
1846 lines
91 KiB
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"APIKey": "API Key",
"AWSChina": "AWS(China)",
"AWSInt": "AWS (International)",
"About": "About",
"Accept": "Agree",
"AccessIP": "IP Whitelist",
"AccessKey": "Access Key",
"Account": "Account Information",
"AccountBackup": "Account Backup",
"AccountBackupCreate": "Create Account Backup",
"AccountBackupUpdate": "Update Account Backup",
"AccountChangeSecret": "Account Password Change",
"AccountCreate": "Create Account",
"AccountDeleteConfirmMsg": "Delete account, do you want to continue?",
"AccountDetail": "Account Details",
"AccountEnabled": "Enable Account Switch",
"AccountExportTips": "The export information includes the ciphertext of the account and contains sensitive information. The format of the export is an encrypted zip file (if no encryption password has been set, please go to personal information to set the file encryption password).",
"AccountGather": "Account Collection",
"AccountGatherList": "Collection task",
"AccountGatherTaskCreate": "Create Task",
"AccountGatherTaskExecutionList": "Task Execution List",
"AccountGatherTaskList": "Account Collection",
"AccountGatherTaskUpdate": "Update Action",
"AccountHelpText": "Cloud account is used to connect to the cloud service provider's account to obtain resource information from the cloud service provider",
"AccountHistoryHelpMessage": "Record Current Account History Versions",
"AccountKey": "Account Key",
"AccountList": "Cloud Account",
"AccountName": "Account Name",
"AccountPolicy": "Account Strategy",
"AccountPushCreate": "Account Push Create",
"AccountPushExecutionList": "Execution List",
"AccountPushList": "Account Push",
"AccountPushUpdate": "Account Push Update",
"AccountStorage": "Account Storage",
"AccountTemplate": "Account Template",
"AccountTemplateUpdateSecretHelpText": "Account list displays accounts created through the template. When updating the ciphertext, it will also update the ciphertext of accounts created through the template.",
"AccountUpdate": "Update Account",
"AccountUsername": "Account (Username)",
"Accounts": "Account",
"AccountsHelp": "<b>All Accounts</b>: All accounts added on the asset; <br/> <b>Specified Account</b>: The username of the designated account under the asset; <br/>Manual Account: Manually enter username and password during login; <br/>Same Name Account: Account with the same username as the authorized person;",
"Acl": "Access control",
"Acls": "Access Control",
"Action": "Action",
"ActionCount": "Action Count",
"ActionSetting": "Action Setting",
"Actions": "Action",
"ActionsTips": "The functions of each permission's protocol differ. Click the icon behind the permission to view.",
"Activate": "Activate",
"ActivateSuccessMsg": "Activation Success",
"Active": "Activating",
"ActiveAsset": "Recently Logged In",
"ActiveAssetRanking": "Login Asset Ranking",
"ActiveSelected": "Activate Selected",
"ActiveUser": "Logged in Recently",
"ActiveUserAssetsRatioTitle": "Percentage Statistics",
"Activity": "Action",
"AdDomain": "AD Domain Name",
"AdDomainHelpText": "AD Domain Name provided for Domain User Login",
"Add": "Add",
"AddAccount": "Add Account",
"AddAccountResult": "Account Batch Addition Results",
"AddAllMembersWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to add all members?",
"AddAsset": "Add Assets",
"AddAssetToNode": "Add Assets to Node",
"AddAssetToThisPermission": "Add Asset",
"AddDatabaseAppToThisPermission": "Add Database Application",
"AddFailMsg": "Addition Failed",
"AddK8sAppToThisPermission": "Add Kubernetes Application",
"AddNode": "Add node",
"AddNodeToThisPermission": "Add Node",
"AddOrgMembers": "Add organization member",
"AddPassKey": "Add Passkey",
"AddRemoteAppToThisPermission": "Add Remote App",
"AddRolePermissions": "Add Permissions in Details After Successful Creation/Update",
"AddSuccessMsg": "Successfully Added",
"AddSystemUser": "Add System User",
"AddSystemUserToThisPermission": "Add System User",
"AddUserGroupToThisPermission": "Add User Group",
"AddUserToThisPermission": "Add User",
"Address": "Address",
"Addressee": "Recipient",
"AdhocDetail": "Command Details",
"AdhocManage": "Action Management",
"AdhocUpdate": "Update Command",
"Admin": "Administrator",
"AdminUser": "Privileged User",
"AdminUserCreate": "Create Management User",
"AdminUserDetail": "User Details",
"AdminUserList": "User",
"AdminUserListHelpMessage": "<b>Privileged Users</b> exist already in the system, and they possess advanced system rights, such as root or those with `NOPASSWD: ALL` sudo permissions. JumpServer uses this user to `push system users`, `retrieve asset hardware information`, etc.",
"AdminUserUpdate": "Update User Management",
"Admin_usersAmount": "Privileged User",
"Advanced": "Advanced Settings",
"AfterChange": "Change Afterwards",
"AjaxError404": "404 Request Error",
"AlibabaCloud": "Alibaba Cloud",
"Alive": "Online",
"Aliyun": "Aliyun",
"All": "All",
"AllAccountTip": "All Accounts Added to the Asset",
"AllAccounts": "All Accounts",
"AllClickRead": "All Read",
"AllMembers": "All Members",
"AllOrganization": "Organization List",
"AllowInvalidCert": "Ignore Certificate Check",
"Announcement": "Announcement",
"AnonymousAccount": "Anonymous Account",
"AnonymousAccountTip": "When connecting to assets, do not use username and password, only supports web type and custom type assets",
"ApiKey": "API Key",
"ApiKeyList": "Use an API key to sign the request header for authentication, each request has a unique header, this method is more secure than the Token method, please refer to the documentation for use; \nTo minimize the risk of leakage, secrets are only visible when generated, and each user can support the creation of up to 10",
"ApiKeyWarning": "To reduce the risk of AccessKey leakage, a Secret is provided only at creation and cannot be queried afterwards. Please save it carefully.",
"App": "Application",
"AppAmount": "Number of Applications",
"AppAuth": "App Authentication",
"AppEndpoint": "Application Access Address",
"AppList": "App List",
"AppName": "Application Name",
"AppOps": "Task Center",
"AppPath": "Application Path",
"AppProvider": "Application Provider",
"AppProviderDetail": "Application Provider Details",
"AppType": "Application Type",
"App_permsAmount": "Application Authorization",
"AppletCreate": "Create Remote Application",
"AppletDetail": "Remote Application",
"AppletHelpText": "In the upload process, if the application does not exist, the application is created; if it exists, the application is updated.",
"AppletHostCreate": "Add Remote Application Server",
"AppletHostDetail": "Details of Remote Application Release Machine",
"AppletHostDomainHelpText": "The net domain here belongs to the System organization",
"AppletHostSelectHelpMessage": "When connecting assets, the app publishing machine selection is random (but prioritizes the last one used). If you want to fix a publishing machine for an asset, you can specify the tag <Publisher:Publisher Name> or <AppletHost:Publisher Name>; <br>When selecting an account to connect to this publisher, the following situations will select the user's <b>identically-named account or proprietary account (starts with js)</b>, otherwise the public account (starts with jms) will be used:<br>&nbsp; 1. Both the publisher and the app support concurrency; <br>&nbsp; 2. The publisher supports concurrency, the app does not support concurrency, and the current app does not use a proprietary account; <br>&nbsp; 3. The publisher does not support concurrency, the app supports or does not support concurrency, and no app uses a proprietary account; <br> Note: Whether the app supports concurrency is decided by the developer, and whether the host supports it is determined by the publisher configuration's single user single session",
"AppletHostUpdate": "Update Remote Application Release Machine",
"AppletHosts": "App Publishing Machine",
