessary include.
* src/DiskWriter.h
Included Exception.h
* src/option_processing.cc
Included 2 files and added doc
* src/TrackerWatcherCommand.cc
* src/SocketCore.cc (writeData): Fixed send error with GnuTLS.
2007-11-09 18:01:12 +00:00
return true;
return false;
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2008-05-11 09:36:39 +00:00
void RequestGroup::createNextCommandWithAdj(std::deque<Command*>& commands,
DownloadEngine* e, int numAdj)
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2008-08-07 15:24:13 +00:00
int numCommand;
if(getTotalLength() == 0) {
numCommand = 1+numAdj;
2008-03-09 12:24:01 +00:00
} else {
2008-08-07 15:24:13 +00:00
if(_numConcurrentCommand == 0) {
2008-08-13 16:15:31 +00:00
numCommand = _uris.size();
2008-05-11 09:36:39 +00:00
} else {
2008-08-13 16:15:31 +00:00
numCommand = _numConcurrentCommand;
2008-03-09 12:24:01 +00:00
2008-08-13 16:15:31 +00:00
numCommand = std::min(static_cast<int>(_downloadContext->getNumPieces()),
2008-08-27 15:02:21 +00:00
numCommand += numAdj;
2008-08-07 15:24:13 +00:00
if(numCommand > 0) {
createNextCommand(commands, e, numCommand);
2008-03-09 12:24:01 +00:00
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2008-05-11 09:36:39 +00:00
void RequestGroup::createNextCommand(std::deque<Command*>& commands,
DownloadEngine* e,
unsigned int numCommand,
const std::string& method)
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
std::deque<std::string> pendingURIs;
2008-08-04 17:06:47 +00:00
for(; !_uris.empty() && numCommand--; ) {
std::string uri = _uriSelector->select(_uris);
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
RequestHandle req(new Request());
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(req->setUrl(uri)) {
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
ServerHostHandle sv;
sv = searchServerHost(req->getHost());
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
if(sv.isNull()) {
2008-04-22 07:15:35 +00:00
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
Command* command = InitiateConnectionCommandFactory::createInitiateConnectionCommand(CUIDCounterSingletonHolder::instance()->newID(), req, this, e);
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
ServerHostHandle sv(new ServerHost(command->getCuid(), req->getHost()));
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
2008-04-20 05:42:15 +00:00
// give a chance to be executed in the next loop in DownloadEngine
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
} else {
2008-05-18 10:07:42 +00:00
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
} else {
_logger->error(MSG_UNRECOGNIZED_URI, req->getUrl().c_str());
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2008-05-18 10:07:42 +00:00
_uris.insert(_uris.begin(), pendingURIs.begin(), pendingURIs.end());
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
std::string RequestGroup::getFilePath() const
2007-07-01 10:40:30 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(_downloadContext.isNull()) {
2008-05-13 14:15:23 +00:00
return A2STR::NIL;
2007-07-01 10:40:30 +00:00
} else {
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
return _downloadContext->getActualBasePath();
2007-07-01 10:40:30 +00:00
2008-03-09 12:24:01 +00:00
uint64_t RequestGroup::getTotalLength() const
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(_pieceStorage.isNull()) {
return 0;
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
} else {
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(_pieceStorage->isSelectiveDownloadingMode()) {
return _pieceStorage->getFilteredTotalLength();
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
} else {
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
return _pieceStorage->getTotalLength();
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2008-03-09 12:24:01 +00:00
uint64_t RequestGroup::getCompletedLength() const
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(_pieceStorage.isNull()) {
return 0;
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
} else {
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(_pieceStorage->isSelectiveDownloadingMode()) {
return _pieceStorage->getFilteredCompletedLength();
2007-05-31 15:56:20 +00:00
} else {
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
return _pieceStorage->getCompletedLength();
2007-05-31 15:56:20 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
void RequestGroup::validateFilename(const std::string& expectedFilename,
const std::string& actualFilename) const
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
if(expectedFilename.empty()) {
if(expectedFilename != actualFilename) {
