feat(podman): support add podman envs in the wizard [r8s-20] (#12056)
@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ dev-client: ## Run the client in development mode
dev-server: build-server ## Run the server in development mode
dev-server-podman: build-server ## Run the server in development mode
##@ Format
.PHONY: format format-client format-server
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
"TenantID": ""
"ComposeSyntaxMaxVersion": "",
"ContainerEngine": "",
"Edge": {
"AsyncMode": false,
"CommandInterval": 0,
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ type endpointCreatePayload struct {
AzureAuthenticationKey string
TagIDs []portainer.TagID
EdgeCheckinInterval int
ContainerEngine string
type endpointCreationEnum int
@ -66,6 +67,11 @@ func (payload *endpointCreatePayload) Validate(r *http.Request) error {
payload.EndpointCreationType = endpointCreationEnum(endpointCreationType)
payload.ContainerEngine, err = request.RetrieveMultiPartFormValue(r, "ContainerEngine", true)
if err != nil || (payload.ContainerEngine != "" && payload.ContainerEngine != portainer.ContainerEngineDocker && payload.ContainerEngine != portainer.ContainerEnginePodman) {
return errors.New("invalid container engine value. Value must be one of: 'docker' or 'podman'")
groupID, _ := request.RetrieveNumericMultiPartFormValue(r, "GroupID", true)
if groupID == 0 {
groupID = 1
@ -186,6 +192,7 @@ func (payload *endpointCreatePayload) Validate(r *http.Request) error {
// @produce json
// @param Name formData string true "Name that will be used to identify this environment(endpoint) (example: my-environment)"
// @param EndpointCreationType formData integer true "Environment(Endpoint) type. Value must be one of: 1 (Local Docker environment), 2 (Agent environment), 3 (Azure environment), 4 (Edge agent environment) or 5 (Local Kubernetes Environment)" Enum(1,2,3,4,5)
// @param ContainerEngine formData string false "Container engine used by the environment(endpoint). Value must be one of: 'docker' or 'podman'"
// @param URL formData string false "URL or IP address of a Docker host (example: docker.mydomain.tld:2375). Defaults to local if not specified (Linux: /var/run/docker.sock, Windows: //./pipe/docker_engine). Cannot be empty if EndpointCreationType is set to 4 (Edge agent environment)"
// @param PublicURL formData string false "URL or IP address where exposed containers will be reachable. Defaults to URL if not specified (example: docker.mydomain.tld:2375)"
// @param GroupID formData int false "Environment(Endpoint) group identifier. If not specified will default to 1 (unassigned)."
@ -371,12 +378,13 @@ func (handler *Handler) createEdgeAgentEndpoint(tx dataservices.DataStoreTx, pay
edgeKey := handler.ReverseTunnelService.GenerateEdgeKey(payload.URL, portainerHost, endpointID)
endpoint := &portainer.Endpoint{
ID: portainer.EndpointID(endpointID),
Name: payload.Name,
URL: portainerHost,
Type: portainer.EdgeAgentOnDockerEnvironment,
GroupID: portainer.EndpointGroupID(payload.GroupID),
Gpus: payload.Gpus,
ID: portainer.EndpointID(endpointID),
Name: payload.Name,
URL: portainerHost,
Type: portainer.EdgeAgentOnDockerEnvironment,
ContainerEngine: payload.ContainerEngine,
GroupID: portainer.EndpointGroupID(payload.GroupID),
Gpus: payload.Gpus,
TLSConfig: portainer.TLSConfiguration{
TLS: false,
@ -424,13 +432,14 @@ func (handler *Handler) createUnsecuredEndpoint(tx dataservices.DataStoreTx, pay
endpointID := tx.Endpoint().GetNextIdentifier()
endpoint := &portainer.Endpoint{
ID: portainer.EndpointID(endpointID),
Name: payload.Name,
URL: payload.URL,
Type: endpointType,
GroupID: portainer.EndpointGroupID(payload.GroupID),
PublicURL: payload.PublicURL,
Gpus: payload.Gpus,
ID: portainer.EndpointID(endpointID),
Name: payload.Name,
URL: payload.URL,
Type: endpointType,
ContainerEngine: payload.ContainerEngine,
GroupID: portainer.EndpointGroupID(payload.GroupID),
PublicURL: payload.PublicURL,
Gpus: payload.Gpus,
TLSConfig: portainer.TLSConfiguration{
TLS: false,
@ -486,13 +495,14 @@ func (handler *Handler) createKubernetesEndpoint(tx dataservices.DataStoreTx, pa
func (handler *Handler) createTLSSecuredEndpoint(tx dataservices.DataStoreTx, payload *endpointCreatePayload, endpointType portainer.EndpointType, agentVersion string) (*portainer.Endpoint, *httperror.HandlerError) {
endpointID := tx.Endpoint().GetNextIdentifier()
endpoint := &portainer.Endpoint{
ID: portainer.EndpointID(endpointID),
Name: payload.Name,
URL: payload.URL,
Type: endpointType,
GroupID: portainer.EndpointGroupID(payload.GroupID),
PublicURL: payload.PublicURL,
Gpus: payload.Gpus,
ID: portainer.EndpointID(endpointID),
Name: payload.Name,
URL: payload.URL,
Type: endpointType,
ContainerEngine: payload.ContainerEngine,
GroupID: portainer.EndpointGroupID(payload.GroupID),
PublicURL: payload.PublicURL,
Gpus: payload.Gpus,
TLSConfig: portainer.TLSConfiguration{
TLS: payload.TLS,
TLSSkipVerify: payload.TLSSkipVerify,
@ -373,6 +373,8 @@ type (
Name string `json:"Name" example:"my-environment"`
// Environment(Endpoint) environment(endpoint) type. 1 for a Docker environment(endpoint), 2 for an agent on Docker environment(endpoint) or 3 for an Azure environment(endpoint).
Type EndpointType `json:"Type" example:"1"`
// ContainerEngine represents the container engine type. This can be 'docker' or 'podman' when interacting directly with these environmentes, otherwise '' for kubernetes environments.
ContainerEngine string `json:"ContainerEngine" example:"docker"`
// URL or IP address of the Docker host associated to this environment(endpoint)
URL string `json:"URL" example:"docker.mydomain.tld:2375"`
// Environment(Endpoint) group identifier
@ -1727,7 +1729,7 @@ const (
const (
_ EndpointType = iota
// DockerEnvironment represents an environment(endpoint) connected to a Docker environment(endpoint)
// DockerEnvironment represents an environment(endpoint) connected to a Docker environment(endpoint) via the Docker API or Socket
// AgentOnDockerEnvironment represents an environment(endpoint) connected to a Portainer agent deployed on a Docker environment(endpoint)
@ -2113,3 +2115,8 @@ const (
PerDevConfigsTypeFile PerDevConfigsFilterType = "file"
PerDevConfigsTypeDir PerDevConfigsFilterType = "dir"
const (
ContainerEngineDocker = "docker"
ContainerEnginePodman = "podman"
@ -184,7 +184,9 @@ func (d *stackDeployer) remoteStack(stack *portainer.Stack, endpoint *portainer.
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "unable to get agent info")
targetSocketBind := getTargetSocketBind(info.OSType)
// ensure the targetSocketBindHost is changed to podman for podman environments
targetSocketBindHost := getTargetSocketBindHost(info.OSType, endpoint.ContainerEngine)
targetSocketBindContainer := getTargetSocketBindContainer(info.OSType)
composeDestination := filesystem.JoinPaths(stack.ProjectPath, composePathPrefix)
@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ func (d *stackDeployer) remoteStack(stack *portainer.Stack, endpoint *portainer.
}, &container.HostConfig{
Binds: []string{
fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", composeDestination, composeDestination),
fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", targetSocketBind, targetSocketBind),
fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", targetSocketBindHost, targetSocketBindContainer),
}, nil, nil, fmt.Sprintf("portainer-unpacker-%d-%s-%d", stack.ID, stack.Name, rand.Intn(100)))
@ -327,7 +329,19 @@ func getUnpackerImage() string {
return image
func getTargetSocketBind(osType string) string {
func getTargetSocketBindHost(osType string, containerEngine string) string {
targetSocketBind := "//./pipe/docker_engine"
if strings.EqualFold(osType, "linux") {
if containerEngine == portainer.ContainerEnginePodman {
targetSocketBind = "/run/podman/podman.sock"
} else {
targetSocketBind = "/var/run/docker.sock"
return targetSocketBind
func getTargetSocketBindContainer(osType string) string {
targetSocketBind := "//./pipe/docker_engine"
if strings.EqualFold(osType, "linux") {
targetSocketBind = "/var/run/docker.sock"
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ input:checked + .slider:before {
/* Widget */
.widget .widget-icon {
@apply mr-1 !p-2 text-lg;
@apply mr-1 !p-2 text-lg flex-none;
@apply bg-blue-3 text-blue-8;
@apply th-dark:bg-gray-9 th-dark:text-blue-3;
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<path d="M11.785 3C10.3578 3 8.9685 3.15583 8.07332 3.51076C5.70059 4.38245 3.91165 6.72625 3.3797 9.54815C2.90647 11.7868 2.781 13.68 2.5292 15.3942C2.42178 16.127 2.28915 16.8251 2.10066 17.5074C1.61111 19.4159 1 20.6381 1 20.6381H1.61111C1.61111 20.6381 1.75909 20.8956 2.83027 17.0408C2.94622 16.5248 3.04178 16.0045 3.11673 15.481C3.37311 13.733 3.49342 11.8622 3.9572 9.66961L3.96006 9.66675V9.66216C4.45736 7.01529 6.13887 4.84794 8.28158 4.06362L8.28444 4.06133H8.28874C9.03496 3.76456 10.4014 3.59268 11.785 3.59297C13.1666 3.59297 14.5819 3.75997 15.4545 4.06362C17.5972 4.84766 19.2787 7.015 19.7754 9.66188L19.7783 9.66761V9.66961C20.2418 11.8622 20.365 13.733 20.6213 15.481C20.7368 16.2682 20.8678 17.0364 21.1026 17.7827C21.8087 20.027 22.3889 20.6381 22.3889 20.6381H23C23 20.6381 22.1741 19.174 21.8087 18.0775C21.5211 17.2144 21.3447 16.3321 21.2069 15.3942C20.9556 13.6812 20.831 11.7894 20.3587 9.55331C19.8276 6.72654 18.0375 4.37586 15.6602 3.5056H15.655C14.6627 3.15898 13.2144 3.00029 11.785 3ZM7.32481 6.57013C7.0205 6.56847 6.71991 6.63696 6.44637 6.7703C6.17283 6.90365 5.9337 7.09824 5.74757 7.33899L5.56624 7.57216L6.03775 7.93425L6.2185 7.69849C6.34221 7.54136 6.49794 7.41235 6.67535 7.32004C6.85276 7.22773 7.04778 7.17423 7.24746 7.1631C7.61986 7.14735 8.00658 7.29716 8.27126 7.55985L8.4821 7.77068L8.90119 7.34901L8.69035 7.14076C8.32585 6.78101 7.8369 6.5761 7.32481 6.57013ZM16.8845 6.57013C16.3723 6.57625 15.8825 6.78081 15.5181 7.14076L15.3073 7.34901L15.7241 7.77068L15.9352 7.55985C16.0704 7.42824 16.2307 7.32527 16.4066 7.2571C16.5825 7.18893 16.7704 7.15696 16.959 7.1631C17.3529 7.18029 17.7496 7.38568 17.9902 7.69878L18.1716 7.93425L18.6402 7.57216L18.4589 7.33899C18.2733 7.09835 18.0347 6.90379 17.7616 6.77043C17.4885 6.63708 17.1884 6.56854 16.8845 6.57013ZM12.1889 11.3755C11.9717 11.3755 11.7938 11.4422 11.646 11.4921C11.4979 11.5422 11.3796 11.5763 11.2885 11.5763C11.1261 11.5763 10.9666 11.6654 10.8798 11.7699C10.7932 11.8742 10.7523 11.9819 10.7208 12.0845C10.6577 12.2887 10.6271 12.4964 10.5993 12.5686C10.5357 12.733 10.5964 12.8639 10.6469 12.9498C10.697 13.0358 10.7583 13.1034 10.8273 13.1733C10.966 13.3125 11.1413 13.452 11.3183 13.5821C11.4997 13.715 11.6816 13.8359 11.8168 13.9241L11.8096 14.0433C11.7429 14.0977 11.5804 14.2418 11.3112 14.3329C11.1519 14.3867 10.9915 14.4059 10.8523 14.3704C10.7339 14.34 10.6162 14.2358 10.4953 14.0779C10.5031 14.0155 10.5059 13.99 10.52 13.8871C10.5449 13.7072 10.581 13.4898 10.5973 13.4254L10.0218 13.2816C9.98744 13.4191 9.95822 13.6196 9.93244 13.8055C9.90665 13.9911 9.88775 14.1501 9.88775 14.1501L9.87543 14.2561L9.93244 14.3452C10.1413 14.6735 10.4197 14.8726 10.7062 14.9456C10.9926 15.0189 11.2705 14.9745 11.5025 14.8963C11.8033 14.7941 12.0485 14.6299 12.1837 14.5268C12.3192 14.6299 12.563 14.7946 12.8629 14.8963C13.0949 14.9748 13.3699 15.0189 13.6564 14.9456C13.9429 14.8723 14.2216 14.6735 14.4301 14.3452L14.4874 14.2564L14.4748 14.1501C14.4748 14.1501 14.4559 13.9911 14.4301 13.8055C14.4043 13.6193 14.3745 13.4191 14.3407 13.2816L13.7655 13.4254C13.7816 13.4898 13.8177 13.7072 13.8429 13.8871C13.8566 13.9885 13.8601 14.0132 13.8672 14.0756C13.7458 14.2349 13.6295 14.34 13.5103 14.3707C13.3711 14.4059 13.211 14.3867 13.0517 14.3329C12.7824 14.2418 12.6197 14.0977 12.5532 14.0433L12.5481 13.9318C12.6853 13.843 12.8712 13.7198 13.0588 13.5823C13.2359 13.452 13.4112 13.3122 13.5501 13.1727C13.6189 13.1031 13.6807 13.0355 13.7306 12.9498C13.7813 12.8639 13.8414 12.733 13.7779 12.5683C13.7501 12.4967 13.7171 12.2887 13.6541 12.0842C13.6226 11.9822 13.5848 11.8739 13.498 11.7694C13.4112 11.6651 13.2516 11.5763 13.0889 11.5763C12.9981 11.5763 12.8798 11.5419 12.732 11.4921C12.5839 11.4422 12.4063 11.3755 12.1889 11.3755ZM12.1889 11.9682C12.2762 11.9682 12.3923 12.002 12.5412 12.0521C12.6781 12.0985 12.8503 12.1495 13.0465 12.1589C13.0531 12.169 13.0709 12.2019 13.0889 12.2606C13.1207 12.3638 13.1531 12.5213 13.1978 12.6746C13.1835 12.694 13.1663 12.7184 13.1287 12.7562C13.0308 12.8547 12.8709 12.9828 12.7068 13.1031C12.4547 13.2884 12.2972 13.385 12.1889 13.4529C12.0814 13.3853 11.9207 13.2896 11.6678 13.1034C11.5037 12.9831 11.347 12.8547 11.249 12.7562C11.2112 12.7184 11.1946 12.694 11.1802 12.6746C11.2244 12.5213 11.257 12.364 11.2885 12.2606C11.2985 12.2251 11.3128 12.1909 11.3312 12.1589C11.5272 12.1498 11.697 12.0985 11.8342 12.0521C11.9826 12.002 12.1018 11.9682 12.1889 11.9682Z" stroke-width="0.67"/>