"Applets": "Remote App",
"Applicant": "Applicant",
"Application": "Please input comma-separated application names",
"ApplicationAccount": "App Account",
"ApplicationDetail": "Application Details",
"ApplicationPermission": "App Authorization",
"ApplicationPermissionCreate": "Create App Authorization Rule",
"ApplicationPermissionDetail": "Application Authorization Details",
"ApplicationPermissionRules": "Application Authorization Rules",
"ApplicationPermissionUpdate": "Update App Authorization Rules",
"Applications": "App Action",
"ApplicationsAmount": "Application",
"ApplyAsset": "Apply for assets",
"ApplyFromCMDFilterRule": "Command Filter Rules",
"ApplyFromSession": "Session",
"ApplyInfo": "Application Information",
"ApplyRunAsset": "Assets applying for operation",
"ApplyRunCommand": "Commands to Run",
"ApplyRunSystemUser": "Applied for System User",
"ApplyRunUser": "The user who applies to run",
"Apply_loginAccount": "Applied Login Account",
"Apply_loginAsset": "Apply for Asset Login",
"Apply_loginUser": "Application Login User",
"Apply_login_systemUser": "Apply to Login System User",
"Appoint": "Specify",
"ApprovaLevel": "Approval Information",
"ApprovalLevel": "Approval Level",
"ApprovalProcess": "Approval Process",
"Approved": "Agreed",
"ApproverNumbers": "Number of Approver",
"AppsCount": "Application Quantity",
"AppsList": "Application list",
"ApsaraStack": "Alibaba Cloud Private Cloud",
"Asset": "Assets",
"AssetAccount": "Account List",
"AssetAccountDetail": "Account Details",
"AssetAclCreate": "Create Asset Login Rule",
"AssetAclDetail": "Asset Login Rule Details",
"AssetAclList": "Asset Login",
"AssetAclUpdate": "Update Asset Login Rules",
"AssetAddress": "Asset (IP/Hostname)",
"AssetAmount": "Number of Assets",
"AssetAndNode": "Assets/Nodes",
"AssetBulkUpdateTips": "Network devices, cloud services, web, bulk domain updates not supported",
"AssetChangeSecretCreate": "Create Account Password Change",
"AssetChangeSecretUpdate": "Update Account Password",
"AssetCount": "Asset Quantity",
"AssetCreate": "Create Asset",
"AssetData": "Asset Data",
"AssetDetail": "Asset Details",
"AssetHistoryAccount": "Asset History Account",
"AssetList": "Asset List",
"AssetListHelpMessage": "The assets tree is on the left, right-click to create, delete, change the tree node, assets authorization is also organized in a node way, the assets on the right are the ones under the node\n",
"AssetLoginACLHelpMsg": "When logging in to assets, auditing can be performed based on the user's login IP and time period to determine whether they can log in to the assets",
"AssetName": "Asset Name",
"AssetNumber": "Asset Number",
"AssetPermission": "Asset Authorization",
"AssetPermissionCreate": "Create Asset Authorization Rules",
"AssetPermissionDetail": "Asset Authorization Details",
"AssetPermissionHelpMsg": "Asset authorization allows you to choose users and assets to authorize assets to users for convenient access. Once authorized, users can easily browse these assets. In addition, you can set specific privilege bits to further define the scope of a users authority over assets.",
"AssetPermissionList": "Asset Authorization List",
"AssetPermissionRules": "Asset Authorization Rules",
"AssetPermissionUpdate": "Update Asset Authorization Rules",
"AssetProtocolHelpText": "The protocols supported by the asset are limited by the platform. You can view the settings of the protocol by clicking the settings button. If an update is needed, please update the platform",
"AssetRatio": "Asset Proportion Statistics",
"AssetResultDetail": "Asset results",
"AssetTree": "Asset Tree",
"AssetUpdate": "Update Assets",
"AssetUserList": "Asset User",
"Asset_ipGroup": "Asset IP",
"Asset_permsAmount": "Asset authorization",
"Assets": "Asset Management",
"AssetsAmount": "Assets",
"AssetsTotal": "Total Number of Assets",
"AssignedInfo": "Approval Information",
"AssignedMe": "Pending My Approval",
"AssignedTicketList": "Waiting for My Approval",
"Assignee": "Action Taker",
"Assignees": "Person to be Addressed",
"AssociateApplication": "Associated Applications",
"AssociateAssets": "Associated Assets",
"AssociateNodes": "Associated Nodes",
"AssociateSystemUsers": "Link System User",
"AttrName": "Attribute name",
"AttrValue": "Attribute Value",
"Auditor": "Auditor",
"Audits": "Audit Console",
"Auth": "Authentication Settings",
"AuthCASAttrMap": "User Attribute Mapping",
"AuthLdap": "Enable LDAP Authentication",
"AuthLdapBindDn": "Bind DN",
"AuthLdapBindPassword": "Password",
"AuthLdapSearchFilter": "The possible options are (cn or uid or sAMAccountName=%(user)s)",
"AuthLdapSearchOu": "Use | to separate each OU",
"AuthLdapServerUri": "LDAP Address",
"AuthLdapUserAttrMap": "User attribute mapping represents how to map LDAP user attributes to JumpServer users. Username, name, email are the properties of JumpServer",
"AuthLimit": "Login Restrictions",
"AuthMethod": "Authentication Method",
"AuthSAML2AdvancedSettings": "Advanced Configuration",
"AuthSAML2MetadataUrl": "IDP Metadata URL",
"AuthSAML2Xml": "IDP metadata XML",
"AuthSAMLCertHelpText": "Save after upload of certificate key, then check SP Metadata",
"AuthSAMLKeyHelpText": "SP Certificates and Keys are used for encrypted communication with IDP",
"AuthSaml2UserAttrMapHelpText": "Left keys are SAML2 user attributes, the values on the right are authentication platform user attributes",
"AuthSecurity": "Certification Security",
"AuthSetting": "Authentication Settings",
"AuthSettings": "Authentication Configuration",
"AuthUserAttrMap": "User Attribute Mapping",
"AuthUserAttrMapHelpText": "The Key on the Left is the JumpServer User Attribute, and the Value on the Right is the Authentication Platform User Attribute",
"AuthUsername": "Use Username Authentication",
"Authentication": "Authentication",
"Author": "Author",
"Auto": "Automatic",
"AutoCreate": "Auto Create",
"AutoEnabled": "Enable Automation",
"AutoGenerateKey": "Randomly Generated Password",
"AutoPush": "Auto Push",
"Automations": "Automation",
"AverageTimeCost": "Average Time Spent",
"Azure": "Azure (China)",
"AzureInt": "Azure(International)",
"Backup": "Backup",
"BadConflictErrorMsg": "Refreshing, please try again later",
"BadRequestErrorMsg": "Request Error, Please Check Input Content",
"BadRoleErrorMsg": "Request error, no permission for this Action",
"BaiduCloud": "Baidu Cloud",
"BasePlatform": "Basic Platform",
"BasePort": "Listening Port",
"Basic": "Basic Settings",
"BasicInfo": "Basic Information",
"BasicSetting": "Basic Settings",
"BasicTools": "Basic Tools",
"BatchActivate": "Bulk Activation",
"BatchApproval": "Bulk Approval",
"BatchCommand": "Batch Command",
"BatchCommandNotExecuted": "Batch commands not executed",
"BatchConsent": "Bulk Agree",
"BatchDelete": "Batch Delete",
"BatchDisable": "Batch Disable",
"BatchProcessing": "Bulk Handling (Selected {Number} Items)",
"BatchReject": "Reject in Bulk",
"BatchRemoval": "Batch Removal",
"BatchScript": "Bulk Scripts",
"BatchUpdate": "Bulk Update",
"Become": "Become",
"BeforeChange": "Before Changes",
"Beian": "Record",
"BelongAll": "Contains both",
"BelongTo": "Please Include",
"Bind": "Bind",
"BindLabel": "Associated Tags",
"BindResource": "Related Resources",
"BindSuccess": "Successfully Bound",
"BlockedIPS": "Locked IPs",
"Bucket": "Bucket Name",
"Builtin": "Built-In",
"BuiltinTree": "Type Tree",
"BuiltinVariable": "Built-in Variables",
"BulkClearErrorMsg": "Bulk Clearing Failed:",
"BulkCreateStrategy": "During creation, for accounts that do not meet requirements, such as: non-compliant key types, unique key constraints, you may choose the above strategies.",
"BulkDeleteErrorMsg": "Bulk Deletion Failed:",
"BulkDeleteSuccessMsg": "Bulk deletion successful",
"BulkDeploy": "Bulk Deployment",
"BulkOffline": "Batch Offline",
"BulkRemoveErrorMsg": "Failed to remove in bulk:",
"BulkRemoveSuccessMsg": "Bulk Removal Successful",
"BulkSyncDelete": "Batch Sync Delete",
