mirror of https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/gentelella
2767 lines
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2767 lines
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![]() |
/* Javascript plotting library for jQuery, version 1.0.3.
Copyright (c) 2007-2014 IOLA and Ole Laursen.
Licensed under the MIT license.
// the actual Flot code
(function($) {
"use strict";
var Canvas = window.Flot.Canvas;
function defaultTickGenerator(axis) {
var ticks = [],
start = $.plot.saturated.saturate($.plot.saturated.floorInBase(axis.min, axis.tickSize)),
i = 0,
v = Number.NaN,
if (start === -Number.MAX_VALUE) {
start = $.plot.saturated.floorInBase(axis.min + axis.tickSize, axis.tickSize);
do {
prev = v;
//v = start + i * axis.tickSize;
v = $.plot.saturated.multiplyAdd(axis.tickSize, i, start);
} while (v < axis.max && v !== prev);
return ticks;
function defaultTickFormatter(value, axis, precision) {
var oldTickDecimals = axis.tickDecimals,
expPosition = ("" + value).indexOf("e");
if (expPosition !== -1) {
return expRepTickFormatter(value, axis, precision);
if (precision > 0) {
axis.tickDecimals = precision;
var factor = axis.tickDecimals ? Math.pow(10, axis.tickDecimals) : 1,
formatted = "" + Math.round(value * factor) / factor;
// If tickDecimals was specified, ensure that we have exactly that
// much precision; otherwise default to the value's own precision.
if (axis.tickDecimals != null) {
var decimal = formatted.indexOf("."),
decimalPrecision = decimal === -1 ? 0 : formatted.length - decimal - 1;
if (decimalPrecision < axis.tickDecimals) {
var decimals = ("" + factor).substr(1, axis.tickDecimals - decimalPrecision);
formatted = (decimalPrecision ? formatted : formatted + ".") + decimals;
axis.tickDecimals = oldTickDecimals;
return formatted;
function expRepTickFormatter(value, axis, precision) {
var expPosition = ("" + value).indexOf("e"),
exponentValue = parseInt(("" + value).substr(expPosition + 1)),
tenExponent = expPosition !== -1 ? exponentValue : (value > 0 ? Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN10) : 0),
roundWith = Math.pow(10, tenExponent),
x = value / roundWith;
if (precision) {
var updatedPrecision = recomputePrecision(value, precision);
return (value / roundWith).toFixed(updatedPrecision) + 'e' + tenExponent;
if (axis.tickDecimals > 0) {
return x.toFixed(recomputePrecision(value, axis.tickDecimals)) + 'e' + tenExponent;
return x.toFixed() + 'e' + tenExponent;
function recomputePrecision(num, precision) {
//for numbers close to zero, the precision from flot will be a big number
//while for big numbers, the precision will be negative
var log10Value = Math.log(Math.abs(num)) * Math.LOG10E,
newPrecision = Math.abs(log10Value + precision);
return newPrecision <= 20 ? Math.floor(newPrecision) : 20;
// The top-level container for the entire plot.
function Plot(placeholder, data_, options_, plugins) {
// data is on the form:
// [ series1, series2 ... ]
// where series is either just the data as [ [x1, y1], [x2, y2], ... ]
// or { data: [ [x1, y1], [x2, y2], ... ], label: "some label", ... }
var series = [],
options = {
// the color theme used for graphs
colors: ["#edc240", "#afd8f8", "#cb4b4b", "#4da74d", "#9440ed"],
xaxis: {
show: null, // null = auto-detect, true = always, false = never
position: "bottom", // or "top"
mode: null, // null or "time"
font: null, // null (derived from CSS in placeholder) or object like { size: 11, lineHeight: 13, style: "italic", weight: "bold", family: "sans-serif", variant: "small-caps" }
color: null, // base color, labels, ticks
tickColor: null, // possibly different color of ticks, e.g. "rgba(0,0,0,0.15)"
transform: null, // null or f: number -> number to transform axis
inverseTransform: null, // if transform is set, this should be the inverse function
min: null, // min. value to show, null means set automatically
max: null, // max. value to show, null means set automatically
autoScaleMargin: null, // margin in % to add if autoScale option is on "loose" mode,
autoScale: "exact", // Available modes: "none", "loose", "exact", "sliding-window"
windowSize: null, // null or number. This is the size of sliding-window.
growOnly: null, // grow only, useful for smoother auto-scale, the scales will grow to accomodate data but won't shrink back.
ticks: null, // either [1, 3] or [[1, "a"], 3] or (fn: axis info -> ticks) or app. number of ticks for auto-ticks
tickFormatter: null, // fn: number -> string
showTickLabels: "major", // "none", "endpoints", "major", "all"
labelWidth: null, // size of tick labels in pixels
labelHeight: null,
reserveSpace: null, // whether to reserve space even if axis isn't shown
tickLength: null, // size in pixels of major tick marks
showMinorTicks: null, // true = show minor tick marks, false = hide minor tick marks
showTicks: null, // true = show tick marks, false = hide all tick marks
gridLines: null, // true = show grid lines, false = hide grid lines
alignTicksWithAxis: null, // axis number or null for no sync
tickDecimals: null, // no. of decimals, null means auto
tickSize: null, // number or [number, "unit"]
minTickSize: null, // number or [number, "unit"]
offset: { below: 0, above: 0 }, // the plot drawing offset. this is calculated by the flot.navigate for each axis
boxPosition: { centerX: 0, centerY: 0 } //position of the axis on the corresponding axis box
yaxis: {
autoScaleMargin: 0.02, // margin in % to add if autoScale option is on "loose" mode
autoScale: "loose", // Available modes: "none", "loose", "exact"
growOnly: null, // grow only, useful for smoother auto-scale, the scales will grow to accomodate data but won't shrink back.
position: "left", // or "right"
showTickLabels: "major", // "none", "endpoints", "major", "all"
offset: { below: 0, above: 0 }, // the plot drawing offset. this is calculated by the flot.navigate for each axis
boxPosition: { centerX: 0, centerY: 0 } //position of the axis on the corresponding axis box
xaxes: [],
yaxes: [],
series: {
points: {
show: false,
radius: 3,
lineWidth: 2, // in pixels
fill: true,
fillColor: "#ffffff",
symbol: 'circle' // or callback
lines: {
// we don't put in show: false so we can see
// whether lines were actively disabled
lineWidth: 1, // in pixels
fill: false,
fillColor: null,
steps: false
// Omit 'zero', so we can later default its value to
// match that of the 'fill' option.