2008-04-27 02:22:14 +00:00
throw DlAbortEx(StringFormat(EX_FILENAME_MISMATCH,
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2008-03-09 12:24:01 +00:00
void RequestGroup::validateTotalLength(uint64_t expectedTotalLength,
uint64_t actualTotalLength) const
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
if(expectedTotalLength <= 0) {
if(expectedTotalLength != actualTotalLength) {
2008-04-27 02:22:14 +00:00
throw DlAbortEx
Util::itos(expectedTotalLength, true).c_str(),
Util::itos(actualTotalLength, true).c_str()).str());
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
void RequestGroup::validateFilename(const std::string& actualFilename) const
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
validateFilename(_downloadContext->getFileEntries().front()->getBasename(), actualFilename);
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2008-03-09 12:24:01 +00:00
void RequestGroup::validateTotalLength(uint64_t actualTotalLength) const
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
validateTotalLength(getTotalLength(), actualTotalLength);
2007-05-20 13:57:56 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
void RequestGroup::increaseStreamConnection()
2007-06-04 12:52:57 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2007-06-05 11:37:25 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
void RequestGroup::decreaseStreamConnection()
2007-06-05 11:37:25 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2007-06-04 12:52:57 +00:00
2007-08-28 15:46:49 +00:00
2008-03-09 12:24:01 +00:00
unsigned int RequestGroup::getNumConnection() const
2007-08-28 15:46:49 +00:00
2008-03-09 12:24:01 +00:00
unsigned int numConnection = _numStreamConnection;
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
BtContextHandle btContext = dynamic_pointer_cast<BtContext>(_downloadContext);
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(!btContext.isNull()) {
BtRuntimeHandle btRuntime = BT_RUNTIME(btContext);
if(!btRuntime.isNull()) {
numConnection += btRuntime->getConnections();
2007-08-28 15:46:49 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
return numConnection;
void RequestGroup::increaseNumCommand()
void RequestGroup::decreaseNumCommand()
TransferStat RequestGroup::calculateStat()
TransferStat stat;
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
BtContextHandle btContext = dynamic_pointer_cast<BtContext>(_downloadContext);
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(!btContext.isNull()) {
PeerStorageHandle peerStorage = PEER_STORAGE(btContext);
if(!peerStorage.isNull()) {
stat = peerStorage->calculateStat();
if(!_segmentMan.isNull()) {
return stat;
void RequestGroup::setHaltRequested(bool f)
_haltRequested = f;
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
BtContextHandle btContext = dynamic_pointer_cast<BtContext>(_downloadContext);
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(!btContext.isNull()) {
BtRuntimeHandle btRuntime = BT_RUNTIME(btContext);
if(!btRuntime.isNull()) {
2007-08-28 15:46:49 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2007-12-07 13:33:59 +00:00
void RequestGroup::setForceHaltRequested(bool f)
_forceHaltRequested = f;
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
void RequestGroup::releaseRuntimeResource()
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
BtContextHandle btContext = dynamic_pointer_cast<BtContext>(_downloadContext);
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(!btContext.isNull()) {
2007-11-13 11:46:58 +00:00
BtContextHandle btContextInReg = BtRegistry::getBtContext(btContext->getInfoHashAsString());
if(!btContextInReg.isNull() &&
btContextInReg->getOwnerRequestGroup()->getGID() ==
btContext->getOwnerRequestGroup()->getGID()) {
2008-02-12 13:49:39 +00:00
if(!DHTRegistry::_peerAnnounceStorage.isNull()) {
2007-11-13 11:46:58 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
if(!_pieceStorage.isNull()) {
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
void RequestGroup::preDownloadProcessing()
_logger->debug("Finding PreDownloadHandler for path %s.", getFilePath().c_str());
try {
for(PreDownloadHandlers::const_iterator itr = _preDownloadHandlers.begin();
itr != _preDownloadHandlers.end(); ++itr) {
if((*itr)->canHandle(this)) {
2007-12-01 04:56:10 +00:00
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
2008-04-27 02:22:14 +00:00
} catch(RecoverableException& ex) {
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
_logger->error(EX_EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, ex);
_logger->debug("No PreDownloadHandler found.");
2008-05-11 13:59:27 +00:00
