
2.1 KiB

This directory forms the base of the main SaltStack configuration. The place to start with any SaltStack configuration is top.sls. However, unless you are particularly keen on reading Jinja templates, the following tables break down what configurations run on what providers. (NB: The _states directory is a special directory included by Salt for ensure blocks, and is only used for the docker config.)

Key: M = Config applies to master, n = config applies to nodes

Config GCE Vagrant AWS Azure
debian-auto-upgrades M n M n M n M n
docker M n M n M n M n
etcd M M M M
generate-cert M M M M
kube-addons M M M M
kube-apiserver M M M M
kube-controller-manager M M M M
kube-proxy n n n n
kube-scheduler M M M M
kubelet M n M n M n M n
logrotate M n n M n M n
supervisord M n M n M n M n
nginx M
openvpn-client n
openvpn M
base M n M n M n M n
kube-client-tools M M M M
