@ -180,3 +180,25 @@ export const encodePath = (path: string) => {
// https://github.com/lyswhut/lx-music-desktop/issues/963
return path.replaceAll('%', '%25')
export const arrPush = <T>(list: T[], newList: T[]) => {
for (let i = 0; i * 1000 < newList.length; i++) {
list.push(...newList.slice(i * 1000, (i + 1) * 1000))
return list
export const arrUnshift = <T>(list: T[], newList: T[]) => {
for (let i = 0; i * 1000 < newList.length; i++) {
list.splice(i * 1000, 0, ...newList.slice(i * 1000, (i + 1) * 1000))
return list
export const arrPushByPosition = <T>(list: T[], newList: T[], position: number) => {
for (let i = 0; i * 1000 < newList.length; i++) {
list.splice(position + i * 1000, 0, ...newList.slice(i * 1000, (i + 1) * 1000))
return list
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { arrPush, arrUnshift } from '@common/utils/common'
import {
@ -69,14 +70,14 @@ export const downloadInfoSave = (downloadInfos: LX.Download.ListItem[], addMusic
if (!list) initDownloadList()
if (addMusicLocationType == 'top') {
let newList = [...list]
arrUnshift(newList, downloadInfos)
inertDownloadList(toDBDownloadInfo(downloadInfos), newList.slice(downloadInfos.length - 1).map((info, index) => {
return { id: info.id, position: index }
list = newList
} else {
inertDownloadList(toDBDownloadInfo(downloadInfos, list.length), [])
arrPush(list, downloadInfos)
@ -103,12 +104,12 @@ export const downloadInfoUpdate = (lists: LX.Download.ListItem[]) => {
export const downloadInfoRemove = (ids: string[]) => {
if (list) {
for (let i = list.length; i--;) {
let idx = ids.indexOf(list[i].id)
if (idx < 0) continue
list.splice(i, 1)
ids.splice(idx, 1)
const listSet = new Set<string>()
for (const item of list) listSet.add(item.id)
for (const id of ids) listSet.delete(id)
const newList = list.filter(task => listSet.has(task.id))
list.splice(0, list.length)
for (const item of newList) list.push(item)
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import { LIST_IDS } from '@common/constants'
import { arrPush, arrPushByPosition, arrUnshift } from '@common/utils/common'
import {
@ -180,7 +181,10 @@ export const getListMusics = (listId: string): LX.Music.MusicInfo[] => {
export const musicOverwrite = (listId: string, musicInfos: LX.Music.MusicInfo[]) => {
let targetList = getListMusics(listId)
overwriteMusicInfo(listId, toDBMusicInfo(musicInfos, listId))
if (targetList) targetList.splice(0, targetList.length, ...musicInfos)
if (targetList) {
targetList.splice(0, targetList.length)
arrPush(targetList, musicInfos)
@ -203,12 +207,12 @@ export const musicsAdd = (listId: string, musicInfos: LX.Music.MusicInfo[], addM
switch (addMusicLocationType) {
case 'top':
insertMusicInfoListAndRefreshOrder(toDBMusicInfo(musicInfos, listId), listId, toDBMusicInfo(targetList, listId, musicInfos.length))
arrUnshift(targetList, musicInfos)
case 'bottom':
insertMusicInfoList(toDBMusicInfo(musicInfos, listId, targetList.length))
arrPush(targetList, musicInfos)
@ -221,15 +225,13 @@ export const musicsAdd = (listId: string, musicInfos: LX.Music.MusicInfo[], addM
export const musicsRemove = (listId: string, ids: string[]) => {
let targetList = getListMusics(listId)
if (!targetList.length) return
ids = [...ids]
removeMusicInfos(listId, ids)
for (let i = targetList.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
const item = targetList[i]
const index = ids.indexOf(item.id)
if (index < 0) continue
ids.splice(index, 1)
targetList.splice(i, 1)
const listSet = new Set<string>()
for (const item of targetList) listSet.add(item.id)
for (const id of ids) listSet.delete(id)
const newList = targetList.filter(mInfo => listSet.has(mInfo.id))
targetList.splice(0, targetList.length)
arrPush(targetList, newList)
@ -245,32 +247,32 @@ export const musicsMove = (fromId: string, toId: string, musicInfos: LX.Music.Mu
const ids = musicInfos.map(musicInfo => musicInfo.id)
const map = new Map<string, LX.Music.MusicInfo>()
for (const item of toList) map.set(item.id, item)
let listSet = new Set<string>()
for (const item of toList) listSet.add(item.id)
musicInfos = musicInfos.filter(item => {
if (map.has(item.id)) return false
map.set(item.id, item)
if (listSet.has(item.id)) return false
return true
switch (addMusicLocationType) {
case 'top':
moveMusicInfoAndRefreshOrder(fromId, ids, toId, toDBMusicInfo(musicInfos, toId), toDBMusicInfo(toList, toId, musicInfos.length))
arrUnshift(toList, musicInfos)