void RequestGroup::postDownloadProcessing
(std::deque<SharedHandle<RequestGroup> >& groups)
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2007-10-15 13:22:02 +00:00
_logger->debug("Finding PostDownloadHandler for path %s.", getFilePath().c_str());
2007-10-15 14:55:24 +00:00
try {
for(PostDownloadHandlers::const_iterator itr = _postDownloadHandlers.begin();
itr != _postDownloadHandlers.end(); ++itr) {
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
if((*itr)->canHandle(this)) {
2008-05-11 13:59:27 +00:00
(*itr)->getNextRequestGroups(groups, this);
2007-10-15 14:55:24 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2008-04-27 02:22:14 +00:00
} catch(RecoverableException& ex) {
2007-10-15 14:55:24 +00:00
_logger->error(EX_EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, ex);
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2007-10-15 13:22:02 +00:00
_logger->debug("No PostDownloadHandler found.");
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
void RequestGroup::initializePreDownloadHandler()
if(_option->get(PREF_FOLLOW_TORRENT) == V_MEM) {
if(_option->get(PREF_FOLLOW_METALINK) == V_MEM) {
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
void RequestGroup::initializePostDownloadHandler()
2007-11-14 10:10:38 +00:00
2008-05-18 10:25:41 +00:00
if(_option->getAsBool(PREF_FOLLOW_TORRENT) ||
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
_option->get(PREF_FOLLOW_TORRENT) == V_MEM) {
2007-11-18 11:59:42 +00:00
2007-11-14 10:10:38 +00:00
2008-05-18 10:25:41 +00:00
if(_option->getAsBool(PREF_FOLLOW_METALINK) ||
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
_option->get(PREF_FOLLOW_METALINK) == V_MEM) {
2007-11-18 11:59:42 +00:00
2007-11-14 10:10:38 +00:00
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2008-05-12 11:15:17 +00:00
void RequestGroup::getURIs(std::deque<std::string>& uris) const
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
2008-05-12 11:15:17 +00:00
uris.insert(uris.end(), _spentUris.begin(), _spentUris.end());
uris.insert(uris.end(), _uris.begin(), _uris.end());
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
bool RequestGroup::isDependencyResolved()
if(_dependency.isNull()) {
return true;
return _dependency->resolve();
void RequestGroup::setSegmentManFactory(const SegmentManFactoryHandle& segmentManFactory)
_segmentManFactory = segmentManFactory;
void RequestGroup::dependsOn(const DependencyHandle& dep)
_dependency = dep;
void RequestGroup::setDiskWriterFactory(const DiskWriterFactoryHandle& diskWriterFactory)
_diskWriterFactory = diskWriterFactory;
DiskWriterFactoryHandle RequestGroup::getDiskWriterFactory() const
return _diskWriterFactory;
void RequestGroup::addPostDownloadHandler(const PostDownloadHandlerHandle& handler)
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
void RequestGroup::addPreDownloadHandler(const PreDownloadHandlerHandle& handler)
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
void RequestGroup::clearPostDowloadHandler()
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
void RequestGroup::clearPreDowloadHandler()
2007-10-11 16:58:24 +00:00
SegmentManHandle RequestGroup::getSegmentMan() const
return _segmentMan;
DownloadContextHandle RequestGroup::getDownloadContext() const
return _downloadContext;
void RequestGroup::setDownloadContext(const DownloadContextHandle& downloadContext)
_downloadContext = downloadContext;
PieceStorageHandle RequestGroup::getPieceStorage() const
return _pieceStorage;
void RequestGroup::setPieceStorage(const PieceStorageHandle& pieceStorage)
_pieceStorage = pieceStorage;
BtProgressInfoFileHandle RequestGroup::getProgressInfoFile() const
return _progressInfoFile;
void RequestGroup::setProgressInfoFile(const BtProgressInfoFileHandle& progressInfoFile)
_progressInfoFile = progressInfoFile;
2007-08-28 15:46:49 +00:00
2007-10-29 12:43:45 +00:00
bool RequestGroup::needsFileAllocation() const
return isFileAllocationEnabled() &&
2008-03-09 12:24:01 +00:00
(uint64_t)_option->getAsLLInt(PREF_NO_FILE_ALLOCATION_LIMIT) <= getTotalLength() &&
2007-10-29 12:43:45 +00:00
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
DownloadResultHandle RequestGroup::createDownloadResult() const
2008-05-12 11:15:17 +00:00
std::deque<std::string> uris;
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
SharedHandle<DownloadResult>(new DownloadResult(_gid,
2008-05-13 14:15:23 +00:00
uris.empty() ? A2STR::NIL:uris.front(),
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
DownloadResult::FINISHED :
2007-11-27 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <tujikawa at rednoah dot com>
Rewritten to add content-type support.