"BulkSyncErrorMsg": "Batch Sync Failed: ",
"BulkTransfer": "Bulk Transfers",
"BulkUnblock": "Batch Unlock",
"BulkUpdatePlatformHelpText": "Only when the original platform type of the asset matches the selected platform type will update, if the platform types before and after update are different, it will not be updated.",
"CACertificate": "CA Certificate",
"CAS": "CAS",
"CASSetting": "CAS Configuration",
"CMPP2": "CMPP v2.0",
"CTYunPrivate": "Tianyi Private Cloud",
"CalculationResults": "cron Expression Error",
"CanDragSelect": "Draggable time range selection",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"CancelCollection": "Cancel Favorites",
"CannotAccess": "Unable to Access Current Page",
"Cas": "CAS Settings",
"Category": "Category",
"CeleryTaskLog": "Celery Task Log",
"Certificate": "Certificate",
"CertificateKey": "Client Key",
"ChangeField": "Change Field",
"ChangePassword": "Change Password",
"ChangeReceiver": "Edit Message Recipient",
"ChangeSecretParams": "Password Change Parameters",
"ChangeViewHelpText": "Click to Switch Views",
"Charset": "Charset",
"Chat": "Chat",
"ChatAI": "Smart Q&A",
"ChatHello": "Hello! What can I assist you with?",
"ChdirHelpText": "The default execution directory is the execution user's home directory",
"CheckAssetsAmount": "Check asset quantity",
"CheckViewAcceptor": "Click to View the Handler",
"ChinaRed": "China Red",
"Chrome": "Chrome",
"ChromePassword": "Login Password",
"ChromeTarget": "Target URL",
"ChromeUsername": "Login Account",
"ClassicGreen": "Classic Green",
"CleanHelpText": "Regular cleanup tasks will be performed at 2 a.m. every day, and the cleaned data cannot be restored",
"Cleaning": "Regular Clean up",
"Clear": "Clear",
"ClearScreen": "Clear Screen",
"ClearSecret": "Clear Ciphertext",
"ClearSelection": "Clear Selection",
"ClearSuccessMsg": "Clear Successfully",
"ClickCopy": "Click to Copy",
"Clickhouse": "ClickHouse",
"ClientCertificate": "Client Certificate",
"ClipBoard": "Clipboard",
"ClipboardCopy": " Clipboard Copy",
"ClipboardCopyPaste": "Clipboard Copy and Paste",
"ClipboardPaste": "Clipboard Pasting",
"Clone": "Clone",
"CloneFrom": "Replica",
"Close": "Close",
"CloseConfirm": "Confirm Closure",
"CloseConfirmMessage": "File has changed, save?",
"CloseStatus": "Completed",
"Closed": "Completed",
"Cloud": "Cloud Application",
"CloudCenter": "Cloud Action Center",
"CloudCreate": "Create Assets-Cloud Platform",
"CloudPlatform": "Cloud platform",
"CloudSource": "Synchronization source",
"CloudSync": "Cloud Sync",
"CloudUpdate": "Update Assets - Cloud Platform",
"Clouds": "Cloud Platform",
"Cluster": "Cluster",
"ClusterHelpTextMessage": "For example:",
"CmdFilter": "Command Filter",
"CollapseSidebar": "Collapse Sidebar",
"CollectHardwareInfo": "Enable Hardware Information Collection",
"CollectionSucceed": "Collection Successful",
"Command": "Command",
"Command filter": "Command Filter",
"CommandConfirm": "Command Review",
"CommandExecutions": "Command Execution",
"CommandFilterACL": "Command Filtering",
"CommandFilterACLHelpMsg": "Through command filtering, you can control whether commands can be sent to the asset. Based on your set rules, some commands can be allowed while others are prohibited.",
"CommandFilterAclCreate": "Create Command Filtering Rule",
"CommandFilterAclDetail": "Command Filter Rule Details",
"CommandFilterAclList": "Command Filtering",
"CommandFilterAclUpdate": "Update Command Filter Rules",
"CommandFilterCreate": "Create Command Filter",
"CommandFilterDetail": "Command Filter Details",
"CommandFilterHelpMessage": "The system user supports binding multiple command filters to achieve the effect of prohibiting the input of certain commands; Multiple rules can be configured in the filter, and the commands entered when using this system user to connect to the assets take effect in accordance with the rules configured in the filter.<br> Ex: If the first matched rule is \"Allow\", then this command is executed, if the first matched rule is \"Disallow\", then the command is not executed; if no rules are matched in the end, then it is allowed to proceed.",
"CommandFilterList": "Command Filter Rules",
"CommandFilterRuleContentHelpText": "One command per line",
"CommandFilterRulePriorityHelpText": "Priority range is 1-100, 1 is the lowest priority, 100 is the highest",
"CommandFilterRules": "Command Filter Rules",
"CommandFilterRulesCreate": "Create Command Filter Rule",
"CommandFilterRulesUpdate": "Update Command Filter Rules",
"CommandFilterUpdate": "Update Command Filter",
"CommandGroup": "Command Group",
"CommandGroupCreate": "Create Command Group",
"CommandGroupDetail": "Command Group Details",
"CommandGroupList": "Command Group",
"CommandGroupUpdate": "Update Command Group",
"CommandStorage": "Command Storage",
"CommandStorageUpdate": "Update Command Storage",
"Command_filterList": "Command Filter List",
"Commands": "Command log",
"Comment": "Comment",
"CommentHelpText": "Note: The remarks information will be displayed on hover in the user authorized asset tree on the Luna page, and ordinary users can view it, please do not fill in sensitive information.",
"Common": "Regular",
"CommonUser": "Ordinary User",
"CommunityEdition": "Community Edition",
"Component": "Component",
"ComponentMonitor": "Component Monitoring",
"ConceptContent": "I want you to act like a Python interpreter. I will give you Python code, and you will execute it. Do not provide any interpretation. Apart from the output of the code, do not respond with anything else.",
"ConceptTitle": "🤔 Python Interpreter",
"Config": "Configuration",
"Confirm": "Confirm",
"ConfirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"Connect": "Connect",
"ConnectMethod": "Connection Method",
"ConnectMethodACLHelpMsg": "By filtering through connection methods, you can control whether users can use specific connection methods to log into assets. Based on your established rules, some connection methods could be allowed, while others are prohibited (global effect).'",
"ConnectMethodAclCreate": "Create Connection Mode Control",
"ConnectMethodAclDetail": "Connection Mode Control Details",
"ConnectMethodAclList": "Connect Method",
"ConnectMethodAclUpdate": "Update Connection Control",
"ConnectUsers": "Connect Account",
"ConnectWebSocketError": "WebSocket Connection Failed",
"ConnectionDropped": "Connection Disconnected",
"ConnectionToken": "Connection Token",
"ConnectionTokenList": "A Connection Token is an authentication information that combines identity verification and asset connection, it enables user to log in to assets with one click. The current supported components include: KoKo, Lion, Magnus, Razor, etc",
"Connectivity": "Can Connect",
"Console": "Console",
"Consult": "Inquire",
"ContainAttachment": "With Attachment",
"ContainerName": "Container Name",
"Containers": "Container",
"Contains": "Includes",
"Content": "Content",
"Contents": "Content",
"Continue": "Continue",
"ContinueImport": "Continue Import",
"ConvenientOperate": "Easy Operation",
"Copy": "Copy",
"CopySuccess": "Copy Successful",
"Corporation": "Company",
"Correlation": "Associate",
"Cpu": "CPU",
"Create": "Create",
"CreateAccessKey": "Create Access Key",
"CreateAccountTemplate": "Create Account Template",
"CreateAdhoc": "Create Command",
"CreateBy": "Creator",
"CreateCommandStorage": "Create Command Storage",
"CreateEndpoint": "Create Endpoint",
"CreateEndpointRule": "Create Endpoint Rules",
"CreateErrorMsg": "Creation Failed",
"CreateNode": "Create Node",
"CreateOrgMsg": "Please add users in the organization details",
"CreatePlaybook": "Create Playbook",
"CreateReplayStorage": "Create Object Storage",
"CreateSuccessMsg": "Import Successful, Total: {count}",
"CreateUserSetting": "Create User Content",
"Created": "Created",
"CreatedBy": "Creator",
"CriticalLoad": "Severe",
"CronExpression": "Crontab Full Expression",
