mirror of https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/gentelella
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361 lines
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/* global jQuery */
(function($) {
'use strict';
var options = {
zoom: {
enableTouch: false
pan: {
enableTouch: false,
touchMode: 'manual'
recenter: {
enableTouch: true
function init(plot) {
function initTouchNavigation(plot, options) {
var gestureState = {
zoomEnable: false,
prevDistance: null,
prevTapTime: 0,
prevPanPosition: { x: 0, y: 0 },
prevTapPosition: { x: 0, y: 0 }
navigationState = {
prevTouchedAxis: 'none',
currentTouchedAxis: 'none',
touchedAxis: null,
navigationConstraint: 'unconstrained',
initialState: null,
useManualPan = options.pan.interactive && options.pan.touchMode === 'manual',
smartPanLock = options.pan.touchMode === 'smartLock',
useSmartPan = options.pan.interactive && (smartPanLock || options.pan.touchMode === 'smart'),
pan, pinch, doubleTap;
function bindEvents(plot, eventHolder) {
var o = plot.getOptions();
if (o.zoom.interactive && o.zoom.enableTouch) {
eventHolder[0].addEventListener('pinchstart', pinch.start, false);
eventHolder[0].addEventListener('pinchdrag', pinch.drag, false);
eventHolder[0].addEventListener('pinchend', pinch.end, false);
if (o.pan.interactive && o.pan.enableTouch) {
eventHolder[0].addEventListener('panstart', pan.start, false);
eventHolder[0].addEventListener('pandrag', pan.drag, false);
eventHolder[0].addEventListener('panend', pan.end, false);
if ((o.recenter.interactive && o.recenter.enableTouch)) {
eventHolder[0].addEventListener('doubletap', doubleTap.recenterPlot, false);
function shutdown(plot, eventHolder) {
eventHolder[0].removeEventListener('panstart', pan.start);
eventHolder[0].removeEventListener('pandrag', pan.drag);
eventHolder[0].removeEventListener('panend', pan.end);
eventHolder[0].removeEventListener('pinchstart', pinch.start);
eventHolder[0].removeEventListener('pinchdrag', pinch.drag);
eventHolder[0].removeEventListener('pinchend', pinch.end);
eventHolder[0].removeEventListener('doubletap', doubleTap.recenterPlot);
pan = {
start: function(e) {
presetNavigationState(e, 'pan', gestureState);
updateData(e, 'pan', gestureState, navigationState);
if (useSmartPan) {
var point = getPoint(e, 'pan');
navigationState.initialState = plot.navigationState(point.x, point.y);
drag: function(e) {
presetNavigationState(e, 'pan', gestureState);
if (useSmartPan) {
var point = getPoint(e, 'pan');
x: navigationState.initialState.startPageX - point.x,
y: navigationState.initialState.startPageY - point.y
}, navigationState.initialState, navigationState.touchedAxis, false, smartPanLock);
} else if (useManualPan) {
left: -delta(e, 'pan', gestureState).x,
top: -delta(e, 'pan', gestureState).y,
axes: navigationState.touchedAxis
updatePrevPanPosition(e, 'pan', gestureState, navigationState);
end: function(e) {
presetNavigationState(e, 'pan', gestureState);
if (useSmartPan) {
if (wasPinchEvent(e, gestureState)) {
updateprevPanPosition(e, 'pan', gestureState, navigationState);
var pinchDragTimeout;
pinch = {
start: function(e) {
if (pinchDragTimeout) {
pinchDragTimeout = null;
presetNavigationState(e, 'pinch', gestureState);
setPrevDistance(e, gestureState);
updateData(e, 'pinch', gestureState, navigationState);
drag: function(e) {
if (pinchDragTimeout) {
pinchDragTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
presetNavigationState(e, 'pinch', gestureState);
left: -delta(e, 'pinch', gestureState).x,
top: -delta(e, 'pinch', gestureState).y,
axes: navigationState.touchedAxis
updatePrevPanPosition(e, 'pinch', gestureState, navigationState);
var dist = pinchDistance(e);
if (gestureState.zoomEnable || Math.abs(dist - gestureState.prevDistance) > ZOOM_DISTANCE_MARGIN) {
zoomPlot(plot, e, gestureState, navigationState);
//activate zoom mode
gestureState.zoomEnable = true;
pinchDragTimeout = null;
}, 1000 / 60);
end: function(e) {
if (pinchDragTimeout) {
pinchDragTimeout = null;
presetNavigationState(e, 'pinch', gestureState);
gestureState.prevDistance = null;
doubleTap = {
recenterPlot: function(e) {
if (e && e.detail && e.detail.type === 'touchstart') {
// only do not recenter for touch start;
recenterPlotOnDoubleTap(plot, e, gestureState, navigationState);
if (options.pan.enableTouch === true || options.zoom.enableTouch === true) {
function presetNavigationState(e, gesture, gestureState) {
navigationState.touchedAxis = getAxis(plot, e, gesture, navigationState);
if (noAxisTouched(navigationState)) {
navigationState.navigationConstraint = 'unconstrained';
