
14 KiB


PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to the HEAD of the source tree

If you are using a released version of Kubernetes, you should refer to the docs that go with that version.

The latest release of this document can be found [here](http://releases.k8s.io/release-1.1/docs/devel/developer-guides/vagrant.md).

Documentation for other releases can be found at releases.k8s.io.

Getting started with Vagrant

Running kubernetes with Vagrant (and VirtualBox) is an easy way to run/test/develop on your local machine (Linux, Mac OS X).


  1. Install latest version >= 1.6.2 of vagrant from http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html
  2. Install one of:
    1. The latest version of Virtual Box from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
    2. VMWare Fusion version 5 or greater as well as the appropriate Vagrant VMWare Fusion provider
    3. VMWare Workstation version 9 or greater as well as the Vagrant VMWare Workstation provider
    4. Parallels Desktop version 9 or greater as well as the Vagrant Parallels provider
  3. Get or build a binary release


By default, the Vagrant setup will create a single master VM (called kubernetes-master) and one node (called kubernetes-node-1). Each VM will take 1 GB, so make sure you have at least 2GB to 4GB of free memory (plus appropriate free disk space). To start your local cluster, open a shell and run:

cd kubernetes


The KUBERNETES_PROVIDER environment variable tells all of the various cluster management scripts which variant to use. If you forget to set this, the assumption is you are running on Google Compute Engine.

If you installed more than one Vagrant provider, Kubernetes will usually pick the appropriate one. However, you can override which one Kubernetes will use by setting the VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER environment variable:


Vagrant will provision each machine in the cluster with all the necessary components to run Kubernetes. The initial setup can take a few minutes to complete on each machine.

By default, each VM in the cluster is running Fedora, and all of the Kubernetes services are installed into systemd.

To access the master or any node:

vagrant ssh master
vagrant ssh node-1

If you are running more than one nodes, you can access the others by:

vagrant ssh node-2
vagrant ssh node-3

To view the service status and/or logs on the kubernetes-master:

$ vagrant ssh master
[vagrant@kubernetes-master ~] $ sudo systemctl status kube-apiserver
[vagrant@kubernetes-master ~] $ sudo journalctl -r -u kube-apiserver

[vagrant@kubernetes-master ~] $ sudo systemctl status kube-controller-manager
[vagrant@kubernetes-master ~] $ sudo journalctl -r -u kube-controller-manager

[vagrant@kubernetes-master ~] $ sudo systemctl status etcd
[vagrant@kubernetes-master ~] $ sudo systemctl status nginx

To view the services on any of the nodes:

$ vagrant ssh node-1
[vagrant@kubernetes-node-1] $ sudo systemctl status docker
[vagrant@kubernetes-node-1] $ sudo journalctl -r -u docker
[vagrant@kubernetes-node-1] $ sudo systemctl status kubelet
[vagrant@kubernetes-node-1] $ sudo journalctl -r -u kubelet

Interacting with your Kubernetes cluster with Vagrant.

With your Kubernetes cluster up, you can manage the nodes in your cluster with the regular Vagrant commands.

To push updates to new Kubernetes code after making source changes:


To stop and then restart the cluster:

vagrant halt

To destroy the cluster:

vagrant destroy

Once your Vagrant machines are up and provisioned, the first thing to do is to check that you can use the kubectl.sh script.

You may need to build the binaries first, you can do this with make

$ ./cluster/kubectl.sh get nodes

NAME                     LABELS                                          STATUS
kubernetes-node-0whl     kubernetes.io/hostname=kubernetes-node-0whl     Ready
kubernetes-node-4jdf     kubernetes.io/hostname=kubernetes-node-4jdf     Ready
kubernetes-node-epbe     kubernetes.io/hostname=kubernetes-node-epbe     Ready

Interacting with your Kubernetes cluster with the kube-* scripts.

Alternatively to using the vagrant commands, you can also use the cluster/kube-*.sh scripts to interact with the vagrant based provider just like any other hosting platform for kubernetes.

All of these commands assume you have set KUBERNETES_PROVIDER appropriately:


Bring up a vagrant cluster


Destroy the vagrant cluster


Update the vagrant cluster after you make changes (only works when building your own releases locally):


Interact with the cluster


Authenticating with your master

When using the vagrant provider in Kubernetes, the cluster/kubectl.sh script will cache your credentials in a ~/.kubernetes_vagrant_auth file so you will not be prompted for them in the future.

$ cat ~/.kubernetes_vagrant_auth
{ "User": "vagrant",
  "Password": "vagrant"
  "CAFile": "/home/k8s_user/.kubernetes.vagrant.ca.crt",
  "CertFile": "/home/k8s_user/.kubecfg.vagrant.crt",
  "KeyFile": "/home/k8s_user/.kubecfg.vagrant.key"

You should now be set to use the cluster/kubectl.sh script. For example try to list the nodes that you have started with:

./cluster/kubectl.sh get nodes

Running containers

Your cluster is running, you can list the nodes in your cluster:

$ ./cluster/kubectl.sh get nodes

NAME                     LABELS                                          STATUS
kubernetes-node-0whl     kubernetes.io/hostname=kubernetes-node-0whl     Ready
kubernetes-node-4jdf     kubernetes.io/hostname=kubernetes-node-4jdf     Ready
kubernetes-node-epbe     kubernetes.io/hostname=kubernetes-node-epbe     Ready

Now start running some containers!