<path d="M7.30906 8.88614C7.07464 8.88624 6.84264 8.93362 6.62695 9.02547C6.41127 9.11732 6.21633 9.25173 6.0538 9.42067C5.84978 9.62964 5.69897 9.88459 5.61409 10.164C5.55185 10.3678 5.52567 10.5809 5.53674 10.7937C5.55062 11.0726 5.62806 11.3446 5.76315 11.5891C5.89824 11.8335 6.08741 12.0438 6.3162 12.2039C6.43504 12.2861 6.56346 12.3536 6.69862 12.4047C7.12065 12.5641 7.58817 12.5528 8.00201 12.3732C8.16094 12.3044 8.30875 12.2123 8.44057 12.0999C8.59535 11.9694 8.72706 11.8138 8.83016 11.6396C9.04723 11.2747 9.13087 10.8458 9.06677 10.4261C9.03125 10.1917 8.95081 9.96635 8.82987 9.76242C8.69661 9.53878 8.51722 9.3461 8.30365 9.19723C8.1847 9.11509 8.05618 9.04776 7.92094 8.99671C7.7255 8.92332 7.51783 8.88586 7.30906 8.88614ZM16.8968 8.88614C16.6882 8.88658 16.4814 8.92432 16.2861 8.99757C16.1238 9.05845 15.9716 9.14322 15.8344 9.24908C15.674 9.37189 15.5356 9.52084 15.4247 9.68966C15.1571 10.0945 15.0611 10.5891 15.1577 11.0647C15.2274 11.4104 15.3953 11.7286 15.6413 11.9813C15.762 12.1049 15.8997 12.2107 16.0503 12.2953C16.2031 12.3803 16.3677 12.4421 16.5388 12.4786C16.7162 12.5163 16.8984 12.5256 17.0787 12.5064C17.4288 12.4699 17.7594 12.3278 18.0269 12.0991C18.2037 11.9495 18.3501 11.7675 18.4583 11.5628C18.629 11.2422 18.7003 10.878 18.6631 10.5167C18.6363 10.2505 18.5518 9.99346 18.4156 9.76328C18.2676 9.51479 18.0629 9.3049 17.8181 9.15083C17.6701 9.05879 17.5094 8.9891 17.3411 8.944C17.1963 8.90551 17.0467 8.88605 16.8968 8.88614ZM7.30906 9.47624C7.36947 9.47641 7.43036 9.48101 7.4901 9.48999C7.6252 9.51084 7.75549 9.55566 7.87482 9.62234C7.97591 9.6784 8.06818 9.74906 8.14867 9.83203C8.258 9.944 8.34458 10.0761 8.40362 10.221C8.45809 10.3534 8.4892 10.4942 8.49557 10.6373C8.50241 10.7828 8.48479 10.9284 8.44344 11.0681C8.39789 11.2192 8.32389 11.3601 8.22544 11.4835C8.12855 11.6038 8.00954 11.7044 7.87482 11.7799C7.64786 11.9056 7.38545 11.952 7.12917 11.9117C6.83915 11.8666 6.57695 11.7134 6.39526 11.4829C6.29647 11.3598 6.22253 11.2188 6.17755 11.0675C6.14172 10.9486 6.12376 10.825 6.12427 10.7009C6.12453 10.5767 6.14257 10.4532 6.17784 10.3342C6.22337 10.1832 6.29726 10.0424 6.39555 9.91911C6.49208 9.79899 6.61071 9.69845 6.74503 9.62291C6.8996 9.53697 7.07173 9.4874 7.24833 9.47796C7.26838 9.47682 7.28872 9.47624 7.30906 9.47624ZM16.8968 9.47624C17.0164 9.47639 17.1352 9.49484 17.2492 9.53096C17.3964 9.5778 17.5328 9.65367 17.6502 9.75411C17.7689 9.85441 17.8669 9.97679 17.939 10.1145C18.0145 10.2574 18.0611 10.4138 18.0762 10.5748C18.1001 10.8208 18.0523 11.0684 17.9387 11.2878C17.8662 11.4251 17.7683 11.5474 17.6502 11.6482C17.5622 11.7228 17.4638 11.7841 17.358 11.8304C17.2126 11.8936 17.0557 11.9263 16.8971 11.9263C16.7385 11.9263 16.5816 11.8936 16.4362 11.8304C16.2946 11.7692 16.1666 11.6805 16.0595 11.5694C15.9504 11.4574 15.864 11.3253 15.8051 11.1804C15.7508 11.0481 15.7198 10.9073 15.7135 10.7644C15.7084 10.6598 15.716 10.555 15.7361 10.4522C15.7671 10.2959 15.8277 10.147 15.9146 10.0134C15.9994 9.88421 16.1081 9.77242 16.2348 9.68393C16.3463 9.6068 16.4702 9.54953 16.6012 9.51463C16.6977 9.48913 16.797 9.47623 16.8968 9.47624Z" stroke-width="0.67"/>
<path d="M6.81606 9.51578C6.62295 9.51562 6.43768 9.59519 6.30098 9.737C6.16427 9.87881 6.08731 10.0712 6.08702 10.272C6.08681 10.3717 6.10551 10.4704 6.14205 10.5625C6.1786 10.6547 6.23228 10.7384 6.3 10.8089C6.36773 10.8794 6.44818 10.9354 6.53673 10.9735C6.62529 11.0116 6.72021 11.0312 6.81606 11.0311C6.91191 11.0312 7.00683 11.0116 7.09539 10.9735C7.18394 10.9354 7.26439 10.8794 7.33212 10.8089C7.39984 10.7384 7.45352 10.6547 7.49007 10.5625C7.52661 10.4704 7.54531 10.3717 7.5451 10.272C7.5448 10.0712 7.46785 9.87881 7.33114 9.737C7.19444 9.59519 7.00917 9.51562 6.81606 9.51578ZM16.399 9.51578C16.2058 9.51562 16.0206 9.59519 15.8839 9.737C15.7472 9.87881 15.6702 10.0712 15.6699 10.272C15.6697 10.3717 15.6884 10.4704 15.7249 10.5625C15.7615 10.6547 15.8152 10.7384 15.8829 10.8089C15.9506 10.8794 16.0311 10.9354 16.1196 10.9735C16.2082 11.0116 16.3031 11.0312 16.399 11.0311C16.4948 11.0311 16.5896 11.0115 16.6781 10.9733C16.7666 10.9352 16.847 10.8792 16.9146 10.8087C16.9823 10.7382 17.0359 10.6545 17.0724 10.5624C17.109 10.4703 17.1276 10.3716 17.1274 10.272C17.1271 10.0714 17.0502 9.879 16.9137 9.73721C16.7771 9.59542 16.592 9.51578 16.399 9.51578Z" stroke-width="0.67"/>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 11 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 16 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.1 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 3.0 KiB |
@ -47,6 +47,14 @@ export class ContainerStatsViewModel {
this.NumProcs = data.num_procs || 0;
this.isWindows = true;
// Podman has memory limit and usage but not stats
else if (
data?.memory_stats?.usage !== undefined &&
data?.memory_stats?.stats === undefined
) {
this.MemoryUsage = data.memory_stats.usage || 0;
this.MemoryCache = 0;
// Linux
else if (
data?.memory_stats?.stats === undefined ||
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ const ngModule = angular
r2a(ProcessesDatatable, ['dataset', 'headers'])
r2a(withUIRouter(withReactQuery(withCurrentUser(ProcessesDatatable))), [])
.component('dockerEventsDatatable', r2a(EventsDatatable, ['dataset']))
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import { resizeTTY } from '@/react/docker/containers/queries/useContainerResizeT
import { updateContainer } from '@/react/docker/containers/queries/useUpdateContainer';
import { createExec } from '@/react/docker/containers/queries/useCreateExecMutation';
import { containerStats } from '@/react/docker/containers/queries/useContainerStats';
import { containerTop } from '@/react/docker/containers/queries/useContainerTop';
import { getContainerTop } from '@/react/docker/containers/queries/useContainerTop';
import { ContainerDetailsViewModel } from '../models/containerDetails';
import { ContainerStatsViewModel } from '../models/containerStats';
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ function ContainerServiceFactory(AngularToReact) {
updateRestartPolicy: useAxios(updateRestartPolicyAngularJS), // container edit
createExec: useAxios(createExec), // container console
containerStats: useAxios(containerStatsAngularJS), // container stats
containerTop: useAxios(containerTop), // container stats
containerTop: useAxios(getContainerTop), // container stats
inspect: useAxios(getContainer), // container inspect
logs: useAxios(containerLogsAngularJS), // container logs
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { isFulfilled } from '@/portainer/helpers/promise-utils';
import { getInfo } from '@/react/docker/proxy/queries/useInfo';
import { aggregateData, getPlugins } from '@/react/docker/proxy/queries/useServicePlugins';
import { aggregateData, getPlugins } from '@/react/docker/proxy/queries/usePlugins';
angular.module('portainer.docker').factory('PluginService', PluginServiceFactory);
@ -43,11 +43,12 @@
<div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="..." ng-if="displayRecreateButton" authorization="DockerContainerCreate">
<div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="..." ng-if="displayRecreateButton || displayDuplicateEditButton" authorization="DockerContainerCreate">
class="btn btn-light btn-sm"
ng-disabled="state.recreateContainerInProgress || container.IsPortainer"
@ -57,7 +58,13 @@
<span ng-show="state.recreateContainerInProgress">Recreation in progress...</span>
<a class="btn btn-light btn-sm" type="button" ui-sref="docker.containers.new({ from: container.Id, nodeName: nodeName })" ng-disabled="container.IsPortainer">
class="btn btn-light btn-sm"
ui-sref="docker.containers.new({ from: container.Id, nodeName: nodeName })"
<pr-icon icon="'copy'"></pr-icon>
@ -218,7 +225,7 @@
<div class="col-sm-12">
class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"
class="btn btn-primary btn-sm !ml-0"
ng-disabled="!state.pullImageValidity || !config.RegistryModel.Image || config.commitInProgress"
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import { FeatureId } from '@/react/portainer/feature-flags/enums';
import { ResourceControlType } from '@/react/portainer/access-control/types';
import { confirmContainerRecreation } from '@/react/docker/containers/ItemView/ConfirmRecreationModal';
import { commitContainer } from '@/react/docker/proxy/queries/useCommitContainerMutation';
import { ContainerEngine } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('ContainerController', [
@ -123,7 +124,11 @@ angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('ContainerController', [
!allowHostNamespaceForRegularUsers ||
$scope.displayRecreateButton = !inSwarm && !autoRemove && (admin || !settingRestrictsRegularUsers);
// displayRecreateButton should false for podman because recreating podman containers give and error: cannot set memory swappiness with cgroupv2
// https://github.com/containrrr/watchtower/issues/1060#issuecomment-2319076222
const isPodman = endpoint.ContainerEngine === ContainerEngine.Podman;
$scope.displayDuplicateEditButton = !inSwarm && !autoRemove && (admin || !settingRestrictsRegularUsers);
$scope.displayRecreateButton = !inSwarm && !autoRemove && (admin || !settingRestrictsRegularUsers) && !isPodman;
$scope.displayCreateWebhookButton = $scope.displayRecreateButton;
.catch(function error(err) {
@ -97,11 +97,9 @@ angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('ContainerStatsController', [
function startChartUpdate(networkChart, cpuChart, memoryChart, ioChart) {
stats: ContainerService.containerStats(endpoint.Id, $transition$.params().id),
top: ContainerService.containerTop(endpoint.Id, $transition$.params().id),
.then(function success(data) {
var stats = data.stats;
$scope.processInfo = data.top;
if (stats.Networks.length === 0) {
$scope.state.networkStatsUnavailable = true;
@ -125,11 +123,9 @@ angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('ContainerStatsController', [
$scope.repeater = $interval(function () {
stats: ContainerService.containerStats(endpoint.Id, $transition$.params().id),
top: ContainerService.containerTop(endpoint.Id, $transition$.params().id),
.then(function success(data) {
var stats = data.stats;
$scope.processInfo = data.top;
updateNetworkChart(stats, networkChart);
updateMemoryChart(stats, memoryChart);
updateCPUChart(stats, cpuChart);
@ -108,4 +108,4 @@
<docker-container-processes-datatable dataset="processInfo.Processes" headers="processInfo.Titles"></docker-container-processes-datatable>
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
<div class="form-group">
<span class="col-sm-12 text-muted small">
A name must be specified in one of the following formats: <code>name:tag</code>, <code>repository/name:tag</code> or
<code>registryfqdn:port/repository/name:tag</code> format. If you omit the tag the default <b>latest</b> value is assumed.