case 'bottom':
moveMusicInfo(fromId, ids, toDBMusicInfo(musicInfos, toId, toList.length))
arrPush(toList, musicInfos)
for (let i = fromList.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
const item = fromList[i]
const index = ids.indexOf(item.id)
if (index < 0) continue
ids.splice(index, 1)
fromList.splice(i, 1)
listSet = new Set<string>()
for (const item of fromList) listSet.add(item.id)
for (const id of ids) listSet.delete(id)
const newList = fromList.filter(mInfo => listSet.has(mInfo.id))
fromList.splice(0, fromList.length)
arrPush(fromList, newList)
@ -320,15 +322,17 @@ export const musicsPositionUpdate = (listId: string, position: number, ids: stri
let targetList = getListMusics(listId)
if (!targetList.length) return
const newTargetList = [...targetList]
const infos = Array(ids.length)
for (let i = newTargetList.length; i--;) {
const item = newTargetList[i]
const index = ids.indexOf(item.id)
if (index < 0) continue
infos.splice(index, 1, newTargetList.splice(i, 1)[0])
let newTargetList = [...targetList]
const infos: LX.Music.MusicInfo[] = []
const map = new Map<string, LX.Music.MusicInfo>()
for (const item of newTargetList) map.set(item.id, item)
for (const id of ids) {
infos.push(map.get(id) as LX.Music.MusicInfo)
newTargetList.splice(Math.min(position, newTargetList.length), 0, ...infos)
newTargetList = newTargetList.filter(mInfo => map.has(mInfo.id))
arrPushByPosition(newTargetList, infos, Math.min(position, newTargetList.length))
updateMusicInfoOrder(listId, newTargetList.map((info, index) => {
return {
@ -358,7 +362,7 @@ export const listDataOverwrite = (myListData: MakeOptional<LX.List.ListDataFull,
listData.userList.forEach(({ list, ...listInfo }, index) => {
dbLists.push({ ...listInfo, position: index })
dbMusicInfos.push(...toDBMusicInfo(list, listInfo.id))
arrPush(dbMusicInfos, toDBMusicInfo(list, listInfo.id))
overwriteListData(dbLists, dbMusicInfos)
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import { getMusicUrl, getPicUrl, getLyricInfo } from '@renderer/core/music/onlin
import { appSetting } from '../setting'
import { qualityList } from '..'
import { proxyCallback } from '@renderer/worker/utils'
import { joinPath } from '@renderer/utils'
import { arrPush, arrUnshift, joinPath } from '@renderer/utils'
import { DOWNLOAD_STATUS } from '@common/constants'
const waitingUpdateTasks = new Map<string, LX.Download.ListItem>()
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ export const getDownloadList = async(): Promise<LX.Download.ListItem[]> => {
arrPush(downloadList, list)
return downloadList
@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ const addTasks = async(list: LX.Download.ListItem[]) => {
await downloadTasksCreate(list.map(i => toRaw(i)), addMusicLocationType)
if (addMusicLocationType === 'top') {
arrUnshift(downloadList, list)
} else {
arrPush(downloadList, list)
@ -367,18 +367,21 @@ export const pauseDownloadTasks = async(list: LX.Download.ListItem[]) => {
export const removeDownloadTasks = async(ids: string[]) => {
await downloadTasksRemove(ids)
ids = [...ids]
for (let i = downloadList.length; i--;) {
const item = downloadList[i]
const index = ids.indexOf(item.id)
if (index < 0) continue
ids.splice(index, 1)
downloadList.splice(i, 1)
if (runingTask.has(item.id)) {
void window.lx.worker.download.removeTask(item.id)
const listSet = new Set<string>()
for (const item of downloadList) listSet.add(item.id)
for (const id of ids) listSet.delete(id)
const newList = downloadList.filter(task => {
if (runingTask.has(task.id)) {
void window.lx.worker.download.removeTask(task.id)
return listSet.has(task.id)
downloadList.splice(0, downloadList.length)
arrPush(downloadList, newList)
void checkStartTask()
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import {
} from './state'
import { overwriteListPosition, overwriteListUpdateInfo, removeListPosition, removeListUpdateInfo } from '@renderer/utils/data'
import { LIST_IDS } from '@common/constants'
import { arrPush, arrUnshift } from '@common/utils/common'
export const setUserLists = (lists: LX.List.UserListInfo[]) => {
userLists.splice(0, userLists.length, ...lists)
@ -25,7 +26,8 @@ const overwriteMusicList = (id: string, list: LX.Music.MusicInfo[]) => {
let targetList = allMusicList.get(id)
if (targetList) {
targetList.splice(0, targetList.length, ...list)
targetList.splice(0, targetList.length)
arrPush(targetList, list)
