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AWS specific configuration options
These options can be set as environment variables to customize how your cluster is created. Only options specific to AWS are documented here, for cross-provider options see this document.
This is a work-in-progress; not all options are documented yet!
The AWS availability zone to deploy to. Defaults to us-west-2a.
The AMI to use. If not specified, the image will be selected based on the AWS region.
The bucket name to use, and the region where the bucket should be created, or where the bucket is located if it exists already.
If not specified, defaults to AWS_S3_REGION us-east-1, because buckets are globally named and you probably want to share a bucket across all regions; us-east-1 is a sensible (relatively arbitrary) default.
AWS_S3_BUCKET will default to a uniquely generated name, so you won't collide with other kubernetes users. (Currently this uses the hash of your AWS Access key to produce a per-user unique value).
It is not a bad idea to set AWS_S3_BUCKET to something more human friendly.
AWS_S3_REGION is useful for people that want to control their data location, because of regulatory restrictions for example.
The instance type to use for creating the master/minion. Defaults to t2.micro.
For production usage, we recommend bigger instances, for example:
export MASTER_SIZE=c4.large
export MINION_SIZE=r3.large
Should a public IP automatically assigned to the minions? "true" or "false"
Defaults to: "true"
Please note: Do not set this to "false" unless you...
- ... already configured a NAT instance in the kubernetes VPC that will enable internet access for the new minions
- ... already configured a route for "" to this NAT instance
- ... already configured a route for "YOUR_IP/32" to an AWS internet gateway (for the master instance to reach your client directly during setup)