<code>registry:port/repository/name:tag</code> format. If you omit the tag the default <b>latest</b> value is assumed.
<div class="form-group">
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<!-- !tag-note -->
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" ng-disabled="!formValues.RegistryModel.Image" ng-click="tagImage()">Tag</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm !ml-0" ng-disabled="!formValues.RegistryModel.Image" ng-click="tagImage()">Tag</button>
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
<table class="table">
<td class="min-w-[80px]">ID</td>
{{ image.Id }}
<button authorization="DockerImageDelete" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" ng-click="removeImage(image.Id)">
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
<table class="table-bordered table-condensed table">
<tr ng-repeat="(k, v) in image.Labels">
<td>{{ k }}</td>
<td class="min-w-[80px]">{{ k }}</td>
<td>{{ v }}</td>
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import _ from 'lodash-es';
import { PorImageRegistryModel } from 'Docker/models/porImageRegistry';
import { confirmImageExport } from '@/react/docker/images/common/ConfirmExportModal';
import { confirmDelete } from '@@/modals/confirm';
import { fullURIIntoRepoAndTag } from '@/react/docker/images/utils';
angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('ImageController', [
@ -71,8 +72,9 @@ angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('ImageController', [
const registryModel = $scope.formValues.RegistryModel;
const image = ImageHelper.createImageConfigForContainer(registryModel);
const { repo, tag } = fullURIIntoRepoAndTag(image.fromImage);
ImageService.tagImage($transition$.params().id, image.fromImage)
ImageService.tagImage($transition$.params().id, repo, tag)
.then(function success() {
Notifications.success('Success', 'Image successfully tagged');
$state.go('docker.images.image', { id: $transition$.params().id }, { reload: true });
@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
import { PorImageRegistryModel } from 'Docker/models/porImageRegistry';
import { fullURIIntoRepoAndTag } from '@/react/docker/images/utils';
angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('ImportImageController', [
function ($scope, $state, ImageService, Notifications, HttpRequestHelper, Authentication, ImageHelper, endpoint) {
function ($scope, $state, $async, ImageService, Notifications, HttpRequestHelper, Authentication, ImageHelper, endpoint) {
$scope.state = {
actionInProgress: false,
@ -33,15 +35,20 @@ angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('ImportImageController', [
const registryModel = $scope.formValues.RegistryModel;
if (registryModel.Image) {
const image = ImageHelper.createImageConfigForContainer(registryModel);
const { repo, tag } = fullURIIntoRepoAndTag(image.fromImage);
try {
await ImageService.tagImage(id, image.fromImage);
await ImageService.tagImage(id, repo, tag);
} catch (err) {
Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to tag image');
$scope.uploadImage = async function () {
$scope.uploadImage = function () {
return $async(uploadImageAsync);
async function uploadImageAsync() {
$scope.state.actionInProgress = true;
var nodeName = $scope.formValues.NodeName;
@ -52,7 +59,8 @@ angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('ImportImageController', [
if (data.error) {
Notifications.error('Failure', data.error, 'Unable to upload image');
} else if (data.stream) {
var regex = /Loaded.*?: (.*?)\n$/g;
// docker has /n at the end of the stream, podman doesn't
var regex = /Loaded.*?: (.*?)(?:\n|$)/g;
var imageIds = regex.exec(data.stream);
if (imageIds && imageIds.length == 2) {
await tagImage(imageIds[1]);
@ -67,6 +75,6 @@ angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('ImportImageController', [
} finally {
$scope.state.actionInProgress = false;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-12 vertical-center">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" ngf-select ngf-min-size="10" ng-model="formValues.UploadFile">Select file</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary !ml-0" ngf-select ngf-min-size="10" ng-model="formValues.UploadFile">Select file</button>
<span class="ml-1">
{{ formValues.UploadFile.name }}
<pr-icon icon="'x'" mode="'danger'" ng-if="!formValues.UploadFile"></pr-icon>
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<!-- !node-selection -->
<div class="row" authorization="DockerImageCreate">
<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12">
<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12 p-0">
<rd-widget-header icon="tag" title-text="Tag the image"></rd-widget-header>
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<div class="col-sm-12">
class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"
class="btn btn-primary btn-sm !ml-0"
ng-disabled="state.actionInProgress || !formValues.UploadFile"
@ -11,6 +11,15 @@
{{ volume.Id }}
class="btn btn-xs btn-primary"
ui-sref="docker.volumes.volume.browse({ id: volume.Id, nodeName: volume.NodeName })"
<pr-icon icon="'search'" class="leading-none"></pr-icon>
<button authorization="DockerVolumeDelete" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" ng-click="removeVolume()"
><pr-icon icon="'trash-2'" class="leading-none"></pr-icon> Remove this volume</button
@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('VolumeController', [
function ($scope, $state, $transition$, VolumeService, ContainerService, Notifications, HttpRequestHelper, endpoint) {
function ($scope, $state, $transition$, VolumeService, ContainerService, Notifications, HttpRequestHelper, Authentication, endpoint) {
$scope.resourceType = ResourceControlType.Volume;
$scope.endpoint = endpoint;
$scope.showBrowseAction = false;
$scope.onUpdateResourceControlSuccess = function () {
@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ angular.module('portainer.docker').controller('VolumeController', [
function initView() {
$scope.showBrowseAction = $scope.applicationState.endpoint.mode.agentProxy && (Authentication.isAdmin() || endpoint.SecuritySettings.allowVolumeBrowserForRegularUsers);
.then(function success(data) {
@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
import moment from 'moment';
import _ from 'lodash-es';
import filesize from 'filesize';
import { Cloud } from 'lucide-react';
import Kube from '@/assets/ico/kube.svg?c';
import DockerIcon from '@/assets/ico/vendor/docker-icon.svg?c';
import MicrosoftIcon from '@/assets/ico/vendor/microsoft-icon.svg?c';
import { EnvironmentType } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
export function truncateLeftRight(text, max, left, right) {
max = isNaN(max) ? 50 : max;
@ -105,24 +99,6 @@ export function endpointTypeName(type) {
return '';
export function environmentTypeIcon(type) {
switch (type) {
case EnvironmentType.Azure:
return MicrosoftIcon;
case EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnDocker:
return Cloud;
case EnvironmentType.AgentOnKubernetes:
case EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnKubernetes:
case EnvironmentType.KubernetesLocal:
return Kube;
case EnvironmentType.AgentOnDocker:
case EnvironmentType.Docker:
return DockerIcon;
throw new Error(`type ${type}-${EnvironmentType[type]} is not supported`);
export function truncate(text, length, end) {
if (isNaN(length)) {
length = 10;
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import _ from 'lodash-es';
import { ownershipIcon } from '@/react/docker/components/datatable/createOwnershipColumn';
import {
@ -34,5 +33,4 @@ angular
.filter('arraytostr', () => arrayToStr)
.filter('labelsToStr', () => labelsToStr)
.filter('endpointtypename', () => endpointTypeName)
.filter('endpointtypeicon', () => environmentTypeIcon)
.filter('ownershipicon', () => ownershipIcon);
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ function EndpointController(
showAMTInfo: false,
showTLSConfig: false,
edgeScriptCommands: {
linux: _.compact([commandsTabs.k8sLinux, commandsTabs.swarmLinux, commandsTabs.standaloneLinux]),
linux: _.compact([commandsTabs.k8sLinux, commandsTabs.swarmLinux, commandsTabs.standaloneLinux, commandsTabs.podmanLinux]),
win: [commandsTabs.swarmWindows, commandsTabs.standaloneWindow],
@ -297,7 +297,6 @@ function EndpointController(
return $async(async () => {
try {
const [endpoint, groups, settings] = await Promise.all([EndpointService.endpoint($transition$.params().id), GroupService.groups(), SettingsService.settings()]);
if (isDockerAPIEnvironment(endpoint)) {
$scope.state.showTLSConfig = true;
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
<div class="col-sm-12">
class="btn btn-primary btn-sm"
class="btn btn-primary btn-sm !ml-0"
|| !createStackForm.$valid
|| ((state.Method === 'editor' || state.Method === 'template') && (!formValues.StackFileContent || state.editorYamlValidationError))
@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ import _ from 'lodash';
import { Team } from '@/react/portainer/users/teams/types';
import { Role, User, UserId } from '@/portainer/users/types';
import { Environment } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
export function createMockUsers(
count: number,
@ -69,6 +72,7 @@ export function createMockEnvironment(): Environment {
TagIds: [],
GroupId: 1,
Type: 1,
ContainerEngine: ContainerEngine.Docker,
Name: 'environment',
Status: 1,
URL: 'url',
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export function Tooltip({
<HelpCircle className="lucide" aria-hidden="true" />
<HelpCircle className="lucide" />
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export function CopyButton({
fadeDelay = 1000,
displayText = 'copied',
color = 'default',
indicatorPosition = 'right',
'data-cy': dataCy,
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export function CopyButton({
<div className={styles.container}>
{indicatorPosition === 'left' && copiedIndicator()}
className={clsx(className, '!ml-0')}
@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
import { render, screen, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react';
import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest';
import {
} from '@tanstack/react-table';
import { Datatable, defaultGlobalFilterFn, Props } from './Datatable';
import {
} from './types';
import { useTableState } from './useTableState';
// Mock data and dependencies
type MockData = { id: string; name: string; age: number };
const mockData = [
{ id: '1', name: 'John Doe', age: 30 },
{ id: '2', name: 'Jane Smith', age: 25 },
{ id: '3', name: 'Bob Johnson', age: 35 },
const mockColumns = [
{ accessorKey: 'name', header: 'Name' },
{ accessorKey: 'age', header: 'Age' },
// mock table settings / state
export interface TableSettings
extends BasicTableSettings,
RefreshableTableSettings {}
function createStore(storageKey: string) {
return createPersistedStore<TableSettings>(storageKey, 'name', (set) => ({
const storageKey = 'test-table';
const settingsStore = createStore(storageKey);
const mockSettingsManager = {
pageSize: 10,
search: '',
sortBy: undefined,
setSearch: vitest.fn(),
setSortBy: vitest.fn(),
setPageSize: vitest.fn(),
function DatatableWithStore(props: Omit<Props<MockData>, 'settingsManager'>) {
const tableState = useTableState(settingsStore, storageKey);
return (
<Datatable {...props} settingsManager={tableState} data-cy="test-table" />
describe('Datatable', () => {
it('renders the table with correct data', () => {
expect(screen.getByText('John Doe')).toBeInTheDocument();
expect(screen.getByText('Jane Smith')).toBeInTheDocument();
expect(screen.getByText('Bob Johnson')).toBeInTheDocument();
it('renders the table with a title', () => {
title="Test Table"
expect(screen.getByText('Test Table')).toBeInTheDocument();
it('handles row selection when not disabled', () => {
const checkboxes = screen.getAllByRole('checkbox');
fireEvent.click(checkboxes[1]); // Select the first row
// Check if the row is selected (you might need to adapt this based on your implementation)
it('disables row selection when disableSelect is true', () => {
const checkboxes = screen.queryAllByRole('checkbox');
it('handles sorting', () => {
const nameHeader = screen.getByText('Name');
// Check if setSortBy was called with the correct arguments
expect(mockSettingsManager.setSortBy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('name', true);
it('renders loading state', () => {
it('renders empty state', () => {
emptyContentLabel="No data available"
expect(screen.getByText('No data available')).toBeInTheDocument();
// Test the defaultGlobalFilterFn used in searches
type Person = {
id: string;
name: string;
age: number;
isEmployed: boolean;
tags?: string[];
city?: string;
family?: { sister: string; uncles?: string[] };
const data: Person[] = [
// searching primitives should be supported
id: '1',
name: 'Alice',
age: 30,
isEmployed: true,
// supporting arrays of primitives should be supported
tags: ['music', 'likes-pixar'],
// supporting objects of primitives should be supported (values only).
