7 Notify_ntfy
Chris Caron edited this page 2025-01-03 13:30:00 -05:00

Ntfy Notifications

  • Source: https://ntfy.sh/
  • Icon Support: No
  • Attachment Support: yes
  • Message Format: Text
  • Message Limit: 32768 Characters per message

Ntfy is a easy to use messaging service.


Ntfy can send notifications through the following modes:

Valid syntax is as follows:

  • ntfy://{topic}
  • ntfy://{host}/{topic}
  • ntfy://{host}:{port}/{topics}
  • ntfy://{user}@{host}/{topics}
  • ntfy://{user}@{host}:{port}/{topics}
  • ntfy://{user}:{password}@{host}/{topics}
  • ntfy://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{topics}
  • ntfy://{token}@{hostname}/{targets}

The secure versions:

  • ntfys://{topic}
  • ntfys://{host}/{topic}
  • ntfys://{host}:{port}/{topics}
  • ntfys://{user}@{host}/{topics}
  • ntfys://{user}@{host}:{port}/{topics}
  • ntfys://{user}:{password}@{host}/{topics}
  • ntfys://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{topics}
  • ntfys://{token}@{hostname}/{targets}

You can specify more then 1 topic such as:

  • ntfy://{user}:{password}/{hostname}/{topic1}/{topic2}

Parameter Breakdown

Variable Required Description
user *No The user account to perform the authentication with
password *No The password to perform the authentication with
hostname *No The ntfy server you're sending your notification to.
port No The port the ntfy server is listening on. By default the port is 80 for ntfy:// and 443 for all ntfys:// references.
topic Yes All notifications to a ntfy server MUST have at least one topic defined.
token No This is detected, but can otherwise be explicitly specified as a parameter.
mode No The authentication mode is automatically detected based what it parses from the URL provided. You only need to set this if you feel it is being detected incorrectly. The possible modes are private and cloud and are explained above.
auth No Can be set to either basic (default) or token . basic is for User/Password authentication with the Ntfy server while token assumes that the provided credentials was a Authorization Token and authenticates in a different fashion.
email No An email to associate the ntfy post with.
tags No The ntfy tags to associate with the ntfy post. Use a comma and/or space to specify more then one.
attach No Specify a web URL pointing at a remote attachment you would like the post to reference.
filename No This is only used if the attach was also provided. The ntfy server is smart enough to determine what the filename is automatically from this; however if you wish to provide a custom-override to this value, this is where you do it from.
click No Provide a hyperlink that you want users who receive your notification to advance to if they click on it.
priority No Provide a priority such as max, high, default, low, or min. By default default is used if one isn't otherwise provided.
delay No Identify a delay for the message reception
image No This defaults to 'Yes' and hauls in the image associated with the notification
avatar_url No Optionally over-ride the Apprise Icon notifications and explicitly identify your own


Send a ntfy notification to our server

# Assuming our {hostname} is localhost
# Assuming our {topic} is great-place
apprise -vv -t "Test Message Title" -b "Test Message Body" \

We can also send a notification to the ntfy.sh server:

# Assuming our {topic} is great-place
apprise -vv -t "Test Message Title" -b "Test Message Body" \

Ntfy also supports Markdown; if you want to leverage this, simply add ?format=markdown to your Apprise URL; eg:

# Assuming our {hostname} is localhost
# Assuming our {topic} is great-place
# Assuming we want to leverage the markdown support
apprise -vv -t "Test Message Title" -b "# Markdown Support" \

If your Ntfy server is behind an HTTPS (Secure) hosted setup, then you simply use ntfys://:

# Assuming our SECURE {hostname} is localhost
# Assuming our {topic} is great-topic
apprise -vv -t "Test Secure Message Title" -b "Test Message Body" \