IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\plugins\NppSaveAsAdmin\NppSaveAsAdmin.dll" 0 +6 ; NppSaveAsAdmin makes Notepad++ crash. "" is its 1st version which contains the fix
${VersionCompare} $R0 "" $R1 ; 0: equal to 1: $R0 is newer 2: is newer
StrCmp $R1 "0" +5 0 ; if equal skip all & go to end, else go to next
StrCmp $R1 "1" +4 0 ; if newer skip all & go to end, else older (2) then go to next
MessageBox MB_OK "Due to NppSaveAsAdmin plugin's incompatibility issue in version $R0, NppSaveAsAdmin.dll will be deleted. Use Plugins Admin to add back (the latest version of) NppSaveAsAdmin." /SD IDOK