bars: {
show: false,
lineWidth: 2, // in pixels
// barWidth: number or [number, absolute]
// when 'absolute' is false, 'number' is relative to the minimum distance between points for the series
// when 'absolute' is true, 'number' is considered to be in units of the x-axis
horizontal: false,
barWidth: 0.8,
fill: true,
fillColor: null,
align: "left", // "left", "right", or "center"
zero: true
shadowSize: 3,
highlightColor: null
grid: {
show: true,
aboveData: false,
color: "#545454", // primary color used for outline and labels
backgroundColor: null, // null for transparent, else color
borderColor: null, // set if different from the grid color
tickColor: null, // color for the ticks, e.g. "rgba(0,0,0,0.15)"
margin: 0, // distance from the canvas edge to the grid
labelMargin: 5, // in pixels
axisMargin: 8, // in pixels
borderWidth: 1, // in pixels
minBorderMargin: null, // in pixels, null means taken from points radius
markings: null, // array of ranges or fn: axes -> array of ranges
markingsColor: "#f4f4f4",
markingsLineWidth: 2,
// interactive stuff
clickable: false,
hoverable: false,
autoHighlight: true, // highlight in case mouse is near
mouseActiveRadius: 15 // how far the mouse can be away to activate an item
interaction: {
redrawOverlayInterval: 1000 / 60 // time between updates, -1 means in same flow
hooks: {}
surface = null, // the canvas for the plot itself
overlay = null, // canvas for interactive stuff on top of plot
eventHolder = null, // jQuery object that events should be bound to
ctx = null,
octx = null,
xaxes = [],
yaxes = [],
plotOffset = {
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0
plotWidth = 0,
plotHeight = 0,
hooks = {
processOptions: [],
processRawData: [],
processDatapoints: [],
processOffset: [],
setupGrid: [],
adjustSeriesDataRange: [],
setRange: [],
drawBackground: [],
drawSeries: [],
drawAxis: [],
draw: [],
axisReserveSpace: [],
bindEvents: [],
drawOverlay: [],
resize: [],
shutdown: []
plot = this;
var eventManager = {};
// interactive features
var redrawTimeout = null;
// public functions
plot.setData = setData;
plot.setupGrid = setupGrid;
plot.draw = draw;
plot.getPlaceholder = function() {
return placeholder;
plot.getCanvas = function() {
return surface.element;
plot.getSurface = function() {
return surface;
plot.getEventHolder = function() {
return eventHolder[0];
plot.getPlotOffset = function() {
return plotOffset;
plot.width = function() {
return plotWidth;
plot.height = function() {
return plotHeight;
plot.offset = function() {
var o = eventHolder.offset();
o.left += plotOffset.left;
o.top += plotOffset.top;
return o;
plot.getData = function() {
return series;
plot.getAxes = function() {
var res = {};
$.each(xaxes.concat(yaxes), function(_, axis) {
if (axis) {
res[axis.direction + (axis.n !== 1 ? axis.n : "") + "axis"] = axis;
return res;
plot.getXAxes = function() {
return xaxes;
plot.getYAxes = function() {
return yaxes;
plot.c2p = canvasToCartesianAxisCoords;
plot.p2c = cartesianAxisToCanvasCoords;
plot.getOptions = function() {
return options;
plot.triggerRedrawOverlay = triggerRedrawOverlay;
plot.pointOffset = function(point) {
return {
left: parseInt(xaxes[axisNumber(point, "x") - 1].p2c(+point.x) + plotOffset.left, 10),
top: parseInt(yaxes[axisNumber(point, "y") - 1].p2c(+point.y) + plotOffset.top, 10)
plot.shutdown = shutdown;
plot.destroy = function() {
series = [];
options = null;
surface = null;
overlay = null;
eventHolder = null;
ctx = null;
octx = null;
xaxes = [];
yaxes = [];
hooks = null;
plot = null;
plot.resize = function() {
var width = placeholder.width(),
height = placeholder.height();
surface.resize(width, height);
overlay.resize(width, height);
executeHooks(hooks.resize, [width, height]);
plot.clearTextCache = function () {
plot.autoScaleAxis = autoScaleAxis;
plot.computeRangeForDataSeries = computeRangeForDataSeries;
plot.adjustSeriesDataRange = adjustSeriesDataRange;
plot.findNearbyItem = findNearbyItem;
plot.findNearbyInterpolationPoint = findNearbyInterpolationPoint;
plot.computeValuePrecision = computeValuePrecision;
plot.computeTickSize = computeTickSize;
plot.addEventHandler = addEventHandler;
// public attributes
plot.hooks = hooks;
// initialize
function executeHooks(hook, args) {
args = [plot].concat(args);
for (var i = 0; i < hook.length; ++i) {
hook[i].apply(this, args);
function initPlugins() {
// References to key classes, allowing plugins to modify them
var classes = {
Canvas: Canvas
for (var i = 0; i < plugins.length; ++i) {
var p = plugins[i];
p.init(plot, classes);
if (p.options) {
$.extend(true, options, p.options);
function parseOptions(opts) {
$.extend(true, options, opts);
// $.extend merges arrays, rather than replacing them. When less
// colors are provided than the size of the default palette, we
// end up with those colors plus the remaining defaults, which is
// not expected behavior; avoid it by replacing them here.
if (opts && opts.colors) {
options.colors = opts.colors;
if (options.xaxis.color == null) {
options.xaxis.color = $.color.parse(options.grid.color).scale('a', 0.22).toString();
if (options.yaxis.color == null) {
options.yaxis.color = $.color.parse(options.grid.color).scale('a', 0.22).toString();
if (options.xaxis.tickColor == null) {
// grid.tickColor for back-compatibility
options.xaxis.tickColor = options.grid.tickColor || options.xaxis.color;
if (options.yaxis.tickColor == null) {
// grid.tickColor for back-compatibility
options.yaxis.tickColor = options.grid.tickColor || options.yaxis.color;
if (options.grid.borderColor == null) {
options.grid.borderColor = options.grid.color;
if (options.grid.tickColor == null) {
options.grid.tickColor = $.color.parse(options.grid.color).scale('a', 0.22).toString();
// Fill in defaults for axis options, including any unspecified
// font-spec fields, if a font-spec was provided.
// If no x/y axis options were provided, create one of each anyway,
// since the rest of the code assumes that they exist.
var i, axisOptions, axisCount,
fontSize = placeholder.css("font-size"),
fontSizeDefault = fontSize ? +fontSize.replace("px", "") : 13,
fontDefaults = {
style: placeholder.css("font-style"),
size: Math.round(0.8 * fontSizeDefault),
variant: placeholder.css("font-variant"),
weight: placeholder.css("font-weight"),
family: placeholder.css("font-family")
axisCount = options.xaxes.length || 1;
for (i = 0; i < axisCount; ++i) {
axisOptions = options.xaxes[i];
if (axisOptions && !axisOptions.tickColor) {
axisOptions.tickColor = axisOptions.color;
axisOptions = $.extend(true, {}, options.xaxis, axisOptions);
options.xaxes[i] = axisOptions;
if (axisOptions.font) {
axisOptions.font = $.extend({}, fontDefaults, axisOptions.font);
if (!axisOptions.font.color) {
axisOptions.font.color = axisOptions.color;
if (!axisOptions.font.lineHeight) {
axisOptions.font.lineHeight = Math.round(axisOptions.font.size * 1.15);
axisCount = options.yaxes.length || 1;
for (i = 0; i < axisCount; ++i) {
axisOptions = options.yaxes[i];
if (axisOptions && !axisOptions.tickColor) {
axisOptions.tickColor = axisOptions.color;
axisOptions = $.extend(true, {}, options.yaxis, axisOptions);
options.yaxes[i] = axisOptions;
if (axisOptions.font) {
axisOptions.font = $.extend({}, fontDefaults, axisOptions.font);
if (!axisOptions.font.color) {
axisOptions.font.color = axisOptions.color;
if (!axisOptions.font.lineHeight) {
axisOptions.font.lineHeight = Math.round(axisOptions.font.size * 1.15);
// save options on axes for future reference
for (i = 0; i < options.xaxes.length; ++i) {
getOrCreateAxis(xaxes, i + 1).options = options.xaxes[i];
for (i = 0; i < options.yaxes.length; ++i) {
getOrCreateAxis(yaxes, i + 1).options = options.yaxes[i];
//process boxPosition options used for axis.box size
$.each(allAxes(), function(_, axis) {
axis.boxPosition = axis.options.boxPosition || {centerX: 0, centerY: 0};
// add hooks from options
for (var n in hooks) {
if (options.hooks[n] && options.hooks[n].length) {
hooks[n] = hooks[n].concat(options.hooks[n]);
executeHooks(hooks.processOptions, [options]);
function setData(d) {
var oldseries = series;
series = parseData(d);
function parseData(d) {
var res = [];
for (var i = 0; i < d.length; ++i) {
var s = $.extend(true, {}, options.series);
if (d[i].data != null) {
s.data = d[i].data; // move the data instead of deep-copy
delete d[i].data;
$.extend(true, s, d[i]);
d[i].data = s.data;
} else {
s.data = d[i];
return res;
function axisNumber(obj, coord) {
var a = obj[coord + "axis"];
if (typeof a === "object") {
// if we got a real axis, extract number
a = a.n;
if (typeof a !== "number") {
a = 1; // default to first axis
return a;
function allAxes() {
// return flat array without annoying null entries
return xaxes.concat(yaxes).filter(function(a) {
return a;
// canvas to axis for cartesian axes
function canvasToCartesianAxisCoords(pos) {
// return an object with x/y corresponding to all used axes
var res = {},
i, axis;
for (i = 0; i < xaxes.length; ++i) {
axis = xaxes[i];
if (axis && axis.used) {
res["x" + axis.n] = axis.c2p(pos.left);
for (i = 0; i < yaxes.length; ++i) {
axis = yaxes[i];
if (axis && axis.used) {
res["y" + axis.n] = axis.c2p(pos.top);
if (res.x1 !== undefined) {
res.x = res.x1;
if (res.y1 !== undefined) {
res.y = res.y1;
return res;
// axis to canvas for cartesian axes
function cartesianAxisToCanvasCoords(pos) {
// get canvas coords from the first pair of x/y found in pos
var res = {},
i, axis, key;
for (i = 0; i < xaxes.length; ++i) {
axis = xaxes[i];
if (axis && axis.used) {
key = "x" + axis.n;
if (pos[key] == null && axis.n === 1) {
key = "x";
if (pos[key] != null) {
res.left = axis.p2c(pos[key]);
for (i = 0; i < yaxes.length; ++i) {
axis = yaxes[i];
if (axis && axis.used) {
key = "y" + axis.n;
if (pos[key] == null && axis.n === 1) {
key = "y";
if (pos[key] != null) {
res.top = axis.p2c(pos[key]);
return res;
function getOrCreateAxis(axes, number) {
if (!axes[number - 1]) {
axes[number - 1] = {
n: number, // save the number for future reference
direction: axes === xaxes ? "x" : "y",
options: $.extend(true, {}, axes === xaxes ? options.xaxis : options.yaxis)
return axes[number - 1];
function fillInSeriesOptions() {
var neededColors = series.length,
maxIndex = -1,
// Subtract the number of series that already have fixed colors or
// color indexes from the number that we still need to generate.
for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
var sc = series[i].color;
if (sc != null) {
if (typeof sc === "number" && sc > maxIndex) {
maxIndex = sc;
// If any of the series have fixed color indexes, then we need to
// generate at least as many colors as the highest index.
if (neededColors <= maxIndex) {
neededColors = maxIndex + 1;
// Generate all the colors, using first the option colors and then
// variations on those colors once they're exhausted.
var c, colors = [],
colorPool = options.colors,
colorPoolSize = colorPool.length,
variation = 0,
definedColors = Math.max(0, series.length - neededColors);
for (i = 0; i < neededColors; i++) {
c = $.color.parse(colorPool[(definedColors + i) % colorPoolSize] || "#666");
// Each time we exhaust the colors in the pool we adjust
// a scaling factor used to produce more variations on
// those colors. The factor alternates negative/positive
// to produce lighter/darker colors.