// but shouldn't be support nested objects / arrays
family: { sister: 'sophie', uncles: ['john', 'david'] },
const columnHelper = createColumnHelper<Person>();
const columns = [
columnHelper.accessor('name', {
id: 'name',
columnHelper.accessor('isEmployed', {
id: 'isEmployed',
columnHelper.accessor('age', {
id: 'age',
columnHelper.accessor('tags', {
id: 'tags',
columnHelper.accessor('family', {
id: 'family',
const mockTable = createTable({
getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel(),
state: {},
onStateChange() {},
renderFallbackValue: undefined,
getRowId: (row) => row.id,
const mockRow = mockTable.getRow('1');
describe('defaultGlobalFilterFn', () => {
it('should return true when filterValue is null', () => {
const result = defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'Name', null);
it('should return true when filterValue.search is empty', () => {
const result = defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'Name', {
search: '',
it('should filter string values correctly', () => {
defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'name', {
search: 'hello',
defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'name', {
search: 'ALICE',
defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'name', {
search: 'Alice',
it('should filter number values correctly', () => {
expect(defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'age', { search: '123' })).toBe(
expect(defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'age', { search: '30' })).toBe(true);
expect(defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'age', { search: '67' })).toBe(false);
it('should filter boolean values correctly', () => {
defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'isEmployed', { search: 'true' })
defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'isEmployed', { search: 'false' })
it('should filter object values correctly', () => {
expect(defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'family', { search: 'sophie' })).toBe(
expect(defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'family', { search: '30' })).toBe(
it('should filter array values correctly', () => {
expect(defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'tags', { search: 'music' })).toBe(
defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'tags', { search: 'Likes-Pixar' })
expect(defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'tags', { search: 'grape' })).toBe(
expect(defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'tags', { search: 'likes' })).toBe(
it('should handle complex nested structures', () => {
expect(defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'family', { search: 'sophie' })).toBe(
expect(defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'family', { search: 'mason' })).toBe(
it('should not filter non-primitive values within objects and arrays', () => {
expect(defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'family', { search: 'john' })).toBe(
expect(defaultGlobalFilterFn(mockRow, 'family', { search: 'david' })).toBe(
@ -272,6 +272,21 @@ export function defaultGlobalFilterFn<D, TFilter extends { search: string }>(
const filterValueLower = filterValue.search.toLowerCase();
if (typeof value === 'object') {
return Object.values(value).some((item) =>
filterPrimitive(item, filterValueLower)
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value.some((item) => filterPrimitive(item, filterValueLower));
return filterPrimitive(value, filterValueLower);
// only filter primitive values within objects and arrays, to avoid searching nested objects
function filterPrimitive(value: unknown, filterValueLower: string) {
if (
typeof value === 'string' ||
typeof value === 'number' ||
@ -279,13 +294,6 @@ export function defaultGlobalFilterFn<D, TFilter extends { search: string }>(
) {
return value.toString().toLowerCase().includes(filterValueLower);
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value.some((item) =>
return false;
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import { ZapIcon } from 'lucide-react';
import { useEnvironmentId } from '@/react/hooks/useEnvironmentId';
import { getDockerEnvironmentType } from '@/react/portainer/environments/utils/getDockerEnvironmentType';
import { useIsPodman } from '@/react/portainer/environments/queries/useIsPodman';
import { Icon } from '@@/Icon';
@ -9,6 +11,7 @@ import { useInfo } from '../proxy/queries/useInfo';
export function DockerInfo({ isAgent }: { isAgent: boolean }) {
const envId = useEnvironmentId();
const infoQuery = useInfo(envId);
const isPodman = useIsPodman(envId);
if (!infoQuery.data) {
return null;
@ -16,16 +19,22 @@ export function DockerInfo({ isAgent }: { isAgent: boolean }) {
const info = infoQuery.data;
const isSwarm = info.Swarm && info.Swarm.NodeID !== '';
const isSwarm = info.Swarm !== undefined && info.Swarm?.NodeID !== '';
const type = getDockerEnvironmentType(isSwarm, isPodman);
return (
<span className="small text-muted">
{isSwarm ? 'Swarm' : 'Standalone'} {info.ServerVersion}
<span className="inline-flex gap-x-2 small text-muted">
{type} {info.ServerVersion}
{isAgent && (
<span className="flex gap-1 items-center">
<Icon icon={ZapIcon} />
<span className="inline-flex items-center">
<Icon icon={ZapIcon} />
@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ export function EnvironmentInfo() {
<DetailsTable.Row label="Environment">
<div className="flex items-center gap-2">
<SnapshotStats snapshot={environment.Snapshots[0]} />-
<SnapshotStats snapshot={environment.Snapshots[0]} />
<span className="text-muted">-</span>
<DockerInfo isAgent={isAgent} />
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export function PortsMappingField({
label="Port mapping"
addLabel="map additional port"
addLabel="Map additional port"
itemBuilder={() => ({
hostPort: '',
containerPort: '',
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ function Item({
onChange={(e) => handleChange('hostPort', e.target.value)}
placeholder="e.g. 80"
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ function Item({
onChange={(e) => handleChange('containerPort', e.target.value)}
placeholder="e.g. 80"
@ -105,7 +105,10 @@ function Item({
onChange={(value) => handleChange('protocol', value)}
options={[{ value: 'tcp' }, { value: 'udp' }]}
{ value: 'tcp', label: 'TCP' },
{ value: 'udp', label: 'UDP' },
@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ import { FormikErrors } from 'formik';
import { array, object, SchemaOf, string } from 'yup';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { useLoggingPlugins } from '@/react/docker/proxy/queries/useServicePlugins';
import { useLoggingPlugins } from '@/react/docker/proxy/queries/usePlugins';
import { useEnvironmentId } from '@/react/hooks/useEnvironmentId';
import { useIsPodman } from '@/react/portainer/environments/queries/useIsPodman';
import { FormControl } from '@@/form-components/FormControl';
import { FormSection } from '@@/form-components/FormSection';
@ -30,8 +31,9 @@ export function LoggerConfig({
errors?: FormikErrors<LogConfig>;
}) {
const envId = useEnvironmentId();
const pluginsQuery = useLoggingPlugins(envId, apiVersion < 1.25);
const isPodman = useIsPodman(envId);
const isSystem = apiVersion < 1.25;
const pluginsQuery = useLoggingPlugins(envId, isSystem, isPodman);
if (!pluginsQuery.data) {
return null;
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
import { FormikErrors } from 'formik';
import { useIsPodman } from '@/react/portainer/environments/queries/useIsPodman';
import { useEnvironmentId } from '@/react/hooks/useEnvironmentId';
import { FormControl } from '@@/form-components/FormControl';
import { Input } from '@@/form-components/Input';
@ -19,12 +22,15 @@ export function NetworkTab({
setFieldValue: (field: string, value: unknown) => void;
errors?: FormikErrors<Values>;
}) {
const envId = useEnvironmentId();
const isPodman = useIsPodman(envId);
const additionalOptions = getAdditionalOptions(isPodman);
return (
<div className="mt-3">
<FormControl label="Network" errors={errors?.networkMode}>
additionalOptions={[{ label: 'Container', value: CONTAINER_MODE }]}
onChange={(networkMode) => setFieldValue('networkMode', networkMode)}
@ -105,3 +111,10 @@ export function NetworkTab({
function getAdditionalOptions(isPodman?: boolean) {
if (isPodman) {
return [];
return [{ label: 'Container', value: CONTAINER_MODE }];
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest';
import { DockerNetwork } from '@/react/docker/networks/types';
import { ContainerListViewModel } from '../../types';
import { ContainerDetailsJSON } from '../../queries/useContainer';
import { getDefaultViewModel, getNetworkMode } from './toViewModel';
describe('getDefaultViewModel', () => {
it('should return the correct default view model for Windows', () => {
const result = getDefaultViewModel(true);
networkMode: 'nat',
hostname: '',
domain: '',
macAddress: '',
ipv4Address: '',
ipv6Address: '',
primaryDns: '',
secondaryDns: '',
hostsFileEntries: [],
container: '',
it('should return the correct default view model for Podman', () => {
const result = getDefaultViewModel(false, true);
networkMode: 'podman',
hostname: '',
domain: '',
macAddress: '',
ipv4Address: '',
ipv6Address: '',
primaryDns: '',
secondaryDns: '',
hostsFileEntries: [],
container: '',
it('should return the correct default view model for Linux Docker', () => {
const result = getDefaultViewModel(false);
networkMode: 'bridge',
hostname: '',
domain: '',
macAddress: '',
ipv4Address: '',
ipv6Address: '',
primaryDns: '',
secondaryDns: '',
hostsFileEntries: [],
container: '',
describe('getNetworkMode', () => {
const mockNetworks: Array<DockerNetwork> = [
Name: 'bridge',
Id: 'bridge-id',
Driver: 'bridge',
Scope: 'local',
Attachable: false,
Internal: false,
IPAM: { Config: [], Driver: '', Options: {} },
Options: {},
Containers: {},
Name: 'host',
Id: 'host-id',
Driver: 'host',
Scope: 'local',
Attachable: false,
Internal: false,
IPAM: { Config: [], Driver: '', Options: {} },
Options: {},
Containers: {},
Name: 'custom',
Id: 'custom-id',
Driver: 'bridge',
Scope: 'local',
Attachable: true,
Internal: false,
IPAM: { Config: [], Driver: '', Options: {} },
Options: {},
Containers: {},
const mockRunningContainers: Array<ContainerListViewModel> = [
Id: 'container-1',
Names: ['container-1-name'],
} as ContainerListViewModel, // gaslight the type to avoid over-specifying
it('should return the network mode from HostConfig', () => {
const config: ContainerDetailsJSON = {
HostConfig: { NetworkMode: 'host' },
expect(getNetworkMode(config, mockNetworks)).toEqual(['host']);
it('should return the network mode from NetworkSettings if HostConfig is empty', () => {
const config: ContainerDetailsJSON = {
NetworkSettings: { Networks: { custom: {} } },
expect(getNetworkMode(config, mockNetworks)).toEqual(['custom']);
it('should return container mode when NetworkMode starts with "container:"', () => {
const config: ContainerDetailsJSON = {
HostConfig: { NetworkMode: 'container:container-1' },
expect(getNetworkMode(config, mockNetworks, mockRunningContainers)).toEqual(
['container', 'container-1-name']
it('should return "podman" for bridge network when isPodman is true', () => {
const config: ContainerDetailsJSON = {
HostConfig: { NetworkMode: 'bridge' },
expect(getNetworkMode(config, mockNetworks, [], true)).toEqual(['podman']);
it('should return "bridge" for default network mode on Docker', () => {
const config: ContainerDetailsJSON = {
HostConfig: { NetworkMode: 'default' },
expect(getNetworkMode(config, mockNetworks)).toEqual(['bridge']);
it('should return the first available network if no matching network is found', () => {
const config: ContainerDetailsJSON = {
HostConfig: { NetworkMode: 'non-existent' },
expect(getNetworkMode(config, mockNetworks)).toEqual(['bridge']);
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import { ContainerListViewModel } from '../../types';
import { CONTAINER_MODE, Values } from './types';
