3.1 KiB
Executable File
3.1 KiB
Executable File
PHP Server Monitor
v3.0.0 (released April 6, 2014)
- New module structure (not backwards compatible).
- Added user login system with 2 user levels (administrator and regular user).
- Added warning threshold option (set number of failed checks before server goes offline).
- Added SMTP support.
- Adding Bulgarian language file (thanks to Plamen Vasilev).
- Added history tracking of server uptime.
- Added history graphs of server uptime and latency (thanks to Jérôme Cabanis).
- Added user profile page.
- Status page is now default homepage.
- Updated translations.
- Date and time formats are taken from language file and localized per language (thanks to Jérôme Cabanis).
- When checking a website, the updater will now follow 302 Location headers.
- String/pattern search on websites did not work for websites with compression turned on.
- The monitor now uses a custom user agent so it can be identified in access logs (Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; phpservermon/version; +http://www.phpservermonitor.org)).
- Improved mobile compatibility.
- Template directory restructured to correspond with module structure.
- Switched from mysql_* to PDO.
- Updated PHPMailer package to v5.2.6.
- Fixed several XSS vulnerabilities.
- Project website updated to http://www.phpservermonitor.org
v2.1.0 (released February 8, 2014)
- PHP 5.3+ required
- Merged PHP Server Monitor Plus project by Luiz Alberto S. Ribeiro (https://github.com/madeinnordeste/PHP-Server-Monitor-Plus).
- New layout (thanks to twitter bootstrap)
- New install module.
- Regex search on website has been added by Paul Feakins.
- Support for mosms provider by Andreas Ek.
- Support for Textmarketer provider by Perri Vardy-Mason.
- Language files are now automatically detected, instead of a hardcoded list.
- Adding Korean language file (thanks to Ik-Jun).
- Adding Portuguese / Brazilian language file (thanks to Luiz Alberto S. Ribeiro).
- Large status page by Michael Greenhill.
- New config file (see install instructions in README).
- Cronjob will be prevented from running multiple times at the same time (with a 10 mins timeout).
v2.0.1 (released October 29, 2011)
- Adding German language file (thanks to Brunbaur Herbert).
- Adding French language file (thanks to David Ribeiro).
- classes/sm/smUpdaterStatus.class.php: the curl option CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST has been changed to CURLOPT_NOBODY.
- Servers page: auto refresh can be configured at the config page.
- Servers page: if the server is a website, the "Domain/Ip" field will be a link to the website.
- New text message gateway: Clickatell.com (thanks to Simon).
- If cURL is not installed, the install.php script will throw an error.
- HTTP status codes 5xx will also be treated as error.
v2.0.0 (released October 19, 2009)
- Server type ("service" or "website").
- Different types of notification.
- New text message gateways.
- Code rewrite.
- New layout.
- Check for updates function.
v1.0.1 (released September 18, 2008)
- log.php
- tpl/log.tpl.html
- Select order by clause used datetime field after DATE_FORMAT had been performed, resulting in a wrong list of log entries shown.