"CrontabHelpTips": "egExecute every Sunday at 03:05 <5 3 * * 0> <br> Reminder Use the 5-digit Linux crontab expression <minute hour day month weekday> (<a href='https://tool.lu/crontab/' target='_blank'>Online tool</a>) <br>Note If both regular execution and cyclic execution are set, priority will be given to regular execution",
"CrontabOfCreateUpdatePage": "For example: Perform every Sunday at 03:05 <5 3 * * 0> <br/> Use 5-digit Linux crontab expression <Minute Hour Day Month Weekday> (<a href=\"https://tool.lu/crontab/\" target=\"_blank\">Online Tool</a>) <br/> If both regular and cyclic execution are set, regular execution is prioritized",
"CurrentConnections": "Current Connection Count",
"CurrentUserVerify": "Validate Current User",
"Custom": "Customize",
"CustomCmdline": "Operating Parameters",
"CustomCol": "Customize List Field",
"CustomCreate": "Create Asset - Custom",
"CustomFields": "Custom Attributes",
"CustomFile": "Please place your custom files in the specified directory (data/sms/main.py), and activate the configuration item SMS_CUSTOM_FILE_MD5=<File md5 value> in config.txt",
"CustomHelpMessage": "Custom type assets, dependent on remote apps, please go to system settings to configure in remote apps",
"CustomParams": "On the left are the parameters received by the SMS platform, and on the right are the parameters to be formatted by JumpServer, finally as follows:<br/>{\"phone_numbers\": \"123,134\", \"content\": \"The verification code is: 666666\"}",
"CustomPassword": "Login Password",
"CustomTarget": "Target Address",
"CustomTree": "Custom Tree",
"CustomType": "Custom Types",
"CustomUpdate": "Update Assets - Customization",
"CustomUser": "Custom User",
"CustomUsername": "Login Account",
"CycleFromWeek": "Starting Day of the Cycle",
"CyclePerform": "Periodic Execution",
"DBInfo": "Database Info",
"DangerCommand": "Dangerous Command",
"DangerousCommandNum": "Dangerous Command Count",
"Dashboard": "Dashboard",
"Database": "Database",
"DatabaseApp": "Database Application",
"DatabaseAppCount": "Database Application Number",
"DatabaseAppCreate": "Create Database Application",
"DatabaseAppDetail": "Database Details",
"DatabaseAppPermission": "Database Authorization",
"DatabaseAppPermissionCreate": "Create Database Authorization Rule",
"DatabaseAppPermissionDetail": "Database Authorization Details",
"DatabaseAppPermissionUpdate": "Update Database Authorization Rules",
"DatabaseAppUpdate": "Database App Update",
"DatabaseCreate": "Create Asset-Database",
"DatabaseId": "Database ID",
"DatabasePermissionRules": "Database Authorization Rules",
"DatabasePort": "Database Protocol Port",
"DatabaseProtocol": "Database Protocol",
"DatabaseUpdate": "Update Assets-Database",
"Date": "Date",
"DateCreated": "Creation Time",
"DateEnd": "End date",
"DateExpired": "Expiration Date",
"DateFinished": "Completion Date",
"DateJoined": "Creation Date",
"DateLast24Hours": "Past Day",
"DateLast3Months": "Past Three Months",
"DateLastHarfYear": "Last Six Months",
"DateLastLogin": "Last Login Date",
"DateLastMonth": "Last Month",
"DateLastRun": "Last Run Date",
"DateLastSync": "Last Sync Date",
"DateLastWeek": "Last Week",
"DateLastYear": "Past Year",
"DatePasswordLastUpdated": "Last Password Update Date",
"DatePasswordUpdated": "Password Update Date",
"DateStart": "Start Date",
"DateSync": "Sync Date",
"DateUpdated": "Update Date",
"Datetime": "Date",
"Day": "Day",
"Db": "Database Applications",
"DeactiveSelected": "Disable Selected",
"DeclassificationLogNum": "Password Change Log number",
"Default": "Default",
"DefaultDatabase": "Default Database",
"DefaultPort": "Default Port",
"DefaultProtocol": "Default protocol, will be chosen when adding assets",
"Defaults": "Default Value",
"Delete": "Delete",
"DeleteConfirmMessage": "Cannot be recovered after deletion, do you want to continue?",
"DeleteErrorMsg": "Delete Failed",
"DeleteFailedMsg": "Failed to Delete",
"DeleteFile": "Delete File",
"DeleteNode": "Delete Node",
"DeleteOrgMsg": "User List, User Groups, Asset Lists, Domain Lists, User Management, System Users, Tag Management, Asset Authorization Rules",
"DeleteOrgTitle": "Please ensure the following information in the organization has been deleted",
"DeleteReleasedAssets": "Delete Released Assets",
"DeleteSuccess": "Delete Successfully",
"DeleteSuccessMsg": "Delete Successfully",
"DeleteWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to delete",
"DeliveryTime": "Sending Time",
"Deploy": "Deployment",
"DescribeOfGuide": "Welcome to use JumpServer Bastion System, for more information please click",
"Description": "Description",
"DestinationIP": "Destination Address",
"DestinationPort": "Destination Port",
"Detail": "Details",
"Device": "Network Devices",
"DeviceCreate": "Create Asset - Network Device",
"DeviceUpdate": "Update Assets-Network Equipment",
"Digit": "Number",
"DingTalk": "DingTalk",
"DingTalkTest": "Test",
"Disable": "Disable",
"DisableSuccessMsg": "Deactivation Successful",
"DisabledAsset": "Disabled",
"DisabledUser": "Disabled",
"Disk": "Hard Disk",
"DisplayName": "Name",
"DocType": "Document Type",
"Docs": "Documents",
"Domain": "Network Domain",
"DomainCreate": "Create Domain",
"DomainDetail": "Network Field Details",
"DomainEnabled": "Enable Domain",
"DomainHelpMessage": "The domain function is added to solve the problem that some environments (such as: hybrid cloud) cannot directly connect, and the principle is to log in through the gateway server. JMS => Domain Gateway => target asset",
"DomainList": "Domain list",
"DomainUpdate": "Update Domain",
"Download": "Download",
"DownloadCenter": "Download Center",
"DownloadFTPFileTip": "Current Action does not record files, or file size exceeds the threshold (default 100M), or has not yet been saved to the corresponding storage",
"DownloadFile": "Download File",
"DownloadImportTemplateMsg": "Download Creation Template",
"DownloadReplay": "Download Recording",
"DownloadUpdateTemplateMsg": "Download Update Template",
"DragUploadFileInfo": "Drag files here or click to upload",
"DryRun": "Test Run",
"DuplicateFileExists": "Uploading files with the same name is not permitted, please delete the files with the same name",
"Duration": "Duration",
"DynamicUsername": "Dynamic Username",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Edition": "Version",
"Email": "Email",
"EmailContent": "Email Content Customization",
"EmailCustomUserCreatedBody": "Hint: Content of password setting email when creating a user",
"EmailCustomUserCreatedHonorific": "Note: When creating a user, send a set password email salutation (For example: Hello)",
"EmailCustomUserCreatedSignature": "Note: Email signature (for example: jumpserver)",
"EmailCustomUserCreatedSubject": "Note: When Creating a User, The Subject of the Password Setup Email (e.g.: User Creation Successful)",
"EmailEmailFrom": "",
"EmailHost": "SMTP Host",
"EmailHostPassword": "Note: Some email providers may require a token.",
"EmailHostUser": "SMTP Account",
"EmailPort": "SMTP Port",
"EmailRecipient": "Note: Only to be used as a test email recipient",
"EmailSubjectPrefix": "Tip: Some keywords may be blocked by the email service provider, such as JumpServer",
"EmailTest": "Test Connection",
"EmailUserSSL": "If the SMTP port is 465, SSL usually needs to be enabled",
"EmailUserTLS": "If the SMTP port is 587, enabling TLS is usually necessary",
"Empty": "Empty",
"Enable": "Enable",
"EnableKoKoSSHHelpText": "Upon launch, the connection to assets will display the SSH Client Start Method",
"EnableOAuth2Auth": "Enable OAuth2 Authentication",
"EnableVaultStorage": "Open Vault Storage",
"EndPoint": "Endpoint",
"Endpoint": "Server Endpoint",
"EndpointListHelpMessage": "The service endpoint is the address (port) that users access the service. When users connect to the asset, they will select the service endpoint according to the endpoint rules and asset labels, and establish a connection as an access entrance, Realize distributed connection assets",
