2024-09-09 05:47:17 +00:00
import os
2024-08-09 07:51:06 +00:00
from typing import Any , Optional , Tuple
2024-07-12 07:23:37 +00:00
2024-07-24 08:55:20 +00:00
import numpy as np
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
import torch
import torch . distributed as dist
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
import torch . nn . functional as F
2024-08-09 07:51:06 +00:00
from packaging . version import Version
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
from torch . distributed import ReduceOp
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
2024-08-15 02:14:42 +00:00
SUPPORT_TORCH_COMPILE = Version ( torch . __version__ ) > = Version ( " 2.4.0 " )
2024-09-03 07:45:17 +00:00
2024-09-14 02:40:01 +00:00
try :
cuda_arch = int ( " " . join ( str ( i ) for i in torch . cuda . get_device_capability ( ) ) )
except :
cuda_arch = 0
2024-08-13 08:07:26 +00:00
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
class Handle :
def __init__ ( self , handles = [ ] , remain_ops = None ) - > None :
self . handles = handles
self . remain_ops = remain_ops
def wait ( self ) :
for handle in self . handles :
handle . wait ( )
if self . remain_ops :
self . remain_ops ( )
2024-09-09 05:47:17 +00:00
def process_group_is_intranode ( pg ) :
if pg is None :
from torch . distributed . distributed_c10d import _get_default_group
pg = _get_default_group ( )
local_world_size = None
if var in os . environ :
local_world_size = int ( os . environ [ " LOCAL_WORLD_SIZE " ] )
if local_world_size is None :
local_world_size = torch . cuda . device_count ( )
group_ranks = dist . get_process_group_ranks ( pg )
group_ranks_node_ids = [ rank / / local_world_size for rank in group_ranks ]
return min ( group_ranks_node_ids ) == max ( group_ranks_node_ids )
2024-09-03 07:45:17 +00:00
def cast_to_fp8 (
inp : torch . Tensor , fp8_format = " e4m3 " , per_channel_scale = False , out = None
) - > Tuple [ torch . Tensor , torch . Tensor ] :
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
r """
casting torch Tensor into specified fp8 tensor with per - channel scaling or per - tensor scaling .
Args :
inp : input torch Tensor , should be in torch . FloatTensor , torch . HalfTensor , torch . BFloat16Tensor .
scale : scaling factor for fp8 casting . If it is None , then it is computed automatically . Per - channel scaling
is applied if input tensor is 2 dimension , otherwise , per - tensor scaling is applied .
fp8_format : e4m3 or e5m2
2024-08-08 07:55:01 +00:00
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
Returns :
Tuples : A tuple ( fp8_tensor , scale )
2024-07-12 07:23:37 +00:00
if inp . dtype not in [ torch . float32 , torch . float16 , torch . bfloat16 ] :
raise TypeError ( " Only float16, bfloat16, and float32 are allowed. " )
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
fp8_type = torch . float8_e4m3fn if fp8_format == " e4m3 " else torch . float8_e5m2
2024-07-12 07:23:37 +00:00
fp8_max = torch . finfo ( fp8_type ) . max
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
2024-08-09 10:26:02 +00:00
if inp . numel ( ) == 0 :
return inp . to ( fp8_type ) , torch . tensor ( [ 1.0 ] , device = inp . device )
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
else :
2024-08-09 10:26:02 +00:00
if per_channel_scale :
per_channel_max = inp . abs ( ) . max ( dim = - 1 ) . values . float ( )
per_channel_max = torch . where ( per_channel_max > 0 , per_channel_max , 1.0 )
scale = fp8_max / per_channel_max [ : , None ]
scale_inv = per_channel_max / fp8_max
else :
per_tensor_max = inp . abs ( ) . max ( ) . float ( )
per_tensor_max = torch . where ( per_tensor_max > 0 , per_tensor_max , 1.0 )
scale = fp8_max / per_tensor_max
scale_inv = 1.0 / scale
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
2024-09-03 07:45:17 +00:00
if out is not None :
ret = torch . mul ( scale , inp . float ( ) , out = out )
else :
ret = ( scale * inp . float ( ) ) . to ( fp8_type )
2024-08-29 06:49:23 +00:00
return ret , torch . unsqueeze ( scale_inv , dim = 0 )
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
def cast_from_fp8 (
2024-09-03 07:45:17 +00:00
inp : torch . Tensor , scale_inv : torch . Tensor , ret_type : torch . dtype , per_channel_scale = False , out = None
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
) - > torch . Tensor :
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
r """
Args :
inp : should be a fp8 torch tensor in one of the types : [ torch . float8_e4m3fn , torch . float8_e5m2 ] .
scale : scaling factor returned by cast_to_fp8 function .
ret_type : the datatype of the returned tensor .
