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Cutting a release

Until we have a proper setup for building this automatically with every binary release, here are the steps for making a release. We make releases when they are ready, not on every PR.

  1. Build the container for testing:

make release cd build/kube-dns make container PREFIX=<your-docker-hub> TAG=rc

  1. Manually deploy this to your own cluster by updating the replication controller and deleting the running pod(s).

  2. Verify it works.

  3. Update the TAG version in Makefile and update the Changelog. Update the *.yaml.in to point to the new tag. Send a PR but mark it as "DO NOT MERGE".

  4. Once the PR is approved, build and push the container for real for all architectures:

    # Build for linux/amd64 (default)
    $ make push ARCH=amd64
    # ---> gcr.io/google_containers/kube-dns-amd64:TAG
    # ---> gcr.io/google_containers/kube-dns:TAG (image with backwards-compatible naming)
    $ make push ARCH=arm
    # ---> gcr.io/google_containers/kube-dns-arm:TAG
    $ make push ARCH=arm64
    # ---> gcr.io/google_containers/kube-dns-arm64:TAG
    $ make push ARCH=ppc64le
    # ---> gcr.io/google_containers/kube-dns-ppc64le:TAG
  5. Manually deploy this to your own cluster by updating the replication controller and deleting the running pod(s).

  6. Verify it works.

  7. Allow the PR to be merged.