export function getDefaultViewModel(isWindows: boolean) {
const networkMode = isWindows ? 'nat' : 'bridge';
export function getDefaultViewModel(isWindows: boolean, isPodman?: boolean) {
const networkMode = getDefaultNetworkMode(isWindows, isPodman);
return {
hostname: '',
@ -21,10 +21,17 @@ export function getDefaultViewModel(isWindows: boolean) {
export function getDefaultNetworkMode(isWindows: boolean, isPodman?: boolean) {
if (isWindows) return 'nat';
if (isPodman) return 'podman';
return 'bridge';
export function toViewModel(
config: ContainerDetailsJSON,
networks: Array<DockerNetwork>,
runningContainers: Array<ContainerListViewModel> = []
runningContainers: Array<ContainerListViewModel> = [],
isPodman?: boolean
): Values {
const dns = config.HostConfig?.Dns;
const [primaryDns = '', secondaryDns = ''] = dns || [];
@ -34,7 +41,8 @@ export function toViewModel(
const [networkMode, container = ''] = getNetworkMode(
const networkSettings = config.NetworkSettings?.Networks?.[networkMode];
@ -61,10 +69,11 @@ export function toViewModel(
function getNetworkMode(
export function getNetworkMode(
config: ContainerDetailsJSON,
networks: Array<DockerNetwork>,
runningContainers: Array<ContainerListViewModel> = []
runningContainers: Array<ContainerListViewModel> = [],
isPodman?: boolean
) {
let networkMode = config.HostConfig?.NetworkMode || '';
if (!networkMode) {
@ -85,6 +94,9 @@ function getNetworkMode(
const networkNames = networks.map((n) => n.Name);
if (networkNames.includes(networkMode)) {
if (isPodman && networkMode === 'bridge') {
return ['podman'] as const;
return [networkMode] as const;
@ -92,6 +104,9 @@ function getNetworkMode(
networkNames.includes('bridge') &&
(!networkMode || networkMode === 'default' || networkMode === 'bridge')
) {
if (isPodman) {
return ['podman'] as const;
return ['bridge'] as const;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { useCurrentStateAndParams } from '@uirouter/react';
import { useIsPodman } from '@/react/portainer/environments/queries/useIsPodman';
import {
@ -46,6 +47,8 @@ import { useNetworksForSelector } from '../components/NetworkSelector';
import { useContainers } from '../queries/useContainers';
import { useContainer } from '../queries/useContainer';
import { getDefaultNetworkMode } from './NetworkTab/toViewModel';
export interface Values extends BaseFormValues {
commands: CommandsTabValues;
volumes: VolumesTabValues;
@ -80,6 +83,7 @@ export function useInitialValues(submitting: boolean, isWindows: boolean) {
const registriesQuery = useEnvironmentRegistries(environmentId, {
enabled: !!from,
const isPodman = useIsPodman(environmentId);
if (!networksQuery.data) {
return null;
@ -87,7 +91,13 @@ export function useInitialValues(submitting: boolean, isWindows: boolean) {
if (!from) {
return {
initialValues: defaultValues(isPureAdmin, user.Id, nodeName, isWindows),
initialValues: defaultValues(
@ -110,7 +120,11 @@ export function useInitialValues(submitting: boolean, isWindows: boolean) {
const extraNetworks = Object.entries(
fromContainer.NetworkSettings?.Networks || {}
.filter(([n]) => n !== network.networkMode)
([n]) =>
n !== network.networkMode &&
n !== getDefaultNetworkMode(isWindows, isPodman)
.map(([networkName, network]) => ({
aliases: (network.Aliases || []).filter(
@ -129,7 +143,8 @@ export function useInitialValues(submitting: boolean, isWindows: boolean) {
network: networkTabUtils.toViewModel(
labels: labelsTabUtils.toViewModel(fromContainer),
restartPolicy: restartPolicyTabUtils.toViewModel(fromContainer),
@ -153,12 +168,13 @@ function defaultValues(
isPureAdmin: boolean,
currentUserId: UserId,
nodeName: string,
isWindows: boolean
isWindows: boolean,
isPodman?: boolean
): Values {
return {
commands: commandsTabUtils.getDefaultViewModel(),
volumes: volumesTabUtils.getDefaultViewModel(),
network: networkTabUtils.getDefaultViewModel(isWindows), // windows containers should default to the nat network, not the bridge
network: networkTabUtils.getDefaultViewModel(isWindows, isPodman), // windows containers should default to the nat network, not the bridge
labels: labelsTabUtils.getDefaultViewModel(),
restartPolicy: restartPolicyTabUtils.getDefaultViewModel(),
resources: resourcesTabUtils.getDefaultViewModel(),
@ -1,58 +1,83 @@
import { ColumnDef } from '@tanstack/react-table';
import { List } from 'lucide-react';
import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { useCurrentStateAndParams } from '@uirouter/react';
import { useEnvironmentId } from '@/react/hooks/useEnvironmentId';
import { Datatable } from '@@/datatables';
import { createPersistedStore } from '@@/datatables/types';
import { useTableState } from '@@/datatables/useTableState';
import { useContainerTop } from '../queries/useContainerTop';
import { ContainerProcesses } from '../queries/types';
const tableKey = 'container-processes';
const store = createPersistedStore(tableKey);
export function ProcessesDatatable({
}: {
dataset?: Array<Array<string | number>>;
headers?: Array<string>;
}) {
const tableState = useTableState(store, tableKey);
const rows = useMemo(() => {
if (!dataset || !headers) {
return [];
type ProcessRow = {
id: number;
return dataset.map((row, index) => ({
id: index,
headers.map((header, index) => [header, row[index]])
}, [dataset, headers]);
type ProcessesDatatableProps = {
rows: Array<ProcessRow>;
columns: Array<ColumnDef<ProcessRow>>;
const columns = useMemo(
() =>
? headers.map(
(header) =>
({ header, accessorKey: header }) satisfies ColumnDef<{
[k: string]: string;
: [],
export function ProcessesDatatable() {
const {
params: { id: containerId },
} = useCurrentStateAndParams();
const environmentId = useEnvironmentId();
const topQuery = useContainerTop(
(containerProcesses: ContainerProcesses) =>
const tableState = useTableState(store, tableKey);
return (
dataset={topQuery.data?.rows ?? []}
columns={topQuery.data?.columns ?? []}
// transform the data from the API into the format expected by the datatable
function parseContainerProcesses(
containerProcesses: ContainerProcesses
): ProcessesDatatableProps {
const { Processes: processes, Titles: titles } = containerProcesses;
const rows = processes?.map((row, index) => {
// docker has the row data as an array of many strings
// podman has the row data as an array with a single string separated by one or many spaces
const processArray = row.length === 1 ? row[0].split(/\s+/) : row;
return {
id: index,
titles.map((header, index) => [header, processArray[index]])
const columns = titles
? titles.map(
(header) =>
({ header, accessorKey: header }) satisfies ColumnDef<{
[k: string]: string;
: [];
return {
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { DockerNetwork } from '@/react/docker/networks/types';
import { useIsSwarm } from '@/react/docker/proxy/queries/useInfo';
import { useApiVersion } from '@/react/docker/proxy/queries/useVersion';
import { useEnvironmentId } from '@/react/hooks/useEnvironmentId';
import { useIsPodman } from '@/react/portainer/environments/queries/useIsPodman';
import { Option, PortainerSelect } from '@@/form-components/PortainerSelect';
@ -19,9 +20,17 @@ export function NetworkSelector({
onChange: (value: string) => void;
hiddenNetworks?: string[];
}) {
const envId = useEnvironmentId();
const isPodman = useIsPodman(envId);
const networksQuery = useNetworksForSelector({
select(networks) {
return networks.map((n) => ({ label: n.Name, value: n.Name }));
return networks.map((n) => {
// The name of the 'bridge' network is 'podman' in Podman
if (n.Name === 'bridge' && isPodman) {
return { label: 'podman', value: 'podman' };
return { label: n.Name, value: n.Name };
@ -18,4 +18,7 @@ export const queryKeys = {
gpus: (environmentId: EnvironmentId, id: string) =>
[...queryKeys.container(environmentId, id), 'gpus'] as const,
top: (environmentId: EnvironmentId, id: string) =>
[...queryKeys.container(environmentId, id), 'top'] as const,
@ -7,3 +7,8 @@ export interface Filters {
network?: NetworkId[];
status?: ContainerStatus[];
export type ContainerProcesses = {
Processes: Array<Array<string>>;
Titles: Array<string>;
@ -1,21 +1,40 @@
import { useQuery } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import axios, { parseAxiosError } from '@/portainer/services/axios';
import { ContainerId } from '../types';
import { buildDockerProxyUrl } from '../../proxy/queries/buildDockerProxyUrl';
import { queryKeys } from './query-keys';
import { ContainerProcesses } from './types';
export function useContainerTop<T = ContainerProcesses>(
environmentId: EnvironmentId,
id: ContainerId,
select?: (environment: ContainerProcesses) => T
) {
// many containers don't allow this call, so fail early, and omit withError to silently fail
return useQuery({
queryKey: queryKeys.top(environmentId, id),
queryFn: () => getContainerTop(environmentId, id),
retry: false,
* Raw docker API proxy
* @param environmentId
* @param id
* @returns
export async function containerTop(
export async function getContainerTop(
environmentId: EnvironmentId,
id: ContainerId
) {
try {
const { data } = await axios.get(
const { data } = await axios.get<ContainerProcesses>(
buildDockerProxyUrl(environmentId, 'containers', id, 'top')
return data;
@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ function Cell({
return (
<div className="flex gap-1">
<a href={linkProps.href} onClick={linkProps.onClick} title={name}>
{truncate(name, 40)}
{!image.used && <UnusedBadge />}
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import { CellContext } from '@tanstack/react-table';
import { ImagesListResponse } from '@/react/docker/images/queries/useImages';
import { Badge } from '@@/Badge';
import { columnHelper } from './helper';
export const tags = columnHelper.accessor((item) => item.tags?.join(','), {
@ -16,12 +18,12 @@ function Cell({
const repoTags = item.tags;
return (
<div className="flex flex-wrap gap-1">
{repoTags?.map((tag, idx) => (
<span key={idx} className="label label-primary image-tag" title={tag}>
<Badge key={idx} type="info">
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest';
import { fullURIIntoRepoAndTag } from './utils';
describe('fullURIIntoRepoAndTag', () => {
it('splits registry/image-repo:tag correctly', () => {
const result = fullURIIntoRepoAndTag('registry.example.com/my-image:v1.0');
repo: 'registry.example.com/my-image',
tag: 'v1.0',
it('splits image-repo:tag correctly', () => {
const result = fullURIIntoRepoAndTag('nginx:latest');
expect(result).toEqual({ repo: 'nginx', tag: 'latest' });
it('splits registry:port/image-repo:tag correctly', () => {
const result = fullURIIntoRepoAndTag(
repo: 'registry.example.com:5000/my-image',
tag: 'v2.1',
it('handles empty string input', () => {
const result = fullURIIntoRepoAndTag('');
expect(result).toEqual({ repo: '', tag: 'latest' });
it('handles input with multiple colons', () => {
const result = fullURIIntoRepoAndTag('registry:5000/namespace/image:v1.0');
repo: 'registry:5000/namespace/image',
tag: 'v1.0',
it('handles input with @ symbol (digest)', () => {
const result = fullURIIntoRepoAndTag(
repo: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/image@sha256',
tag: '123456',
@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ import {
import { DockerImage } from './types';
import { DockerImageResponse } from './types/response';
type ImageModel = {
UseRegistry: boolean;
Registry?: Registry;
Image: string;
export function parseViewModel(response: DockerImageResponse): DockerImage {
return {
@ -40,11 +46,7 @@ export function imageContainsURL(image: string) {
return false;
export function buildImageFullURIFromModel(imageModel: {
UseRegistry: boolean;
Registry?: Registry;
Image: string;
}) {
export function buildImageFullURIFromModel(imageModel: ImageModel) {
const registry = imageModel.UseRegistry ? imageModel.Registry : undefined;
return buildImageFullURI(imageModel.Image, registry);
@ -107,3 +109,24 @@ function buildImageFullURIWithRegistry(image: string, registry: Registry) {
return url + image;
* Splits a full URI into repository and tag.