Returns :
torch . Tensor
if inp . dtype not in [ torch . float8_e4m3fn , torch . float8_e5m2 ] :
2024-07-12 07:23:37 +00:00
raise TypeError ( " Only float8_e4m3fn and float8_e5m2 are allowed. " )
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
if per_channel_scale :
2024-09-03 07:45:17 +00:00
if out is not None :
return torch . mul ( scale_inv [ : , None ] , inp . float ( ) , out = out )
else :
ret = scale_inv [ : , None ] * inp . float ( )
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
else :
2024-09-03 07:45:17 +00:00
if out is not None :
return torch . mul ( scale_inv , inp . float ( ) , out = out )
else :
ret = scale_inv * inp . float ( )
2024-07-12 07:23:37 +00:00
return ret . to ( ret_type )
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
2024-09-09 05:47:17 +00:00
def _all_reduce_fp8 (
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
tensor : torch . Tensor , fp8_format = " e4m3 " , op = ReduceOp . SUM , group = None , async_op : bool = False
) - > Optional [ Handle ] :
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
r """
This is an in - place operation for compressed all_reduce using fp8 .
It works like dist . all_reduce but during communication the data is cast to fp8 format .
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
Args :
tensor : torch . Tensor in fp32 , fp16 , bf16 datatype .
fp8_format : e4m3 or e5m2
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
op : ReduceOp . SUM or ReduceOp . AVG
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
Returns :
2024-07-17 02:56:07 +00:00
world_size = dist . get_world_size ( group = group )
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
input_type = tensor . dtype
input_shape = tensor . shape
input_device = tensor . device
input_size = tensor . numel ( )
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
flat_padded_x = tensor . flatten ( )
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
assert op in [ ReduceOp . SUM , ReduceOp . AVG ] , " op can only be ReduceOp.SUM or ReduceOp.AVG "
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
if flat_padded_x . size ( 0 ) % world_size != 0 :
pad_size = world_size - flat_padded_x . size ( 0 ) % world_size
flat_padded_x = F . pad ( flat_padded_x , ( 0 , pad_size ) )
fp8_type = torch . float8_e4m3fn if fp8_format == " e4m3 " else torch . float8_e5m2
ret , scale = cast_to_fp8 ( flat_padded_x , fp8_format = fp8_format )
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
inp = ret . view ( torch . uint8 )
input_chunks = list ( torch . chunk ( inp , world_size , dim = 0 ) )
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
output_chunks = list ( torch . chunk ( torch . empty_like ( inp ) , world_size , dim = 0 ) )
2024-07-17 02:56:07 +00:00
dist . all_to_all ( output_chunks , input_chunks , group = group )
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
scale_list = [ torch . ones ( 1 , dtype = scale . dtype , device = input_device ) for _ in range ( world_size ) ]
2024-07-17 02:56:07 +00:00
dist . all_gather ( scale_list , scale , group = group )
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
summed_out = torch . zeros_like ( output_chunks [ 0 ] ) . to ( input_type )
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
for scale , out in zip ( scale_list , output_chunks ) :
out = out . view ( fp8_type )
summed_out + = cast_from_fp8 ( out , scale , input_type )
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
if op == ReduceOp . AVG :
summed_out . div_ ( world_size )
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
summed_out_fp8 , scale = cast_to_fp8 ( summed_out , fp8_format = fp8_format )
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
gather_scale_handle = dist . all_gather ( scale_list , scale , group = group , async_op = async_op )
2024-07-01 05:44:21 +00:00
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
tensor_list = [ torch . empty_like ( summed_out_fp8 . view ( torch . uint8 ) ) for _ in range ( world_size ) ]
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
gather_tensor_handle = dist . all_gather (
tensor_list , summed_out_fp8 . view ( torch . uint8 ) , group = group , async_op = async_op
def cat_op ( ) :
for i in range ( world_size ) :
tensor_list [ i ] = tensor_list [ i ] . view ( fp8_type ) . to ( input_type ) * scale_list [ i ]
out = torch . cat ( tensor_list , dim = 0 )
tensor . copy_ ( out [ : input_size ] . view ( input_shape ) . to ( input_type ) )
if async_op :
return Handle ( [ gather_scale_handle , gather_tensor_handle ] , cat_op )
else :
cat_op ( )
2024-07-12 07:25:25 +00:00
2024-09-09 05:47:17 +00:00
def all_reduce_fp8 (
tensor : torch . Tensor , fp8_format = " e4m3 " , op = ReduceOp . SUM , group = None , async_op : bool = False
) - > Optional [ Handle ] :
# fall back to default op due to performance issue
return dist . all_reduce ( tensor , op = op , group = group , async_op = async_op )
2024-09-14 02:40:01 +00:00
@torch.compile ( mode = " max-autotune-no-cudagraphs " , dynamic = False , disable = cuda_arch < 89 )
2024-09-09 05:47:17 +00:00
def _all_to_all_single_fp8 (
2024-08-06 08:58:23 +00:00
output , input , output_split_sizes = None , input_split_sizes = None , fp8_format = " e5m2 " , group = None , async_op = False
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
) - > Optional [ Handle ] :
2024-08-06 08:58:23 +00:00
r """
This is an in - place operation for compressed all_reduce using fp8 .
It works like dist . all_to_all_single but during communication the data is cast to fp8 format .