// Reset the variation after every few cycles, or else
// it will end up producing only white or black colors.
if (i % colorPoolSize === 0 && i) {
if (variation >= 0) {
if (variation < 0.5) {
variation = -variation - 0.2;
} else variation = 0;
} else variation = -variation;
colors[i] = c.scale('rgb', 1 + variation);
// Finalize the series options, filling in their colors
var colori = 0,
for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
s = series[i];
// assign colors
if (s.color == null) {
s.color = colors[colori].toString();
} else if (typeof s.color === "number") {
s.color = colors[s.color].toString();
// turn on lines automatically in case nothing is set
if (s.lines.show == null) {
var v, show = true;
for (v in s) {
if (s[v] && s[v].show) {
show = false;
if (show) {
s.lines.show = true;
// If nothing was provided for lines.zero, default it to match
// lines.fill, since areas by default should extend to zero.
if (s.lines.zero == null) {
s.lines.zero = !!s.lines.fill;
// setup axes
s.xaxis = getOrCreateAxis(xaxes, axisNumber(s, "x"));
s.yaxis = getOrCreateAxis(yaxes, axisNumber(s, "y"));
function processData(prevSeries) {
var topSentry = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
bottomSentry = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
i, j, k, m,
s, points, ps, val, f, p,
data, format;
function updateAxis(axis, min, max) {
if (min < axis.datamin && min !== -Infinity) {
axis.datamin = min;
if (max > axis.datamax && max !== Infinity) {
axis.datamax = max;
function reusePoints(prevSeries, i) {
if (prevSeries && prevSeries[i] && prevSeries[i].datapoints && prevSeries[i].datapoints.points) {
return prevSeries[i].datapoints.points;
return [];
$.each(allAxes(), function(_, axis) {
// init axis
if (axis.options.growOnly !== true) {
axis.datamin = topSentry;
axis.datamax = bottomSentry;
} else {
if (axis.datamin === undefined) {
axis.datamin = topSentry;
if (axis.datamax === undefined) {
axis.datamax = bottomSentry;
axis.used = false;
for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
s = series[i];
s.datapoints = {
points: []
if (s.datapoints.points.length === 0) {
s.datapoints.points = reusePoints(prevSeries, i);
executeHooks(hooks.processRawData, [s, s.data, s.datapoints]);
// first pass: clean and copy data
for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
s = series[i];
data = s.data;
format = s.datapoints.format;
if (!format) {
format = [];
// find out how to copy
x: true,
y: false,
number: true,
required: true,
computeRange: s.xaxis.options.autoScale !== 'none',
defaultValue: null
x: false,
y: true,
number: true,
required: true,
computeRange: s.yaxis.options.autoScale !== 'none',
defaultValue: null
if (s.stack || s.bars.show || (s.lines.show && s.lines.fill)) {
var expectedPs = s.datapoints.pointsize != null ? s.datapoints.pointsize : (s.data && s.data[0] && s.data[0].length ? s.data[0].length : 3);
if (expectedPs > 2) {
x: false,
y: true,
number: true,
required: false,
computeRange: s.yaxis.options.autoScale !== 'none',
defaultValue: 0
s.datapoints.format = format;
s.xaxis.used = s.yaxis.used = true;
if (s.datapoints.pointsize != null) continue; // already filled in
s.datapoints.pointsize = format.length;
ps = s.datapoints.pointsize;
points = s.datapoints.points;
var insertSteps = s.lines.show && s.lines.steps;
for (j = k = 0; j < data.length; ++j, k += ps) {
p = data[j];
var nullify = p == null;
if (!nullify) {
for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m) {
val = p[m];
f = format[m];
if (f) {
if (f.number && val != null) {
val = +val; // convert to number
if (isNaN(val)) {
val = null;
if (val == null) {
if (f.required) nullify = true;
if (f.defaultValue != null) val = f.defaultValue;
points[k + m] = val;
if (nullify) {
for (m = 0; m < ps; ++m) {
val = points[k + m];
if (val != null) {
f = format[m];
// extract min/max info
if (f.computeRange) {
if (f.x) {
updateAxis(s.xaxis, val, val);
if (f.y) {
updateAxis(s.yaxis, val, val);
points[k + m] = null;
points.length = k; //trims the internal buffer to the correct length
// give the hooks a chance to run
for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
s = series[i];
executeHooks(hooks.processDatapoints, [s, s.datapoints]);
// second pass: find datamax/datamin for auto-scaling
for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
s = series[i];
format = s.datapoints.format;
if (format.every(function (f) { return !f.computeRange; })) {
var range = plot.adjustSeriesDataRange(s,
executeHooks(hooks.adjustSeriesDataRange, [s, range]);
updateAxis(s.xaxis, range.xmin, range.xmax);
updateAxis(s.yaxis, range.ymin, range.ymax);
$.each(allAxes(), function(_, axis) {
if (axis.datamin === topSentry) {
axis.datamin = null;
if (axis.datamax === bottomSentry) {
axis.datamax = null;
function setupCanvases() {
// Make sure the placeholder is clear of everything except canvases
// from a previous plot in this container that we'll try to re-use.
