mirror of https://github.com/aristocratos/bpytop
7.2 KiB
7.2 KiB
- Added: Spread CPUs accross columns evenly if possible, by @ErwinJunge
- Added: Additional crash fixes for graph and swap toggles
- Fixed: Battery meter not clearing properly when disabled
- Fixed: Correction for broken cpu high and cpu critical temps
- Fixed: get_cpu_name() function for some Xeon cpus
- Fixed: Additional error handling to prevent crashes from graph and swap toggles
- Fixed: Battery status not using same sensors as psutil
- Added: Stripping of .local from /host clock format
- Fixed: Battery clear if removed
- Skipped due to pypi - github versioning error
- Fixed: Title leading whitespace
- Fixed: Battery meter crash on non Linux systems
- Fixed: Manual sensor selection screen refresh
- Fixed: Rare swap toggle crash
- Fixed: Clock and battery placement and sizing
- Fixed: Cpu sensor check when changing from manual sensor to Auto
- Fixed: Menu collection timeout and menu background update stall
- Added: Custom options for clock formatting: hostname and username
- Fixed: Swap toggle rare crash
- Fixed: Cpu sensor option to trigger temp toggle if check temp is true
- Added: Rounding for floating_humanizer() short option
- Fixed: Cpu temp not showing when manually selected and not auto detected
- Fixed Crash during theme change
- Fixed: Decimal placement in floating_humanizer() function
- Changed: Improvement on cpu name detection
- Added: Option to choose cpu temperature sensor
- Fixed: Battery meter adaptation
- Changed: Improvement on osx cpu temperature collection with coretemp
- Fixed: Battery stats crash and better battery status detection
- README: coretemp install instructions by @hacker1024
- README: Added notice about font problems and possible solutions
- Added: Symbol for battery inactive
- Fixed: Cpu model name exception for certain xeon cpus
- Fixed: Exception when sending signal using uppercase T, K, I
- Fixed: Battery meter placement calculation correction
- Added: Support for OSX cpu core temperatures via coretemp program
- Fixed: Battery meter redraw after terminal resize
- Fixed: Battery meter additional fixes
- Fixed: Cpu temp color wrong on small sizes
- Changed: Argument parsing using argparse
- Fixed: Hide battery time when not known
- Fixed: Battery percent converted to integer and battery time hidden at 100% level
- Fixed: Battery meter causing crash when connecting/disconnecting battery
- README: Added more repositories
- Added: kyli0x theme by @kyli0x
- Added: Battery meter and stats
- Added: Option to change the tree view auto collapse depth
- Fixed: Cpu temp color index crash
- Fixed: Start from virtualenv crash
- Added: More sizing adaptation for processes
- Fixed: Clock centering
- Fixed: "view_mode" option entry format
- Fixed: Help menu entries
- Added: View mode toggle with 3 presets, "full", "proc" and "stat"
- Added: Rescaling of net stat box width on smaller terminal sizes
- Changed: Net box height slight increase, mem/disks box height slight decrease
- Fixed: Some element placement fixes by @RedBearAK
- Fixed: "delete" and "filter" mouse click area misaligned
- Added: Option to sync network scaling between download and upload
- Some refactoring and cleanup
- README: Info for debian package
- Added: Theme search path for snap install
- README: Updated snap install info
- Fixed: Clean excess whitespace from CPU model name, by @RedBearAK
- Changed: README.md absolute paths to work on PyPi
- Release bump to fix pypi and source version missmatch
- Changed: net_auto variable now default to True
- Fixed: Sorting out negative cpu temperature values from bad sensors
- Fixed: Init screen and error log level when starting from pip installation
- Added: Option to toggle theme background color
- Added: Dracula theme by @AethanFoot
- Added: PyPi theme install and path detection
- Added: PyPi packaging with poetry by @cjolowicz
- Added: Error checking for net_download and net_upload config values
- Added: psutil outdated warning message
- Changed: Expanded cpu name detection
- Fixed: net_upload variable not working
- Added: Ability to expand/collapse processes in the tree view
- Added: Network graph color gradient bandwidth option by @drazil100
- Added: cpu_thermal sensor detection for raspberri pi cpu temp
- Fixed: Single color graphs crash
- Added: New theme values "graph_text", "meter_bg", "process_start", "process_mid" and "process_end", see default_black.theme for reference.
- Updated: default_black.theme with new values
- Updated: monokai.theme and gruvbox_dark.theme with "graph_text" value.
- Fixed: Cpu usage bug when showing tree and memory in percent
- Fixed: Check for minimum terminal size at start when init screen is enabled
- Fixed: Cpu high and cpu crit for osx and raspberry pi
- Fixed: getsensors detection of vcgencmd
- Fixed: Load AVG being drawn outside box on small sizes
- Fixed: Slowdown when showing memory in percent instead of bytes
- Fixed: Cpu temperature colors not converted to percent of cpu critical temp
- Fixed: Crash on sorting change when lacking permissions
- Fixed: Raspberry pi cpu temps, actually fixed this time...
- Fixed: Raspberry pi cpu temp, again.
- Added: Set terminal title at start
- Added: Update checker, can be toggled off in options menu
- Added: Option to show memory in bytes for processes, enabled by default
- Added: Options to set custom network graphs minimum scaling values and a "auto" button to toggle manual and default values.
- Fixed: Failure to detect cpu temp on raspberry pi
- Changed: Layout changes to cpu box
- Changed: Info box now restores last selection on close
- Fixed: Crash when starting with show_disks=False
- Fixed: Cpu temps index error on uneven temp collection
- Fixed: No cpu percent in info box when filtering
- Fixed: Attribute typo in detailed process collection
- Fixed: Crash when filtering and showing info box
- Added: Improved cpu temperature detection
- Fixed: Broken cpu box layout on high core count and change to default layout
- Changed: Selection now returns to last selection when pressing down from info box
- Fixed: Crash on detailed info when showing tree
- Fixed: Incorrect sorting for memory
- FIxed: Removed unsupported osx psutil values
- Changed: Removed shift modifiers for some keys and removed redundant toggles
- Added: IndexError catch for cpu temperature collection
- Fixed: net_io_counters() not iterating over itself
- Fixed: Clear mouse queue to avoid accidental character interpretation
- Added: "/etc/bpytop.conf" as default seed for config file creation if it exists.
- Added: Error handling for exception in psutil.cpu_freq()
- Fixed: Bad assumption of cpu model name string contents.
- Added: Exception catch for psutil io_counters error caused by psutil < 5.7.0 and Linux kernel >= 5
- Added: Error handling for psutil.net_io_counters() errors.
- First release
- Missing update checker