Args :
tensor : torch . Tensor in fp32 , fp16 , bf16 datatype .
fp8_format : e4m3 or e5m2
Returns :
world_size = dist . get_world_size ( group = group )
input_type = input . dtype
input_shape = input . shape
input_device = input . device
input = input . flatten ( )
fp8_type = torch . float8_e4m3fn if fp8_format == " e4m3 " else torch . float8_e5m2
ret , scale = cast_to_fp8 ( input , fp8_format = fp8_format )
inp = ret . view ( torch . uint8 )
if input_split_sizes is not None :
input_split_sizes = [ input_split_sizes [ i ] * np . prod ( input_shape [ 1 : ] ) for i in range ( world_size ) ]
input_chunks = list ( torch . split ( inp , input_split_sizes ) )
else :
input_chunks = list ( torch . chunk ( inp , world_size , dim = 0 ) )
if output_split_sizes is not None :
output_chunks = [
torch . empty ( ( output_split_sizes [ i ] * np . prod ( input_shape [ 1 : ] ) , ) , device = input_device , dtype = inp . dtype )
for i in range ( world_size )
else :
if dist . get_rank ( ) == world_size - 1 :
output_chunks = [ torch . empty_like ( input_chunks [ - 1 ] ) for _ in range ( world_size ) ]
else :
output_chunks = [ torch . empty_like ( input_chunks [ 0 ] ) for _ in range ( world_size ) ]
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
chunk_handle = dist . all_to_all ( output_chunks , input_chunks , group = group , async_op = async_op )
2024-08-06 08:58:23 +00:00
scale_list = [ torch . ones ( 1 , dtype = scale . dtype , device = input_device ) for _ in range ( world_size ) ]
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
scale_hanle = dist . all_gather ( scale_list , scale , group = group , async_op = async_op )
2024-08-06 08:58:23 +00:00
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
def cast_op ( ) :
cast_output_chunk = [
cast_from_fp8 ( out . view ( fp8_type ) , scale , input_type ) for scale , out in zip ( scale_list , output_chunks )
tensor_out = torch . cat ( cast_output_chunk , dim = 0 )
outputs_shape = list ( input_shape )
if output_split_sizes is not None :
outputs_shape [ 0 ] = sum ( output_split_sizes )
else :
outputs_shape = input_shape
output . data = tensor_out . view ( outputs_shape ) . to ( input_type )
if async_op :
return Handle ( [ chunk_handle , scale_hanle ] , cast_op )
2024-08-06 08:58:23 +00:00
else :
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
cast_op ( )
2024-08-06 08:58:23 +00:00
2024-09-09 05:47:17 +00:00
def all_to_all_single_fp8 (
output , input , output_split_sizes = None , input_split_sizes = None , fp8_format = " e5m2 " , group = None , async_op = False
) - > Optional [ Handle ] :
r """
This is wrapper for _all_to_all_single_fp8 .
if process_group_is_intranode ( group ) :
return dist . all_to_all_single (
output ,
input ,
output_split_sizes = output_split_sizes ,
input_split_sizes = input_split_sizes ,
group = group ,
async_op = async_op ,
else :
return _all_to_all_single_fp8 (
output ,
input ,
fp8_format = fp8_format ,
output_split_sizes = output_split_sizes ,
input_split_sizes = input_split_sizes ,
group = group ,
async_op = async_op ,
2024-07-12 07:25:25 +00:00
def cast_to_fp8_pipeline ( inp : Any ) - > None :
Cast the hidden_states tensor of inp object to fp8 format before p2p communication in pipeline .
The activations tensor is indexed by ' hidden_states ' in the inp dict .
After FP8 casting , the resulting tensor is saved as float16 or bfloat16 format but the size becomes halved .
Metadata such as fp8_scale is saved into inp dict for communication .
if inp is None :
# In pipeline parallelism, when inp is torch.Tensor, it only contains one element, thus can be omitted.
if type ( inp ) == torch . Tensor :
2024-07-12 07:33:44 +00:00
assert " hidden_states " in inp , " required by pipeline parallelism. "
2024-08-08 07:55:01 +00:00
assert (
inp [ " hidden_states " ] . size ( - 1 ) % 2 == 0
) , " tensor size(-1) must be divisible by 2 to view Float8_e4m3fn as BFloat16 or Float16 "
2024-07-12 07:25:25 +00:00
inp_tensor = inp [ " hidden_states " ]
2024-08-08 07:55:01 +00:00
inp_dtype = inp_tensor . dtype
2024-07-12 07:25:25 +00:00
min_val , max_val = inp_tensor . aminmax ( )
amax = torch . maximum ( min_val . abs ( ) , max_val . abs ( ) )
finfo = torch . finfo ( torch . float8_e4m3fn )
if amax > finfo . max :
fp8_type = torch . float8_e5m2
fp8_view_type = torch . float16
else :
fp8_type = torch . float8_e4m3fn
fp8_view_type = torch . bfloat16
finfo = torch . finfo ( fp8_type )
scale = torch . tensor ( 1.0 ) . to ( inp_tensor . device ) if amax == 0.0 else finfo . max / amax . float ( )
2024-07-12 07:33:44 +00:00
q_tensor = inp_tensor . data . float ( ) * scale
2024-07-12 07:25:25 +00:00
# Todo: Currently we use fp8_view_type <float16, bfloat16> to indicate which fp8 format is used. This is a temporary workaround due to 'Only support tensor for fast send'.
