
250 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"""This code is adapted from Alpa
with some changes. """
import operator
from functools import reduce
from typing import List, Tuple
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
# modified from alpa LogicalDeviceMesh(
class DeviceMesh:
"""A logical view of a physical cluster. For example, we could view a physical cluster
with 16 devices as a device mesh with shape (2, 2, 4) or (4, 4).
physical_mesh_id (torch.Tensor): physical view of the devices in global rank.
logical_mesh_id (torch.Tensor): logical view of the devices in global rank.
mesh_shape (torch.Size, optional): shape of logical view.
mesh_alpha (List[float], optional): coefficients used for computing
communication cost (default: None)
mesh_beta (List[float], optional): coefficients used for computing
communication cost (default: None)
init_process_group (bool, optional): initialize logical process group
during initializing the DeviceMesh instance if the init_process_group set to True.
Otherwise, users need to call create_process_groups_for_logical_mesh manually to init logical process group.
(default: False)
need_flatten(bool, optional): initialize flatten_device_mesh during initializing the DeviceMesh instance if the need_flatten set to True.
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def __init__(self,
physical_mesh_id: torch.Tensor,
mesh_shape: torch.Size = None,
logical_mesh_id: torch.Tensor = None,
mesh_alpha: List[float] = None,
mesh_beta: List[float] = None,
init_process_group: bool = False,
need_flatten: bool = True):
self.physical_mesh_id = physical_mesh_id
if logical_mesh_id is None:
self.mesh_shape = mesh_shape
self._logical_mesh_id = self.physical_mesh_id.reshape(self.mesh_shape)
self._logical_mesh_id = logical_mesh_id
self.mesh_shape = self._logical_mesh_id.shape
# map global rank into logical rank
self.convert_map = {}
self._global_rank_to_logical_rank_map(self._logical_mesh_id, [])
# coefficient for alpha-beta communication model
if mesh_alpha is None:
mesh_alpha = [1] * len(self.mesh_shape)
if mesh_beta is None:
mesh_beta = [1] * len(self.mesh_shape)
self.mesh_alpha = tuple(mesh_alpha)
self.mesh_beta = tuple(mesh_beta)
self.init_process_group = init_process_group
self.need_flatten = need_flatten
if self.init_process_group:
self.process_groups_dict = self.create_process_groups_for_logical_mesh()
if self.need_flatten and self._logical_mesh_id.dim() > 1:
self.flatten_device_mesh = self.flatten()
# Create a new member `flatten_device_meshes` to distinguish from original flatten methods (Because I'm not sure if there are functions that rely on the self.flatten())
# self.flatten_device_meshes = FlattenDeviceMesh(self.physical_mesh_id, self.mesh_shape, self.mesh_alpha,
# self.mesh_beta)
def shape(self):
return self.mesh_shape
def num_devices(self):
return reduce(operator.mul, self.physical_mesh_id.shape, 1)
def logical_mesh_id(self):
return self._logical_mesh_id
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
cls = self.__class__
result = cls.__new__(cls)
memo[id(self)] = result
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
if k != 'process_groups_dict':
setattr(result, k, __import__("copy").deepcopy(v, memo))
setattr(result, k, v)
return result
def flatten(self):
2022-08-25 08:48:12 +00:00
Flatten the logical mesh into an effective 1d logical mesh,
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flatten_mesh_shape_size = len(self.mesh_shape)
flatten_mesh_shape = [self.num_devices]
return DeviceMesh(self.physical_mesh_id,
mesh_alpha=[max(self.mesh_alpha)] * (flatten_mesh_shape_size - 1),
mesh_beta=[max(self.mesh_beta)] * (flatten_mesh_shape_size - 1),
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def _global_rank_to_logical_rank_map(self, tensor, index_list):
This method is a helper function to build convert_map recursively.
for index, inner_tensor in enumerate(tensor):
if inner_tensor.numel() == 1:
self.convert_map[int(inner_tensor)] = index_list + [index]
self._global_rank_to_logical_rank_map(inner_tensor, index_list + [index])
def create_process_groups_for_logical_mesh(self):
This method is used to initialize the logical process groups which will be used in communications
among logical device mesh.
