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  1. create database rk_svnadmin
  2. mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=1.0


alter table pj_gr add constraint FK_Relationship_2 foreign key (pj) references pj (pj) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_gr_auth add constraint FK_Reference_6 foreign key (pj, gr) references pj_gr (pj, gr) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_gr_usr add constraint FK_Reference_10 foreign key (pj, gr) references pj_gr (pj, gr) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_gr_usr add constraint FK_Reference_9 foreign key (usr) references usr (usr) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_usr add constraint FK_Reference_5 foreign key (pj) references pj (pj) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_usr add constraint FK_Reference_7 foreign key (usr) references usr (usr) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_usr_auth add constraint FK_Reference_11 foreign key (pj) references pj (pj) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_usr_auth add constraint FK_Reference_8 foreign key (usr) references usr (usr) on delete restrict on update restrict;



yum install apr apr-util httpd httpd-devel subversion mod_dav_svn mod_auth_mysql


mkdir -p /code/svndata


svnadmin create /code/svndata/svn

正常安全以上软件后,会在/etc/httpd/modules目录下生成、mod_authz_svn.so两个模块 cp /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.bak

#4、配置apache的httpd.conf vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf


LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/

LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/

chown -R apache:apache /code/svndata/svn/

chmod -R 755 /code/svndata/svn/


vi /etc/selinux/config




setenforce 0


/etc/init.d/iptables stop





service httpd start
