Images needed for a base install are provided through the releases page, additional images can be created with the `docker save` command.
Offline Helm charts are served from the `/var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/static` directory, and Helm chart manifests may reference the static files with a `%{KUBERNETES_API}%` templated variable. For example, the default traefik manifest chart installs from `https://%{KUBERNETES_API}%/static/charts/traefik-X.Y.Z.tgz`.
If networking is completely disabled k3s may not be able to start (ie ethernet unplugged or wifi disconnected), in which case it may be necessary to add a default route. For example:
sudo ip -c address add dev eno1
sudo ip route add default via
k3s additionally provides a `--resolv-conf` flag for kubelets, which may help with configuring DNS in air-gap networks.
Currently broken or stuff that needs to be done for this to be considered production quality.
Currently broken or stuff that needs to be done for this to be considered production quality.