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Getting started on AWS


  1. You need an AWS account. Visit http://aws.amazon.com to get started
  2. Install and configure AWS Command Line Interface
  3. You need an AWS instance profile and role with EC2 full access.

Cluster turnup

Download Kubernetes

a) Preferred Option: Install from 0.10.0 release
  1. wget https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/releases/download/v0.10.0/kubernetes.tar.gz
  2. tar -xzf kubernetes.tar.gz; cd kubernetes
  3. export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/platforms/<os>/<platform>
b) Alternate Option: Install from source at head
  1. git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes.git
  2. cd kubernetes; make release
  3. export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/_output/local/bin/<os>/<platform>

Turn up the cluster


The script above relies on AWS S3 to deploy the software to instances running in EC2.

NOTE: The script will provision a new VPC and a 5 node k8s cluster in us-west-2 (Oregon). It'll also try to create a keypair called "kubernetes" as well as create or reuse an IAM role also called "kubernetes" so make sure one doesn't already exist prior to running the script in order to elminate a potential conflict.

Once the cluster is up, it will print the ip address of your cluster, this process takes ~5 minutes.

export KUBERNETES_MASTER=https://<ip-address>

Also setup your path to point to the released binaries:

export PATH=$PATH:$PWD:/cluster

Running examples

Take a look at next steps

Tearing down the cluster

cd kubernetes

Cloud Formation [optional]

There is a contributed example from CoreOS using Cloud Formation.