- In Bash, use **ctrl-w** to delete the last word, and **ctrl-u** to delete the whole line. Use **alt-b** and **alt-f** to move by word, **ctrl-k** to kill to the end of the line, **ctrl-l** to clear the screen. See `man readline` for all the default keybindings in Bash. There are a lot. For example **alt-.** cycles through previous arguments, and **alt-*** expands a glob.
- In Bash, use **ctrl-w** to delete the last word, and **ctrl-u** to delete the whole line. Use **alt-b** and **alt-f** to move by word, **ctrl-k** to kill to the end of the line, **ctrl-l** to clear the screen. See `man readline` for all the default keybindings in Bash. There are a lot. For example **alt-.** cycles through previous arguments, and **alt-*** expands a glob.