"EndpointRule": "Endpoint Rules",
"EndpointRuleListHelpMessage": "For the endpoint selection strategy, there are currently two options supported: <br>1. Specify the endpoint according to the endpoint rule (current page);<br>2. Select the endpoint through asset tags, the tag name is fixed as 'endpoint', and the value is the endpoint name. <br>Both methods prefer to use the tag match, because IP segments may conflict, and the tag method is designed to supplement the rules.",
"EndpointSuffix": "Endpoint Suffix",
"Endswith": "End with...",
"EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo1": "Please ensure that this value is greater than or equal to 1",
"EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo3": "Please ensure that this value is greater than or equal to 3",
"EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo5": "Please ensure that this value is greater than or equal to 5",
"EnsureThisValueIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo6": "Ensure That the Value Is Greater Than or Equal to 6",
"EnterForSearch": "Press Enter to search",
"EnterMessage": "Please enter the problem, press Enter to send",
"EnterRunUser": "Enter Operating User",
"EnterRunningPath": "Enter Runtime Path",
"EnterToContinue": "Press Enter to Continue Typing",
"EnterUploadPath": "Enter Upload Path",
"Enterprise": "Enterprise Version",
"EnterpriseEdition": "Enterprise Edition",
"Equal": "Equal To",
"Error": "Error",
"ErrorMsg": "Error",
"EsDisabled": "Node Unavailable, Please Contact Administrator",
"EsDocType": "es Default Document Type: command",
"EsIndex": "The default index is provided: jumpserver. If enabling index creation by date, the entered value will be used as the index prefix",
"EsUrl": "Cannot contain special character `#`; eg: http://es_user:es_password@es_host:es_port",
"Every": "Each",
"EveryMonth": "Monthly",
"Exclude": "Excludes",
"ExcludeAsset": "Skipped Assets",
"ExcludeSymbol": "Exclude Characters",
"Execute": "Execute",
"ExecuteCycle": "Execution Cycle",
"ExecuteFailedCommand": "Failed Command",
"ExecuteOnce": "Execute Once",
"Execution": "Execution History",
"ExecutionDetail": "Execution History Details",
"ExecutionList": "Action List",
"ExecutionTimes": "Number of Executions",
"ExistError": "This element already exists",
"Existing": "Already Exists",
"ExpectedNextExecuteTime": "Estimated Next Execution Time",
"ExpirationTimeout": "Expiration Timeout (Seconds)",
"Expire": "Expired",
"Expired": "Expiration Time",
"Export": "Export",
"ExportAll": "Export All",
"ExportOnlyFiltered": "Export Search Results Only",
"ExportOnlySelectedItems": "Export Selected Items Only",
"ExportRange": "Export Range",
"FAILURE": "Fail",
"FC": "Fusion Compute",
"Failed": "Failed",
"FailedAsset": "Failed assets",
"FailedConditions": "No Results Meeting the Criteria!",
"False": "No",
"Favicon": "Website Icon",
"FaviconTip": "Tip: Website Icon (Recommended picture size: 16px*16px)",
"Feature": "Function",
"Features": "Function Settings",
"FeiShu": "Feishu",
"FeiShuTest": "Test",
"FieldRequiredError": "This Field is Required",
"FileEncryptionPassword": "File Encryption Password",
"FileManager": "File",
"FileNameTooLong": "Filename is too long",
"FileSizeExceedsLimit": "File size exceeds limit",
"FileTransfer": "File Transfer",
"FileTransferNum": "File Transfer Count",
"FileType": "File Type",
"Filename": "Filename",
"FingerPrint": "Fingerprint",
"Finished": "Done",
"FinishedTicket": "Complete Work Order",
"FirstLogin": "First Login",
"FlowDetail": "Process Details",
"FlowSetUp": "Process settings",
"FormatError": "Format Error",
"Friday": "Friday",
"From": "From",
"FromTicket": "From Work Order",
"FtpLog": "FTP Log",
"FullName": "Full Name",
"FullySynchronous": "Assets Fully Synchronized",
"FullySynchronousHelpTips": "If the asset conditions do not meet the match policy rules, do we continue to sync such assets",
"FuzzySearch": "Supports fuzzy search",
"GCP": "Google Cloud",
"GPTCreate": "Create Asset-GPT",
"GPTUpdate": "Update Assets-GPT",
"Gateway": "Gateway",
"GatewayCreate": "Create Gateway",
"GatewayList": "Gateway List",
"GatewayProtocolHelpText": "SSH Gateway, supports proxy SSH, RDP and VNC",
"GatewayUpdate": "Update Gateway",
"GeneralAccounts": "General account",
"Generate": "Generate",
"GenerateAccounts": "Regenerate Account",
"GenerateSuccessMsg": "Account Successfully Created",
"GetErrorMsg": "Failed to Fetch",
"Go": "Execute",
"GoHomePage": "Go to Home Page",
"Goto": "Go To",
"GrantedAccounts": "Authorized Account",
"GrantedApplications": " Authorized Apps",
"GrantedAssets": "Authorized assets",
"GrantedDatabases": "Authorized Database",
"GrantedK8Ss": "Authorized Kubernetes",
"GrantedRemoteApps": "Authorized Remote Applications",
"GreatEqualThan": "Greater Than or Equal To",
"GroupsAmount": "User Group",
"GroupsHelpMessage": "Please enter user groups, multiple user groups should be separated by commas (please fill in existing user groups)",
"Guide": "Guide",
"HandleTicket": "Handle Work Orders",
"Hardware": "Hardware Information",
"HardwareInfo": "Hardware Information",
"HasImportErrorItemMsg": "There are failed import items, click on the x on the left to see the reason for failure, after editing the table, you can continue to import failed items",
"HasRead": "Read or Not",
"Help": "Help",
"HelpDocument": "Document link",
"HelpDocumentTip": "You can change the website navigation bar Help -> Documentation URL",
"HelpSupport": "Support Link",
"HelpSupportTip": "Website navigation bar can be changed at Help -> Support",
"HighLoad": "High",
"HistoricalSessionNum": "Historic Session Count",
"History": "History Record",
"HistoryDate": "Date",
"HistoryPassword": "Historical Passwords",
"Home": "Home Directory",
"HomeHelpMessage": "Default Home Directory /home/system username: /home/username",
"HomePage": "Home",
"Host": "Assets",
"HostCreate": "Create Asset - Host",
"HostDeployment": "Deploy Release Machine",
"HostList": "Host List",
"HostName": "Hostname",
"HostProtocol": "Host Protocol",
"HostUpdate": "Update Asset-Host",
"Hostname": "Hostname",
"HostnameGroup": "Asset Name",
"HostnameStrategy": "Used to generate asset host names. For example: 1. Instance Name (instanceDemo); 2. Instance Name and Partial IP (last two digits) (instanceDemo-250.1)",
"Hosts": "Host",
"Hour": "Hour",
"HttpPort": "HTTP Port",
"HuaweiCloud": "Huawei Cloud",
"HuaweiPrivatecloud": "Huawei Private Cloud",
"IAgree": "I agree",
"ID": "ID",
"IP": "IP",
"IP/Host": "IP/Host",
"IPLoginLimit": "IP Login Restriction",
"IPMatch": "IP Match",
"IPNetworkSegment": "IP Segment",
"Icon": "Icon",
"Id": "ID",
"IdeaContent": "I'd like you to act as a Linux terminal. I will input commands, and you will provide the output the terminal should display. Please only reply with the terminal output within a unique block of code, nothing else. Don't write explanations. If there's something I need to tell you, I will put the text inside curly brackets {note text}.",
"IdeaTitle": "🌱 Linux Terminal",
"IdpMetadataHelpText": "Either the IDP metadata URL or the IDP metadata XML is required; the IDP metadata URL has priority",
"IdpMetadataUrlHelpText": "Load IDP Metadata from remote address",
"IgnoreCase": "Ignore Case",
"ImageName": "Image Name",
"Images": "Pictures",
"Import": "Import",
"ImportAll": "Import All",
"ImportFail": "Import Failed",
"ImportLdapUserTip": "Please Submit LDAP Configuration Before Importing",
"ImportLdapUserTitle": "LDAP User List",
"ImportLicense": "Import License",
"ImportLicenseTip": "Please import the license",
"ImportMessage": "Please Navigate to the Corresponding Page to Import Data",
"ImportOrg": "Import Organization",
"ImprovePersonalInformation": "Improve Personal Information",
"InActiveAsset": "Recently Unlogged",
"InActiveUser": "Not Recently Logged-in",
"InAssetDetail": "Update Account Info in Asset Details",
"InTotal": "Total",
