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SkyDNS Replication Controllers and Service templates

This directory contains the base UNDERSCORE templates that can be used to generate the skydns-rc.yaml.in and skydns.rc.yaml.in needed in Salt format.

Due to a varied preference in templating language choices, the transform Makefile in this directory should be enhanced to generate all required formats from the base underscore templates.

NOTE WELL: Developers, when you add a parameter you should also update the various scripts that supply values for your new parameter. Here is one way you might find those scripts:

cd kubernetes
find [a-zA-Z0-9]* -type f -exec grep skydns-rc.yaml \{\} \; -print -exec echo \;

Base Template files

These are the authoritative base templates. Run 'make' to generate the Salt and Sed yaml templates from these.

skydns-rc.yaml.base skydns-svc.yaml.base

Generated Salt files

skydns-rc.yaml.in skydns-svc.yaml.in

Generated Sed files

skydns-rc.yaml.sed skydns-svc.yaml.sed