# inp_tensor needs to be a float datatype to avoid error during gradient placement.
inp_tensor . data = q_tensor . to ( fp8_type ) . view ( fp8_view_type )
inp [ " fp8_scale " ] = scale . float ( ) . reciprocal ( )
2024-08-08 07:55:01 +00:00
inp [ " dtype " ] = torch . zeros_like ( scale ) . to ( inp_dtype )
2024-07-12 07:25:25 +00:00
def cast_from_fp8_pipeline ( inp : Any , del_metadata = True ) - > None :
Cast the FP8 encoded hidden_states tensor back to original dtype after p2p communication in pipeline .
del_metadata = False is useful when this function is called before p2p communication .
if inp is None :
if type ( inp ) == torch . Tensor :
2024-07-12 07:33:44 +00:00
assert " hidden_states " in inp , " required by pipeline parallelism. "
2024-07-12 07:25:25 +00:00
inp_tensor = inp [ " hidden_states " ]
scale = inp [ " fp8_scale " ]
fp8_view_type = inp_tensor . dtype
if fp8_view_type == torch . float16 :
fp8_type = torch . float8_e5m2
elif fp8_view_type == torch . bfloat16 :
fp8_type = torch . float8_e4m3fn
else :
raise TypeError ( " Only float16, bfloat16 are implemented. " )
2024-08-08 07:55:01 +00:00
inp_tensor . data = inp_tensor . data . view ( fp8_type ) . to ( inp [ " dtype " ] ) * scale
2024-07-12 07:25:25 +00:00
if del_metadata :
2024-07-12 07:33:44 +00:00
del inp [ " fp8_scale " ]
2024-08-08 07:55:01 +00:00
del inp [ " dtype " ]
2024-07-08 07:04:48 +00:00
2024-09-09 05:47:17 +00:00
def _reduce_scatter_fp8 (
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
output : torch . Tensor , input_list , group , fp8_format = " e5m2 " , async_op : bool = False
) - > Optional [ Handle ] :
2024-07-08 07:04:48 +00:00
r """
2024-07-17 02:56:07 +00:00
This is an in - place operation for compressed reduce_scatter using fp8 .
It works like dist . reduce_scatter but during communication the data is cast to fp8 format .
2024-07-08 07:04:48 +00:00
Args :
tensor : torch . Tensor in fp32 , fp16 , bf16 datatype .
fp8_format : e4m3 or e5m2
Returns :
input_type = output . dtype
fp8_type = torch . float8_e4m3fn if fp8_format == " e4m3 " else torch . float8_e5m2
scale_list = [ ]
cast_input_list = [ ]
output_chunks = [ ]
output_scale_list = [ ]
for input in input_list :
ret , scale = cast_to_fp8 ( input , fp8_format = fp8_format )
scale_list . append ( scale )
ret = ret . view ( torch . uint8 )
cast_input_list . append ( ret )
output_chunks . append ( torch . empty_like ( ret ) )
output_scale_list . append ( torch . empty_like ( scale ) )
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
chunk_handle = dist . all_to_all ( output_chunks , cast_input_list , group = group , async_op = async_op )
scale_handle = dist . all_to_all ( output_scale_list , scale_list , group = group , async_op = async_op )
2024-07-08 07:04:48 +00:00
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
def cast_op ( ) :
summed_out = torch . zeros_like ( output_chunks [ 0 ] ) . to ( input_type )
for scale , out in zip ( output_scale_list , output_chunks ) :
out = out . view ( fp8_type )
summed_out + = cast_from_fp8 ( out , scale , input_type )
output . data = summed_out
if async_op :
return Handle ( [ chunk_handle , scale_handle ] , cast_op )
else :
cast_op ( )
2024-07-24 08:55:20 +00:00
2024-09-09 05:47:17 +00:00
def reduce_scatter_fp8 (
output : torch . Tensor , input_list , group , fp8_format = " e5m2 " , async_op : bool = False
) - > Optional [ Handle ] :
# fall back to default op due to performance issue
return dist . reduce_scatter ( output , input_list , group = group , async_op = async_op )
2024-08-08 07:55:01 +00:00
def fp8_compress_ddp_grad_comm_hook_async (
process_group : dist . ProcessGroup ,
bucket : dist . GradBucket ,
fp8_format : str = " e5m2 " ,
) - > torch . futures . Future [ torch . Tensor ] :
Compress by casting ` ` GradBucket ` ` to FP8 floating - point format divided by process group size .
This DDP communication hook implements a simple gradient compression approach that casts ` ` GradBucket ` ` tensor
to FP8 floating - point format ( ` ` torch . float8_e5m2 ` ` or ` ` torch . bfloat16_e4m3 ` ` ) , and then divides it
by the process group size .
Once compressed gradient tensors are allreduced , the chained callback ` ` decompress ` ` casts it back
to the input data type ( such as ` ` float32 ` ` ) .