* src/DownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/BtPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/BtPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/MetalinkPostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* test/MetalinkPostDownloadHandlerTest.cc
* src/PostDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadHandlerConstants.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.cc
* src/HttpResponseCommand.cc
* src/FtpNegotiationCommand.cc
* src/SingleFileDownloadContext.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.h
* src/RequestGroupCriteria.h
* src/ContentTypeRequestGroupCriteria.h
Added 'mem' option value for --follow-metalink,
If it is give, metalink/torrent file is not written to the disk,
just is kept in memory. Parsing is occurred on memory.
* src/MetalinkHelper.{h, cc}
* src/MetalinkProcessor.h
* src/Xml2MetalinkProcessor.{h, cc}
* test/Xml2MetalinkProcessorTest.cc
* src/DownloadHandlerFactory.{h, cc}
* test/DownloadHandlerFactoryTest.cc
* src/PreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerFactory.cc
* src/DefaultBtContext.{h, cc}
* test/DefaultBtContextTest.cc
* src/version_usage.cc
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/a2functional.h
* test/a2functionalTest.cc
* src/MemoryBufferPreDownloadHandler.{h, cc}
* src/OptionHandlerImpl.h
* src/prefs.h
* src/Util.{h, cc}
* test/UtilTest.cc
Keep DownloadResult rather than RequestGroup after downloads to
memory usage.
* src/RequestGroupMan.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngine.cc
* src/BtDependency.{h, cc}: Changed the type of dependee from
WeakHandle to SharedHandle because WeakHandle could be null.
* src/RequestGroup.{h, cc}
* src/DownloadEngineFactory.cc
* src/DownloadResult.h
Set totalLength after download finished
* src/UnknownLengthPieceStorage.{h, cc}
Keep torrent file specified in metalink in memory.
* src/Metalink2RequestGroup.cc
* src/BtDependency.cc
* src/TrueRequestGroupCriteria.h
Fixed the bug: seekg is used where seekp should be used.
* src/ByteArrayDiskWriter.cc
* test/ByteArraydiskWriterTest.cc
2007-11-27 12:27:10 +00:00
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
void RequestGroup::registerServerHost(const ServerHostHandle& serverHost)
class FindServerHostByCUID
int32_t _cuid;
FindServerHostByCUID(int32_t cuid):_cuid(cuid) {}
bool operator()(const ServerHostHandle& sv) const
return sv->getCuid() == _cuid;
ServerHostHandle RequestGroup::searchServerHost(int32_t cuid) const
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
std::deque<SharedHandle<ServerHost> >::const_iterator itr =
std::find_if(_serverHosts.begin(), _serverHosts.end(), FindServerHostByCUID(cuid));
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
if(itr == _serverHosts.end()) {
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
return SharedHandle<ServerHost>();
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
} else {
return *itr;
class FindServerHostByHostname
2008-05-12 14:10:14 +00:00
std::string _hostname;
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
FindServerHostByHostname(const std::string& hostname):_hostname(hostname) {}
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
bool operator()(const ServerHostHandle& sv) const
return sv->getHostname() == _hostname;
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
ServerHostHandle RequestGroup::searchServerHost(const std::string& hostname) const
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
std::deque<SharedHandle<ServerHost> >::const_iterator itr =
std::find_if(_serverHosts.begin(), _serverHosts.end(), FindServerHostByHostname(hostname));
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
if(itr == _serverHosts.end()) {
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
