@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import (
@ -29,11 +30,13 @@ import (
@ -3781,3 +3784,115 @@ func TestRateAnnotations(t *testing.T) {
func TestHistogramRateWithFloatStaleness(t *testing.T) {
// Make a chunk with two normal histograms of the same value.
h1 := histogram.Histogram{
Schema: 2,
Count: 10,
Sum: 100,
PositiveSpans: []histogram.Span{{Offset: 0, Length: 1}},
PositiveBuckets: []int64{100},
c1 := chunkenc.NewHistogramChunk()
app, err := c1.Appender()
require.NoError(t, err)
var (
newc chunkenc.Chunk
recoded bool
newc, recoded, app, err = app.AppendHistogram(nil, 0, h1.Copy(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, recoded)
require.Nil(t, newc)
newc, recoded, _, err = app.AppendHistogram(nil, 10, h1.Copy(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, recoded)
require.Nil(t, newc)
// Make a chunk with a single float stale marker.
c2 := chunkenc.NewXORChunk()
app, err = c2.Appender()
require.NoError(t, err)
app.Append(20, math.Float64frombits(value.StaleNaN))
// Make a chunk with two normal histograms that have zero value.
h2 := histogram.Histogram{
Schema: 2,
c3 := chunkenc.NewHistogramChunk()
app, err = c3.Appender()
require.NoError(t, err)
newc, recoded, app, err = app.AppendHistogram(nil, 30, h2.Copy(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, recoded)
require.Nil(t, newc)
newc, recoded, _, err = app.AppendHistogram(nil, 40, h2.Copy(), false)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.False(t, recoded)
require.Nil(t, newc)
querier := storage.MockQuerier{
SelectMockFunction: func(_ bool, _ *storage.SelectHints, _ ...*labels.Matcher) storage.SeriesSet {
return &singleSeriesSet{
series: mockSeries{chunks: []chunkenc.Chunk{c1, c2, c3}, labelSet: []string{"__name__", "foo"}},
queriable := storage.MockQueryable{MockQuerier: &querier}
engine := promqltest.NewTestEngine(t, false, 0, promqltest.DefaultMaxSamplesPerQuery)
q, err := engine.NewInstantQuery(context.Background(), &queriable, nil, "rate(foo[40s])", timestamp.Time(45))
require.NoError(t, err)
defer q.Close()
res := q.Exec(context.Background())
require.NoError(t, res.Err)
vec, err := res.Vector()
require.NoError(t, err)
// Single sample result.
require.Len(t, vec, 1)
// The result is a histogram.
require.NotNil(t, vec[0].H)
// The result should be zero as the histogram has not increased, so the rate is zero.
require.Equal(t, 0.0, vec[0].H.Count)
require.Equal(t, 0.0, vec[0].H.Sum)
type singleSeriesSet struct {
series storage.Series
consumed bool
func (s *singleSeriesSet) Next() bool { c := s.consumed; s.consumed = true; return !c }
func (s singleSeriesSet) At() storage.Series { return s.series }
func (s singleSeriesSet) Err() error { return nil }
func (s singleSeriesSet) Warnings() annotations.Annotations { return nil }
type mockSeries struct {
chunks []chunkenc.Chunk
labelSet []string
func (s mockSeries) Labels() labels.Labels {
return labels.FromStrings(s.labelSet...)
func (s mockSeries) Iterator(it chunkenc.Iterator) chunkenc.Iterator {
iterables := []chunkenc.Iterator{}
for _, c := range s.chunks {
iterables = append(iterables, c.Iterator(nil))
return storage.ChainSampleIteratorFromIterators(it, iterables)