You can now use any of the cluster/kube-*.sh commands to interact with your VM machines. Before starting a container there will be no pods, services and replication controllers.

$ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods

$ cluster/kubectl.sh get services

$ cluster/kubectl.sh get rc

Start a container running nginx with a replication controller and three replicas

$ cluster/kubectl.sh run my-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=3 --port=80
my-nginx     my-nginx       nginx      run=my-nginx   3

When listing the pods, you will see that three containers have been started and are in Waiting state:

$ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods
NAME              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
my-nginx-389da    1/1       Waiting   0          33s
my-nginx-kqdjk    1/1       Waiting   0          33s
my-nginx-nyj3x    1/1       Waiting   0          33s

You need to wait for the provisioning to complete, you can monitor the nodes by doing:

$ sudo salt '*node-1' cmd.run 'docker images'
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
    <none>              <none>              96864a7d2df3        26 hours ago        204.4 MB
    kubernetes/pause    latest              6c4579af347b        8 weeks ago         239.8 kB

Once the docker image for nginx has been downloaded, the container will start and you can list it:

$ sudo salt '*node-1' cmd.run 'docker ps'
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
    dbe79bf6e25b        nginx:latest              "nginx"                21 seconds ago      Up 19 seconds                                k8s--mynginx.8c5b8a3a--7813c8bd_-_3ffe_-_11e4_-_9036_-_0800279696e1.etcd--7813c8bd_-_3ffe_-_11e4_-_9036_-_0800279696e1--fcfa837f
    fa0e29c94501        kubernetes/pause:latest   "/pause"               8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes>80/tcp     k8s--net.a90e7ce4--7813c8bd_-_3ffe_-_11e4_-_9036_-_0800279696e1.etcd--7813c8bd_-_3ffe_-_11e4_-_9036_-_0800279696e1--baf5b21b

Going back to listing the pods, services and replicationcontrollers, you now have:

$ cluster/kubectl.sh get pods
NAME              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
my-nginx-389da    1/1       Running   0          33s
my-nginx-kqdjk    1/1       Running   0          33s
my-nginx-nyj3x    1/1       Running   0          33s

$ cluster/kubectl.sh get services

$ cluster/kubectl.sh get rc
NAME        IMAGE(S)          SELECTOR       REPLICAS
my-nginx    nginx             run=my-nginx   3

We did not start any services, hence there are none listed. But we see three replicas displayed properly. Check the guestbook application to learn how to create a service. You can already play with scaling the replicas with:

$ ./cluster/kubectl.sh scale rc my-nginx --replicas=2
$ ./cluster/kubectl.sh get pods
NAME              READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
my-nginx-kqdjk    1/1       Running   0          13m
my-nginx-nyj3x    1/1       Running   0          13m



The following will run all of the end-to-end testing scenarios assuming you set your environment in cluster/kube-env.sh:

NUM_NODES=3 hack/e2e-test.sh


I keep downloading the same (large) box all the time!

By default the Vagrantfile will download the box from S3. You can change this (and cache the box locally) by providing a name and an alternate URL when calling kube-up.sh

export KUBERNETES_BOX_NAME=choose_your_own_name_for_your_kuber_box
export KUBERNETES_BOX_URL=path_of_your_kuber_box

I just created the cluster, but I am getting authorization errors!

You probably have an incorrect ~/.kubernetes_vagrant_auth file for the cluster you are attempting to contact.

rm ~/.kubernetes_vagrant_auth

After using kubectl.sh make sure that the correct credentials are set:

$ cat ~/.kubernetes_vagrant_auth
  "User": "vagrant",
  "Password": "vagrant"

I just created the cluster, but I do not see my container running!

If this is your first time creating the cluster, the kubelet on each node schedules a number of docker pull requests to fetch prerequisite images. This can take some time and as a result may delay your initial pod getting provisioned.

I changed Kubernetes code, but it's not running!

Are you sure there was no build error? After running $ vagrant provision, scroll up and ensure that each Salt state was completed successfully on each box in the cluster. It's very likely you see a build error due to an error in your source files!

I have brought Vagrant up but the nodes won't validate!

Are you sure you built a release first? Did you install net-tools? For more clues, login to one of the nodes (vagrant ssh node-1) and inspect the salt minion log (sudo cat /var/log/salt/minion).

I want to change the number of nodes!

You can control the number of nodes that are instantiated via the environment variable NUM_NODES on your host machine. If you plan to work with replicas, we strongly encourage you to work with enough nodes to satisfy your largest intended replica size. If you do not plan to work with replicas, you can save some system resources by running with a single node. You do this, by setting NUM_NODES to 1 like so:

export NUM_NODES=1

I want my VMs to have more memory!

You can control the memory allotted to virtual machines with the KUBERNETES_MEMORY environment variable. Just set it to the number of megabytes you would like the machines to have. For example:


If you need more granular control, you can set the amount of memory for the master and nodes independently. For example:


I ran vagrant suspend and nothing works!

vagrant suspend seems to mess up the network. It's not supported at this time.