Example : :
>> > ddp_model . register_comm_hook ( process_group , fp8_compress_ddp_grad_comm_hook_async )
group_to_use = process_group if process_group is not None else dist . group . WORLD
input_tensor = bucket . buffer ( )
world_size = dist . get_world_size ( )
input_type = input_tensor . dtype
input_device = input_tensor . device
flat_padded_x = input_tensor . flatten ( )
if flat_padded_x . size ( 0 ) % world_size != 0 :
pad_size = world_size - flat_padded_x . size ( 0 ) % world_size
flat_padded_x = F . pad ( flat_padded_x , ( 0 , pad_size ) )
fp8_type = torch . float8_e4m3fn if fp8_format == " e4m3 " else torch . float8_e5m2
ret , scale = cast_to_fp8 ( flat_padded_x , fp8_format = fp8_format )
inp = ret . view ( torch . uint8 )
output_chunks_single = torch . empty_like ( inp )
split_sizes = [ inp . numel ( ) / / world_size for _ in range ( world_size ) ]
fut0 = dist . all_to_all_single (
output_chunks_single ,
inp ,
output_split_sizes = split_sizes ,
input_split_sizes = split_sizes ,
group = group_to_use ,
async_op = True ,
) . get_future ( )
scale_list = [ torch . ones ( 1 , dtype = scale . dtype , device = input_device ) for _ in range ( world_size ) ]
fut1 = dist . all_gather_into_tensor (
torch . cat ( scale_list , dim = 0 ) , scale , group = group_to_use , async_op = True
) . get_future ( )
all_to_all_fut = torch . futures . collect_all ( [ fut0 , fut1 ] )
def sum_and_allgather ( fut ) :
output_chunks_single = fut . value ( ) [ 0 ] . wait ( ) [ 0 ]
scale_list_single = fut . value ( ) [ 1 ] . wait ( ) [ 0 ]
output_chunks = list ( torch . chunk ( output_chunks_single , world_size , dim = 0 ) )
scale_list = scale_list_single . chunk ( world_size , dim = 0 )
summed_out = torch . zeros_like ( output_chunks [ 0 ] ) . to ( input_type )
for scale , out in zip ( scale_list , output_chunks ) :
out = out . view ( fp8_type )
summed_out + = cast_from_fp8 ( out , scale , input_type )
summed_out . div_ ( world_size )
summed_out_fp8 , scale = cast_to_fp8 ( summed_out , fp8_format = fp8_format )
tensor_list_single = torch . empty ( summed_out_fp8 . size ( 0 ) * world_size , device = input_device , dtype = torch . uint8 )
fut2 = dist . all_gather_into_tensor (
tensor_list_single , summed_out_fp8 . view ( torch . uint8 ) , group = group_to_use , async_op = True
) . get_future ( )
scale_list = [ torch . ones ( 1 , dtype = scale . dtype , device = input_device ) for _ in range ( world_size ) ]
fut3 = dist . all_gather_into_tensor (
torch . cat ( scale_list , dim = 0 ) , scale , group = group_to_use , async_op = True
) . get_future ( )
fut_combined2 = torch . futures . collect_all ( [ fut2 , fut3 ] )
return fut_combined2
def decompress ( fut ) :
tensor_list_single = fut . value ( ) . wait ( ) [ 0 ] . value ( ) [ 0 ]
scale_list_single = fut . value ( ) . wait ( ) [ 1 ] . value ( ) [ 0 ]
tensor_list = list ( torch . chunk ( tensor_list_single , world_size , dim = 0 ) )
scale_list = scale_list_single . chunk ( world_size , dim = 0 )
for i in range ( world_size ) :
tensor_list [ i ] = tensor_list [ i ] . view ( fp8_type ) . to ( input_type ) * scale_list [ i ]
out = torch . cat ( tensor_list , dim = 0 )
input_tensor_size = input_tensor . numel ( )
input_shape = input_tensor . shape
out = out [ : input_tensor_size ]
input_tensor . copy_ ( out . view ( input_shape ) . to ( input_type ) )
return input_tensor
return all_to_all_fut . then ( sum_and_allgather ) . then ( decompress )
def fp8_compress_ddp_grad_comm_hook_sync (
process_group : dist . ProcessGroup ,
bucket : dist . GradBucket ,
fp8_format = " e5m2 " ,
) - > torch . futures . Future [ torch . Tensor ] :
Return a future that wraps the input , after the input is allreduced . However , the allreduce commnunication is synchronized .
This breaks the overlapping between allreduce communication and backward compuation .
This hook should * * only * * be used for debugging purposes , instead of the normal gradient synchronization .
For asynchronized implementation , use fp8_compress_ddp_grad_comm_hook_async instead .
Example : :
>> > # xdoctest: +SKIP
>> > ddp_model . register_comm_hook ( None , fp8_compress_ddp_grad_comm_hook_sync )
buffer = bucket . buffer ( )
all_reduce_fp8 ( buffer , fp8_format = fp8_format )
fut : torch . futures . Future [ torch . Tensor ] = torch . futures . Future ( )
fut . set_result ( bucket . buffer ( ) )
return fut
def fp8_compress_fsdp_grad_comm_hook (
state : object ,
unsharded_gradient_flattened : torch . Tensor ,
sharded_gradient : torch . Tensor ,
group = None ,
fp8_format = " e5m2 " ,
) - > None :
This communication hook implements a simple gradient compression approach that casts unsharded_gradient_flattened tensor
to FP8 floating - point format ( ` ` torch . float8_e5m2 ` ` or ` ` torch . bfloat16_e4m3 ` ` ) , and then perform scatter_allreduce logic
by using all_to_all and all_gather among the process group .