Note: if init_process_group set to False, you have to call this method manually. Otherwise,
the communication related function, such as ShapeConsistencyManager.apply will raise errors.
process_groups_dict = {}
check_duplicate_list = []
global_rank_flatten_list = self.physical_mesh_id.view(-1).tolist()
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for global_rank in global_rank_flatten_list:
process_groups = self.global_rank_to_process_groups_with_global_rank(global_rank)
for axis, process_group in process_groups.items():
if axis not in process_groups_dict:
process_groups_dict[axis] = []
if process_group not in check_duplicate_list:
process_group_handler = dist.new_group(process_group)
process_groups_dict[axis].append((process_group, process_group_handler))
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return process_groups_dict
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def global_rank_to_logical_rank(self, rank):
return self.convert_map[rank]
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def global_rank_to_process_groups_with_logical_rank(self, rank):
Give a global rank and return all logical process groups of this rank.
for example:
physical_mesh_id = torch.arange(0, 16).reshape(2, 8)
mesh_shape = (4, 4)
# [[0, 1, 2, 3],
# [4, 5, 6, 7],
# [8, 9, 10,11],
# [12,13,14,15]]
device_mesh = DeviceMesh(physical_mesh_id, mesh_shape)
# key is axis name
# value is a list of logical ranks in same axis with rank 0
{0: [[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [3, 0]], 1: [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3]]}
process_groups = {}
for d in range(self.logical_mesh_id.dim()):
for replacer in range(self.logical_mesh_id.shape[d]):
if d not in process_groups:
process_groups[d] = []
process_group_member = self.convert_map[rank].copy()
process_group_member[d] = replacer
return process_groups
def global_rank_to_process_groups_with_global_rank(self, rank):
Give a global rank and return all process groups of this rank.
for example:
physical_mesh_id = torch.arange(0, 16).reshape(2, 8)
mesh_shape = (4, 4)
# [[0, 1, 2, 3],
# [4, 5, 6, 7],
# [8, 9, 10,11],
# [12,13,14,15]]
device_mesh = DeviceMesh(physical_mesh_id, mesh_shape)
# key is axis name
# value is a list of global ranks in same axis with rank 0
{0: [0, 4, 8, 12], 1: [0, 1, 2, 3]}
logical_process_groups = self.global_rank_to_process_groups_with_logical_rank(rank)
process_groups = {}
for dim, logical_ranks in logical_process_groups.items():
process_groups[dim] = []
for logical_rank in logical_ranks:
for g_rank, l_rank in self.convert_map.items():
if l_rank == logical_rank:
return process_groups
def all_gather_cost(self, num_bytes, mesh_dim):
num_devices = self.logical_mesh_id.shape[mesh_dim]
return (self.mesh_alpha[mesh_dim] + self.mesh_beta[mesh_dim] * (num_devices - 1) / num_devices * num_bytes +
def all_reduce_cost(self, num_bytes, mesh_dim):
num_devices = self.logical_mesh_id.shape[mesh_dim]
return (self.mesh_alpha[mesh_dim] + self.mesh_beta[mesh_dim] * 2 * (num_devices - 1) / num_devices * num_bytes +
def reduce_scatter_cost(self, num_bytes, mesh_dim):
num_devices = self.logical_mesh_id.shape[mesh_dim]
return (self.mesh_alpha[mesh_dim] + self.mesh_beta[mesh_dim] * (num_devices - 1) / num_devices * num_bytes +
def all_to_all_cost(self, num_bytes, mesh_dim):
num_devices = self.logical_mesh_id.shape[mesh_dim]
penalty_factor = num_devices / 2.0
return (self.mesh_alpha[mesh_dim] + self.mesh_beta[mesh_dim] *
(num_devices - 1) / num_devices / num_devices * num_bytes * penalty_factor + 0.001)
class FlattenDeviceMesh(DeviceMesh):
def __init__(self, physical_mesh_id, mesh_shape, mesh_alpha=None, mesh_beta=None):
# Different from flatten(), mesh_shape leaves unchanged, mesh_alpha and mesh_beta are scalars
self.mesh_alpha = max(self.mesh_alpha)
self.mesh_beta = min(self.mesh_beta)
# Different from original process_groups_dict, rank_list is not stored
self.process_number_dict = self.create_process_numbers_for_logical_mesh()
def create_process_numbers_for_logical_mesh(self):
Build 1d DeviceMesh in column-major(0) and row-major(1)
for example:
mesh_shape = (2,4)
# [[0, 1, 2, 3],
# [4, 5, 6, 7]]
# return {0: [0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7], 1: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]}
num_devices = reduce(operator.mul, self.mesh_shape, 1)
process_numbers_dict = {}
process_numbers_dict[0] = torch.arange(num_devices).reshape(self.mesh_shape).transpose(1, 0).flatten().tolist()
process_numbers_dict[1] = torch.arange(num_devices).reshape(self.mesh_shape).flatten().tolist()
return process_numbers_dict
def mix_gather_cost(self, num_bytes):
num_devices = reduce(operator.mul, self.mesh_shape, 1)
return (self.mesh_alpha + self.mesh_beta * (num_devices - 1) / num_devices * num_bytes + 0.1)