placeholder.css("padding", 0) // padding messes up the positioning
.children().filter(function() {
return !$(this).hasClass("flot-overlay") && !$(this).hasClass('flot-base');
if (placeholder.css("position") === 'static') {
placeholder.css("position", "relative"); // for positioning labels and overlay
surface = new Canvas("flot-base", placeholder[0]);
overlay = new Canvas("flot-overlay", placeholder[0]); // overlay canvas for interactive features
ctx = surface.context;
octx = overlay.context;
// define which element we're listening for events on
eventHolder = $(overlay.element).unbind();
// If we're re-using a plot object, shut down the old one
var existing = placeholder.data("plot");
if (existing) {
// save in case we get replotted
placeholder.data("plot", plot);
function bindEvents() {
executeHooks(hooks.bindEvents, [eventHolder]);
function addEventHandler(event, handler, eventHolder, priority) {
var key = eventHolder + event;
var eventList = eventManager[key] || [];
eventList.push({"event": event, "handler": handler, "eventHolder": eventHolder, "priority": priority});
eventList.sort((a, b) => b.priority - a.priority );
eventList.forEach( eventData => {
eventData.eventHolder.unbind(eventData.event, eventData.handler);
eventData.eventHolder.bind(eventData.event, eventData.handler);
eventManager[key] = eventList;
function shutdown() {
if (redrawTimeout) {
executeHooks(hooks.shutdown, [eventHolder]);
function setTransformationHelpers(axis) {
// set helper functions on the axis, assumes plot area
// has been computed already
function identity(x) {
return x;
var s, m, t = axis.options.transform || identity,
it = axis.options.inverseTransform;
// precompute how much the axis is scaling a point
// in canvas space
if (axis.direction === "x") {
if (isFinite(t(axis.max) - t(axis.min))) {
s = axis.scale = plotWidth / Math.abs(t(axis.max) - t(axis.min));
} else {
s = axis.scale = 1 / Math.abs($.plot.saturated.delta(t(axis.min), t(axis.max), plotWidth));
m = Math.min(t(axis.max), t(axis.min));
} else {
if (isFinite(t(axis.max) - t(axis.min))) {
s = axis.scale = plotHeight / Math.abs(t(axis.max) - t(axis.min));
} else {
s = axis.scale = 1 / Math.abs($.plot.saturated.delta(t(axis.min), t(axis.max), plotHeight));
s = -s;
m = Math.max(t(axis.max), t(axis.min));
// data point to canvas coordinate
if (t === identity) {
// slight optimization
axis.p2c = function(p) {
if (isFinite(p - m)) {
return (p - m) * s;
} else {
return (p / 4 - m / 4) * s * 4;
} else {
axis.p2c = function(p) {
var tp = t(p);
if (isFinite(tp - m)) {
return (tp - m) * s;
} else {
return (tp / 4 - m / 4) * s * 4;
// canvas coordinate to data point
if (!it) {
axis.c2p = function(c) {
return m + c / s;
} else {
axis.c2p = function(c) {
return it(m + c / s);
function measureTickLabels(axis) {
var opts = axis.options,
ticks = opts.showTickLabels !== 'none' && axis.ticks ? axis.ticks : [],
showMajorTickLabels = opts.showTickLabels === 'major' || opts.showTickLabels === 'all',
showEndpointsTickLabels = opts.showTickLabels === 'endpoints' || opts.showTickLabels === 'all',
labelWidth = opts.labelWidth || 0,
labelHeight = opts.labelHeight || 0,
legacyStyles = axis.direction + "Axis " + axis.direction + axis.n + "Axis",
layer = "flot-" + axis.direction + "-axis flot-" + axis.direction + axis.n + "-axis " + legacyStyles,
font = opts.font || "flot-tick-label tickLabel";
for (var i = 0; i < ticks.length; ++i) {
var t = ticks[i];
var label = t.label;
if (!t.label ||
(showMajorTickLabels === false && i > 0 && i < ticks.length - 1) ||
(showEndpointsTickLabels === false && (i === 0 || i === ticks.length - 1))) {
if (typeof t.label === 'object') {
label = t.label.name;
var info = surface.getTextInfo(layer, label, font);
labelWidth = Math.max(labelWidth, info.width);
labelHeight = Math.max(labelHeight, info.height);
axis.labelWidth = opts.labelWidth || labelWidth;
axis.labelHeight = opts.labelHeight || labelHeight;
function allocateAxisBoxFirstPhase(axis) {
// find the bounding box of the axis by looking at label
// widths/heights and ticks, make room by diminishing the
// plotOffset; this first phase only looks at one
// dimension per axis, the other dimension depends on the
// other axes so will have to wait
// here reserve additional space
executeHooks(hooks.axisReserveSpace, [axis]);
var lw = axis.labelWidth,
lh = axis.labelHeight,
pos = axis.options.position,
isXAxis = axis.direction === "x",
tickLength = axis.options.tickLength,
showTicks = axis.options.showTicks,
showMinorTicks = axis.options.showMinorTicks,
gridLines = axis.options.gridLines,
axisMargin = options.grid.axisMargin,
padding = options.grid.labelMargin,
innermost = true,
outermost = true,
found = false;
// Determine the axis's position in its direction and on its side
$.each(isXAxis ? xaxes : yaxes, function(i, a) {
if (a && (a.show || a.reserveSpace)) {
if (a === axis) {
found = true;
} else if (a.options.position === pos) {
if (found) {
outermost = false;
} else {
innermost = false;
// The outermost axis on each side has no margin
if (outermost) {
axisMargin = 0;
// Set the default tickLength if necessary
if (tickLength == null) {
// By default, major tick marks are visible
if (showTicks == null) {
showTicks = true;
// By default, minor tick marks are visible
if (showMinorTicks == null) {
showMinorTicks = true;
// By default, grid lines are visible
if (gridLines == null) {
if (innermost) {
gridLines = true;
} else {
gridLines = false;
if (!isNaN(+tickLength)) {
padding += showTicks ? +tickLength : 0;
if (isXAxis) {
lh += padding;
if (pos === "bottom") {
plotOffset.bottom += lh + axisMargin;
axis.box = {
top: surface.height - plotOffset.bottom,
height: lh
} else {
axis.box = {
top: plotOffset.top + axisMargin,
height: lh
plotOffset.top += lh + axisMargin;
} else {
lw += padding;
if (pos === "left") {
axis.box = {
left: plotOffset.left + axisMargin,
width: lw
plotOffset.left += lw + axisMargin;
} else {
plotOffset.right += lw + axisMargin;
axis.box = {
left: surface.width - plotOffset.right,
width: lw
// save for future reference
axis.position = pos;
axis.tickLength = tickLength;
axis.showMinorTicks = showMinorTicks;
axis.showTicks = showTicks;
axis.gridLines = gridLines;
axis.box.padding = padding;
axis.innermost = innermost;
function allocateAxisBoxSecondPhase(axis) {
// now that all axis boxes have been placed in one
// dimension, we can set the remaining dimension coordinates
if (axis.direction === "x") {
axis.box.left = plotOffset.left - axis.labelWidth / 2;
axis.box.width = surface.width - plotOffset.left - plotOffset.right + axis.labelWidth;
} else {
axis.box.top = plotOffset.top - axis.labelHeight / 2;
axis.box.height = surface.height - plotOffset.bottom - plotOffset.top + axis.labelHeight;
function adjustLayoutForThingsStickingOut() {
// possibly adjust plot offset to ensure everything stays
// inside the canvas and isn't clipped off
var minMargin = options.grid.minBorderMargin,
// check stuff from the plot (FIXME: this should just read
// a value from the series, otherwise it's impossible to
// customize)
if (minMargin == null) {
minMargin = 0;
for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
minMargin = Math.max(minMargin, 2 * (series[i].points.radius + series[i].points.lineWidth / 2));
var a, offset = {},
margins = {
left: minMargin,
right: minMargin,
top: minMargin,
bottom: minMargin
// check axis labels, note we don't check the actual
// labels but instead use the overall width/height to not
// jump as much around with replots
$.each(allAxes(), function(_, axis) {
if (axis.reserveSpace && axis.ticks && axis.ticks.length) {
if (axis.direction === "x") {
margins.left = Math.max(margins.left, axis.labelWidth / 2);
margins.right = Math.max(margins.right, axis.labelWidth / 2);
} else {
margins.bottom = Math.max(margins.bottom, axis.labelHeight / 2);
margins.top = Math.max(margins.top, axis.labelHeight / 2);
for (a in margins) {
offset[a] = margins[a] - plotOffset[a];
$.each(xaxes.concat(yaxes), function(_, axis) {
alignAxisWithGrid(axis, offset, function (offset) {
return offset > 0;
plotOffset.left = Math.ceil(Math.max(margins.left, plotOffset.left));
plotOffset.right = Math.ceil(Math.max(margins.right, plotOffset.right));
plotOffset.top = Math.ceil(Math.max(margins.top, plotOffset.top));
plotOffset.bottom = Math.ceil(Math.max(margins.bottom, plotOffset.bottom));