Example : :
>> > fsdp_model . register_comm_hook ( None , fp8_compress_fsdp_grad_comm_hook )
grad = unsharded_gradient_flattened
fp8_type = torch . float8_e4m3fn if fp8_format == " e4m3 " else torch . float8_e5m2
input_type = grad . dtype
input_device = grad . device
world_size = dist . get_world_size ( group = group )
grad_fp8 , scale = cast_to_fp8 ( grad , fp8_format = fp8_format )
uint8_buffer = torch . empty_like ( grad_fp8 ) . view ( torch . uint8 )
dist . all_to_all_single ( uint8_buffer , grad_fp8 . view ( torch . uint8 ) , group = group )
scale_list = [ torch . ones ( 1 , dtype = scale . dtype , device = input_device ) for _ in range ( world_size ) ]
dist . all_gather ( scale_list , scale , group = group )
buffer_list = list ( torch . chunk ( uint8_buffer . view ( fp8_type ) , world_size , dim = 0 ) )
sharded_gradient . zero_ ( )
for tensor , scale in zip ( buffer_list , scale_list ) :
sharded_gradient + = cast_from_fp8 ( tensor , scale , input_type )
def fp8_compress_fsdp_params_comm_hook (
state : object ,
padded_unsharded_flat_param : torch . Tensor ,
sharded_flat_param : torch . Tensor ,
group = None ,
fp8_format = " e5m2 " ,
) - > None :
This hook is pending the official support for parameters communication hook in FSDP , e . g . register_params_comm_hook .
Example : :
>> > fsdp_model . register_params_comm_hook ( None , fp8_compress_fsdp_params_comm_hook )
fp8_type = torch . float8_e4m3fn if fp8_format == " e4m3 " else torch . float8_e5m2
fp8_max = torch . finfo ( fp8_type ) . max
inp = sharded_flat_param
out = padded_unsharded_flat_param
per_tensor_max = inp . abs ( ) . max ( ) . float ( )
per_tensor_max = torch . where ( per_tensor_max > 0 , per_tensor_max , 1.0 )
dist . all_reduce ( per_tensor_max , op = torch . distributed . ReduceOp . MAX , group = group )
scale = fp8_max / per_tensor_max
fp8_sharded_flat_param = ( scale * inp . float ( ) ) . to ( fp8_type ) . view ( torch . uint8 )
fp8_out = torch . empty ( out . shape , dtype = torch . uint8 , device = out . device )
dist . all_gather_into_tensor (
fp8_out ,
fp8_sharded_flat_param ,
group = group ,
padded_unsharded_flat_param . copy_ ( ( fp8_out . view ( fp8_type ) . float ( ) / scale ) . to ( out . dtype ) )
2024-07-24 08:55:20 +00:00
def split_chunk_by_channel (
chunk : torch . Tensor , channel_size : int , num_channels : int , rank : int = 0 , world_size : int = 1
) :
offset = chunk . numel ( ) * rank
end = offset + chunk . numel ( )
break_points = [ x for x in range ( 0 , channel_size * num_channels + 1 , channel_size ) if offset < = x < = end ]
if len ( break_points ) == 0 or break_points [ 0 ] > offset :
break_points . insert ( 0 , offset )
if break_points [ - 1 ] < end :
break_points . append ( end )
sizes = [ b - a for a , b in zip ( break_points [ : - 1 ] , break_points [ 1 : ] ) ]
return chunk . split ( sizes )
2024-09-14 02:40:01 +00:00
@torch.compile ( mode = " max-autotune-no-cudagraphs " , dynamic = False , disable = cuda_arch < 89 )
2024-09-09 05:47:17 +00:00
def _all_to_all_fp8 ( output_list , input_list , group = None , fp8_format = " e5m2 " , async_op = False ) :
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
world_size = dist . get_world_size ( group )
input_type = input_list [ 0 ] . dtype
fp8_type = torch . float8_e4m3fn if fp8_format == " e4m3 " else torch . float8_e5m2
scale_list = [ ]
tensor_list = [ ]
for i in range ( world_size ) :
input_tensor = input_list [ i ]
ret , scale = cast_to_fp8 ( input_tensor , fp8_format = fp8_format )
scale_list . append ( scale )
ret = ret . view ( torch . uint8 )
tensor_list . append ( ret )
output_scale_list = [ torch . empty_like ( x ) for x in scale_list ]
output_tensor_list = [ torch . empty_like ( x ) for x in tensor_list ]
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
tensor_hanle = dist . all_to_all ( output_tensor_list , tensor_list , group = group , async_op = async_op )
scale_handle = dist . all_to_all ( output_scale_list , scale_list , group = group , async_op = async_op )
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
def cast_op ( ) :
for i in range ( world_size ) :
scale = output_scale_list [ i ]
tensor = output_tensor_list [ i ]
tensor = tensor . view ( fp8_type )
output_list [ i ] . copy_ ( cast_from_fp8 ( tensor , scale , input_type ) )
if async_op :
return Handle ( [ tensor_hanle , scale_handle ] , cast_op )