} else {
allMusicList.set(id, shallowReactive(list))
@ -179,16 +181,18 @@ export const userListsUpdatePosition = (position: number, ids: string[]) => {
const updateLists: LX.List.UserListInfo[] = []
for (let i = newUserLists.length; i--;) {
if (ids.includes(newUserLists[i].id)) {
const list = newUserLists.splice(i, 1)[0]
list.locationUpdateTime = Date.now()
// const targetItem = list[position]
const map = new Map<string, LX.List.UserListInfo>()
for (const item of newUserLists) map.set(item.id, item)
for (const id of ids) {
const listInfo = map.get(id) as LX.List.UserListInfo
listInfo.locationUpdateTime = Date.now()
position = Math.min(newUserLists.length, position)
newUserLists.splice(0, newUserLists.length, ...newUserLists.filter(mInfo => map.has(mInfo.id)))
newUserLists.splice(Math.min(position, newUserLists.length), 0, ...updateLists)
newUserLists.splice(position, 0, ...updateLists)
@ -212,11 +216,11 @@ export const listMusicAdd = (id: string, musicInfos: LX.Music.MusicInfo[], addMu
switch (addMusicLocationType) {
case 'top':
arrUnshift(targetList, musicInfos)
case 'bottom':
arrPush(targetList, musicInfos)
@ -234,14 +238,13 @@ export const listMusicRemove = (listId: string, ids: string[]): string[] => {
let targetList = allMusicList.get(listId)
if (!targetList) return listId == loveList.id ? [listId] : []
ids = [...ids]
for (let i = targetList.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
const item = targetList[i]
const index = ids.indexOf(item.id)
if (index < 0) continue
ids.splice(index, 1)
targetList.splice(i, 1)
const listSet = new Set<string>()
for (const item of targetList) listSet.add(item.id)
for (const id of ids) listSet.delete(id)
const newList = targetList.filter(mInfo => listSet.has(mInfo.id))
targetList.splice(0, targetList.length)
arrPush(targetList, newList)
return [listId]
@ -284,7 +287,9 @@ export const listMusicUpdatePosition = async(listId: string, position: number, i
const list = await window.lx.worker.main.createSortedList(toRaw(targetList), position, ids)
targetList.splice(0, targetList.length, ...list)
targetList.splice(0, targetList.length)
arrPush(targetList, list)
// console.timeEnd('ts')
return [listId]
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import { setProgress } from './playProgress'
import { playNext } from '@renderer/core/player'
import { LIST_IDS } from '@common/constants'
import { toRaw } from '@common/utils/vueTools'
import { arrPush, arrUnshift } from '@common/utils/common'
type PlayerMusicInfoKeys = keyof typeof musicInfo
@ -231,8 +232,8 @@ export const addTempPlayList = (list: LX.Player.TempPlayListItem[]) => {
return true
if (topList.length) tempPlayList.unshift(...topList.map(({ musicInfo, listId }) => ({ musicInfo, listId, isTempPlay: true })))
if (bottomList.length) tempPlayList.push(...bottomList.map(({ musicInfo, listId }) => ({ musicInfo, listId, isTempPlay: true })))
if (topList.length) arrUnshift(tempPlayList, topList.map(({ musicInfo, listId }) => ({ musicInfo, listId, isTempPlay: true })))
if (bottomList.length) arrPush(tempPlayList, bottomList.map(({ musicInfo, listId }) => ({ musicInfo, listId, isTempPlay: true })))
if (!playMusicInfo.musicInfo) void playNext()
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// import { throttle } from '@common/utils'
import { filterFileName, sortInsert, similar } from '@common/utils/common'
import { filterFileName, sortInsert, similar, arrPushByPosition } from '@common/utils/common'
import { joinPath, saveStrToFile } from '@common/utils/nodejs'
import { createLocalMusicInfo } from '@renderer/utils/music'
@ -212,14 +212,15 @@ export const searchListMusic = (list: LX.Music.MusicInfo[], text: string) => {
* @returns
export const createSortedList = (list: LX.Music.MusicInfo[], position: number, ids: string[]) => {
const infos = Array(ids.length)
for (let i = list.length; i--;) {
const item = list[i]
const index = ids.indexOf(item.id)
if (index < 0) continue
infos.splice(index, 1, list.splice(i, 1)[0])
const infos: LX.Music.MusicInfo[] = []
const map = new Map<string, LX.Music.MusicInfo>()
for (const item of list) map.set(item.id, item)
for (const id of ids) {
infos.push(map.get(id) as LX.Music.MusicInfo)
list.splice(Math.min(position, list.length), 0, ...infos)
list = list.filter(mInfo => map.has(mInfo.id))
arrPushByPosition(list, infos, Math.min(position, list.length))
return list
Reference in New Issue