function alignAxisWithGrid(axis, offset, isValid) {
if (axis.direction === "x") {
if (axis.position === "bottom" && isValid(offset.bottom)) {
axis.box.top -= Math.ceil(offset.bottom);
if (axis.position === "top" && isValid(offset.top)) {
axis.box.top += Math.ceil(offset.top);
} else {
if (axis.position === "left" && isValid(offset.left)) {
axis.box.left += Math.ceil(offset.left);
if (axis.position === "right" && isValid(offset.right)) {
axis.box.left -= Math.ceil(offset.right);
function setupGrid(autoScale) {
var i, a, axes = allAxes(),
showGrid = options.grid.show;
// Initialize the plot's offset from the edge of the canvas
for (a in plotOffset) {
plotOffset[a] = 0;
executeHooks(hooks.processOffset, [plotOffset]);
// If the grid is visible, add its border width to the offset
for (a in plotOffset) {
if (typeof (options.grid.borderWidth) === "object") {
plotOffset[a] += showGrid ? options.grid.borderWidth[a] : 0;
} else {
plotOffset[a] += showGrid ? options.grid.borderWidth : 0;
$.each(axes, function(_, axis) {
var axisOpts = axis.options;
axis.show = axisOpts.show == null ? axis.used : axisOpts.show;
axis.reserveSpace = axisOpts.reserveSpace == null ? axis.show : axisOpts.reserveSpace;
executeHooks(hooks.setRange, [axis, autoScale]);
setRange(axis, autoScale);
if (showGrid) {
plotWidth = surface.width - plotOffset.left - plotOffset.right;
plotHeight = surface.height - plotOffset.bottom - plotOffset.top;
var allocatedAxes = $.grep(axes, function(axis) {
return axis.show || axis.reserveSpace;
$.each(allocatedAxes, function(_, axis) {
// make the ticks
snapRangeToTicks(axis, axis.ticks);
//for computing the endpoints precision, transformationHelpers are needed
setEndpointTicks(axis, series);
// find labelWidth/Height for axis
// with all dimensions calculated, we can compute the
// axis bounding boxes, start from the outside
// (reverse order)
for (i = allocatedAxes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
// make sure we've got enough space for things that
// might stick out
$.each(allocatedAxes, function(_, axis) {
//adjust axis and plotOffset according to grid.margins
if (options.grid.margin) {
for (a in plotOffset) {
var margin = options.grid.margin || 0;
plotOffset[a] += typeof margin === "number" ? margin : (margin[a] || 0);
$.each(xaxes.concat(yaxes), function(_, axis) {
alignAxisWithGrid(axis, options.grid.margin, function(offset) {
return offset !== undefined && offset !== null;
//after adjusting the axis, plot width and height will be modified
plotWidth = surface.width - plotOffset.left - plotOffset.right;
plotHeight = surface.height - plotOffset.bottom - plotOffset.top;
// now we got the proper plot dimensions, we can compute the scaling
$.each(axes, function(_, axis) {
if (showGrid) {
executeHooks(hooks.setupGrid, []);
function widenMinMax(minimum, maximum) {
var min = (minimum === undefined ? null : minimum);
var max = (maximum === undefined ? null : maximum);
var delta = max - min;
if (delta === 0.0) {
// degenerate case
var widen = max === 0 ? 1 : 0.01;
var wmin = null;
if (min == null) {
wmin -= widen;
// always widen max if we couldn't widen min to ensure we
// don't fall into min == max which doesn't work
if (max == null || min != null) {
max += widen;
if (wmin != null) {
min = wmin;
return {
min: min,
max: max
function autoScaleAxis(axis) {
var opts = axis.options,
min = opts.min,
max = opts.max,
datamin = axis.datamin,
datamax = axis.datamax,
switch (opts.autoScale) {
case "none":
min = +(opts.min != null ? opts.min : datamin);
max = +(opts.max != null ? opts.max : datamax);
case "loose":
if (datamin != null && datamax != null) {
min = datamin;
max = datamax;
delta = $.plot.saturated.saturate(max - min);
var margin = ((typeof opts.autoScaleMargin === 'number') ? opts.autoScaleMargin : 0.02);
min = $.plot.saturated.saturate(min - delta * margin);
max = $.plot.saturated.saturate(max + delta * margin);
// make sure we don't go below zero if all values are positive
if (min < 0 && datamin >= 0) {
min = 0;
} else {
min = opts.min;
max = opts.max;
case "exact":
min = (datamin != null ? datamin : opts.min);
max = (datamax != null ? datamax : opts.max);
case "sliding-window":
if (datamax > max) {
// move the window to fit the new data,
// keeping the axis range constant
max = datamax;
min = Math.max(datamax - (opts.windowSize || 100), min);
var widenedMinMax = widenMinMax(min, max);
min = widenedMinMax.min;
max = widenedMinMax.max;
// grow loose or grow exact supported
if (opts.growOnly === true && opts.autoScale !== "none" && opts.autoScale !== "sliding-window") {
min = (min < datamin) ? min : (datamin !== null ? datamin : min);
max = (max > datamax) ? max : (datamax !== null ? datamax : max);
axis.autoScaledMin = min;
axis.autoScaledMax = max;
function setRange(axis, autoScale) {
var min = typeof axis.options.min === 'number' ? axis.options.min : axis.min,
max = typeof axis.options.max === 'number' ? axis.options.max : axis.max,
plotOffset = axis.options.offset;
if (autoScale) {
min = axis.autoScaledMin;
max = axis.autoScaledMax;
min = (min != null ? min : -1) + (plotOffset.below || 0);
max = (max != null ? max : 1) + (plotOffset.above || 0);
if (min > max) {
var tmp = min;
min = max;
max = tmp;
axis.options.offset = { above: 0, below: 0 };
axis.min = $.plot.saturated.saturate(min);
axis.max = $.plot.saturated.saturate(max);
function computeValuePrecision (min, max, direction, ticks, tickDecimals) {
var noTicks = fixupNumberOfTicks(direction, surface, ticks);
var delta = $.plot.saturated.delta(min, max, noTicks),
dec = -Math.floor(Math.log(delta) / Math.LN10);
//if it is called with tickDecimals, then the precision should not be greather then that
if (tickDecimals && dec > tickDecimals) {
dec = tickDecimals;
var magn = Math.pow(10, -dec),
norm = delta / magn;
if (norm > 2.25 && norm < 3 && (dec + 1) <= tickDecimals) {
//we need an extra decimals when tickSize is 2.5
return isFinite(dec) ? dec : 0;
function computeTickSize (min, max, noTicks, tickDecimals) {
var delta = $.plot.saturated.delta(min, max, noTicks),
dec = -Math.floor(Math.log(delta) / Math.LN10);
//if it is called with tickDecimals, then the precision should not be greather then that
if (tickDecimals && dec > tickDecimals) {
dec = tickDecimals;
var magn = Math.pow(10, -dec),
norm = delta / magn, // norm is between 1.0 and 10.0
if (norm < 1.5) {
size = 1;
} else if (norm < 3) {
size = 2;
if (norm > 2.25 && (tickDecimals == null || (dec + 1) <= tickDecimals)) {
size = 2.5;
} else if (norm < 7.5) {
size = 5;
} else {
size = 10;
size *= magn;
return size;
function getAxisTickSize(min, max, direction, options, tickDecimals) {
var noTicks;
if (typeof options.ticks === "number" && options.ticks > 0) {
noTicks = options.ticks;
} else {
// heuristic based on the model a*sqrt(x) fitted to
// some data points that seemed reasonable
noTicks = 0.3 * Math.sqrt(direction === "x" ? surface.width : surface.height);
var size = computeTickSize(min, max, noTicks, tickDecimals);
if (options.minTickSize != null && size < options.minTickSize) {
size = options.minTickSize;
return options.tickSize || size;
function fixupNumberOfTicks(direction, surface, ticksOption) {
var noTicks;
if (typeof ticksOption === "number" && ticksOption > 0) {
noTicks = ticksOption;
} else {
noTicks = 0.3 * Math.sqrt(direction === "x" ? surface.width : surface.height);
return noTicks;
function setupTickFormatter(axis) {
var opts = axis.options;
if (!axis.tickFormatter) {
if (typeof opts.tickFormatter === 'function') {
axis.tickFormatter = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return "" + opts.tickFormatter.apply(null, args);
} else {
axis.tickFormatter = defaultTickFormatter;
function setupTickGeneration(axis) {
var opts = axis.options;
var noTicks;
noTicks = fixupNumberOfTicks(axis.direction, surface, opts.ticks);
axis.delta = $.plot.saturated.delta(axis.min, axis.max, noTicks);
var precision = plot.computeValuePrecision(axis.min, axis.max, axis.direction, noTicks, opts.tickDecimals);
axis.tickDecimals = Math.max(0, opts.tickDecimals != null ? opts.tickDecimals : precision);
axis.tickSize = getAxisTickSize(axis.min, axis.max, axis.direction, opts, opts.tickDecimals);
// Flot supports base-10 axes; any other mode else is handled by a plug-in,
// like flot.time.js.