else :
cast_op ( )
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
2024-09-09 05:47:17 +00:00
def all_to_all_fp8 ( output_list , input_list , group = None , fp8_format = " e5m2 " , async_op = False ) :
if process_group_is_intranode ( group ) :
return dist . all_to_all ( output_list , input_list , group = group , async_op = async_op )
else :
return _all_to_all_fp8 ( output_list , input_list , group = group , fp8_format = fp8_format , async_op = async_op )
2024-09-14 02:40:01 +00:00
@torch.compile ( mode = " max-autotune-no-cudagraphs " , dynamic = False , disable = cuda_arch < 89 )
def _all_gather_fp8 ( output_list , input_ , group = None , fp8_format = " e5m2 " , async_op : bool = False ) - > Optional [ Handle ] :
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
world_size = dist . get_world_size ( group )
input_type = input_ . dtype
ret , scale = cast_to_fp8 ( input_ , fp8_format = fp8_format )
fp8_type = ret . dtype
input_ = ret . view ( torch . uint8 )
tensor_list = [ torch . empty_like ( input_ ) for _ in range ( world_size ) ]
scale_list = [ torch . ones ( 1 , dtype = scale . dtype , device = input_ . device ) for _ in range ( world_size ) ]
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
chunk_handle = dist . all_gather ( tensor_list , input_ , group = group , async_op = async_op )
scale_hanle = dist . all_gather ( scale_list , scale , group = group , async_op = async_op )
2024-08-05 02:05:47 +00:00
2024-08-14 06:08:19 +00:00
def cast_op ( ) :
for i in range ( world_size ) :
output = tensor_list [ i ] . view ( fp8_type )
scale = scale_list [ i ]
output_list [ i ] . copy_ ( cast_from_fp8 ( output , scale , input_type ) )
if async_op :
return Handle ( [ chunk_handle , scale_hanle ] , cast_op )
else :
cast_op ( )
2024-08-07 07:41:49 +00:00
2024-09-03 07:45:17 +00:00
def all_gather_fp8 ( output_list , input_ , group = None , fp8_format = " e5m2 " , async_op : bool = False ) - > Optional [ Handle ] :
2024-09-14 02:40:01 +00:00
if process_group_is_intranode ( group ) :
return dist . all_gather ( output_list , input_ , group = group , async_op = async_op )
else :
return _all_gather_fp8 ( output_list , input_ , group = group , fp8_format = fp8_format , async_op = async_op )
@torch.compile ( mode = " max-autotune-no-cudagraphs " , dynamic = False , disable = cuda_arch < 89 )
def all_gather_fp8_lagacy (
output_list , input_ , group = None , fp8_format = " e5m2 " , async_op : bool = False
) - > Optional [ Handle ] :
2024-09-03 07:45:17 +00:00
world_size = dist . get_world_size ( group )
shape = input_ . shape
input_type = input_ . dtype
fp8_type = torch . float8_e4m3fn if fp8_format == " e4m3 " else torch . float8_e5m2
combined_buffer = torch . empty ( world_size * ( SCALE_BYTES + input_ . numel ( ) ) , dtype = torch . uint8 , device = input_ . device )
combined_buffers = list ( combined_buffer . chunk ( world_size , dim = 0 ) )
cur_buffer = combined_buffers [ dist . get_rank ( group ) ]
ret = cur_buffer [ SCALE_BYTES : ] . view ( fp8_type )
ret , scale = cast_to_fp8 ( input_ . view ( - 1 ) , fp8_format = fp8_format , out = ret )
cur_buffer [ : SCALE_BYTES ] . view ( torch . float ) [ 0 ] = scale
# cur_buffer[:SCALE_BYTES] = scale.unsqueeze(0).view(torch.uint8)
dist . all_gather ( combined_buffers , cur_buffer , group = group , async_op = async_op )
for out , buf in zip ( output_list , combined_buffers ) :
scale = buf [ : SCALE_BYTES ] . clone ( ) . view ( scale . dtype )
output = buf [ SCALE_BYTES : ] . view ( fp8_type )
cast_from_fp8 ( output . view ( shape ) , scale , input_type , out = out )
# output = combined_buffer.view(world_size, -1)[:, SCALE_BYTES:].view(fp8_type)
# scales = combined_buffer.view(world_size, -1)[:, :SCALE_BYTES].view(torch.float)
# output = output.float() * scales
# for i, out in enumerate(output_list):
# out.copy_(output[i].view(shape))
2024-09-14 02:40:01 +00:00
@torch.compile ( mode = " max-autotune-no-cudagraphs " , dynamic = False , disable = cuda_arch < 89 )
2024-09-03 07:45:17 +00:00
def all_gather_fp8_ring ( output_list , input_ , group = None , fp8_format = " e5m2 " , async_op : bool = False ) - > Optional [ Handle ] :
world_size = dist . get_world_size ( group )
rank = dist . get_rank ( group )
send_rank = ( rank + 1 ) % world_size
recv_rank = ( rank - 1 ) % world_size
shape = input_ . shape