* @param fullURI - The full URI to be split.
* @returns An object containing the repository and tag.
export function fullURIIntoRepoAndTag(fullURI: string) {
// possible fullURI values (all should contain a tag):
// - registry/image-repo:tag
// - image-repo:tag
// - registry:port/image-repo:tag
// buildImageFullURIFromModel always gives a tag (defaulting to 'latest'), so the tag is always present after the last ':'
const parts = fullURI.split(':');
const tag = parts.pop() || 'latest';
const repo = parts.join(':');
return {
@ -14,13 +14,14 @@ import { buildDockerProxyUrl } from '../buildDockerProxyUrl';
export async function tagImage(
environmentId: EnvironmentId,
id: ImageId | ImageName,
repo: string
repo: string,
tag?: string
) {
try {
const { data } = await axios.post(
buildDockerProxyUrl(environmentId, 'images', id, 'tag'),
{ params: { repo } }
{ params: { repo, tag } }
return data;
} catch (e) {
@ -99,9 +99,18 @@ export function aggregateData(
export function useLoggingPlugins(
environmentId: EnvironmentId,
systemOnly: boolean
systemOnly: boolean,
isPodman?: boolean
) {
return useServicePlugins(environmentId, systemOnly, 'Log');
// systemOnly false + podman false|undefined -> both
// systemOnly true + podman false|undefined -> system
// systemOnly false + podman true -> system
// systemOnly true + podman true -> system
return useServicePlugins(
systemOnly || isPodman === true,
export function useVolumePlugins(
@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ function Cell({
id: item.Id,
nodeName: item.NodeName,
{truncate(name, 40)}
@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ function Cell({
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ export function EdgeScriptSettingsFieldset({
placeholder="e.g. uuidgen"
onChange={(e) => setFieldValue(e.target.name, e.target.value)}
@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ export function EdgeScriptSettingsFieldset({
placeholder="e.g. foo=bar"
@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ export const commandsTabs: Record<string, CommandTab> = {
label: 'Docker Standalone',
command: buildLinuxStandaloneCommand,
podmanLinux: {
id: 'podman',
label: 'Podman',
command: buildLinuxPodmanCommand,
swarmWindows: {
id: 'swarm',
label: 'Docker Swarm',
@ -83,6 +88,45 @@ docker run -d \\
function buildLinuxPodmanCommand(
agentVersion: string,
edgeKey: string,
properties: ScriptFormValues,
useAsyncMode: boolean,
edgeId?: string,
agentSecret?: string
) {
const { allowSelfSignedCertificates, edgeIdGenerator, envVars } = properties;
const env = buildDockerEnvVars(envVars, [
!edgeIdGenerator ? edgeId : undefined,
return `${
edgeIdGenerator ? `PORTAINER_EDGE_ID=$(${edgeIdGenerator}) \n\n` : ''
sudo systemctl enable --now podman.socket
sudo podman volume create portainer
sudo podman run -d \\
-v /run/podman/podman.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \\
-v /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes:/var/lib/docker/volumes \\
-v /:/host \\
-v portainer_agent_data:/data \\
--restart always \\
--privileged \\
${env} \\
--name portainer_edge_agent \\
export function buildWindowsStandaloneCommand(
agentVersion: string,
edgeKey: string,
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { EnvironmentGroupId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/environment-g
import { EdgeGroup } from '../../edge-groups/types';
export type Platform = 'standalone' | 'swarm' | 'k8s';
export type Platform = 'standalone' | 'swarm' | 'podman' | 'k8s';
export type OS = 'win' | 'linux';
export interface ScriptFormValues {
@ -26,9 +26,15 @@ function WaitingRoomView() {
<div className="col-sm-12">
<TextTip color="blue">
Only environments generated from the AEEC script will appear here,
manually added environments and edge devices will bypass the
waiting room.
Only environments generated from the{' '}
auto onboarding
</Link>{' '}
script will appear here, manually added environments and edge
devices will bypass the waiting room.
@ -2,6 +2,12 @@ import { useCurrentStateAndParams } from '@uirouter/react';
import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
* useEnvironmentId is a hook that returns the environmentId from the url params.
* use only when endpointId is set in the path.
* for example: /kubernetes/clusters/:endpointId
* for `:id` paths, use a different hook
export function useEnvironmentId(force = true): EnvironmentId {
const {
params: { endpointId: environmentId },
@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
import { DockerSnapshot } from '@/react/docker/snapshots/types';
import { useIsPodman } from '@/react/portainer/environments/queries/useIsPodman';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import { getPlatformType } from '@/react/portainer/environments/utils';
import { getDockerEnvironmentType } from '@/react/portainer/environments/utils/getDockerEnvironmentType';
export function EngineVersion({ environment }: { environment: Environment }) {
const platform = getPlatformType(environment.Type);
const isPodman = useIsPodman(environment.Id);
switch (platform) {
case PlatformType.Docker:
return <DockerEngineVersion snapshot={environment.Snapshots[0]} />;
return (
case PlatformType.Kubernetes:
return (
@ -23,14 +31,21 @@ export function EngineVersion({ environment }: { environment: Environment }) {
function DockerEngineVersion({ snapshot }: { snapshot?: DockerSnapshot }) {
function DockerEngineVersion({
}: {
snapshot?: DockerSnapshot;
isPodman?: boolean;
}) {
if (!snapshot) {
return null;
const type = getDockerEnvironmentType(snapshot.Swarm, isPodman);
return (
<span className="small text-muted vertical-center">
{snapshot.Swarm ? 'Swarm' : 'Standalone'} {snapshot.DockerVersion}
{type} {snapshot.DockerVersion}
@ -1,43 +1,86 @@
import { environmentTypeIcon } from '@/portainer/filters/filters';
import dockerEdge from '@/assets/images/edge_endpoint.png';
import { getEnvironmentTypeIcon } from '@/react/portainer/environments/utils';
import dockerEdge from '@/assets/ico/docker-edge-environment.svg';
import podmanEdge from '@/assets/ico/podman-edge-environment.svg';
import kube from '@/assets/images/kubernetes_endpoint.png';
import kubeEdge from '@/assets/images/kubernetes_edge_endpoint.png';
import { EnvironmentType } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import kubeEdge from '@/assets/ico/kubernetes-edge-environment.svg';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import azure from '@/assets/ico/vendor/azure.svg';
import docker from '@/assets/ico/vendor/docker.svg';
import podman from '@/assets/ico/vendor/podman.svg';
import { Icon } from '@@/Icon';
interface Props {
type: EnvironmentType;
containerEngine?: ContainerEngine;
export function EnvironmentIcon({ type }: Props) {
export function EnvironmentIcon({ type, containerEngine }: Props) {
switch (type) {
case EnvironmentType.AgentOnDocker:
case EnvironmentType.Docker:
if (containerEngine === ContainerEngine.Podman) {
return (
alt="podman environment"
return (
<img src={docker} width="60" alt="docker endpoint" aria-hidden="true" />
alt="docker environment"
case EnvironmentType.Azure:
return (
<img src={azure} width="60" alt="azure endpoint" aria-hidden="true" />
alt="azure environment"
case EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnDocker:
if (containerEngine === ContainerEngine.Podman) {
return (
alt="podman edge environment"
return (
<img src={dockerEdge} alt="docker edge endpoint" aria-hidden="true" />
alt="docker edge environment"
case EnvironmentType.KubernetesLocal:
case EnvironmentType.AgentOnKubernetes:
return <img src={kube} alt="kubernetes endpoint" aria-hidden="true" />;
return <img src={kube} alt="kubernetes environment" aria-hidden="true" />;
case EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnKubernetes:
return (
<img src={kubeEdge} alt="kubernetes edge endpoint" aria-hidden="true" />
alt="kubernetes edge environment"
return (
icon={getEnvironmentTypeIcon(type, containerEngine)}
className="blue-icon !h-16 !w-16"
@ -66,7 +66,10 @@ export function EnvironmentItem({
<div className="ml-2 flex justify-center self-center">
<EnvironmentIcon type={environment.Type} />
<div className="ml-3 mr-auto flex flex-col items-start justify-center gap-3">
<div className="flex flex-wrap items-center gap-x-4 gap-y-2">
@ -265,6 +265,12 @@ export function EnvironmentList({ onClickBrowse, onRefresh }: Props) {
// for podman keep the env type as docker (the containerEngine distinguishes podman from docker)
[PlatformType.Podman]: [
[PlatformType.Azure]: [EnvironmentType.Azure],
[PlatformType.Kubernetes]: [
@ -171,6 +171,13 @@ function getConnectionTypeOptions(platformTypes: PlatformType[]) {
[PlatformType.Podman]: [
// api includes a socket connection, so keep this for podman
[PlatformType.Azure]: [ConnectionType.API],
[PlatformType.Kubernetes]: [
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { Select } from '@@/form-components/Input';
const typeOptions = [
{ label: 'Swarm', value: StackType.DockerSwarm },
{ label: 'Standalone', value: StackType.DockerCompose },
{ label: 'Standalone / Podman', value: StackType.DockerCompose },
export function TemplateTypeSelector({
@ -1,28 +1,41 @@
import { CellContext } from '@tanstack/react-table';
import { environmentTypeIcon } from '@/portainer/filters/filters';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import { getPlatformTypeName } from '@/react/portainer/environments/utils';
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/utils';
import { Icon } from '@@/Icon';
import { EnvironmentListItem } from '../types';
import { EnvironmentType, ContainerEngine } from '../../types';
import { columnHelper } from './helper';
export const type = columnHelper.accessor('Type', {
header: 'Type',
cell: Cell,
type TypeCellContext = {
type: EnvironmentType;
containerEngine?: ContainerEngine;
function Cell({ getValue }: CellContext<Environment, EnvironmentType>) {
const type = getValue();
export const type = columnHelper.accessor(
(rowItem): TypeCellContext => ({
type: rowItem.Type,
containerEngine: rowItem.ContainerEngine,
header: 'Type',
cell: Cell,
id: 'Type',
function Cell({ getValue }: CellContext<EnvironmentListItem, TypeCellContext>) {
const { type, containerEngine } = getValue();
return (
<span className="flex items-center gap-1">
<Icon icon={environmentTypeIcon(type)} />
<Icon icon={getEnvironmentTypeIcon(type, containerEngine)} />
{getPlatformTypeName(type, containerEngine)}
@ -7,7 +7,11 @@ import { type EnvironmentGroupId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/environm
import { type TagId } from '@/portainer/tags/types';
import { EdgeAsyncIntervalsValues } from '@/react/edge/components/EdgeAsyncIntervalsForm';
import { type Environment, EnvironmentCreationTypes } from '../types';
import {
type Environment,
} from '../types';
import { buildUrl } from './utils';
@ -21,6 +25,7 @@ interface CreateLocalDockerEnvironment {
socketPath?: string;
publicUrl?: string;
meta?: EnvironmentMetadata;
containerEngine?: ContainerEngine;
export async function createLocalDockerEnvironment({
@ -28,6 +33,7 @@ export async function createLocalDockerEnvironment({
socketPath = '',
publicUrl = '',
meta = { tagIds: [] },
}: CreateLocalDockerEnvironment) {
const url = prefixPath(socketPath);
@ -38,6 +44,7 @@ export async function createLocalDockerEnvironment({
@ -115,6 +122,7 @@ export interface EnvironmentOptions {
pollFrequency?: number;
edge?: EdgeSettings;
tunnelServerAddr?: string;
containerEngine?: ContainerEngine;
interface CreateRemoteEnvironment {
@ -125,6 +133,7 @@ interface CreateRemoteEnvironment {
url: string;
options?: Omit<EnvironmentOptions, 'url'>;
containerEngine?: ContainerEngine;
export async function createRemoteEnvironment({
@ -143,11 +152,13 @@ export interface CreateAgentEnvironmentValues {
name: string;
environmentUrl: string;
meta: EnvironmentMetadata;
containerEngine?: ContainerEngine;
export function createAgentEnvironment({
containerEngine = ContainerEngine.Docker,
meta = { tagIds: [] },
}: CreateAgentEnvironmentValues) {
return createRemoteEnvironment({
@ -160,6 +171,7 @@ export function createAgentEnvironment({
skipVerify: true,
skipClientVerify: true,
@ -171,6 +183,7 @@ interface CreateEdgeAgentEnvironment {
meta?: EnvironmentMetadata;
pollFrequency: number;
edge: EdgeSettings;
containerEngine: ContainerEngine;
export function createEdgeAgentEnvironment({
@ -179,6 +192,7 @@ export function createEdgeAgentEnvironment({
meta = { tagIds: [] },
}: CreateEdgeAgentEnvironment) {
return createEnvironment(
@ -192,6 +206,7 @@ export function createEdgeAgentEnvironment({
@ -207,7 +222,8 @@ async function createEnvironment(
if (options) {
const { groupId, tagIds = [] } = options.meta || {};
const { tls, azure, meta, containerEngine } = options;
const { groupId, tagIds = [] } = meta || {};
payload = {
@ -216,10 +232,9 @@ async function createEnvironment(
GroupID: groupId,
TagIds: arrayToJson(tagIds),
EdgeCheckinInterval: options.pollFrequency,
ContainerEngine: containerEngine,
const { tls, azure } = options;
if (tls) {
payload = {
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
import { ContainerEngine, EnvironmentId } from '../types';
import { useEnvironment } from './useEnvironment';
* useIsPodman returns true if the current environment is using podman as container engine.