if (!axis.tickGenerator) {
if (typeof opts.tickGenerator === 'function') {
axis.tickGenerator = opts.tickGenerator;
} else {
axis.tickGenerator = defaultTickGenerator;
if (opts.alignTicksWithAxis != null) {
var otherAxis = (axis.direction === "x" ? xaxes : yaxes)[opts.alignTicksWithAxis - 1];
if (otherAxis && otherAxis.used && otherAxis !== axis) {
// consider snapping min/max to outermost nice ticks
var niceTicks = axis.tickGenerator(axis, plot);
if (niceTicks.length > 0) {
if (opts.min == null) {
axis.min = Math.min(axis.min, niceTicks[0]);
if (opts.max == null && niceTicks.length > 1) {
axis.max = Math.max(axis.max, niceTicks[niceTicks.length - 1]);
axis.tickGenerator = function(axis) {
// copy ticks, scaled to this axis
var ticks = [],
v, i;
for (i = 0; i < otherAxis.ticks.length; ++i) {
v = (otherAxis.ticks[i].v - otherAxis.min) / (otherAxis.max - otherAxis.min);
v = axis.min + v * (axis.max - axis.min);
return ticks;
// we might need an extra decimal since forced
// ticks don't necessarily fit naturally
if (!axis.mode && opts.tickDecimals == null) {
var extraDec = Math.max(0, -Math.floor(Math.log(axis.delta) / Math.LN10) + 1),
ts = axis.tickGenerator(axis, plot);
// only proceed if the tick interval rounded
// with an extra decimal doesn't give us a
// zero at end
if (!(ts.length > 1 && /\..*0$/.test((ts[1] - ts[0]).toFixed(extraDec)))) {
axis.tickDecimals = extraDec;
function setMajorTicks(axis) {
var oticks = axis.options.ticks,
ticks = [];
if (oticks == null || (typeof oticks === "number" && oticks > 0)) {
ticks = axis.tickGenerator(axis, plot);
} else if (oticks) {
if ($.isFunction(oticks)) {
// generate the ticks
ticks = oticks(axis);
} else {
ticks = oticks;
// clean up/labelify the supplied ticks, copy them over
var i, v;
axis.ticks = [];
for (i = 0; i < ticks.length; ++i) {
var label = null;
var t = ticks[i];
if (typeof t === "object") {
v = +t[0];
if (t.length > 1) {
label = t[1];
} else {
v = +t;
if (!isNaN(v)) {
newTick(v, label, axis, 'major'));
function newTick(v, label, axis, type) {
if (label === null) {
switch (type) {
case 'min':
case 'max':
//improving the precision of endpoints
var precision = getEndpointPrecision(v, axis);
label = isFinite(precision) ? axis.tickFormatter(v, axis, precision, plot) : axis.tickFormatter(v, axis, precision, plot);
case 'major':
label = axis.tickFormatter(v, axis, undefined, plot);
return {
v: v,
label: label
function snapRangeToTicks(axis, ticks) {
if (axis.options.autoScale === "loose" && ticks.length > 0) {
// snap to ticks
axis.min = Math.min(axis.min, ticks[0].v);
axis.max = Math.max(axis.max, ticks[ticks.length - 1].v);
function getEndpointPrecision(value, axis) {
var canvas1 = Math.floor(axis.p2c(value)),
canvas2 = axis.direction === "x" ? canvas1 + 1 : canvas1 - 1,
point1 = axis.c2p(canvas1),
point2 = axis.c2p(canvas2),
precision = computeValuePrecision(point1, point2, axis.direction, 1);
return precision;
function setEndpointTicks(axis, series) {
if (isValidEndpointTick(axis, series)) {
axis.ticks.unshift(newTick(axis.min, null, axis, 'min'));
axis.ticks.push(newTick(axis.max, null, axis, 'max'));
function isValidEndpointTick(axis, series) {
if (axis.options.showTickLabels === 'endpoints') {
return true;
if (axis.options.showTickLabels === 'all') {
var associatedSeries = series.filter(function(s) {
return s.xaxis === axis;
notAllBarSeries = associatedSeries.some(function(s) {
return !s.bars.show;
return associatedSeries.length === 0 || notAllBarSeries;
if (axis.options.showTickLabels === 'major' || axis.options.showTickLabels === 'none') {
return false;
function draw() {
executeHooks(hooks.drawBackground, [ctx]);
var grid = options.grid;
// draw background, if any
if (grid.show && grid.backgroundColor) {
if (grid.show && !grid.aboveData) {
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
executeHooks(hooks.drawSeries, [ctx, series[i], i, getColorOrGradient]);
executeHooks(hooks.draw, [ctx]);
if (grid.show && grid.aboveData) {
// A draw implies that either the axes or data have changed, so we
// should probably update the overlay highlights as well.
function extractRange(ranges, coord) {
var axis, from, to, key, axes = allAxes();
for (var i = 0; i < axes.length; ++i) {
axis = axes[i];
if (axis.direction === coord) {
key = coord + axis.n + "axis";
if (!ranges[key] && axis.n === 1) {
// support x1axis as xaxis
key = coord + "axis";
if (ranges[key]) {
from = ranges[key].from;
to = ranges[key].to;
// backwards-compat stuff - to be removed in future
if (!ranges[key]) {
axis = coord === "x" ? xaxes[0] : yaxes[0];
from = ranges[coord + "1"];
to = ranges[coord + "2"];
// auto-reverse as an added bonus
if (from != null && to != null && from > to) {
var tmp = from;
from = to;
to = tmp;
return {
from: from,
to: to,
axis: axis
function drawBackground() {
ctx.translate(plotOffset.left, plotOffset.top);
ctx.fillStyle = getColorOrGradient(options.grid.backgroundColor, plotHeight, 0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)");
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, plotWidth, plotHeight);
function drawMarkings() {
// draw markings
var markings = options.grid.markings,
if (markings) {
if ($.isFunction(markings)) {
axes = plot.getAxes();
// xmin etc. is backwards compatibility, to be
// removed in the future
axes.xmin = axes.xaxis.min;
axes.xmax = axes.xaxis.max;
axes.ymin = axes.yaxis.min;
axes.ymax = axes.yaxis.max;
markings = markings(axes);
var i;
for (i = 0; i < markings.length; ++i) {
var m = markings[i],
xrange = extractRange(m, "x"),
yrange = extractRange(m, "y");
// fill in missing
if (xrange.from == null) {
xrange.from = xrange.axis.min;
if (xrange.to == null) {
xrange.to = xrange.axis.max;
if (yrange.from == null) {
yrange.from = yrange.axis.min;
if (yrange.to == null) {
yrange.to = yrange.axis.max;
// clip
if (xrange.to < xrange.axis.min || xrange.from > xrange.axis.max ||
yrange.to < yrange.axis.min || yrange.from > yrange.axis.max) {
xrange.from = Math.max(xrange.from, xrange.axis.min);
xrange.to = Math.min(xrange.to, xrange.axis.max);
yrange.from = Math.max(yrange.from, yrange.axis.min);
yrange.to = Math.min(yrange.to, yrange.axis.max);
var xequal = xrange.from === xrange.to,
yequal = yrange.from === yrange.to;
if (xequal && yequal) {
// then draw
xrange.from = Math.floor(xrange.axis.p2c(xrange.from));
xrange.to = Math.floor(xrange.axis.p2c(xrange.to));
yrange.from = Math.floor(yrange.axis.p2c(yrange.from));
yrange.to = Math.floor(yrange.axis.p2c(yrange.to));
if (xequal || yequal) {
var lineWidth = m.lineWidth || options.grid.markingsLineWidth,
subPixel = lineWidth % 2 ? 0.5 : 0;
ctx.strokeStyle = m.color || options.grid.markingsColor;
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
if (xequal) {
ctx.moveTo(xrange.to + subPixel, yrange.from);
ctx.lineTo(xrange.to + subPixel, yrange.to);
} else {
ctx.moveTo(xrange.from, yrange.to + subPixel);
ctx.lineTo(xrange.to, yrange.to + subPixel);
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = m.color || options.grid.markingsColor;
ctx.fillRect(xrange.from, yrange.to,
xrange.to - xrange.from,
yrange.from - yrange.to);
function findEdges(axis) {
var box = axis.box,
x = 0,
y = 0;
// find the edges
