
6.2 KiB

Starting a Windows Kubernetes cluster on GCE using kube-up

Bring up the cluster

Prerequisites: a Google Cloud Platform project.

0. Prepare your environment

Clone this repository under your $GOPATH/src directory on a Linux machine. Then, optionally clean/prepare your environment using these commands:

# Remove files that interfere with get-kube / kube-up:
rm -rf ./kubernetes/; rm -f kubernetes.tar.gz; rm -f ~/.kube/config

# Set the default gcloud project for this shell. This is optional but convenient
# if you're working with multiple projects and don't want to repeatedly switch
# between gcloud config configurations.
export CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT=<your_project_name>

1. Build Kubernetes

The most straightforward approach to build those binaries is to run make release. However, that builds binaries for all supported platforms, and can be slow. You can speed up the process by following the instructions below to only build the necessary binaries.

# Fetch the PR: https://github.com/pjh/kubernetes/pull/43
git remote add pjh https://github.com/pjh/kubernetes
git fetch pjh pull/43/head

# Get the commit hash and cherry-pick the commit to your current branch
BUILD_WIN_COMMIT=$(git ls-remote pjh | grep refs/pull/43/head | cut -f 1)
git cherry-pick $BUILD_WIN_COMMIT

# Build binaries for both Linux and Windows
make quick-release

2 Create a Kubernetes cluster

You can create a regular Kubernetes cluster or an end-to-end test cluster. Please make sure you set the environment variables properly following the instructions in the previous section.

First, set the following environment variables which are required for controlling the number of Linux and Windows nodes in the cluster and for enabling IP aliases (which are required for Windows pod routing):

export NUM_NODES=2  # number of Linux nodes

If you wish to use netd as the CNI plugin for Linux nodes, set these variables:

export KUBE_ENABLE_NETD=true
export KUBE_CUSTOM_NETD_YAML=$(curl -s \
  https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/netd/master/netd.yaml \
  | sed -e 's/^/ /')

Now bring up a cluster using one of the following two methods:

2.a Create a regular Kubernetes cluster

# Invoke kube-up.sh with these environment variables:
#   PROJECT: text name of your GCP project.
#   KUBERNETES_SKIP_CONFIRM: skips any kube-up prompts.

To teardown the cluster run:


2.b Create a Kubernetes end-to-end (E2E) test cluster

PROJECT=${CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT} go run ./hack/e2e.go  -- --up

This command, by default, tears down the existing E2E cluster and create a new one.

No matter what type of cluster you chose to create, the result should be a Kubernetes cluster with one Linux master node, NUM_NODES Linux worker nodes and NUM_WINDOWS_NODES Windows worker nodes.

Validating the cluster

Invoke this script to run a smoke test that verifies that the cluster has been brought up correctly:


Running tests against the cluster

These steps are based on kubernetes-sigs/windows-testing.

  • TODO(pjh): use patched cluster/local/util.sh from https://github.com/pjh/kubernetes/blob/windows-up/cluster/local/util.sh.

  • If necessary run alias kubectl=client/bin/kubectl .

  • Set the following environment variables (these values should make sense if you built your cluster using the kube-up steps above):

    export KUBE_HOME=$(pwd)
    export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config
    export KUBE_MASTER=local
    export KUBE_MASTER_NAME=kubernetes-master
    export KUBE_MASTER_IP=$(kubectl get node ${KUBE_MASTER_NAME} -o jsonpath='{.status.addresses[?(@.type=="ExternalIP")].address}')
    export KUBE_MASTER_URL=https://${KUBE_MASTER_IP}
    export KUBE_MASTER_PORT=443
  • Download the list of Windows e2e tests:

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/e2e-win/e2e-win-prow-deployment/master/repo-list.txt -o ${KUBE_HOME}/repo-list.yaml
    export KUBE_TEST_REPO_LIST=${KUBE_HOME}/repo-list.yaml
  • Download and configure the list of tests to exclude:

    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/e2e-win/e2e-win-prow-deployment/master/exclude_conformance_test.txt -o ${KUBE_HOME}/exclude_conformance_test.txt
    export EXCLUDED_TESTS=$(cat exclude_conformance_test.txt |
      tr -d '\r' |                # remove Windows carriage returns
      tr -s '\n' '|' |            # coalesce newlines into |
      tr -s ' ' '.' |             # coalesce spaces into .
      sed -e 's/[]\[()]/\\&/g' |  # escape brackets and parentheses
      sed -e 's/.$//g')           # remove final | added by tr
  • Taint the Linux nodes so that test pods will not land on them:

    export LINUX_NODES=$(kubectl get nodes -l beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux,kubernetes.io/hostname!=${KUBE_MASTER_NAME} -o name)
    export LINUX_NODE_COUNT=$(echo ${LINUX_NODES} | wc -w)
    for node in $LINUX_NODES; do
      kubectl taint node $node node-under-test=false:NoSchedule
  • Build necessary test binaries:

    make WHAT=test/e2e/e2e.test
  • Run the tests with flags that point at the "local" (already-running) cluster and that permit the NoSchedule Linux nodes:

    export KUBETEST_ARGS="--ginkgo.noColor=true "\
    "--report-dir=${KUBE_HOME}/e2e-reports "\
    "--allowed-not-ready-nodes=${LINUX_NODE_COUNT} "\
    "--ginkgo.dryRun=false "\
    "--ginkgo.focus=\[Conformance\] "\
    go run ${KUBE_HOME}/hack/e2e.go -- --verbose-commands \
      --ginkgo-parallel=4 \
      --check-version-skew=false --test --provider=local \
      --test_args="${KUBETEST_ARGS}" &> ${KUBE_HOME}/conformance.out

    TODO: copy log files from Windows nodes using some command like:

    scp -r -o PreferredAuthentications=keyboard-interactive,password \
      -o PubkeyAuthentication=no \
      user@kubernetes-minion-windows-group-mk0p:C:\\etc\\kubernetes\\logs \