* @returns isPodman boolean, can also be undefined if the environment hasn't loaded yet.
export function useIsPodman(envId: EnvironmentId) {
const { data: isPodman } = useEnvironment(
(env) => env.ContainerEngine === ContainerEngine.Podman
return isPodman;
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import { DockerSnapshot } from '@/react/docker/snapshots/types';
export type EnvironmentId = number;
* matches portainer.EndpointType in app/portainer.go
export enum EnvironmentType {
// Docker represents an environment(endpoint) connected to a Docker environment(endpoint)
Docker = 1,
@ -124,6 +127,7 @@ export type Environment = {
Agent: { Version: string };
Id: EnvironmentId;
Type: EnvironmentType;
ContainerEngine?: ContainerEngine;
TagIds: TagId[];
GroupId: EnvironmentGroupId;
DeploymentOptions: DeploymentOptions | null;
@ -168,8 +172,14 @@ export enum EnvironmentCreationTypes {
export enum ContainerEngine {
Docker = 'docker',
Podman = 'podman',
export enum PlatformType {
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import { getPlatformType } from '@/react/portainer/environments/utils';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import Podman from '@/assets/ico/vendor/podman.svg?c';
import Docker from './docker.svg?c';
import Azure from './azure.svg?c';
@ -12,12 +14,16 @@ const icons: {
[key in PlatformType]: SvgrComponent;
} = {
[PlatformType.Docker]: Docker,
[PlatformType.Podman]: Podman,
[PlatformType.Kubernetes]: Kubernetes,
[PlatformType.Azure]: Azure,
export function getPlatformIcon(type: EnvironmentType) {
const platform = getPlatformType(type);
export function getPlatformIcon(
type: EnvironmentType,
containerEngine?: ContainerEngine
) {
const platform = getPlatformType(type, containerEngine);
return icons[platform];
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
export function getDockerEnvironmentType(isSwarm: boolean, isPodman?: boolean) {
if (isPodman) {
return 'Podman';
return isSwarm ? 'Swarm' : 'Standalone';
@ -1,6 +1,21 @@
import { Environment, EnvironmentType, PlatformType } from '../types';
import { Cloud } from 'lucide-react';
export function getPlatformType(envType: EnvironmentType) {
import Kube from '@/assets/ico/kube.svg?c';
import PodmanIcon from '@/assets/ico/vendor/podman-icon.svg?c';
import DockerIcon from '@/assets/ico/vendor/docker-icon.svg?c';
import MicrosoftIcon from '@/assets/ico/vendor/microsoft-icon.svg?c';
import {
} from '../types';
export function getPlatformType(
envType: EnvironmentType,
containerEngine?: ContainerEngine
) {
switch (envType) {
case EnvironmentType.KubernetesLocal:
case EnvironmentType.AgentOnKubernetes:
@ -9,6 +24,9 @@ export function getPlatformType(envType: EnvironmentType) {
case EnvironmentType.Docker:
case EnvironmentType.AgentOnDocker:
case EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnDocker:
if (containerEngine === ContainerEngine.Podman) {
return PlatformType.Podman;
return PlatformType.Docker;
case EnvironmentType.Azure:
return PlatformType.Azure;
@ -25,8 +43,11 @@ export function isKubernetesEnvironment(envType: EnvironmentType) {
return getPlatformType(envType) === PlatformType.Kubernetes;
export function getPlatformTypeName(envType: EnvironmentType): string {
return PlatformType[getPlatformType(envType)];
export function getPlatformTypeName(
envType: EnvironmentType,
containerEngine?: ContainerEngine
): string {
return PlatformType[getPlatformType(envType, containerEngine)];
export function isAgentEnvironment(envType: EnvironmentType) {
@ -104,3 +125,27 @@ export function getDashboardRoute(environment: Environment) {
export function getEnvironmentTypeIcon(
type: EnvironmentType,
containerEngine?: ContainerEngine
) {
switch (type) {
case EnvironmentType.Azure:
return MicrosoftIcon;
case EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnDocker:
return Cloud;
case EnvironmentType.AgentOnKubernetes:
case EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnKubernetes:
case EnvironmentType.KubernetesLocal:
return Kube;
case EnvironmentType.AgentOnDocker:
case EnvironmentType.Docker:
if (containerEngine === ContainerEngine.Podman) {
return PodmanIcon;
return DockerIcon;
throw new Error(`type ${type}-${EnvironmentType[type]} is not supported`);
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import {
} from './environment-types';
export function EnvironmentTypeSelectView() {
@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ export function EnvironmentTypeSelectView() {
disabled={types.length === 0}
onClick={() => startWizard()}
Start Wizard
@ -80,11 +82,6 @@ export function EnvironmentTypeSelectView() {
const environmentTypes = [
const steps = _.compact(
types.map((id) => environmentTypes.find((eType) => eType.id === id))
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { FeatureId } from '@/react/portainer/feature-flags/enums';
import Docker from '@/assets/ico/vendor/docker.svg?c';
import Podman from '@/assets/ico/vendor/podman.svg?c';
import Kubernetes from '@/assets/ico/vendor/kubernetes.svg?c';
import Azure from '@/assets/ico/vendor/azure.svg?c';
import KaaS from '@/assets/ico/vendor/kaas-icon.svg?c';
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ import { BoxSelectorOption } from '@@/BoxSelector';
export type EnvironmentOptionValue =
| 'dockerStandalone'
| 'dockerSwarm'
| 'podman'
| 'kubernetes'
| 'aci'
| 'kaas'
@ -20,7 +22,6 @@ export interface EnvironmentOption
id: EnvironmentOptionValue;
value: EnvironmentOptionValue;
export const existingEnvironmentTypes: EnvironmentOption[] = [
id: 'dockerStandalone',
@ -38,6 +39,14 @@ export const existingEnvironmentTypes: EnvironmentOption[] = [
iconType: 'logo',
description: 'Connect to Docker Swarm via URL/IP, API or Socket',
id: 'podman',
value: 'podman',
label: 'Podman',
icon: Podman,
iconType: 'logo',
description: 'Connect to Podman via URL/IP or Socket',
id: 'kubernetes',
value: 'kubernetes',
@ -80,7 +89,7 @@ export const newEnvironmentTypes: EnvironmentOption[] = [
export const environmentTypes = [
export const environmentTypes: EnvironmentOption[] = [
@ -88,6 +97,7 @@ export const environmentTypes = [
export const formTitles: Record<EnvironmentOptionValue, string> = {
dockerStandalone: 'Connect to your Docker Standalone environment',
dockerSwarm: 'Connect to your Docker Swarm environment',
podman: 'Connect to your Podman environment',
kubernetes: 'Connect to your Kubernetes environment',
aci: 'Connect to your ACI environment',
kaas: 'Provision a KaaS environment',
@ -1 +1 @@
export { EnvironmentTypeSelectView } from './EndpointTypeView';
export { EnvironmentTypeSelectView } from './EnvironmentTypeSelectView';
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
.wizard-wrapper {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 400px;
grid-template-columns: 2fr minmax(300px, 1fr);
'main sidebar'
'footer sidebar';
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import {
} from '../EnvironmentTypeSelectView/environment-types';
import { WizardDocker } from './WizardDocker';
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ import { WizardKubernetes } from './WizardKubernetes';
import { AnalyticsState, AnalyticsStateKey } from './types';
import styles from './EnvironmentsCreationView.module.css';
import { WizardEndpointsList } from './WizardEndpointsList';
import { WizardPodman } from './WizardPodman';
export function EnvironmentCreationView() {
const {
@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ function useParamEnvironmentTypes(): EnvironmentOptionValue[] {
function useStepper(
steps: (typeof environmentTypes)[number][],
steps: EnvironmentOption[][number][],
onFinish: () => void
) {
const [currentStepIndex, setCurrentStepIndex] = useState(0);
@ -197,6 +199,8 @@ function useStepper(
case 'dockerStandalone':
case 'dockerSwarm':
return WizardDocker;
case 'podman':
return WizardPodman;
case 'aci':
return WizardAzure;
case 'kubernetes':
@ -211,14 +215,18 @@ function useAnalyticsState() {
const [analytics, setAnalyticsState] = useState<AnalyticsState>({
dockerAgent: 0,
dockerApi: 0,
dockerEdgeAgentAsync: 0,
dockerEdgeAgentStandard: 0,
podmanAgent: 0,
podmanEdgeAgentAsync: 0,
podmanEdgeAgentStandard: 0,
podmanLocalEnvironment: 0,
kubernetesAgent: 0,
kubernetesEdgeAgentAsync: 0,
kubernetesEdgeAgentStandard: 0,
kaasAgent: 0,
aciApi: 0,
localEndpoint: 0,
dockerEdgeAgentAsync: 0,
dockerEdgeAgentStandard: 0,
return { analytics, setAnalytics };
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { CopyButton } from '@@/buttons/CopyButton';
import { Code } from '@@/Code';
import { NavTabs } from '@@/NavTabs';
import { NavContainer } from '@@/NavTabs/NavContainer';
import { TextTip } from '@@/Tip/TextTip';
const deployments = [
@ -45,10 +46,10 @@ interface DeployCodeProps {
function DeployCode({ code }: DeployCodeProps) {
return (
<span className="text-muted small">
<TextTip color="blue" className="mb-1">
When using the socket, ensure that you have started the Portainer
container with the following Docker flag:
<div className="mt-2">
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
import { Environment } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import { AgentForm } from '../../shared/AgentForm/AgentForm';
@ -15,7 +18,10 @@ export function AgentTab({ onCreate, isDockerStandalone }: Props) {
<DeploymentScripts isDockerStandalone={isDockerStandalone} />
<div className="mt-5">
<AgentForm onCreate={onCreate} />
@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ import { Plug2 } from 'lucide-react';
import { useCreateLocalDockerEnvironmentMutation } from '@/react/portainer/environments/queries/useCreateEnvironmentMutation';
import { notifySuccess } from '@/portainer/services/notifications';
import { Environment } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import { LoadingButton } from '@@/buttons/LoadingButton';
import { FormControl } from '@@/form-components/FormControl';
@ -19,9 +22,10 @@ import { FormValues } from './types';
interface Props {
onCreate(environment: Environment): void;
containerEngine: ContainerEngine;
export function SocketForm({ onCreate }: Props) {
export function SocketForm({ onCreate, containerEngine }: Props) {
const [formKey, clearForm] = useReducer((state) => state + 1, 0);
const initialValues: FormValues = {
name: '',
@ -74,6 +78,7 @@ export function SocketForm({ onCreate }: Props) {
name: values.name,
socketPath: values.overridePath ? values.socketPath : '',
meta: values.meta,
onSuccess(environment) {
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
import { Environment } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import { DeploymentScripts } from '../APITab/DeploymentScripts';
@ -14,7 +17,10 @@ export function SocketTab({ onCreate }: Props) {
<DeploymentScripts />
<div className="mt-5">
<SocketForm onCreate={onCreate} />
@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ import { useState } from 'react';
import { Zap, Network, Plug2 } from 'lucide-react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import { Environment } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import { commandsTabs } from '@/react/edge/components/EdgeScriptForm/scripts';
import { isBE } from '@/react/portainer/feature-flags/feature-flags.service';
import EdgeAgentStandardIcon from '@/react/edge/components/edge-agent-standard.svg?c';
@ -64,6 +67,8 @@ const options: BoxSelectorOption<
const containerEngine = ContainerEngine.Docker;
export function WizardDocker({ onCreate, isDockerStandalone }: Props) {
const [creationType, setCreationType] = useState(options[0].value);
@ -135,6 +140,7 @@ export function WizardDocker({ onCreate, isDockerStandalone }: Props) {
? [commandsTabs.standaloneWindow]
: [commandsTabs.swarmWindows],
case 'edgeAgentAsync':
@ -152,6 +158,7 @@ export function WizardDocker({ onCreate, isDockerStandalone }: Props) {
? [commandsTabs.standaloneWindow]
: [commandsTabs.swarmWindows],
@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
.wizard-list-image {
grid-area: image;
font-size: 35px;
color: #337ab7;
.wizard-list-title {
@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
import { Plug2 } from 'lucide-react';
import clsx from 'clsx';
import { endpointTypeName, stripProtocol } from '@/portainer/filters/filters';
import {
} from '@/portainer/filters/filters';
import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/utils';