"Inactive": "Disable",
"Include": "Includes",
"Index": "Index",
"Info": "Information",
"Inherit": "Inheritance",
"InheritPlatformConfig": "Inherited from the platform configuration, if changes are needed, please modify the configurations in the platform.",
"InitialDeploy": "Initialize Deployment",
"Input": "Input",
"InputEmailAddress": "Please enter a correct email address",
"InputMessage": "Enter message...",
"InputNumber": "Please Enter Numeric Type",
"InputPhone": "Please Enter Mobile Number",
"InsecureCommandAlert": "Dangerous Command Warning",
"InsecureCommandEmailUpdate": "Click Me to Set",
"InsecureCommandNotifyToSubscription": "Hazard command notice has been upgraded to message subscription, supporting more notification methods",
"InstanceAddress": "Instance Address",
"InstanceName": "Instance Name",
"InstancePlatformName": "Instance Platform Name",
"InstantAdhoc": "Instant Command",
"Interface": "Network Interface",
"InterfaceSettings": "Interface Setting",
"IntervalOfCreateUpdatePage": "Unit: Hour",
"Invalid": "Invalid",
"InvalidJson": "Invalid JSON",
"Invalidity": "Invalid",
"Invite": "Invite",
"InviteSuccess": "Invitation Successful",
"InviteUser": "Invite User",
"InviteUserInOrg": "Invite User to Join This Organization",
"Ip": "IP",
"IpGroup": "IP Group",
"IpGroupHelpText": "* Represents matching all. For example:,,, 2001:db8:2de::e13, 2001:db8:1a:1110::/64",
"Ips": "Please enter a comma-separated group of IP addresses",
"IsActive": "Activate",
"IsAlwaysUpdate": "Keep Assets Up to Date",
"IsAlwaysUpdateHelpTips": "Whether to synchronize and update asset information, including hostnames, IPs, system platforms, domains, nodes, etc. each time a synchronization task is performed",
"IsEffective": "Effective",
"IsFinished": "Is it Completed",
"IsLocked": "Suspend?",
"IsSuccess": "Successful",
"IsSyncAccountHelpText": "After collection, the collected accounts will be synchronized to the assets",
"IsSyncAccountLabel": "Sync to Assets",
"IsValid": "Valid",
"JDCloud": "JD Cloud",
"JMSSSO": "SSO Token Log-in",
"Job": "Action",
"JobCenter": "Job Center",
"JobCreate": "Create Job",
"JobDetail": "Job Details",
"JobExecutionLog": "Action Log",
"JobList": "Job Action",
"JobName": "Assignment Name",
"JobType": "Job Type",
"JobUpdate": "Update Job",
"Join": "Join",
"K8s": "Kubernetes",
"K8sPermissionRules": "Kubernetes Authorization Rules",
"Key": "Key",
"KingSoftCloud": "Kingsoft Cloud",
"KokoSettingUpdate": "Koko Configuration Settings",
"Kubernetes": "Kubernetes",
"KubernetesApp": "Kubernetes",
"KubernetesAppCount": "Number of Kubernetes Applications",
"KubernetesAppCreate": "Create Kubernetes",
"KubernetesAppDetail": "Kubernetes Details.\"",
"KubernetesAppPermission": "Kubernetes Authorization",
"KubernetesAppPermissionCreate": "Create Kubernetes Authorization Rules",
"KubernetesAppPermissionDetail": "Kubernetes Authorization Details",
"KubernetesAppPermissionUpdate": "Update Kubernetes Authorization Rules",
"KubernetesAppUpdate": "Update Kubernetes",
"LAN": "Local Area Network",
"LDAPServerInfo": "LDAP Server",
"LDAPUser": "LDAP User",
"LOWER_CASEREQUIRED": "Must Include Lowercase Letters",
"Label": "Tag",
"LabelCreate": "Create Tag",
"LabelInputFormatValidation": "Tag format error, correct format is: name:value",
"LabelList": "Tag List",
"LabelUpdate": "Update Label",
"Language": "Language",
"Last30": "Recent 30 Times",
"Last30Days": "Recent 30 Days",
"Last7Days": "Past 7 Days",
"LastCannotBeDeleteMsg": "Last Item, Cannot be Deleted",
"LastDay": "Last Day of the Month",
"LastExecutionOutput": "Last Execution Output",
"LastPublishedTime": "Last Release Time",
"LastRun": "Last Run",
"LastRunFailedHosts": "The Last Run Failed Host",
"LastRunSuccessHosts": "Last Successful Host",
"LastWeek": "Last Week of the Month",
"LastWorking": "The Most Recent Working Day",
"LatestSessions": "Recent Login Records",
"LatestSessions10": "Last 10 Login Attempts",
"LatestTop10": "TOP 10",
"LatestVersion": "Latest Version",
"Ldap": "LDAP",
"LdapBulkImport": "User Import",
"LdapConnectTest": "Test Connection",
"LdapLoginTest": "Test Login",
"Length": "Length",
"LessEqualThan": "Less Than or Equal To",
"LevelApproval": "Level Approval",
"License": "License",
"LicenseDetail": "License Detail",
"LicenseExpired": "Licence Expired",
"LicenseFile": "License file",
"LicenseForTest": "License for Testing Purposes, This License is Only for Testing (PoC) and Demonstrations",
"LicenseReachedAssetAmountLimit": "The number of assets has exceeded the license limit",
"LicenseWillBe": "License Expiring In ",
"LinuxAdminUser": "Linux Privileged User",
"LinuxUserAffiliateGroup": "User Affiliated Group",
"LoadStatus": "Load Status",
"Loading": "Loading",
"LockedIP": "IP {count} Locked",
"Log": "Logs",
"LogData": "Log Data",
"LogOfLoginSuccessNum": "Login Success Log Count",
"Logging": "Log Record",
"Login": "User Login",
"LoginAssetConfirm": "Asset login review",
"LoginAssetToday": "Today's active assets",
"LoginAssets": "Active Assets",
"LoginCity": "Login City",
"LoginConfig": "Login Configuration",
"LoginConfirm": "Login Review",
"LoginCount": "Login Times",
"LoginDate": "Login Date",
"LoginFailed": "Login Failed",
"LoginFrom": "Login Source",
"LoginIP": "Login IP",
"LoginImage": "Login Page Picture.",
"LoginImageTip": "Note: Will be displayed on the Enterprise edition user login page (recommended picture size: 492*472px)",
"LoginLog": "Login log",
"LoginModeHelpMessage": "If you choose manual login mode, username and password may not be filled in",
"LoginModel": "Login Mode",
"LoginNum": "Login Count",
"LoginOption": "Login Options",
"LoginOverview": "Session Statistics",
"LoginPasswordSetting": "Login Password Settings",
"LoginRequiredMsg": "Account Logged Out, Please Log in Again",
"LoginSucceeded": "Login successful",
"LoginTitle": "Login Page Title",
"LoginTitleTip": "Tip: This will be displayed on the enterprise user SSH login KoKo login page (eg: Welcome to use JumpServer Open Source Bastion Machine)",
"LoginTo": "Log in",
"LoginUserRanking": "Login Account Ranking",
"LoginUserToday": "Number of Accounts Logged in Today",
"LoginUsers": "Active Accounts",
"Login_confirmUser": "Login Review Recipient",
"LogoIndex": "Logo (with text)",
"LogoIndexTip": "Notice: It will be displayed on the top left of the page (Recommended image size: 185px*55px)",
"LogoLogout": "Logo (Without Text)",
"LogoLogoutTip": "Note: It will be displayed on the Web terminal page of Enterprise Edition users (recommended image size: 82px*82px)",
"Logout": "Logout",
"LogsAudit": "Log Audit",
"Lowercase": "Lowercase Letters",
"LunaSettingUpdate": "Luna Configuration Settings",
"MFA": "MFA",
"MFAConfirm": "MFA Authorization",
"MFAErrorMsg": "MFA error, please check",
"MFAOfUserFirstLoginPersonalInformationImprovementPage": "Enable multi-factor authentication for increased account security.<br/> After enabling, you will be directed to the multi-factor authentication binding process the next time you log in; you can also directly bind it in (Personal Information->Quick Change->Change Multi-factor Settings)!",
"MFAOfUserFirstLoginUserGuidePage": "To ensure your and the company's safety, please properly manage your account, password, keys, and other important sensitive information; (for example: setting a complex password and enabling multi-factor authentication)<br/> Email, mobile number, WeChat, and other personal information are used solely for user authentication and internal platform notification purposes.",
"MFARequireForSecurity": "For Security, Please Enter MFA",
"MFAVerify": "Verify MFA",
"MIN_LENGTHERROR": "Password Minimum Length {0} Characters",
"MailRecipient": "Email Recipients",
"MailSend": "Email Sent",
"ManualAccount": "Manual Account",
"ManualAccountTip": "Manually enter username/password at login",
"ManualExecutePlan": "Execute Plan Manually",
"ManualInput": "Manual Input",
"ManyChoose": "Multiple Selection Available",
