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2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
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2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
< span > John Smith< / span >
2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
< span class = "time" > 3 mins ago< / span >
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< span class = "message" >
Film festivals used to be do-or-die moments for movie makers. They were where...
2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
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2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
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2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
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2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
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2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
< span > John Smith< / span >
2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
< span class = "time" > 3 mins ago< / span >
< / span >
< span class = "message" >
Film festivals used to be do-or-die moments for movie makers. They were where...
2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
< / span >
2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
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2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
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2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
< span >
2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
< span > John Smith< / span >
2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
< span class = "time" > 3 mins ago< / span >
< / span >
< span class = "message" >
Film festivals used to be do-or-die moments for movie makers. They were where...
2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
< / span >
2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
< / a >
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2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
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2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
< span >
2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
< span > John Smith< / span >
2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
< span class = "time" > 3 mins ago< / span >
< / span >
< span class = "message" >
Film festivals used to be do-or-die moments for movie makers. They were where...
2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
< / span >
2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
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2016-04-14 12:34:56 +00:00
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< span class = "name" > Estimated budget < / span >
< span class = "value text-success" > 2300 < / span >
< / li >
< li >
< span class = "name" > Total amount spent < / span >
< span class = "value text-success" > 2000 < / span >
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< li class = "hidden-phone" >
< span class = "name" > Estimated project duration < / span >
< span class = "value text-success" > 20 < / span >
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< h3 class = "date text-info" > 24< / h3 >
< p class = "month" > May< / p >
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< div class = "message_wrapper" >
< h4 class = "heading" > Desmond Davison< / h4 >
< blockquote class = "message" > Raw denim you probably haven't heard of them jean shorts Austin. Nesciunt tofu stumptown aliqua butcher retro keffiyeh dreamcatcher synth.< / blockquote >
< br / >
< p class = "url" >
< span class = "fs1 text-info" aria-hidden = "true" data-icon = "" > < / span >
< a href = "#" > < i class = "fa fa-paperclip" > < / i > User Acceptance Test.doc < / a >
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< h3 class = "date text-error" > 21< / h3 >
< p class = "month" > May< / p >
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< h4 class = "heading" > Brian Michaels< / h4 >
< blockquote class = "message" > Raw denim you probably haven't heard of them jean shorts Austin. Nesciunt tofu stumptown aliqua butcher retro keffiyeh dreamcatcher synth.< / blockquote >
< br / >
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< div class = "message_date" >
< h3 class = "date text-info" > 24< / h3 >
< p class = "month" > May< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "message_wrapper" >
< h4 class = "heading" > Desmond Davison< / h4 >
< blockquote class = "message" > Raw denim you probably haven't heard of them jean shorts Austin. Nesciunt tofu stumptown aliqua butcher retro keffiyeh dreamcatcher synth.< / blockquote >
< br / >
< p class = "url" >
< span class = "fs1 text-info" aria-hidden = "true" data-icon = "" > < / span >
< a href = "#" > < i class = "fa fa-paperclip" > < / i > User Acceptance Test.doc < / a >
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2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
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2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
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< h3 class = "green" > < i class = "fa fa-paint-brush" > < / i > Gentelella< / h3 >
< p > Raw denim you probably haven't heard of them jean shorts Austin. Nesciunt tofu stumptown aliqua butcher retro keffiyeh dreamcatcher synth. Cosby sweater eu banh mi, qui irure terr.< / p >
< br / >
< div class = "project_detail" >
< p class = "title" > Client Company< / p >
< p > Deveint Inc< / p >
< p class = "title" > Project Leader< / p >
< p > Tony Chicken< / p >
< / div >
< br / >
< h5 > Project files< / h5 >
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title: {
x: 'center',
y: 'top',
padding: [0, 0, 20, 0],
text: 'Project Perfomance :: Revenue vs Input vs Time Spent',
textStyle: {
fontSize: 15,
fontWeight: 'normal'
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis'
toolbox: {
show: true,
feature: {
dataView: {
show: true,
readOnly: false
restore: {
show: true
saveAsImage: {
show: true
calculable: true,
legend: {
data: ['Revenue', 'Cash Input', 'Time Spent'],
y: 'bottom'
xAxis: [{
type: 'category',
data: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
yAxis: [{
type: 'value',
name: 'Amount',
axisLabel: {
formatter: '{value} ml'
}, {
type: 'value',
name: 'Hours',
axisLabel: {
formatter: '{value} °C'
series: [{
name: 'Revenue',
type: 'bar',
data: [2.0, 4.9, 7.0, 23.2, 25.6, 76.7, 135.6, 162.2, 32.6, 20.0, 6.4, 3.3]
}, {
name: 'Cash Input',
type: 'bar',
data: [2.6, 5.9, 9.0, 26.4, 28.7, 70.7, 175.6, 182.2, 48.7, 18.8, 6.0, 2.3]
}, {
name: 'Time Spent',
type: 'line',
yAxisIndex: 1,
data: [2.0, 2.2, 3.3, 4.5, 6.3, 10.2, 20.3, 23.4, 23.0, 16.5, 12.0, 6.2]
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2015-05-19 06:25:00 +00:00
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2016-03-06 20:53:42 +00:00
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