} else {
navigationState.navigationConstraint = 'axisConstrained';
init: init,
options: options,
name: 'navigateTouch',
version: '0.3'
function recenterPlotOnDoubleTap(plot, e, gestureState, navigationState) {
checkAxesForDoubleTap(plot, e, navigationState);
if ((navigationState.currentTouchedAxis === 'x' && navigationState.prevTouchedAxis === 'x') ||
(navigationState.currentTouchedAxis === 'y' && navigationState.prevTouchedAxis === 'y') ||
(navigationState.currentTouchedAxis === 'none' && navigationState.prevTouchedAxis === 'none')) {
var event;
plot.recenter({ axes: navigationState.touchedAxis });
if (navigationState.touchedAxis) {
event = new $.Event('re-center', { detail: { axisTouched: navigationState.touchedAxis } });
} else {
event = new $.Event('re-center', { detail: e });
function checkAxesForDoubleTap(plot, e, navigationState) {
var axis = plot.getTouchedAxis(e.detail.firstTouch.x, e.detail.firstTouch.y);
if (axis[0] !== undefined) {
navigationState.prevTouchedAxis = axis[0].direction;
axis = plot.getTouchedAxis(e.detail.secondTouch.x, e.detail.secondTouch.y);
if (axis[0] !== undefined) {
navigationState.touchedAxis = axis;
navigationState.currentTouchedAxis = axis[0].direction;
if (noAxisTouched(navigationState)) {
navigationState.touchedAxis = null;
navigationState.prevTouchedAxis = 'none';
navigationState.currentTouchedAxis = 'none';
function zoomPlot(plot, e, gestureState, navigationState) {
var offset = plot.offset(),
center = {
left: 0,
top: 0
zoomAmount = pinchDistance(e) / gestureState.prevDistance,
dist = pinchDistance(e);
center.left = getPoint(e, 'pinch').x - offset.left;
center.top = getPoint(e, 'pinch').y - offset.top;
// send the computed touched axis to the zoom function so that it only zooms on that one
center: center,
amount: zoomAmount,
axes: navigationState.touchedAxis
gestureState.prevDistance = dist;
function wasPinchEvent(e, gestureState) {
return (gestureState.zoomEnable && e.detail.touches.length === 1);
function getAxis(plot, e, gesture, navigationState) {
if (e.type === 'pinchstart') {
var axisTouch1 = plot.getTouchedAxis(e.detail.touches[0].pageX, e.detail.touches[0].pageY);
var axisTouch2 = plot.getTouchedAxis(e.detail.touches[1].pageX, e.detail.touches[1].pageY);
if (axisTouch1.length === axisTouch2.length && axisTouch1.toString() === axisTouch2.toString()) {
return axisTouch1;
} else if (e.type === 'panstart') {
return plot.getTouchedAxis(e.detail.touches[0].pageX, e.detail.touches[0].pageY);
} else if (e.type === 'pinchend') {
//update axis since instead on pinch, a pan event is made
return plot.getTouchedAxis(e.detail.touches[0].pageX, e.detail.touches[0].pageY);
} else {
return navigationState.touchedAxis;
function noAxisTouched(navigationState) {
return (!navigationState.touchedAxis || navigationState.touchedAxis.length === 0);
function setPrevDistance(e, gestureState) {
gestureState.prevDistance = pinchDistance(e);
function updateData(e, gesture, gestureState, navigationState) {
var axisDir,
point = getPoint(e, gesture);
switch (navigationState.navigationConstraint) {
case 'unconstrained':
navigationState.touchedAxis = null;
gestureState.prevTapPosition = {
x: gestureState.prevPanPosition.x,
y: gestureState.prevPanPosition.y
gestureState.prevPanPosition = {
x: point.x,
y: point.y
case 'axisConstrained':
axisDir = navigationState.touchedAxis[0].direction;
navigationState.currentTouchedAxis = axisDir;
gestureState.prevTapPosition[axisDir] = gestureState.prevPanPosition[axisDir];
gestureState.prevPanPosition[axisDir] = point[axisDir];
function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));
function pinchDistance(e) {
var t1 = e.detail.touches[0],
t2 = e.detail.touches[1];
return distance(t1.pageX, t1.pageY, t2.pageX, t2.pageY);
function updatePrevPanPosition(e, gesture, gestureState, navigationState) {
var point = getPoint(e, gesture);
switch (navigationState.navigationConstraint) {
case 'unconstrained':
gestureState.prevPanPosition.x = point.x;
gestureState.prevPanPosition.y = point.y;
case 'axisConstrained':
gestureState.prevPanPosition[navigationState.currentTouchedAxis] =
function delta(e, gesture, gestureState) {
var point = getPoint(e, gesture);
return {
x: point.x - gestureState.prevPanPosition.x,
y: point.y - gestureState.prevPanPosition.y
function getPoint(e, gesture) {
if (gesture === 'pinch') {
return {
x: (e.detail.touches[0].pageX + e.detail.touches[1].pageX) / 2,
y: (e.detail.touches[0].pageY + e.detail.touches[1].pageY) / 2
} else {
return {
x: e.detail.touches[0].pageX,
y: e.detail.touches[0].pageY