2023-09-04 18:07:29 +00:00
import { FormikErrors } from 'formik' ;
import { array , object , SchemaOf , string } from 'yup' ;
import _ from 'lodash' ;
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import { useLoggingPlugins } from '@/react/docker/proxy/queries/usePlugins' ;
2023-09-04 18:07:29 +00:00
import { useEnvironmentId } from '@/react/hooks/useEnvironmentId' ;
2024-09-24 23:55:07 +00:00
import { useIsPodman } from '@/react/portainer/environments/queries/useIsPodman' ;
2023-09-04 18:07:29 +00:00
import { FormControl } from '@@/form-components/FormControl' ;
import { FormSection } from '@@/form-components/FormSection' ;
import { InputGroup } from '@@/form-components/InputGroup' ;
import { InputList , ItemProps } from '@@/form-components/InputList' ;
import { PortainerSelect } from '@@/form-components/PortainerSelect' ;
import { TextTip } from '@@/Tip/TextTip' ;
import { FormError } from '@@/form-components/FormError' ;
export interface LogConfig {
type : string ;
options : Array < { option : string ; value : string } > ;
export function LoggerConfig ( {
value ,
onChange ,
apiVersion ,
errors ,
} : {
value : LogConfig ;
onChange : ( value : LogConfig ) = > void ;
apiVersion : number ;
errors? : FormikErrors < LogConfig > ;
} ) {
const envId = useEnvironmentId ( ) ;
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const isPodman = useIsPodman ( envId ) ;
const isSystem = apiVersion < 1.25 ;
const pluginsQuery = useLoggingPlugins ( envId , isSystem , isPodman ) ;
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if ( ! pluginsQuery . data ) {
return null ;
const isDisabled = ! value . type || value . type === 'none' ;
const pluginOptions = [
{ label : 'Default logging driver' , value : '' } ,
. . . pluginsQuery . data . map ( ( p ) = > ( { label : p , value : p } ) ) ,
{ label : 'none' , value : 'none' } ,
] ;
return (
< FormSection title = "Logging" >
< FormControl label = "Driver" >
< PortainerSelect
value = { value . type }
onChange = { ( type ) = > onChange ( { . . . value , type : type || '' } ) }
options = { pluginOptions }
2024-04-11 00:11:38 +00:00
data - cy = "docker-logging-driver-selector"
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/ >
< / FormControl >
< TextTip color = "blue" >
Logging driver that will override the default docker daemon driver .
Select Default logging driver if you don & apos ; t want to override it .
2023-09-28 13:53:52 +00:00
Supported logging drivers can be found { ' ' }
2023-09-04 18:07:29 +00:00
< a
href = "https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/logging/overview/#supported-logging-drivers"
target = "_blank"
rel = "noreferrer"
in the Docker documentation
< / a >
< / TextTip >
< InputList
tooltip = {
? 'Add button is disabled unless a driver other than none or default is selected. Options are specific to the selected driver, refer to the driver documentation.'
: ''
label = "Options"
onChange = { ( options ) = > handleChange ( { options } ) }
value = { value . options }
item = { Item }
itemBuilder = { ( ) = > ( { option : '' , value : '' } ) }
disabled = { isDisabled }
errors = { errors ? . options }
2024-04-11 00:11:38 +00:00
data - cy = "docker-logging-options"
2023-09-04 18:07:29 +00:00
/ >
< / FormSection >
) ;
function handleChange ( partial : Partial < LogConfig > ) {
onChange ( { . . . value , . . . partial } ) ;
function Item ( {
item : { option , value } ,
onChange ,
error ,
2024-04-11 00:11:38 +00:00
index ,
2023-09-04 18:07:29 +00:00
} : ItemProps < { option : string ; value : string } > ) {
return (
< div >
< div className = "flex w-full gap-4" >
< InputGroup className = "w-1/2" >
< InputGroup.Addon > option < / InputGroup.Addon >
< InputGroup.Input
value = { option }
onChange = { ( e ) = > handleChange ( { option : e.target.value } ) }
placeholder = "e.g. FOO"
2024-04-11 00:11:38 +00:00
data - cy = { ` docker-logging-option_ ${ index } ` }
2023-09-04 18:07:29 +00:00
/ >
< / InputGroup >
< InputGroup className = "w-1/2" >
< InputGroup.Addon > value < / InputGroup.Addon >
< InputGroup.Input
value = { value }
onChange = { ( e ) = > handleChange ( { value : e.target.value } ) }
placeholder = "e.g bar"
2024-04-11 00:11:38 +00:00
data - cy = { ` docker-logging-value_ ${ index } ` }
2023-09-04 18:07:29 +00:00
/ >
< / InputGroup >
< / div >
{ error && < FormError > { _ . first ( Object . values ( error ) ) } < / FormError > }
< / div >
) ;
function handleChange ( partial : Partial < { option : string ; value : string } > ) {
onChange ( { option , value , . . . partial } ) ;
export function validation ( ) : SchemaOf < LogConfig > {
return object ( {
options : array ( ) . of (
object ( {
option : string ( ) . required ( 'Option is required' ) ,
value : string ( ) . required ( 'Value is required' ) ,
} )
) ,
2023-09-28 13:53:52 +00:00
type : string ( ) . default ( '' ) ,
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} ) ;