input_type = input_ . dtype
fp8_type = torch . float8_e4m3fn if fp8_format == " e4m3 " else torch . float8_e5m2
combined_buffer = torch . empty ( world_size * ( SCALE_BYTES + input_ . numel ( ) ) , dtype = torch . uint8 , device = input_ . device )
combined_buffers = list ( combined_buffer . chunk ( world_size , dim = 0 ) )
cur_buffer = combined_buffers [ dist . get_rank ( group ) ]
ret = cur_buffer [ SCALE_BYTES : ] . view ( fp8_type )
ret , scale = cast_to_fp8 ( input_ . view ( - 1 ) , fp8_format = fp8_format , out = ret )
# cur_buffer[:SCALE_BYTES] = scale.unsqueeze(0).view(torch.uint8)
cur_buffer [ : SCALE_BYTES ] . view ( torch . float ) [ 0 ] = scale
def send_recv ( idx ) :
send_idx = ( rank - idx ) % world_size
recv_idx = ( rank - idx - 1 ) % world_size
ops = dist . batch_isend_irecv (
dist . P2POp ( dist . isend , combined_buffers [ send_idx ] , send_rank , group = group ) ,
dist . P2POp ( dist . irecv , combined_buffers [ recv_idx ] , recv_rank , group = group ) ,
return ops
def cast ( idx ) :
cast_idx = ( rank - idx - 1 ) % world_size
scale = combined_buffers [ cast_idx ] [ : SCALE_BYTES ] . clone ( ) . view ( torch . float )
output = combined_buffers [ cast_idx ] [ SCALE_BYTES : ] . view ( fp8_type )
cast_from_fp8 ( output . view ( shape ) , scale , input_type , out = output_list [ cast_idx ] )
# warmup
ops = send_recv ( 0 )
output_list [ rank ] . copy_ ( input_ )
for op in ops :
op . wait ( )
ops = [ ]
# 1p-1c
for i in range ( 1 , world_size - 1 ) :
new_ops = send_recv ( i )
for op in ops :
op . wait ( )
cast ( i - 1 )
ops = new_ops
# cooldown
for op in ops :
op . wait ( )
cast ( world_size - 2 )
2024-08-07 07:41:49 +00:00
class _LinearFp8 ( torch . autograd . Function ) :
def forward (
ctx : Any ,
x : torch . Tensor ,
w : torch . Tensor ,
bias : Optional [ torch . Tensor ] ,
) - > Any :
assert (
x . dtype in ( torch . bfloat16 , torch . float16 ) and x . dtype == w . dtype
) , " Only float16 and bfloat16 are allowed. "
if bias is not None :
assert bias . dtype == x . dtype , " Bias should have the same dtype as input. "
# ensure x and w are row-major
2024-08-07 10:21:08 +00:00
x = x . contiguous ( )
w = w . contiguous ( )
2024-08-07 07:41:49 +00:00
ctx . x_shape = x . shape
ctx . has_bias = bias is not None
ctx . out_dtype = x . dtype
x = x . reshape ( - 1 , x . shape [ - 1 ] )
x_fp8 , inv_scale_x = cast_to_fp8 ( x , fp8_format = " e4m3 " )
w_fp8 , inv_scale_w = cast_to_fp8 ( w , fp8_format = " e4m3 " )
ctx . x_fp8 = x_fp8
ctx . w_fp8_t = w_fp8 . t ( )
ctx . inv_scale_x = inv_scale_x
ctx . inv_scale_w = inv_scale_w
out = torch . _scaled_mm (
2024-08-09 07:51:06 +00:00
x_fp8 ,
ctx . w_fp8_t ,
bias = bias ,
out_dtype = ctx . out_dtype ,
scale_a = inv_scale_x ,
scale_b = inv_scale_w ,
use_fast_accum = True ,
2024-08-07 07:41:49 +00:00
) [ 0 ]
return out . reshape ( * ctx . x_shape [ : - 1 ] , w . shape [ 0 ] )
def backward ( ctx : Any , out_grad ) - > Any :
out_grad = out_grad . reshape ( - 1 , out_grad . shape [ - 1 ] )
out_grad_fp8 , out_grad_scale = cast_to_fp8 ( out_grad , fp8_format = " e5m2 " )
x_grad = torch . _scaled_mm (
out_grad_fp8 ,
ctx . w_fp8_t . contiguous ( ) . t ( ) ,
out_dtype = ctx . out_dtype ,
scale_a = out_grad_scale ,
scale_b = ctx . inv_scale_w ,
2024-08-09 07:51:06 +00:00
use_fast_accum = True ,
2024-08-07 07:41:49 +00:00
) [ 0 ]
w_grad = torch . _scaled_mm (
out_grad_fp8 . t ( ) . contiguous ( ) ,
ctx . x_fp8 . t ( ) . contiguous ( ) . t ( ) ,
out_dtype = ctx . out_dtype ,
scale_a = out_grad_scale ,
scale_b = ctx . inv_scale_x ,
2024-08-09 07:51:06 +00:00
use_fast_accum = True ,
2024-08-07 07:41:49 +00:00
) [ 0 ]
bias_grad = None
if ctx . has_bias :
bias_grad = out_grad . sum ( 0 )
return x_grad . reshape ( ctx . x_shape ) , w_grad , bias_grad
2024-08-15 03:12:08 +00:00
@torch.compile ( mode = " max-autotune-no-cudagraphs " , disable = not SUPPORT_TORCH_COMPILE , dynamic = False )
2024-08-13 08:07:26 +00:00
def _linear_fp8 ( input : torch . Tensor , weight : torch . Tensor , bias : Optional [ torch . Tensor ] = None ) - > torch . Tensor :
return _LinearFp8 . apply ( input , weight , bias )
2024-08-09 07:51:06 +00:00
2024-08-13 08:07:26 +00:00
def linear_fp8 ( input : torch . Tensor , weight : torch . Tensor , bias : Optional [ torch . Tensor ] = None ) - > torch . Tensor :
out = _linear_fp8 ( input , weight , bias )
return out