import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import {
@ -51,9 +49,17 @@ export function WizardEndpointsList({ environmentIds }: Props) {
{environments.map((environment) => (
<div className={styles.wizardListWrapper} key={environment.Id}>
<div className={styles.wizardListImage}>
'text-blue-8 th-dark:text-blue-7 th-highcontrast:text-white text-5xl'
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import { AgentForm } from '../../shared/AgentForm/AgentForm';
import { DeploymentScripts } from './DeploymentScripts';
interface Props {
onCreate(environment: Environment): void;
export function AgentTab({ onCreate }: Props) {
return (
<DeploymentScripts />
<div className="mt-5">
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
import { useState } from 'react';
import { useAgentDetails } from '@/react/portainer/environments/queries/useAgentDetails';
import { CopyButton } from '@@/buttons/CopyButton';
import { Code } from '@@/Code';
import { NavTabs } from '@@/NavTabs';
import { NavContainer } from '@@/NavTabs/NavContainer';
const deploymentPodman = [
id: 'all',
label: 'Linux (CentOS)',
command: linuxPodmanCommandRootful,
export function DeploymentScripts() {
const deployments = deploymentPodman;
const [deployType, setDeployType] = useState(deployments[0].id);
const agentDetailsQuery = useAgentDetails();
if (!agentDetailsQuery) {
return null;
const { agentVersion, agentSecret } = agentDetailsQuery;
const options = deployments.map((c) => {
const code = c.command(agentVersion, agentSecret);
return {
id: c.id,
label: c.label,
children: <DeployCode code={code} />,
return (
onSelect={(id: string) => setDeployType(id)}
interface DeployCodeProps {
code: string;
function DeployCode({ code }: DeployCodeProps) {
return (
<div className="code-script">
<div className="mt-2">
<CopyButton copyText={code} data-cy="copy-deployment-script">
Copy command
function linuxPodmanCommandRootful(agentVersion: string, agentSecret: string) {
const secret =
agentSecret === '' ? '' : `\\\n -e AGENT_SECRET=${agentSecret} `;
return `sudo systemctl enable --now podman.socket\n
sudo podman volume create portainer\n
sudo podman run -d \\
-p 9001:9001 ${secret}\\
--name portainer_agent \\
--restart=always \\
--privileged \\
-v /run/podman/podman.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \\
-v /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes:/var/lib/docker/volumes \\
-v /:/host \\
@ -0,0 +1 @@
export { AgentTab } from './AgentTab';
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
import { useState } from 'react';
import { CopyButton } from '@@/buttons/CopyButton';
import { Code } from '@@/Code';
import { NavTabs } from '@@/NavTabs';
import { NavContainer } from '@@/NavTabs/NavContainer';
import { TextTip } from '@@/Tip/TextTip';
const deployments = [
id: 'linux',
label: 'Linux (CentOS)',
command: `sudo systemctl enable --now podman.socket`,
export function DeploymentScripts() {
const [deployType, setDeployType] = useState(deployments[0].id);
const options = deployments.map((c) => ({
id: c.id,
label: c.label,
children: <DeployCode code={c.command} />,
return (
onSelect={(id: string) => setDeployType(id)}
interface DeployCodeProps {
code: string;
function DeployCode({ code }: DeployCodeProps) {
const bindMountCode = `-v "/run/podman/podman.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"`;
return (
<TextTip color="blue" className="mb-1">
When using the socket, ensure that you have started the Portainer
container with the following Podman flag:
<div className="mt-2 mb-4">
<CopyButton copyText={bindMountCode} data-cy="copy-deployment-command">
Copy command
<TextTip color="blue" className="mb-1">
To use the socket, ensure that you have started the Podman rootful
<div className="mt-2">
<CopyButton copyText={code} data-cy="copy-deployment-command">
Copy command
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
import { Field, Form, Formik, useFormikContext } from 'formik';
import { useReducer } from 'react';
import { Plug2 } from 'lucide-react';
import { notifySuccess } from '@/portainer/services/notifications';
import { useCreateLocalDockerEnvironmentMutation } from '@/react/portainer/environments/queries/useCreateEnvironmentMutation';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import { LoadingButton } from '@@/buttons/LoadingButton';
import { FormControl } from '@@/form-components/FormControl';
import { Input } from '@@/form-components/Input';
import { SwitchField } from '@@/form-components/SwitchField';
import { NameField } from '../../shared/NameField';
import { MoreSettingsSection } from '../../shared/MoreSettingsSection';
import { useValidation } from './SocketForm.validation';
import { FormValues } from './types';
interface Props {
onCreate(environment: Environment): void;
containerEngine: ContainerEngine;
export function SocketForm({ onCreate, containerEngine }: Props) {
const [formKey, clearForm] = useReducer((state) => state + 1, 0);
const initialValues: FormValues = {
name: '',
socketPath: '',
overridePath: false,
meta: { groupId: 1, tagIds: [] },
const mutation = useCreateLocalDockerEnvironmentMutation();
const validation = useValidation();
return (
{({ isValid, dirty }) => (
<NameField />
<OverrideSocketFieldset />
<MoreSettingsSection />
<div className="form-group">
<div className="col-sm-12">
className="wizard-connect-button vertical-center"
loadingText="Connecting environment..."
disabled={!dirty || !isValid}
function handleSubmit(values: FormValues) {
name: values.name,
socketPath: values.overridePath ? values.socketPath : '',
meta: values.meta,
onSuccess(environment) {
notifySuccess('Environment created', environment.Name);
function OverrideSocketFieldset() {
const { values, setFieldValue, errors } = useFormikContext<FormValues>();
return (
<div className="form-group">
<div className="col-sm-12">
onChange={(checked) => setFieldValue('overridePath', checked)}
label="Override default socket path"
labelClass="col-sm-3 col-lg-2"
{values.overridePath && (
label="Socket Path"
tooltip="Path to the Podman socket. Remember to bind-mount the socket, see the important notice above for more information."
placeholder="e.g. /run/podman/podman.sock (on Linux)"
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import { boolean, object, SchemaOf, string } from 'yup';
import { metadataValidation } from '../../shared/MetadataFieldset/validation';
import { useNameValidation } from '../../shared/NameField';
import { FormValues } from './types';
export function useValidation(): SchemaOf<FormValues> {
return object({
name: useNameValidation(),
meta: metadataValidation(),
overridePath: boolean().default(false),
socketPath: string()
.when('overridePath', (overridePath, schema) =>
? schema.required(
'Socket Path is required when override path is enabled'
: schema
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import { TextTip } from '@@/Tip/TextTip';
import { DeploymentScripts } from './DeploymentScripts';
import { SocketForm } from './SocketForm';
interface Props {
onCreate(environment: Environment): void;
export function SocketTab({ onCreate }: Props) {
return (
<TextTip color="orange" className="mb-2" inline={false}>
To connect via socket, Portainer server must be running in a Podman
<DeploymentScripts />
<div className="mt-5">
@ -0,0 +1 @@
export { SocketTab } from './SocketTab';
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
import { EnvironmentMetadata } from '@/react/portainer/environments/environment.service/create';
export interface FormValues {
name: string;
socketPath: string;
overridePath: boolean;
meta: EnvironmentMetadata;
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
import { useState } from 'react';
import { Zap, Plug2 } from 'lucide-react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import { commandsTabs } from '@/react/edge/components/EdgeScriptForm/scripts';
import { isBE } from '@/react/portainer/feature-flags/feature-flags.service';
import EdgeAgentStandardIcon from '@/react/edge/components/edge-agent-standard.svg?c';
import EdgeAgentAsyncIcon from '@/react/edge/components/edge-agent-async.svg?c';
import { BoxSelector, type BoxSelectorOption } from '@@/BoxSelector';
import { BadgeIcon } from '@@/BadgeIcon';
import { TextTip } from '@@/Tip/TextTip';
import { AnalyticsStateKey } from '../types';
import { EdgeAgentTab } from '../shared/EdgeAgentTab';
import { AgentTab } from './AgentTab';
import { SocketTab } from './SocketTab';
interface Props {
onCreate(environment: Environment, analytics: AnalyticsStateKey): void;
const options: BoxSelectorOption<
'agent' | 'api' | 'socket' | 'edgeAgentStandard' | 'edgeAgentAsync'
>[] = _.compact([
id: 'agent',
icon: <BadgeIcon icon={Zap} size="3xl" />,
label: 'Agent',
description: '',
value: 'agent',
id: 'socket',
icon: <BadgeIcon icon={Plug2} size="3xl" />,
label: 'Socket',
description: '',
value: 'socket',
id: 'edgeAgentStandard',
icon: <BadgeIcon icon={EdgeAgentStandardIcon} size="3xl" />,
label: 'Edge Agent Standard',
description: '',
value: 'edgeAgentStandard',
isBE && {
id: 'edgeAgentAsync',
icon: <BadgeIcon icon={EdgeAgentAsyncIcon} size="3xl" />,
label: 'Edge Agent Async',
description: '',
value: 'edgeAgentAsync',
const containerEngine = ContainerEngine.Podman;
export function WizardPodman({ onCreate }: Props) {
const [creationType, setCreationType] = useState(options[0].value);
const tab = getTab(creationType);
return (
<div className="form-horizontal">
onChange={(v) => setCreationType(v)}
<TextTip color="orange" className="mb-2" inline={false}>
Currently, Portainer only supports <b>Podman 5</b> running in rootful
(privileged) mode on <b>CentOS 9</b> Linux environments. Rootless mode
and other Linux distros may work, but aren't officially supported.
function getTab(
| 'agent'
| 'api'
| 'socket'
| 'edgeAgentStandard'
| 'edgeAgentAsync'
) {
switch (creationType) {
case 'agent':
return (
onCreate={(environment) => onCreate(environment, 'podmanAgent')}
case 'socket':
return (
onCreate={(environment) =>
onCreate(environment, 'podmanLocalEnvironment')
case 'edgeAgentStandard':
return (
onCreate={(environment) =>
onCreate(environment, 'podmanEdgeAgentStandard')
case 'edgeAgentAsync':
return (
onCreate={(environment) =>
onCreate(environment, 'podmanEdgeAgentAsync')
return null;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
export { WizardPodman } from './WizardPodman';
@ -4,7 +4,10 @@ import { Plug2 } from 'lucide-react';
import { useCreateAgentEnvironmentMutation } from '@/react/portainer/environments/queries/useCreateEnvironmentMutation';
import { notifySuccess } from '@/portainer/services/notifications';
import { Environment } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import {
} from '@/react/portainer/environments/types';
import { CreateAgentEnvironmentValues } from '@/react/portainer/environments/environment.service/create';
import { LoadingButton } from '@@/buttons/LoadingButton';
@ -18,6 +21,7 @@ import { useValidation } from './AgentForm.validation';
interface Props {
onCreate(environment: Environment): void;
envDefaultPort?: string;
containerEngine?: ContainerEngine;
const initialValues: CreateAgentEnvironmentValues = {
@ -29,7 +33,11 @@ const initialValues: CreateAgentEnvironmentValues = {
export function AgentForm({ onCreate, envDefaultPort }: Props) {
export function AgentForm({
containerEngine = ContainerEngine.Docker,
}: Props) {
const [formKey, clearForm] = useReducer((state) => state + 1, 0);
const mutation = useCreateAgentEnvironmentMutation();
@ -70,12 +78,15 @@ export function AgentForm({ onCreate, envDefaultPort }: Props) {
function handleSubmit(values: CreateAgentEnvironmentValues) {
mutation.mutate(values, {
onSuccess(environment) {
notifySuccess('Environment created', environment.Name);
{ ...values, containerEngine },
onSuccess(environment) {
notifySuccess('Environment created', environment.Name);
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { object, SchemaOf, string } from 'yup';
import { mixed, object, SchemaOf, string } from 'yup';
import { CreateAgentEnvironmentValues } from '@/react/portainer/environments/environment.service/create';
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ export function useValidation(): SchemaOf<CreateAgentEnvironmentValues> {
name: useNameValidation(),
environmentUrl: environmentValidation(),
meta: metadataValidation(),
containerEngine: mixed().oneOf(['docker', 'podman']),