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kubecfg command line interface
The kubecfg
command line tools is used to interact with the Kubernetes HTTP API.
Replication Controller Commands
kubecfg [options] run <image> <replicas> <controller-name>
This command creates a Kuberenetes ReplicaController object which creates <replicas>
copies of the container named by <image>
, the newly created ReplicaController is named <controller-name>
kubecfg -p 8080:80 run dockerfile/nginx 2 myNginxController
kubecfg [options] resize <controller-name> <new-size>
Changes the desired number of replicas, causing replicas to be created or deleted.
kubecfg resize myNginxController 3
kubecfg [options] stop <controller-name>
Stops a controller by setting its desired size to zero. Syntactic sugar on top of resize.
kubecfg [options] rm <controller-name>
Delete a replication controller. Only works if the desired size of the controller is zero.
RESTful Commands
Kubecfg also supports raw access to the basic restful requests. There are four different resources you can acccess:
Common Flags
- -yaml : output in YAML format
- -json : output in JSON format
- -c : Accept a file in JSON or YAML for POST/PUT
Raw access to a RESTful GET request.
kubecfg [options] get pods/pod-abc-123
Raw access to a RESTful LIST request.
kubecfg [options] list pods
Raw access to a RESTful POST request.
kubecfg <-c some/body.[json|yaml]> [options] create pods
Raw access to a RESTful PUT request.
kubecfg <-c some/body.[json|yaml]> [options] update pods/pod-abc-123
Raw access to a RESTful DELETE request.
kubecfg [options] delete pods/pod-abc-123
usage: kubecfg -h [-c config/file.json] [-p :,..., :] <method>
Kubernetes REST API:
kubecfg [OPTIONS] get|list|create|delete|update <minions|pods|replicationControllers|services>[/<id>]
Manage replication controllers:
kubecfg [OPTIONS] stop|rm|rollingupdate <controller>
kubecfg [OPTIONS] run <image> <replicas> <controller>
kubecfg [OPTIONS] resize <controller> <replicas>
-V=false: Print the version number.
-alsologtostderr=false: log to standard error as well as files
-auth="/Users/bburns/.kubernetes_auth": Path to the auth info file. If missing, prompt the user. Only used if doing https.
-c="": Path to the config file.
-h="": The host to connect to.
-json=false: If true, print raw JSON for responses
-l="": Selector (label query) to use for listing
-log_backtrace_at=:0: when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
-log_dir="": If non-empty, write log files in this directory
-log_flush_frequency=5s: Maximum number of seconds between log flushes
-logtostderr=false: log to standard error instead of files
-p="": The port spec, comma-separated list of <external>:<internal>,...
-proxy=false: If true, run a proxy to the api server
-s=-1: If positive, create and run a corresponding service on this port, only used with 'run'
-stderrthreshold=0: logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
-template="": If present, parse this string as a golang template and use it for output printing
-template_file="": If present, load this file as a golang template and use it for output printing
-u=1m0s: Update interval period
-v=0: log level for V logs
-verbose=false: If true, print extra information
-vmodule=: comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
-www="": If -proxy is true, use this directory to serve static files
-yaml=false: If true, print raw YAML for responses