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Use a dedicated user for K3s core controllers

Date: 2023-05-26




Users who collect audit logs from K3s currently have a hard time determining if an action was performed by an administrator, or by the K3s supervisor. This is due to the K3s supervisor using the same system:admin user for both the admin kubeconfig, and the kubeconfig used by core Wrangler controllers that drive core functionality and the deploy/helm controllers.

Users may have policies in place that prohibit use of the system:admin account, or that require service accounts to be distinct from user accounts.


  • We will add a new kubeconfig for the K3s supervisor controllers: core functionality, deploy (AddOns; aka the manifests directory), and helm (HelmChart/HelmChartConfig).
  • Each of the three controllers will use a dedicated user-agent to further assist in discriminating between events, via both audit logs and resource ManageFields tracking.
  • The new user account will use existing core Kubernetes group RBAC.


  • K3s servers will create and manage an additional kubeconfig, client cert, and key that is intended only for use by the supervisor controllers.
  • K3s supervisor controllers will use distinct user-agents to further discriminate between which component initiated the request.