
303 lines
9.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import gulp from 'gulp';
import loadPlugins from 'gulp-load-plugins';
import del from 'del';
import glob from 'glob';
import path from 'path';
import isparta from 'isparta';
import babelify from 'babelify';
import watchify from 'watchify';
import buffer from 'vinyl-buffer';
import esperanto from 'esperanto';
import browserify from 'browserify';
import runSequence from 'run-sequence';
import source from 'vinyl-source-stream';
import fs from 'fs';
import moment from 'moment';
import docco from 'docco';
import {spawn} from 'child_process';
import manifest from './package.json';
// Load all of our Gulp plugins
const $ = loadPlugins();
// Gather the library data from `package.json`
const config = manifest.babelBoilerplateOptions;
const mainFile = manifest.main;
const destinationFolder = path.dirname(mainFile);
const exportFileName = path.basename(mainFile, path.extname(mainFile));
// Remove a directory
function _clean(dir, done) {
del([dir], done);
function cleanDist(done) {
_clean(destinationFolder, done)
function cleanTmp() {
_clean('tmp', done)
// Send a notification when JSCS fails,
// so that you know your changes didn't build
function _jscsNotify(file) {
if (!file.jscs) { return; }
return file.jscs.success ? false : 'JSCS failed';
// Lint a set of files
function lint(files) {
return gulp.src(files)
function lintSrc() {
return lint('src/**/*.js');
function lintTest() {
return lint('test/**/*.js');
function build(done) {
base: 'src',
entry: config.entryFileName,
}).then(bundle => {
const res = bundle.toUmd({
// Don't worry about the fact that the source map is inlined at this step.
// `gulp-sourcemaps`, which comes next, will externalize them.
sourceMap: 'inline',
name: config.mainVarName
const head = fs.readFileSync('src/header.js', 'utf8');
$.file(exportFileName + '.js', res.code, { src: true })
.pipe($.replace('@@version', manifest.version))
.pipe($.sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true }))
.pipe($.header(head, {pkg: manifest, now: moment()}))
.pipe($.replace('global.$', 'global.jQuery')) // Babel bases itself on the variable name we use. Use jQuery for noconflict users.
.pipe($.filter(['*', '!**/*']))
.pipe($.rename(exportFileName + '.min.js'))
.pipe($.sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true }))
.pipe($.uglify({preserveComments: 'license'}))
.on('end', done);
function buildDoc(done) {
var dest = 'doc/annotated-source/';
var sources = glob.sync('src/parsley/*.js');
del.sync([dest + '*']);
layout: 'parallel',
output: dest,
args: sources
}, function() {
gulp.src(dest + '*.html', { base: "./" })
.pipe($.replace('<div id="jump_page">', '<div id="jump_page"><a class="source" href="../index.html"><<< back to documentation</a>'))
.pipe($.replace('</body>', '<script type="text/javascript">var _gaq=_gaq||[];_gaq.push(["_setAccount","UA-37229467-1"]);_gaq.push(["_trackPageview"]);(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src=("https:"==document.location.protocol?"https://ssl":"http://www")+"";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})();</script></body>'))
.on('end', done);
function copyI18n(done) {
.pipe($.replace("import Parsley from '../parsley';", "// Load this after Parsley")) // Quick hack
.pipe($.replace("import Parsley from '../parsley/main';", "")) // en uses special import
.on('end', done);
function writeVersion() {
return gulp.src(['index.html', 'doc/download.html', ''], { base: "./" })
.pipe($.replace(/class="parsley-version">[^<]*</, `class="parsley-version">v${manifest.version}<`))
.pipe($.replace(/releases\/tag\/[^"]*/, `releases/tag/${manifest.version}`))
.pipe($.replace(/## Version\n\n\S+\n\n/, `## Version\n\n${manifest.version}\n\n`))
function _runBrowserifyBundle(bundler, dest) {
return bundler.bundle()
.on('error', err => {
.pipe(source(dest || './tmp/__spec-build.js'))
function browserifyBundler() {
// Our browserify bundle is made up of our unit tests, which
// should individually load up pieces of our application.