return SharedHandle<ServerHost>();
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
} else {
return *itr;
void RequestGroup::removeServerHost(int32_t cuid)
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
_serverHosts.erase(std::remove_if(_serverHosts.begin(), _serverHosts.end(), FindServerHostByCUID(cuid)), _serverHosts.end());
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
void RequestGroup::removeURIWhoseHostnameIs(const std::string& hostname)
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
std::deque<std::string> newURIs;
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
Request req;
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
for(std::deque<std::string>::const_iterator itr = _uris.begin(); itr != _uris.end(); ++itr) {
2008-03-15 04:19:46 +00:00
if(((*itr).find(hostname) == std::string::npos) ||
(req.setUrl(*itr) && (req.getHost() != hostname))) {
2007-12-12 13:53:33 +00:00
_logger->debug("GUID#%d - Removed %d duplicate hostname URIs",
_gid, _uris.size()-newURIs.size());
_uris = newURIs;
2007-12-29 07:02:35 +00:00
2008-09-03 12:12:47 +00:00
void RequestGroup::removeIdenticalURI(const std::string& uri)
_uris.erase(std::remove(_uris.begin(), _uris.end(), uri), _uris.end());
2007-12-29 07:02:35 +00:00
void RequestGroup::reportDownloadFinished()
TransferStat stat = calculateStat();
2008-04-20 00:50:22 +00:00
SharedHandle<BtContext> ctx = dynamic_pointer_cast<BtContext>(_downloadContext);
if(!ctx.isNull()) {
2007-12-29 07:02:35 +00:00
double shareRatio = ((stat.getAllTimeUploadLength()*10)/getCompletedLength())/10.0;
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
2008-04-25 17:44:03 +00:00
const std::deque<std::string>& RequestGroup::getAcceptFeatures() const
return _acceptFeatures;
void RequestGroup::addAcceptFeatureHeader(const std::string& feature)
if(std::find(_acceptFeatures.begin(), _acceptFeatures.end(), feature) == _acceptFeatures.end()) {
void RequestGroup::removeAcceptFeatureHeader(const std::string& feature)
std::deque<std::string>::iterator i = std::find(_acceptFeatures.begin(), _acceptFeatures.end(), feature);
if(i != _acceptFeatures.end()) {
2008-05-05 08:25:41 +00:00
const std::deque<std::string>& RequestGroup::getAcceptTypes() const
return _acceptTypes;
void RequestGroup::addAcceptType(const std::string& type)
if(std::find(_acceptTypes.begin(), _acceptTypes.end(), type) == _acceptTypes.end()) {
void RequestGroup::removeAcceptType(const std::string& type)
_acceptTypes.erase(std::remove(_acceptTypes.begin(), _acceptTypes.end(), type),
2008-08-04 17:06:47 +00:00
void RequestGroup::setURISelector(const SharedHandle<URISelector>& uriSelector)
_uriSelector = uriSelector;
2008-09-07 14:38:26 +00:00
void RequestGroup::applyLastModifiedTimeToLocalFiles()
if(!_pieceStorage.isNull() && _lastModifiedTime.good()) {
time_t t = _lastModifiedTime.getTime();
2008-09-08 13:09:38 +00:00
_logger->info("Applying Last-Modified time: %s in local time zone",
2008-09-07 14:38:26 +00:00
size_t n =
_pieceStorage->getDiskAdaptor()->utime(Time(), _lastModifiedTime);
_logger->info("Last-Modified attrs of %zu files were updated.", n);
2008-09-10 14:56:44 +00:00
2008-09-07 14:38:26 +00:00
void RequestGroup::updateLastModifiedTime(const Time& time)
if(time.good() && _lastModifiedTime < time) {
_lastModifiedTime = time;
2008-09-10 14:56:44 +00:00
void RequestGroup::increaseAndValidateFileNotFoundCount()
const unsigned int maxCount = _option->getAsInt(PREF_MAX_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
if(maxCount > 0 && _fileNotFoundCount >= maxCount &&
_segmentMan->calculateSessionDownloadLength() == 0) {
throw DownloadFailureException
(StringFormat("Reached max-file-not-found count=%u", maxCount).str());
2008-02-08 15:53:45 +00:00
} // namespace aria2