"legacy_unicast_packets_transmitted_total":"Number of unicast packets transmitted",
"legacy_unicast_packets_transmitted_total":"Number of unicast packets transmitted",
"legacy_data_transmitted_bytes_total":"Number of data octets transmitted on all links",
"legacy_data_transmitted_bytes_total":"Number of data octets transmitted on all links",
"legacy_packets_transmitted_total":"Number of data packets received on all links",
"legacy_packets_transmitted_total":"Number of data packets received on all links",
"excessive_buffer_overrun_errors_total":"Number of times that OverrunErrors consecutive flow control update periods occurred, each having at least one overrun error.",
"link_downed_total":"Number of times the link failed to recover from an error state and went down",
"link_downed_total":"Number of times the link failed to recover from an error state and went down",
"link_error_recovery_total":"Number of times the link successfully recovered from an error state",
"link_error_recovery_total":"Number of times the link successfully recovered from an error state",
"local_link_integrity_errors_total":"Number of times that the count of local physical errors exceeded the threshold specified by LocalPhyErrors.",
"multicast_packets_received_total":"Number of multicast packets received (including errors)",
"multicast_packets_received_total":"Number of multicast packets received (including errors)",
"multicast_packets_transmitted_total":"Number of multicast packets transmitted (including errors)",
"multicast_packets_transmitted_total":"Number of multicast packets transmitted (including errors)",
"physical_state_id":"Physical state of the InfiniBand port (0: no change, 1: sleep, 2: polling, 3: disable, 4: shift, 5: link up, 6: link error recover, 7: phytest)",
"physical_state_id":"Physical state of the InfiniBand port (0: no change, 1: sleep, 2: polling, 3: disable, 4: shift, 5: link up, 6: link error recover, 7: phytest)",