@ -29,11 +29,20 @@
${MementoSection} "Context Menu Entry" explorerContextMenu
SetOverwrite try
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\"
; There is no need to keep x86 NppShell_06.dll in 64 bit installer
; But in 32bit installer both the Dlls are required
; As user can install 32bit npp version on x64 bit machine, that time x64 bit NppShell is required.
!ifdef ARCH64
File /oname=$INSTDIR\NppShell_06.dll "..\bin\NppShell64_06.dll"
${If} ${RunningX64}
File /oname=$INSTDIR\NppShell_06.dll "..\bin\NppShell64_06.dll"
File "..\bin\NppShell_06.dll"
Exec 'regsvr32 /s "$INSTDIR\NppShell_06.dll"'