if (axis.direction === "x") {
x = 0;
y = box.top - plotOffset.top + (axis.position === "top" ? box.height : 0);
} else {
y = 0;
x = box.left - plotOffset.left + (axis.position === "left" ? box.width : 0) + axis.boxPosition.centerX;
return {
x: x,
y: y
function alignPosition(lineWidth, pos) {
return ((lineWidth % 2) !== 0) ? Math.floor(pos) + 0.5 : pos;
function drawTickBar(axis) {
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
var edges = findEdges(axis),
x = edges.x,
y = edges.y;
// draw tick bar
if (axis.show) {
var xoff = 0,
yoff = 0;
ctx.strokeStyle = axis.options.color;
if (axis.direction === "x") {
xoff = plotWidth + 1;
} else {
yoff = plotHeight + 1;
if (axis.direction === "x") {
y = alignPosition(ctx.lineWidth, y);
} else {
x = alignPosition(ctx.lineWidth, x);
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + xoff, y + yoff);
function drawTickMarks(axis) {
var t = axis.tickLength,
minorTicks = axis.showMinorTicks,
edges = findEdges(axis),
x = edges.x,
y = edges.y,
i = 0;
// draw major tick marks
ctx.strokeStyle = axis.options.color;
for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
var v = axis.ticks[i].v,
xoff = 0,
yoff = 0,
xminor = 0,
yminor = 0,
if (!isNaN(v) && v >= axis.min && v <= axis.max) {
if (axis.direction === "x") {
x = axis.p2c(v);
yoff = t;
if (axis.position === "top") {
yoff = -yoff;
} else {
y = axis.p2c(v);
xoff = t;
if (axis.position === "left") {
xoff = -xoff;
if (axis.direction === "x") {
x = alignPosition(ctx.lineWidth, x);
} else {
y = alignPosition(ctx.lineWidth, y);
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + xoff, y + yoff);
//draw minor tick marks
if (minorTicks === true && i < axis.ticks.length - 1) {
var v1 = axis.ticks[i].v,
v2 = axis.ticks[i + 1].v,
step = (v2 - v1) / (minorTicksNr + 1);
for (j = 1; j <= minorTicksNr; j++) {
// compute minor tick position
if (axis.direction === "x") {
yminor = t / 2; // minor ticks are half length
x = alignPosition(ctx.lineWidth, axis.p2c(v1 + j * step))
if (axis.position === "top") {
yminor = -yminor;
// don't go over the plot borders
if ((x < 0) || (x > plotWidth)) {
} else {
xminor = t / 2; // minor ticks are half length
y = alignPosition(ctx.lineWidth, axis.p2c(v1 + j * step));
if (axis.position === "left") {
xminor = -xminor;
// don't go over the plot borders
if ((y < 0) || (y > plotHeight)) {
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + xminor, y + yminor);
function drawGridLines(axis) {
// check if the line will be overlapped with a border
var overlappedWithBorder = function (value) {
var bw = options.grid.borderWidth;
return (((typeof bw === "object" && bw[axis.position] > 0) || bw > 0) && (value === axis.min || value === axis.max));
ctx.strokeStyle = options.grid.tickColor;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < axis.ticks.length; ++i) {
var v = axis.ticks[i].v,
xoff = 0,
yoff = 0,
x = 0,
y = 0;
if (isNaN(v) || v < axis.min || v > axis.max) continue;
// skip those lying on the axes if we got a border
if (overlappedWithBorder(v)) continue;
if (axis.direction === "x") {
x = axis.p2c(v);
y = plotHeight;
yoff = -plotHeight;
} else {
x = 0;
y = axis.p2c(v);
xoff = plotWidth;
if (axis.direction === "x") {
x = alignPosition(ctx.lineWidth, x);
} else {
y = alignPosition(ctx.lineWidth, y);
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + xoff, y + yoff);
function drawBorder() {
// If either borderWidth or borderColor is an object, then draw the border
// line by line instead of as one rectangle
var bw = options.grid.borderWidth,
bc = options.grid.borderColor;
if (typeof bw === "object" || typeof bc === "object") {
if (typeof bw !== "object") {
bw = {
top: bw,
right: bw,
bottom: bw,
left: bw
if (typeof bc !== "object") {
bc = {
top: bc,
right: bc,
bottom: bc,
left: bc
if (bw.top > 0) {
ctx.strokeStyle = bc.top;
ctx.lineWidth = bw.top;
ctx.moveTo(0 - bw.left, 0 - bw.top / 2);
ctx.lineTo(plotWidth, 0 - bw.top / 2);
if (bw.right > 0) {
ctx.strokeStyle = bc.right;
ctx.lineWidth = bw.right;
ctx.moveTo(plotWidth + bw.right / 2, 0 - bw.top);
ctx.lineTo(plotWidth + bw.right / 2, plotHeight);
if (bw.bottom > 0) {
ctx.strokeStyle = bc.bottom;
ctx.lineWidth = bw.bottom;
ctx.moveTo(plotWidth + bw.right, plotHeight + bw.bottom / 2);
ctx.lineTo(0, plotHeight + bw.bottom / 2);
if (bw.left > 0) {
ctx.strokeStyle = bc.left;
ctx.lineWidth = bw.left;
ctx.moveTo(0 - bw.left / 2, plotHeight + bw.bottom);
ctx.lineTo(0 - bw.left / 2, 0);
} else {
ctx.lineWidth = bw;
ctx.strokeStyle = options.grid.borderColor;
ctx.strokeRect(-bw / 2, -bw / 2, plotWidth + bw, plotHeight + bw);
function drawGrid() {
var axes, bw;
ctx.translate(plotOffset.left, plotOffset.top);
axes = allAxes();
bw = options.grid.borderWidth;
for (var j = 0; j < axes.length; ++j) {
var axis = axes[j];
if (!axis.show) {
if (axis.showTicks === true) {
if (axis.gridLines === true) {
drawGridLines(axis, bw);
// draw border
if (bw) {
function drawAxisLabels() {
$.each(allAxes(), function(_, axis) {
var box = axis.box,
legacyStyles = axis.direction + "Axis " + axis.direction + axis.n + "Axis",
layer = "flot-" + axis.direction + "-axis flot-" + axis.direction + axis.n + "-axis " + legacyStyles,
font = axis.options.font || "flot-tick-label tickLabel",
i, x, y, halign, valign, info,
margin = 3,
nullBox = {x: NaN, y: NaN, width: NaN, height: NaN}, newLabelBox, labelBoxes = [],
overlapping = function(x11, y11, x12, y12, x21, y21, x22, y22) {
return ((x11 <= x21 && x21 <= x12) || (x21 <= x11 && x11 <= x22)) &&
((y11 <= y21 && y21 <= y12) || (y21 <= y11 && y11 <= y22));
overlapsOtherLabels = function(newLabelBox, previousLabelBoxes) {
return previousLabelBoxes.some(function(labelBox) {
return overlapping(
newLabelBox.x, newLabelBox.y, newLabelBox.x + newLabelBox.width, newLabelBox.y + newLabelBox.height,
labelBox.x, labelBox.y, labelBox.x + labelBox.width, labelBox.y + labelBox.height);
drawAxisLabel = function (tick, labelBoxes) {
if (!tick || !tick.label || tick.v < axis.min || tick.v > axis.max) {
return nullBox;
info = surface.getTextInfo(layer, tick.label, font);
if (axis.direction === "x") {
halign = "center";
x = plotOffset.left + axis.p2c(tick.v);
if (axis.position === "bottom") {
y = box.top + box.padding - axis.boxPosition.centerY;
} else {
y = box.top + box.height - box.padding + axis.boxPosition.centerY;
valign = "bottom";
newLabelBox = {x: x - info.width / 2 - margin, y: y - margin, width: info.width + 2 * margin, height: info.height + 2 * margin};
} else {
valign = "middle";
y = plotOffset.top + axis.p2c(tick.v);
if (axis.position === "left") {
x = box.left + box.width - box.padding - axis.boxPosition.centerX;
halign = "right";
} else {
x = box.left + box.padding + axis.boxPosition.centerX;
newLabelBox = {x: x - info.width / 2 - margin, y: y - margin, width: info.width + 2 * margin, height: info.height + 2 * margin};
if (overlapsOtherLabels(newLabelBox, labelBoxes)) {
return nullBox;
surface.addText(layer, x, y, tick.label, font, null, null, halign, valign);
return newLabelBox;
// Remove text before checking for axis.show and ticks.length;
// otherwise plugins, like flot-tickrotor, that draw their own
// tick labels will end up with both theirs and the defaults.
