137 lines
4.6 KiB

# NGiИX configuration generator
## Features
### Site
* Domain
* Path
* Document root
* www subdomain
* Redirect www to non-www or non-www to www
* Listen IPv4, IPv6
* Force HTTPS redirect
* [HSTS](
* [SSL profiles](
* Certification type
* [Let's Encrypt](
* Custom certificate
* OCSP DNS resolvers
* [Cloudflare Resolver](
* [Google Public DNS](
* [OpenDNS](
### Security
* Referrer-Policy
* `no-referrer`
* `no-referrer-when-downgrade`
* `origin`
* `origin-when-cross-origin`
* `same-origin`
* `strict-origin`
* `strict-origin-when-cross-origin`
* `unsafe-url`
* Content-Security-Policy
* X-Frame-Options
* X-XSS-Protection
* X-Content-Type-Options
* `server_tokens`
* `limit_req` (throttle WordPress login)
### PHP
* PHP server
* HHVM socket
* 5.x socket
* 7.x socket
* PHP backup server
* WordPress security essentials
* Drupal security essentials
* Magento security essentials
### Python
* Python
* Python server
* Python backup server
### Routing
* `index`
* Fallback routing
* index.php
* *[Laravel](*
* *[Lumen](*
* *[Symfony](*
* *[Zend](*
* *[CodeIgniter](*
* *[Yii](*
* *[CakePHP](*
* *[Slim](*
* index.html
* *[Angular](*
* *[React](*
* *[Vue.js](*
* *[Ember.js](*
* Fallback routing PHP (SPA + API support)
### Cache
* Assets (`css(\.map)?|js(\.map)?`)
* Media
* Images (`jpe?g|png|gif|ico|cur|heic|webp|tiff?`)
* Audio (`mp3|m4a|aac|ogg|midi?|wav`)
* Video (`mp4|mov|webm|mpe?g|avi|ogv|flv|wmv`)
* SVG (`svgz?`)
* Fonts (`ttf|ttc|otf|eot|woff2?`)
### Reverse proxy
* Reverse proxy
* Path
* `proxy_pass`
* Proxy headers
### Logging
* `access_log`
* `error_log`
* `access_log` by domain
* `error_log` by domain
* `log_not_found`
### nginx
* `worker_processes`
* `user`
* `pid`
* `client_max_body_size`
### Tools
* Download generated config
* Modularized / unified structure (multiple or singe file(s))
* Share settings
* Reset
## Built With
* [Bootstrap]( - Grid, form controls
* [AngularJS]( - Two-way data binding, template handling
* [highlight.js]( - nginx syntax highlight
* [clipboard.js]( - Copy generated config to clipboard
* [ngclipboard]( - AngularJS directive for clipboard.js
* [Angular Tooltips]( - helper tooltips
* [Masonry]( - files grid layout
* [JSZip]( - generating zip package
* [FileSaver]( - downloading zip file
* [notie]( - toast notifications
## Resources
* [OWASP TLS Cipher String Cheat Sheet](
* [Nginx Optimization: understanding sendfile, tcp_nodelay and tcp_nopush](
* [NGINX Tuning For Best Performance](
* [Hardening Your HTTP Security Headers](
* [h5bp/server-configs-nginx](
* [Diffie-Hellman DSA-like parameters](
* [](
* [Optimal value for nginx worker_connections](