mirror of https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/gentelella
184 lines
5.4 KiB
184 lines
5.4 KiB
![]() |
// GruntFile for building the final compiled files from the core.
// Run using NodeJS and the Grunt module
var fs = require("fs");
var dirs = {
core: "src/core",
i18n: "src/i18n",
build: "build"
var getI18NFiles = function () {
return fs.readdirSync(dirs.i18n);
var buildMinifyFileList = function (dev) {
var output_path = dev ? "" : "production/";
var output_ext = dev ? "." : ".min.";
var files = getI18NFiles();
var output = {};
var file_core_name = "date-" + item.replace(".js", "");
var dest = dirs.build + "/"+output_path + file_core_name + output_ext + "js";
output[dest] = [dirs.build + "/" + file_core_name + ".js"];
return dest;
output[dirs.build + "/"+output_path + "date"+output_ext+"js"] = [dirs.build + "/" + "date.js"];
return output;
var banner = "/** \n" +
" * @overview <%= pkg.name %>\n" +
" * @version <%= pkg.version %>\n" +
" * @author <%= pkg.author.name %> <<%= pkg.author.email %>>\n" +
" * @copyright <%= grunt.template.today('yyyy') %> <%= pkg.author.name %>\n" +
" * @license <%= pkg.license %>\n" +
" * @homepage <%= pkg.homepage %>\n" +
" */";
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Project configuration.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json"),
dirs: dirs,
build_dev: {
description: "Builds files designed for easy debugging on dev enviroments (non-minified)"
build_prod: {
description: "Builds production ready files (minified)"
closurecompiler: {
minify: {
files: buildMinifyFileList(),
options: {
"compilation_level": "SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS",
"max_processes": 5,
"banner": banner
concat: {
options: {
separator: "\n",
banner: banner,
nonull: true
core: {
src: [
"<%= dirs.core %>/i18n.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/core.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/core-prototypes.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/sugarpak.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/format_parser.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/parsing_operators.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/parsing_translator.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/parsing_grammar.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/parser.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/extras.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/time_span.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/time_period.js"
dest: "<%= dirs.build %>/date-core.js"
basic: {
src: [
"<%= dirs.core %>/i18n.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/core.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/core-prototypes.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/sugarpak.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/format_parser.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/parsing_operators.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/parsing_translator.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/parsing_grammar.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/parser.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/extras.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/time_span.js",
"<%= dirs.core %>/time_period.js"
dest: "<%= dirs.build %>/date.js"
i18n: {
core: {
core: "<%= dirs.build %>/date-core.js",
src: ["<%= dirs.i18n %>/*.js"],
dest: "<%= dirs.build %>/" // destination *directory*, probably better than specifying same file names twice
shell: {
updateCodeClimate: {
command: "codeclimate < reports/lcov.info",
options: {
stdout: true,
stderr: true,
failOnError: true
jasmine : {
src : [
options : {
specs : "specs/*-spec.js",
template : require("grunt-template-jasmine-istanbul"),
templateOptions: {
template: "specs/jasmine-2.0.3/specrunner.tmpl",
coverage: "reports/coverage.json",
report: {
type: "lcov",
options: {
replace: true,
dir: "reports/"
grunt.registerMultiTask("i18n", "Wraps DateJS core with Internationalization info.", function() {
var data = this.data,
path = require("path"),
dest = grunt.template.process(data.dest),
files = grunt.file.expand(data.src),
core = grunt.file.read(grunt.template.process(data.core)),
sep = grunt.util.linefeed,
banner_compiled = grunt.template.process(banner);
files.forEach(function(f) {
var p = dest + "/" + "date-" + path.basename(f),
contents = grunt.file.read(f);
grunt.file.write(p, banner_compiled + sep + contents + sep + core );
grunt.log.writeln("File \"" + p + "\" created.");
grunt.registerMultiTask("build_dev", "Builds compiled, non-minfied, files for development enviroments", function() {
grunt.task.run(["concat:core", "concat:basic", "i18n:core"]);
grunt.registerMultiTask("build_prod", "Rebuilds dev and minifies files for production enviroments", function() {
grunt.task.run(["concat:core", "concat:basic", "i18n:core", "closurecompiler:minify"]);
// now set the default
grunt.registerTask("default", ["build_dev"]);
// Load the plugin that provides the "minify" task.
grunt.registerTask("test", ["jasmine", "shell:updateCodeClimate"]);