"Mariadb": "MariaDB",
"MarkAsRead": "Mark as Read",
"Marketplace": "App Store",
"Match": "Match",
"MatchIn": "In...",
"MatchResult": "Matching Results",
"MatchedCount": "Match Result",
"Material": "Content",
"Members": "Members",
"Memory": "Memory",
"MenuAccounts": "Account",
"MenuAssets": "Asset Management",
"MenuMore": "More...",
"MenuPermissions": "Authorization Management",
"MenuUsers": "User",
"Message": "Message",
"MessageSub": "Message Subscription",
"MessageSubscription": "Message Subscription",
"MessageType": "Message Type",
"Meta": "Metadata",
"MfaLevel": " Multi-factor Authentication",
"Min": "Minutes",
"Model": "Model",
"Modify": "Edit",
"ModifySSHKey": "Edit SSH Key",
"ModifyTheme": "Edit Theme",
"Module": "Module",
"Monday": "Monday",
"Mongodb": "MongoDB",
"Monitor": "Monitor",
"Month": "Month",
"Monthly": "By Month",
"More": "More Options",
"MoreActions": "More Actions",
"MoveAssetToNode": "Move Assets to Node",
"MsgSubscribe": "Message subscription",
"MyApps": "My Apps",
"MyAssets": "My Assets",
"MyTickets": "I Initiated",
"Mysql": "Mysql",
"MysqlWorkbench": "MySQL Workbench",
"Mysql_workbenchIp": "Database IP",
"Mysql_workbenchName": "Database Name",
"Mysql_workbenchPassword": "Database Password",
"Mysql_workbenchPort": "Database Port",
"Mysql_workbenchUsername": "Database Account",
"NUMBERREQUIRED": "Must Contain Numbers",
"Name": "Name",
"NavHelp": "Navbar Link",
"Navigation": "Navigation",
"NeedAddAppsOrSystemUserErrMsg": "Applications or System Users Required",
"NeedReLogin": "\"Need to Re-login",
"NeedSpecifiedFile": "You need to upload a specified format file",
"NeedUpdatePasswordNextLogin": "Password change required on next login",
"Network": "Network",
"New": "Create",
"NewChat": "New Chat",
"NewCount": "Add",
"NewCron": "Create Cron",
"NewDirectory": "New Directory",
"NewFile": "New File",
"NewPassword": "New Password",
"NewSyncCount": "New Sync",
"No": "No",
"NoAlive": " Offline",
"NoAnnouncement": "No Announcement",
"NoContent": "No Content",
"NoData": "No Data",
"NoFiles": "No Files Available",
"NoInputCommand": "No Command Entered",
"NoLicense": "No License Available",
"NoPermission": "No Permission",
"NoPermission403": "403 No Permission",
"NoPermissionVew": "No permission to view the current page",
"NoPublished": "Unpublished",
"NoSQLProtocol": "Non-Relational Database",
"NoSystemUserWasSelected": "No system user selected",
"NoUnreadMsg": "No unread messages",
"Node": "Node",
"NodeAmount": "Node Quantity",
"NodeCount": "Number of Nodes",
"NodeInformation": "Node Information",
"NodeSearchStrategy": "Node Search Strategy",
"NormalLoad": "Normal",
"NotAlphanumericUnderscore": "Can only input letters, numbers, underscores",
"NotEqual": "Not Equal To",
"NotParenthesis": "Cannot Include ( )",
"NotSet": "Not Set",
"NotSpecialEmoji": "Special Emoji Input Not Allowed",
"Nothing": "None",
"Notifications": "Notification",
"Now": "Now",
"Num": "Number",
"Number": "Serial Number",
"NumberOfVisits": "Number of Visits",
"OAuth2": "OAuth2",
"OAuth2LogoTip": "Hint: Authentication Service Provider (Suggested Image Size: 64px*64px)",
"OTP": "MFA (OTP)",
"ObjectNotFoundOrDeletedMsg": "No corresponding resources found or they have been deleted",
"OfficialWebsite": "Official Web Link",
"OfficialWebsiteTip": "You can change the URL of the Website Navigation Bar Help ->Official Website",
"Offline": "Offline",
"OfflineSuccessMsg": "Offline Successful",
"OfflineUpload": "Offline Upload",
"OldPassword": "Original Password",
"OldSSHKey": "Original SSH Public Key",
"On/Off": "Start/Stop",
"OneAssignee": "First Level Acceptance Personnel",
"OneAssigneeType": "First-Level Acceptance Type",
"OneClickRead": "Currently Read",
"OneClickReadMsg": "Are you sure you want to mark the current information as read?",
"OnlineSession": "Online Users",
"OnlineSessionHelpMsg": "Unable to offline the current session as it is an online session of the current user. Currently, only users logged in via the Web are recorded.",
"OnlineSessions": "Online Sessions",
"OnlineUserDevices": "Online User Devices",
"OnlineUsers": "Online Account",
"OnlyCSVFilesTips": "Supports CSV file import only",
"OnlyLatestVersion": "Only Latest Version",
"OnlyMailSend": "Currently only supports email sending",
"OnlySearchCurrentNodePerm": "Search only for the current node authorization",
"Open": "Pending",
"OpenCommand": "Open Command",
"OpenId": "OpenID Settings",
"OpenStack": "OpenStack",
"OpenStatus": "Under Review",
"OpenTicket": "Create Work Order",
"OperateLog": "Action Log",
"OperateRecord": "Action Record",
"OperationLogNum": "Action Log Count",
"Ops": "Task",
"Options": "Options",
"Oracle": "Oracle",
"OrgAdmin": "Organization Admin",
"OrgAuditor": "Organization Auditor",
"OrgName": "Authorized Organization Name",
"OrgRole": "Organization Roles",
"OrgRoleHelpText": "An organization role is the user's role within the current organization",
"OrgRoles": "Organizational Role",
"OrgUser": "Organizational Users",
"OrganizationCreate": "Create Organization",
"OrganizationDetail": "Organization details",
"OrganizationList": "Organization",
"OrganizationLists": "Organization List",
"OrganizationMembership": "Organization Members",
"OrganizationUpdate": "Update organization",
"Os": "Operating System",
"Other": "Other Settings",
"OtherAuth": "Other Authentication",
"OtherProtocol": "Other Protocols",
"OtherRules": "Other Rules",
"Others": "Other",
"Output": "Output",
"Overview": "Overview",
"PENDING": "Waiting",
"PageNext": "Next Page",
"PagePrev": "Previous Page",
"Parameter": "Parameters",
"Params": "Parameter",
"ParamsHelpText": "Change Password Parameter Settings, currently only effective for assets of the host type.",
"PassKey": "Passkey",
"Passkey": "Passkey",
"PasskeyAddDisableInfo": "Your authorization source is {source}, adding Passkey is not supported",
"Passphrase": "Key Password",
"Password": "Password",
"PasswordAccount": "Password Account",
"PasswordChangeLog": "Password Change Log",
"PasswordCheckRule": "Password Strength Rules",
"PasswordConfirm": "Password Authentication",
"PasswordExpired": "Password has expired",
"PasswordHelpMessage": "Password or Key Password",
"PasswordLength": "Password Length",
"PasswordOrPassphrase": "Password or Key Password",
"PasswordOrToken": "Password / Token",
"PasswordPlaceholder": "Please Enter Password",
"PasswordRecord": "Password Log",
"PasswordRequireForSecurity": "Please Enter Password for Security",
"PasswordRule": "Password Rules",
"PasswordSecurity": "Password Security",
"PasswordSelector": "Password Input Selector",
"PasswordStrategy": "Ciphertext Generation Strategy",
"PasswordWillExpiredPrefixMsg": "Password is about to be in",
"PasswordWillExpiredSuffixMsg": "Expires in days, please change your password as soon as possible.",
"PasswordWithoutSpecialCharHelpText": "Cannot Include Special Characters",
"Paste": "Paste",
"Pattern": "Mode",
"Pause": "Pause",
"PauseTaskSendSuccessMsg": "The Task Has Been Paused and Issued, Please Refresh Later",
"Pending": "Pending",
"Periodic": "Execution Cycle",
"PeriodicPerform": "Schedule Execution",
"Perm": "Authorization",
"PermAccount": "Authorized Account",
"PermName": "Authorization Name",
"PermUserList": "Authorize User",
"PermissionCompany": "Authorize Company",
"PermissionName": "Authorization Rule Name",
"Permissions": "Permissions",
"Perms": "权限管理",
"PersonalInformationImprovement": "Personal information completion",
"Phone": "Phone Number",
"Plan": "Schedule",
"Platform": "System Platform",
"PlatformCreate": "Create System Platform",
"PlatformDetail": "System Platform Details",
"PlatformList": "Platform List",
"PlatformProtocolConfig": "Platform Protocol Configuration",
"PlatformSimple": "Platform",
"PlatformUpdate": "Update System Platform",
"PlaybookDetail": "Playbook Details",
"PlaybookManage": "Playbook管理",
"PlaybookUpdate": "Update Playbook",
"PleaseAgreeToTheTerms": "Please Accept the Terms",
