mirror of https://github.com/ColorlibHQ/gentelella
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// Nonblock
// Uses AMD or browser globals for jQuery.
(function (factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as a module.
define('pnotify.nonblock', ['jquery', 'pnotify'], factory);
} else {
// Browser globals
factory(jQuery, PNotify);
}(function($, PNotify){
// Some useful regexes.
var re_on = /^on/,
re_mouse_events = /^(dbl)?click$|^mouse(move|down|up|over|out|enter|leave)$|^contextmenu$/,
re_ui_events = /^(focus|blur|select|change|reset)$|^key(press|down|up)$/,
re_html_events = /^(scroll|resize|(un)?load|abort|error)$/;
// Fire a DOM event.
var dom_event = function(e, orig_e){
var event_object;
e = e.toLowerCase();
if (document.createEvent && this.dispatchEvent) {
// FireFox, Opera, Safari, Chrome
e = e.replace(re_on, '');
if (e.match(re_mouse_events)) {
// This allows the click event to fire on the notice. There is
// probably a much better way to do it.
event_object = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
e, orig_e.bubbles, orig_e.cancelable, orig_e.view, orig_e.detail,
orig_e.screenX, orig_e.screenY, orig_e.clientX, orig_e.clientY,
orig_e.ctrlKey, orig_e.altKey, orig_e.shiftKey, orig_e.metaKey, orig_e.button, orig_e.relatedTarget
} else if (e.match(re_ui_events)) {
event_object = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
event_object.initUIEvent(e, orig_e.bubbles, orig_e.cancelable, orig_e.view, orig_e.detail);
} else if (e.match(re_html_events)) {
event_object = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
event_object.initEvent(e, orig_e.bubbles, orig_e.cancelable);
if (!event_object) return;
} else {
// Internet Explorer
if (!e.match(re_on)) e = "on"+e;
event_object = document.createEventObject(orig_e);
this.fireEvent(e, event_object);
// This keeps track of the last element the mouse was over, so
// mouseleave, mouseenter, etc can be called.
var nonblock_last_elem;
// This is used to pass events through the notice if it is non-blocking.
var nonblock_pass = function(notice, e, e_name){
notice.elem.css("display", "none");
var element_below = document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
notice.elem.css("display", "block");
var jelement_below = $(element_below);
var cursor_style = jelement_below.css("cursor");
notice.elem.css("cursor", cursor_style !== "auto" ? cursor_style : "default");
// If the element changed, call mouseenter, mouseleave, etc.
if (!nonblock_last_elem || nonblock_last_elem.get(0) != element_below) {
if (nonblock_last_elem) {
dom_event.call(nonblock_last_elem.get(0), "mouseleave", e.originalEvent);
dom_event.call(nonblock_last_elem.get(0), "mouseout", e.originalEvent);
dom_event.call(element_below, "mouseenter", e.originalEvent);
dom_event.call(element_below, "mouseover", e.originalEvent);
dom_event.call(element_below, e_name, e.originalEvent);
// Remember the latest element the mouse was over.
nonblock_last_elem = jelement_below;
PNotify.prototype.options.nonblock = {
// Create a non-blocking notice. It lets the user click elements underneath it.
nonblock: false,
// The opacity of the notice (if it's non-blocking) when the mouse is over it.
nonblock_opacity: .2
PNotify.prototype.modules.nonblock = {
// This lets us update the options available in the closures.
myOptions: null,
init: function(notice, options){
var that = this;
this.myOptions = options;
"mouseenter": function(e){
if (that.myOptions.nonblock) e.stopPropagation();
if (that.myOptions.nonblock) {
// If it's non-blocking, animate to the other opacity.
notice.elem.stop().animate({"opacity": that.myOptions.nonblock_opacity}, "fast");
"mouseleave": function(e){
if (that.myOptions.nonblock) e.stopPropagation();
nonblock_last_elem = null;
notice.elem.css("cursor", "auto");
// Animate back to the normal opacity.
if (that.myOptions.nonblock && notice.animating !== "out")
notice.elem.stop().animate({"opacity": notice.options.opacity}, "fast");
"mouseover": function(e){
if (that.myOptions.nonblock) e.stopPropagation();
"mouseout": function(e){
if (that.myOptions.nonblock) e.stopPropagation();
"mousemove": function(e){
if (that.myOptions.nonblock) {
nonblock_pass(notice, e, "onmousemove");
"mousedown": function(e){
if (that.myOptions.nonblock) {
nonblock_pass(notice, e, "onmousedown");
"mouseup": function(e){
if (that.myOptions.nonblock) {
nonblock_pass(notice, e, "onmouseup");
"click": function(e){
if (that.myOptions.nonblock) {
nonblock_pass(notice, e, "onclick");
"dblclick": function(e){
if (that.myOptions.nonblock) {
nonblock_pass(notice, e, "ondblclick");
update: function(notice, options){
this.myOptions = options;