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Contributing guidelines
When submitting pull requests
Explain your thinking in why a change or addition is needed.
- Is it a requested change or feature?
- If not, open a feature request to get feedback before making a pull request.
If it's a fix for a unreported bug, make a bug report and link the pull request.
Split up multiple unrelated changes in multiple pull requests.
Shellcheck your work. Current shellsheck exceptions at the beginning of bashtop.
Purely cosmetic changes won't be accepted without a very good explanation of its value.
- (Some design choices are for better configurability of syntax highlighting.)
Follow the current syntax design
Indent type: Tabs
Tab size: 4
Use the longer "if, elif, then, else, fi" statements and indent conditionals, loops etc.
Use "[]", "(( ))" for conditions and "$( ), <( )" for command substitution.
Create functions instead of repeating blocks of code.
Don't stack unrelated blocks of code, leave blank lines for better readability.
Comment new code that isn't very obvious in it's function.
Name new variables and functions in lower-case and after what purpose they serve.
- (Exception arithmetic with many variables, make sure to comment what's happening instead.)
Avoid forks if possible.
Avoid writing to disk if possible.
Make sure variables/arrays are cleaned up if not reused.
Compare cpu and memory usage with and without your code and look for alternatives if they cause a noticeable negative impact.
For questions contact Aristocratos at admin@qvantnet.com
For proposing changes to this document create a new issue.