The first line of the page is too long for the current width, so it
spills onto the second line, shifting the rest of the text downwards.
As a result, the line with the URL is shifted out of the label's bounds
and is no longer visible.
Openvpn no longer terminates but restarts on suspend. This conflicts with
the stop/restart logic in the gui during windows power state change events.
This patch changes the default behaviour so that SIGTERM is not triggered
during windows suspend.
Signed-off-by: Selva Nair <>
It seems that openvpn-gui.exe loads libeay32.dll when it launches. This prevents
the OpenVPN installer from overwriting that library when it needs to, in the
"Dependencies" section. There are various workarounds, none of which are
particularly pretty, so for now the restart functionality is simply removed.
Signed-off-by: Samuli Seppänen <>
'make installer' will now spit out an openvpn-gui-installer.exe. The
location of the required makensis tool can be specified by appending
MAKENSIS=/path/to/makensis to the configure command line. Otherwise
it's searched for in your $PATH. The installer target is only available
when makensis is available.
You can now define up to how many configuration files you want
to support by stating something like
./configure MAX_CONFIGS=150 ...
when invoking configure. Default value remains 50.
Proxy settings are fetched from the users Internet Options
for the active connection. If WPAD or a PAC script is configured
they are preferred and used for automatic proxy detection.
Proxy bypass configuration is completely ignored.