executeHooks(hooks.drawAxis, [axis, surface]);
if (!axis.show) {
switch (axis.options.showTickLabels) {
case 'none':
case 'endpoints':
labelBoxes.push(drawAxisLabel(axis.ticks[0], labelBoxes));
labelBoxes.push(drawAxisLabel(axis.ticks[axis.ticks.length - 1], labelBoxes));
case 'major':
labelBoxes.push(drawAxisLabel(axis.ticks[0], labelBoxes));
labelBoxes.push(drawAxisLabel(axis.ticks[axis.ticks.length - 1], labelBoxes));
for (i = 1; i < axis.ticks.length - 1; ++i) {
labelBoxes.push(drawAxisLabel(axis.ticks[i], labelBoxes));
case 'all':
labelBoxes.push(drawAxisLabel(axis.ticks[0], []));
labelBoxes.push(drawAxisLabel(axis.ticks[axis.ticks.length - 1], labelBoxes));
for (i = 1; i < axis.ticks.length - 1; ++i) {
labelBoxes.push(drawAxisLabel(axis.ticks[i], labelBoxes));
function drawSeries(series) {
if (series.lines.show) {
$.plot.drawSeries.drawSeriesLines(series, ctx, plotOffset, plotWidth, plotHeight, plot.drawSymbol, getColorOrGradient);
if (series.bars.show) {
$.plot.drawSeries.drawSeriesBars(series, ctx, plotOffset, plotWidth, plotHeight, plot.drawSymbol, getColorOrGradient);
if (series.points.show) {
$.plot.drawSeries.drawSeriesPoints(series, ctx, plotOffset, plotWidth, plotHeight, plot.drawSymbol, getColorOrGradient);
function computeRangeForDataSeries(series, force, isValid) {
var points = series.datapoints.points,
ps = series.datapoints.pointsize,
format = series.datapoints.format,
topSentry = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
bottomSentry = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
range = {
xmin: topSentry,
ymin: topSentry,
xmax: bottomSentry,
ymax: bottomSentry
for (var j = 0; j < points.length; j += ps) {
if (points[j] === null) {
if (typeof (isValid) === 'function' && !isValid(points[j])) {
for (var m = 0; m < ps; ++m) {
var val = points[j + m],
f = format[m];
if (f === null || f === undefined) {
if (typeof (isValid) === 'function' && !isValid(val)) {
if ((!force && !f.computeRange) || val === Infinity || val === -Infinity) {
if (f.x === true) {
if (val < range.xmin) {
range.xmin = val;
if (val > range.xmax) {
range.xmax = val;
if (f.y === true) {
if (val < range.ymin) {
range.ymin = val;
if (val > range.ymax) {
range.ymax = val;
return range;
function adjustSeriesDataRange(series, range) {
if (series.bars.show) {
// make sure we got room for the bar on the dancing floor
var delta;
// update bar width if needed
var useAbsoluteBarWidth = series.bars.barWidth[1];
if (series.datapoints && series.datapoints.points && !useAbsoluteBarWidth) {
var barWidth = series.bars.barWidth[0] || series.bars.barWidth;
switch (series.bars.align) {
case "left":
delta = 0;
case "right":
delta = -barWidth;
delta = -barWidth / 2;
if (series.bars.horizontal) {
range.ymin += delta;
range.ymax += delta + barWidth;
else {
range.xmin += delta;
range.xmax += delta + barWidth;
if ((series.bars.show && series.bars.zero) || (series.lines.show && series.lines.zero)) {
var ps = series.datapoints.pointsize;
// make sure the 0 point is included in the computed y range when requested
if (ps <= 2) {
/*if ps > 0 the points were already taken into account for autoScale */
range.ymin = Math.min(0, range.ymin);
range.ymax = Math.max(0, range.ymax);
return range;
function computeBarWidth(series) {
var pointsize = series.datapoints.pointsize, minDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE,
distance = series.datapoints.points[pointsize] - series.datapoints.points[0] || 1;
if (isFinite(distance)) {
minDistance = distance;
for (var j = pointsize; j < series.datapoints.points.length - pointsize; j += pointsize) {
distance = Math.abs(series.datapoints.points[pointsize + j] - series.datapoints.points[j]);
if (distance < minDistance && isFinite(distance)) {
minDistance = distance;
if (typeof series.bars.barWidth === "number") {
series.bars.barWidth = series.bars.barWidth * minDistance;
} else {
series.bars.barWidth[0] = series.bars.barWidth[0] * minDistance;
// returns the data item the mouse is over/ the cursor is closest to, or null if none is found
function findNearbyItem(mouseX, mouseY, seriesFilter, radius, computeDistance) {
var i, j,
item = null,
smallestDistance = radius * radius + 1;
for (var i = series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (!seriesFilter(i)) continue;
var s = series[i];
if (!s.datapoints) return;
if (s.lines.show || s.points.show) {
var found = findNearbyPoint(s, mouseX, mouseY, radius, smallestDistance, computeDistance);
if (found) {
smallestDistance = found.distance;
item = [i, found.dataIndex];
if (s.bars.show && !item) { // no other point can be nearby
var foundIndex = findNearbyBar(s, mouseX, mouseY);
if (foundIndex) item = [i, foundIndex];
if (item) {
i = item[0];
j = item[1];
var ps = series[i].datapoints.pointsize;
return {
datapoint: series[i].datapoints.points.slice(j * ps, (j + 1) * ps),
dataIndex: j,
series: series[i],
seriesIndex: i
return null;
function findNearbyPoint (series, mouseX, mouseY, maxDistance, smallestDistance, computeDistance) {
var mx = series.xaxis.c2p(mouseX),
my = series.yaxis.c2p(mouseY),
maxx = maxDistance / series.xaxis.scale,
maxy = maxDistance / series.yaxis.scale,
points = series.datapoints.points,
ps = series.datapoints.pointsize;
// with inverse transforms, we can't use the maxx/maxy
// optimization, sadly
if (series.xaxis.options.inverseTransform) {
maxx = Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (series.yaxis.options.inverseTransform) {
maxy = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var found = null;
for (var j = 0; j < points.length; j += ps) {
var x = points[j];
var y = points[j + 1];
if (x == null) {
if (x - mx > maxx || x - mx < -maxx ||
y - my > maxy || y - my < -maxy) {
// We have to calculate distances in pixels, not in
// data units, because the scales of the axes may be different
var dx = Math.abs(series.xaxis.p2c(x) - mouseX);
var dy = Math.abs(series.yaxis.p2c(y) - mouseY);
var dist = computeDistance ? computeDistance(dx, dy) : dx * dx + dy * dy;
// use <= to ensure last point takes precedence
// (last generally means on top of)
if (dist < smallestDistance) {
smallestDistance = dist;
found = { dataIndex: j / ps, distance: dist };
return found;
function findNearbyBar (series, mouseX, mouseY) {
var barLeft, barRight,
barWidth = series.bars.barWidth[0] || series.bars.barWidth,
mx = series.xaxis.c2p(mouseX),
my = series.yaxis.c2p(mouseY),
points = series.datapoints.points,
ps = series.datapoints.pointsize;
switch (series.bars.align) {
case "left":
barLeft = 0;
case "right":
barLeft = -barWidth;
barLeft = -barWidth / 2;
barRight = barLeft + barWidth;
var fillTowards = series.bars.fillTowards || 0;
var bottom = fillTowards > series.yaxis.min ? Math.min(series.yaxis.max, fillTowards) : series.yaxis.min;
var foundIndex = null;
for (var j = 0; j < points.length; j += ps) {
var x = points[j], y = points[j + 1];
if (x == null)
// for a bar graph, the cursor must be inside the bar
if (series.bars.horizontal ?
(mx <= Math.max(bottom, x) && mx >= Math.min(bottom, x) &&
my >= y + barLeft && my <= y + barRight) :
(mx >= x + barLeft && mx <= x + barRight &&
my >= Math.min(bottom, y) && my <= Math.max(bottom, y)))
foundIndex = j / ps;
return foundIndex;
function findNearbyInterpolationPoint(posX, posY, seriesFilter) {
var i, j, dist, dx, dy, ps,
smallestDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
if (!seriesFilter(i)) {
var points = series[i].datapoints.points;
ps = series[i].datapoints.pointsize;
// if the data is coming from positive -> negative, reverse the comparison
const comparer = points[points.length - ps] < points[0]
? function (x1, x2) { return x1 > x2 }
: function (x1, x2) { return x2 > x1 };
// do not interpolate outside the bounds of the data.
if (comparer(posX, points[0])) {
// Find the nearest points, x-wise
for (j = ps; j < points.length; j += ps) {
if (comparer(posX, points[j])) {
// Now Interpolate
var y,
p1x = points[j - ps],
p1y = points[j - ps + 1],
p2x = points[j],
p2y = points[j + 1];
if ((p1x === undefined) || (p2x === undefined) ||
(p1y === undefined) || (p2y === undefined)) {
if (p1x === p2x) {
y = p2y
} else {
y = p1y + (p2y - p1y) * (posX - p1x) / (p2x - p1x);
posY = y;
dx = Math.abs(series[i].xaxis.p2c(p2x) - posX);
dy = Math.abs(series[i].yaxis.p2c(p2y) - posY);
dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (dist < smallestDistance) {
smallestDistance = dist;
item = [posX, posY, i, j];
if (item) {
i = item[2];
j = item[3];
ps = series[i].datapoints.pointsize;
points = series[i].datapoints.points;
p1x = points[j - ps];
p1y = points[j - ps + 1];
p2x = points[j];
p2y = points[j + 1];
return {
datapoint: [item[0], item[1]],
leftPoint: [p1x, p1y],
rightPoint: [p2x, p2y],
seriesIndex: i
return null;
function triggerRedrawOverlay() {
var t = options.interaction.redrawOverlayInterval;
if (t === -1) { // skip event queue
if (!redrawTimeout) {
redrawTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, t);
function drawOverlay(plot) {
redrawTimeout = null;
if (!octx) {
executeHooks(hooks.drawOverlay, [octx, overlay]);
var event = new CustomEvent('onDrawingDone');
function getColorOrGradient(spec, bottom, top, defaultColor) {
if (typeof spec === "string") {
return spec;
} else {
// assume this is a gradient spec; IE currently only
// supports a simple vertical gradient properly, so that's
// what we support too
var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, top, 0, bottom);
for (var i = 0, l = spec.colors.length; i < l; ++i) {
var c = spec.colors[i];
if (typeof c !== "string") {
var co = $.color.parse(defaultColor);
if (c.brightness != null) {
co = co.scale('rgb', c.brightness);
if (c.opacity != null) {
co.a *= c.opacity;
c = co.toString();
gradient.addColorStop(i / (l - 1), c);
return gradient;
// Add the plot function to the top level of the jQuery object
$.plot = function(placeholder, data, options) {
var plot = new Plot($(placeholder), data, options, $.plot.plugins);
return plot;
$.plot.version = "1.0.3";
$.plot.plugins = [];
// Also add the plot function as a chainable property
$.fn.plot = function(data, options) {
return this.each(function() {
$.plot(this, data, options);
$.plot.linearTickGenerator = defaultTickGenerator;
$.plot.defaultTickFormatter = defaultTickFormatter;
$.plot.expRepTickFormatter = expRepTickFormatter;