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PLEASE NOTE: This document applies to the HEAD of the source tree

If you are using a released version of Kubernetes, you should refer to the docs that go with that version.

Documentation for other releases can be found at releases.k8s.io.


Real Kubernetes clusters have a variety of volumes which differ widely in size, iops performance, retention policy, and other characteristics. Administrators need a way to dynamically provision volumes of these different types to automatically meet user demand.

A new mechanism called 'storage classes' is proposed to provide this capability.


In Kubernetes 1.2, an alpha form of limited dynamic provisioning was added that allows a single volume type to be provisioned in clouds that offer special volume types.

In Kubernetes 1.3, a label selector was added to persistent volume claims to allow administrators to create a taxonomy of volumes based on the characteristics important to them, and to allow users to make claims on those volumes based on those characteristics. This allows flexibility when claiming existing volumes; the same flexibility is needed when dynamically provisioning volumes.

After gaining experience with dynamic provisioning after the 1.2 release, we want to create a more flexible feature that allows configuration of how different storage classes are provisioned and supports provisioning multiple types of volumes within a single cloud.

Out-of-tree provisioners

One of our goals is to enable administrators to create out-of-tree provisioners, that is, provisioners whose code does not live in the Kubernetes project. Our experience since the 1.2 release with dynamic provisioning has shown that it is impossible to anticipate every aspect and manner of provisioning that administrators will want to perform. The proposed design should not prevent future work to allow out-of-tree provisioners.


This design represents the minimally viable changes required to provision based on storage classe configuration. Additional incremental features may be added as a separte effort.

We propose that:

  1. For the base impelementation storage class and volume selectors are mutually exclusive.

  2. An api object will be incubated in extensions/v1beta1 named storage to hold the a StorageClass API resource. Each StorageClass object contains parameters required by the provisioner to provision volumes of that class. These parameters are opaque to the user.

  3. PersistentVolume.Spec.Class attribute is added to volumes. This attribute is optional and specifies which StorageClass instance represents storage characteristics of a particular PV.

    During incubation, Class is an annotation and not actual attribute.

  4. PersistentVolume instances do not require labels by the provisioner.

  5. PersistentVolumeClaim.Spec.Class attribute is added to claims. This attribute specifies that only a volume with equal PersistentVolume.Spec.Class value can satisfy a claim.

    During incubation, Class is just an annotation and not actual attribute.

  6. The existing provisioner plugin implementations be modified to accept parameters as specified via StorageClass.

  7. The persistent volume controller modified to invoke provisioners using StorageClass configuration and bind claims with PersistentVolumeClaim.Spec.Class to volumes with equivilant PersistentVolume.Spec.Class

  8. The existing alpha dynamic provisioning feature be phased out in the next release.

Controller workflow for provisioning volumes

  1. When a new claim is submitted, the controller attempts to find an existing volume that will fulfill the claim.

    1. If the claim has non-empty claim.Spec.Class, only PVs with the same pv.Spec.Class are considered.

    2. If the claim has empty claim.Spec.Class, all existing PVs are considered.

    All "considered" volumes are evaluated and the smallest matching volume is bound to the claim.

  2. If no volume is found for the claim and claim.Spec.Class is not set or is empty string dynamic provisioning is disabled.

  3. If claim.Spec.Class is set the controller tries to find instance of StorageClass with this name. If no such StorageClass is found, the controller goes back to step 1. and periodically retries finding a matching volume or storage class again until a match is found. The claim is Pending during this period.

  4. With StorageClass instance, the controller finds volume plugin specified by StorageClass.ProvisionerType.

  5. All provisioners are in-tree; they implement an interface called ProvisionableVolumePlugin, which has a method called NewProvisioner that returns a new provisioner.

  6. The controller calls volume plugin Provision with ProvisionerParameters from the StorageClass configuration object.

  7. If Provision returns an error, the controller generates an event on the claim and goes back to step 1., i.e. it will retry provisioning periodically

  8. If Provision returns no error, the controller creates the returned api.PersistentVolume, fills its Class attribute with claim.Spec.Class and makes it already bound to the claim

  9. If the create operation for the api.PersistentVolume fails, it is retried

  10. If the create operation does not succeed in reasonable time, the controller attempts to delete the provisioned volume and creates an event on the claim

Existing behavior is un-changed for claims that do not specify claim.Spec.Class.

StorageClass API

A new API group should hold the API for storage classes, following the pattern of autoscaling, metrics, etc. To allow for future storage-related APIs, we should call this new API group storage and incubate in extensions/v1beta1.

Storage classes will be represented by an API object called StorageClass:

package storage

// StorageClass describes the parameters for a class of storage for
// which PersistentVolumes can be dynamically provisioned.
// StorageClasses are non-namespaced; the name of the storage class
// according to etcd is in ObjectMeta.Name.
type StorageClass struct {
  unversioned.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
  ObjectMeta           `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

  // ProvisionerType indicates the type of the provisioner.
  ProvisionerType string `json:"provisionerType,omitempty"`

  // Parameters for dynamic volume provisioner.
  ProvisionerParameters map[string]string `json:"provisionerParameters,omitempty"`

PersistentVolumeClaimSpec and PersistentVolumeSpec both get Class attribute (the existing annotation is used during incubation):

type PersistentVolumeClaimSpec struct {
    // Name of requested storage class. If non-empty, only PVs with this
    // pv.Spec.Class will be considered for binding and if no such PV is
    // available, StorageClass with this name will be used to dynamically
    // provision the volume.
    Class string

type PersistentVolumeSpec struct {
    // Name of StorageClass instance that this volume belongs to.
    Class string

Storage classes are natural to think of as a global resource, since they:

  1. Align with PersistentVolumes, which are a global resource
  2. Are administrator controlled

Provisioning configuration

With the scheme outlined above the provisioner creates PVs using parameters specified in the StorageClass object.

Provisioner interface changes

struct volume.VolumeOptions (containing parameters for a provisioner plugin) will be extended to contain StorageClass.ProvisionerParameters.

The existing provisioner implementations will be modified to accept the StorageClass configuration object.

PV Controller Changes

The persistent volume controller will be modified to implement the new workflow described in this proposal. The changes will be limited to the provisionClaimOperation method, which is responsible for invoking the provisioner and to favor existing volumes before provisioning a new one.


AWS provisioners with distinct QoS

This example shows two storage classes, "aws-fast" and "aws-slow".

apiVersion: v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: aws-fast
provisionerType: kubernetes.io/aws-ebs
   zone: us-east-1b
   type: ssd

apiVersion: v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: aws-slow
provisionerType: kubernetes.io/aws-ebs
   zone: us-east-1b
   type: spinning

Additional Implementation Details

  1. Annotation volume.alpha.kubernetes.io/storage-class is used instead of claim.Spec.Class and volume.Spec.Class during incubation.

  2. claim.Spec.Selector and claim.Spec.Class are mutually exclusive. User can either match existing volumes with Selector XOR match existing volumes with Class and get dynamic provisioning by using Class. This simplifies initial PR and also provisioners.

Cloud Providers

Since the volume.alpha.kubernetes.io/storage-class is in use a StorageClass must be defined to support provisioning. No default is assumed as before.