// We also include the browserify setup file.
const testFiles = glob.sync('./test/unit/**/*.js');
const allFiles = ['./test/setup/browserify.js'].concat(testFiles);
// Create our bundler, passing in the arguments required for watchify
watchify.args.debug = true;
const bundler = browserify(allFiles, watchify.args);
// Set up Babelify so that ES6 works in the tests
sourceMapRelative: __dirname + '/src'
return bundler;
// Build the unit test suite for running tests
// in the browser
function _browserifyBundle() {
let bundler = browserifyBundler();
// Watch the bundler, and re-bundle it whenever files change
bundler = watchify(bundler);
bundler.on('update', () => _runBrowserifyBundle(bundler));
return _runBrowserifyBundle(bundler);
function buildDocTest() {
return _runBrowserifyBundle(browserifyBundler(), './doc/assets/spec-build.js');
function _mocha() {
return gulp.src(['test/setup/node.js', 'test/unit/**/*.js'], {read: false})
.pipe($.mocha({reporter: 'dot', globals: config.mochaGlobals}));
function _registerBabel() {
function test() {
return _mocha();
function coverage(done) {
gulp.src([exportFileName + '.js'])
.pipe($.istanbul({ instrumenter: isparta.Instrumenter }))
.on('finish', () => {
return test()
.on('end', done);
// These are JS files that should be watched by Gulp. When running tests in the browser,
// watchify is used instead, so these aren't included.
const jsWatchFiles = ['src/**/*', 'test/**/*'];
// These are files other than JS files which are to be watched. They are always watched.
const otherWatchFiles = ['package.json', '**/.eslintrc', '.jscsrc'];
// Run the headless unit tests as you make changes.
function watch() {
const watchFiles = jsWatchFiles.concat(otherWatchFiles);, ['test']);
function testBrowser() {
// Ensure that linting occurs before browserify runs. This prevents
// the build from breaking due to poorly formatted code.
runSequence(['lint-src', 'lint-test'], () => {
$.livereload.listen({port: 35729, host: 'localhost', start: true});, ['lint-src', 'lint-test']);
function gitClean() {
$.git.status({args : '--porcelain'}, (err, stdout) => {
if (err) throw err;
if (/^ ?M/.test(stdout)) throw 'You have uncommitted changes!'
function npmPublish(done) {
spawn('npm', ['publish'], { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('close', done);
function gitPush() {
$.git.push('origin', 'master', {args: '--follow-tags'}, err => { if (err) throw err });
function gitPushPages() {
$.git.push('origin', 'master:gh-pages', err => { if (err) throw err });
function gitTag() {
$.git.tag(manifest.version, {quiet: false}, err => { if (err) throw err });
gulp.task('release-git-clean', gitClean);
gulp.task('release-npm-publish', npmPublish);
gulp.task('release-git-push', gitPush);
gulp.task('release-git-push-pages', gitPushPages);
gulp.task('release-git-tag', gitTag);
gulp.task('release', () => {
runSequence('release-git-clean', 'release-git-tag', 'release-git-push', 'release-git-push-pages', 'release-npm-publish');
// Remove the built files
gulp.task('clean', cleanDist);
// Remove our temporary files
gulp.task('clean-tmp', cleanTmp);
// Lint our source code
gulp.task('lint-src', lintSrc);
// Lint our test code
gulp.task('lint-test', lintTest);
// Build two versions of the library
gulp.task('build-src', ['lint-src', 'clean', 'build-i18n'], build);
// Build the i18n translations
gulp.task('build-i18n', ['clean'], copyI18n);
// Build the annotated documentation
gulp.task('build-doc', buildDoc);
// Build the annotated documentation
gulp.task('build-doc-test', buildDocTest);
gulp.task('write-version', writeVersion);
gulp.task('build', ['build-src', 'build-i18n', 'build-doc', 'build-doc-test', 'write-version']);
// Lint and run our tests
gulp.task('test', ['lint-src', 'lint-test'], test);
// Set up coverage and run tests
gulp.task('coverage', ['lint-src', 'lint-test'], coverage);
// Set up a livereload environment for our spec runner `test/runner.html`
gulp.task('test-browser', testBrowser);
// Run the headless unit tests as you make changes.
gulp.task('watch', watch);
// An alias of test
gulp.task('default', ['test']);