mirror of https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn-gui
fixed error string for failed MSIE proxy retrieval
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ BEGIN
IDS_ERR_CREATE_EVENT "CreateEvent fehlgeschlagen beim Beenden. Event: %s"
IDS_ERR_UNKNOWN_PRIORITY "Unbekannter Prioritätsnamen: %s"
IDS_ERR_LOG_APPEND_BOOL "Log file append flag (given as '%s') must be '0' or '1'"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_SETTINGS "Konnte die IE Proxy Einstellungen nicht übernehmen, weil:\n%s"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_PROXY "Konnte die MSIE Proxy Einstellungen nicht übernehmen."
IDS_ERR_INIT_SEC_DESC "InitializeSecurityDescriptor fehlgeschlagen."
IDS_ERR_SET_SEC_DESC_ACL "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl fehlgeschlagen."
IDS_ERR_CREATE_PIPE_OUTPUT "CreatePipe an hOutputWrite fehlgeschlagen."
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ BEGIN
IDS_ERR_CREATE_EVENT "CreateEvent failed on exit event: %s"
IDS_ERR_UNKNOWN_PRIORITY "Unknown priority name: %s"
IDS_ERR_LOG_APPEND_BOOL "Log file append flag (given as '%s') must be '0' or '1'"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_SETTINGS "Unable to get IE proxy settings because:\n%s"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_PROXY "Could not to get MSIE proxy settings."
IDS_ERR_INIT_SEC_DESC "InitializeSecurityDescriptor failed."
IDS_ERR_SET_SEC_DESC_ACL "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl failed."
IDS_ERR_CREATE_PIPE_OUTPUT "CreatePipe on hOutputWrite failed."
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ BEGIN
IDS_ERR_CREATE_EVENT "CreateEvent fallido con evento de salida: %s"
IDS_ERR_UNKNOWN_PRIORITY "Nombre de prioridad desconocido: %s"
IDS_ERR_LOG_APPEND_BOOL "El flag de append para el fichero de log (dado como '%s') debe ser '0' ó '1'"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_SETTINGS "Imposible importar la configuración del IE por:\n%s"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_PROXY "Imposible importar la configuración del MSIE."
IDS_ERR_INIT_SEC_DESC "InitializeSecurityDescriptor fallido."
IDS_ERR_SET_SEC_DESC_ACL "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl fallido."
IDS_ERR_CREATE_PIPE_OUTPUT "CreatePipe on hOutputWrite fallido."
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ BEGIN
IDS_ERR_CREATE_EVENT "CreateEvent a échoué avec le code erreur d'évènnement: %s"
IDS_ERR_UNKNOWN_PRIORITY "Nom de priorité inconnu: %s"
IDS_ERR_LOG_APPEND_BOOL "L'indicateur de log incrémenté (donné par '%s') doit être '0' ou '1'"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_SETTINGS "Impossible d'obtenir la configuration Proxy de IE parce que:\n%s"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_PROXY "Impossible d'obtenir la configuration Proxy de MSIE."
IDS_ERR_INIT_SEC_DESC "InitializeSecurityDescriptor avorté."
IDS_ERR_SET_SEC_DESC_ACL "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl avorté."
IDS_ERR_CREATE_PIPE_OUTPUT "CreatePipe sur hOutputWrite avorté."
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ BEGIN
IDS_ERR_CREATE_EVENT "Il creatore di eventi è fallito all'uscita dell'evento: %s"
IDS_ERR_UNKNOWN_PRIORITY "Nome di priorità sconosciuto: %s"
IDS_ERR_LOG_APPEND_BOOL "Il file di Log ha aggiunto un puntatore (dato come '%s') deve essere '0' o '1'"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_SETTINGS "Non riesco ad utilizzare la configurazione di IE per il proxy a causa di:\n%s"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_PROXY "Non riesco ad utilizzare la configurazione di MSIE per il proxy."
IDS_ERR_INIT_SEC_DESC "InitializeSecurityDescriptor fallito."
IDS_ERR_SET_SEC_DESC_ACL "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl fallito."
IDS_ERR_CREATE_PIPE_OUTPUT "CreatePipe on hOutputWrite fallito."
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ BEGIN
IDS_ERR_CREATE_EVENT "CreateEvent mislukt tijdens exit event: %s"
IDS_ERR_UNKNOWN_PRIORITY "Onbekende prioriteitsnaam: %s"
IDS_ERR_LOG_APPEND_BOOL "Log bestand append flag (opgegeven als '%s') moet '0' of '1' zijn"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_SETTINGS "Kan IE proxy instellingen niet ophalen:\n%s"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_PROXY "Kan MSIE proxy instellingen niet ophalen."
IDS_ERR_INIT_SEC_DESC "InitializeSecurityDescriptor mislukt."
IDS_ERR_SET_SEC_DESC_ACL "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl mislukt."
IDS_ERR_CREATE_PIPE_OUTPUT "CreatePipe on hOutputWrite mislukt."
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ BEGIN
IDS_ERR_CREATE_EVENT "CreateEvent feilet med å opprette event: %s"
IDS_ERR_UNKNOWN_PRIORITY "Ukjent prioritet: %s"
IDS_ERR_LOG_APPEND_BOOL "Legg til/Overskriv loggfil flagg (Oppgis som '%s') må være '0' eller '1'"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_SETTINGS "Kunne ikke hemte innstillinger for HTTP Proxy fra Internet Explorer. (%s)"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_PROXY "Kunne ikke hemte innstillinger for HTTP Proxy fra Internet Explorer."
IDS_ERR_INIT_SEC_DESC "InitializeSecurityDescriptor feilet."
IDS_ERR_SET_SEC_DESC_ACL "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl feilet."
IDS_ERR_CREATE_PIPE_OUTPUT "CreatePipe på hOutputWrite feilet."
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ BEGIN
IDS_ERR_CREATE_EVENT "CreateEvent falhou no evento de saída: %s"
IDS_ERR_UNKNOWN_PRIORITY "Nome de prioridade desconhecida: %s"
IDS_ERR_LOG_APPEND_BOOL "Log file append flag (given as '%s') must be '0' or '1'"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_SETTINGS "Impossível carregar configurações de proxy do IE devido a:\n%s"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_PROXY "Impossível carregar configurações de proxy do MSIE."
IDS_ERR_INIT_SEC_DESC "InitializeSecurityDescriptor falhou."
IDS_ERR_SET_SEC_DESC_ACL "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl falhou."
IDS_ERR_CREATE_PIPE_OUTPUT "CreatePipe em hOutputWrite falhou."
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ BEGIN
IDS_ERR_CREATE_EVENT "CreateEvent misslyckades med att skapa event: %s"
IDS_ERR_UNKNOWN_PRIORITY "Okänt prioritets namn: %s"
IDS_ERR_LOG_APPEND_BOOL "Log file append flag (given as '%s') must be '0' or '1'"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_SETTINGS "Kunde inte hämta inställning för HTTP Proxy från Internet Explorer. (%s)"
IDS_ERR_GET_MSIE_PROXY "Kunde inte hämta inställning för HTTP Proxy från Internet Explorer."
IDS_ERR_INIT_SEC_DESC "InitializeSecurityDescriptor misslyckades."
IDS_ERR_SET_SEC_DESC_ACL "SetSecurityDescriptorDacl misslyckades."
IDS_ERR_CREATE_PIPE_OUTPUT "CreatePipe på hOutputWrite misslyckades."
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
#define IDS_ERR_INIT_SEC_DESC 1209
Reference in New Issue