"PleaseClickLeftApplicationToViewApplicationAccount": "Application Account List, click on the application on the left to view",
"PleaseClickLeftAssetToViewAssetAccount": "Asset account list, click on the asset on the left to view",
"PleaseClickLeftAssetToViewGatheredUser": "Collect user list, click on the asset on the left to view",
"PleaseSelect": "Please Select",
"PolicyName": "Policy Name",
"Port": "Port",
"Ports": "Port",
"Postgresql": "PostgreSQL",
"Primary": "Main",
"PrimaryProtocol": "Main Protocol, the most basic and commonly used asset protocol, can and must set up one",
"Priority": "Priority",
"PriorityHelpMessage": "1-100, 1 is the lowest priority, 100 is the highest. When authorizing multiple users, the system user with the highest priority will be the default login user",
"PrivateCloud": "Private Cloud",
"PrivateKey": "Private Key",
"PrivilegeFirst": "Priority is for Privileged Accounts",
"PrivilegeOnly": "Only Select Privileged Accounts",
"Privileged": "Privilege Account",
"PrivilegedFirst": "Priority Privilege Account",
"PrivilegedOnly": "Privileged Accounts Only",
"PrivilegedTemplate": "Privileged",
"Product": "Product",
"Profile": "Personal Information",
"ProfileSetting": "Personal Information Settings",
"Project": "Project name",
"Prompt": "Hint Word",
"Proportion": "Proportion",
"ProportionOfAssetTypes": "Asset Type Proportions",
"Protocol": "Protocol",
"Protocols": "Protocol",
"ProtocolsEnabled": "Enable Protocol",
"ProtocolsGroup": "Agreement",
"Provider": "Cloud Service Provider",
"Proxy": "Proxy",
"Public": "Public",
"PublicCloud": "Public Cloud",
"PublicIp": "Public IP",
"PublicKey": "Public Key",
"PublicProtocol": "Displayed when public protocol is used to connect assets",
"Publish": "Publish",
"PublishAllApplets": "Publish All Applications",
"PublishStatus": "Publish Status",
"Push": "Push",
"PushAccount": "Push Account",
"PushAllSystemUsersToAsset": "Push All System Users to Assets",
"PushParams": "Push Parameters",
"PushSelected": "Push Selected",
"PushSelectedSystemUsersToAsset": "Push Selected System User to Asset",
"PushSystemUserNow": "Push System User",
"Qcloud": "Tencent Cloud",
"QcloudLighthouse": "Tencent Cloud (Light Application Server)",
"QingyunPrivatecloud": "QingCloud Private Cloud",
"Queue": "Queue",
"QuickAccess": "Quick Access",
"QuickAdd": "Quick Add",
"QuickJob": "Shortcut Command",
"QuickSelect": "Quick Selection",
"QuickUpdate": "Quick Update",
"RDBProtocol": "Relational Database",
"RUNNING": "Running",
"Radius": "Radius",
"Ranking": "Ranking",
"Ratio": "Ratio",
"RazorNotSupport": "RDP client session, monitoring not supported",
"ReLogin": "Re-log in",
"ReLoginErr": "Login duration has exceeded 5 minutes, please log in again",
"ReLoginTitle": "Current third-party logged-in users (CAS/SAML), not bound with MFA and doesn't support password validation, please log in again.",
"RealTimeData": "Real-time Data",
"Reason": "Reason",
"Receivers": "Recipient",
"RecentLogin": "Recent Login",
"RecentSession": "Recent Sessions",
"RecentlyUsed": "Recent Use",
"RecipientHelpText": "If both A and B are set as recipients, the key to the account will be split into two parts",
"RecipientServer": "Receiving Server",
"Reconnect": "Reconnect",
"Redis": "Redis",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"RefreshFail": "Refresh Failed",
"RefreshHardware": "Update Hardware Information",
"RefreshLdapCache": "Refreshing Ldap cache, please wait",
"RefreshLdapUser": "Refresh Cache",
"RefreshPermissionCache": "Refresh Authorization Cache",
"RefreshSuccess": "Refresh Successful",
"Regex": "Regular Expression",
"Region": "Region",
"RegularlyPerform": "Scheduled Execution",
"Reject": "Reject",
"Rejected": "Rejected",
"RelAnd": "And",
"RelNot": "Not",
"RelOr": "Or",
"Relation": "Relationship",
"ReleasedCount": "Released",
"RelevantApp": "Application",
"RelevantAsset": "Asset",
"RelevantAssignees": "Related Recipient",
"RelevantCommand": "Command",
"RelevantSystemUser": "System User",
"RemoteAddr": "Remote Address",
"RemoteApp": "Remote Applications",
"RemoteAppCount": "Number of Remote Applications",
"RemoteAppDetail": "Remote Application Details",
"RemoteAppListHelpMessage": "Before using this feature, please make sure that the application loader has been uploaded to the application server and successfully published as a RemoteApp application <b><a href='https://github.com/jumpserver/Jmservisor/releases'>Download Application Loader</a></b>",
"RemoteAppPermission": "Remote App Authorization",
"RemoteAppPermissionCreate": "Create Remote Application Authorization Rule",
"RemoteAppPermissionDetail": "Remote Application Authorization Details",
"RemoteAppPermissionRules": "Remote Application Authorization Rules",
"RemoteAppPermissionUpdate": "Update Remote Application Authorization Rules",
"RemoteAppUpdate": "Update Remote Application",
"RemoteApps": "Remote Application",
"RemoteType": "Application Type",
"Remove": "Remove",
"RemoveAssetFromNode": "Remove Assets From Node",
"RemoveErrorMsg": "Removal Failed:",
"RemoveFromCurrentNode": "Remove from node",
"RemoveFromOrgWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to remove from organization ",
"RemoveSuccessMsg": "Removal Successful",
"RemoveWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to remove",
"Rename": "Rename",
"RenameNode": "Rename Node",
"ReplaceNodeAssetsAdminUser": "Replace the administrator of the node assets",
"ReplaceNodeAssetsAdminUserWithThis": "Replace the administrator of assets",
"Replay": "Playback",
"ReplaySession": "Session Playback",
"ReplayStorage": "Object Storage",
"ReplayStorageCreateUpdateHelpMessage": "Note: SFTP Storage Currently only supports account backup and does not support video storage.",
"ReplayStorageUpdate": "Update Object Storage",
"Reply": "Reply",
"RequestApplicationPerm": "Apply for App Authorization",
"RequestAssetPerm": "Apply for Asset Authorization",
"RequestPerm": "Authorization Request",
"RequestTickets": "Application Work Order",
"Required": "Required",
"RequiredAssetOrNode": "Please select at least one asset or node",
"RequiredContent": "Please Enter Command",
"RequiredEntryFile": "This file serves as the entry point for running and must exist",
"RequiredHasUserNameMapped": "A map that must contain the username field, such as 'uid': 'username'",
"RequiredProtocol": "Mandatory Protocol, must be selected when adding assets, multiple can be set",
"RequiredRunas": "Please Enter the Running User",
"RequiredSystemUserErrMsg": "Please Select an Account",
"RequiredUploadFile": "Please Upload File!",
"Reset": "Restore",
"ResetAndDownloadSSHKey": "Reset and Download Key",
"ResetDingTalk": "Unbind DingTalk",
"ResetDingTalkLoginSuccessMsg": "Reset successful, user can re-bind DingTalk",
"ResetDingTalkLoginWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to unbind the user's DingTalk?",
"ResetMFA": "Reset MFA",
"ResetMFAWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to reset the user's MFA?",
"ResetMFAdSuccessMsg": "'MFA Reset Successful, User Can Reset MFA Again",
"ResetPassword": "Reset Password",
"ResetPasswordSuccessMsg": "Password Reset Message Has Been Sent to User",
"ResetPasswordWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to send a password reset email?",
"ResetPublicKeyAndDownload": "Reset and Download SSH Key",
"ResetSSHKey": "Reset SSH Key",
"ResetSSHKeySuccessMsg": "Email sending task has been submitted, users will receive a reset key email later",
"ResetSSHKeyWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to send out the reset user's SSH Key email?",
"ResetWechat": "Unbind Corporate WeChat",
"ResetWechatLoginSuccessMsg": "Reset Successful. User can rebind with enterprise WeChat",
"ResetWechatLoginWarningMsg": "Are you sure you want to unbind the user's WeChat for Business?",
"Resource": "Resources",
"ResourceType": "Resource Type",
"Resources": "Resources",
"RestoreButton": "Restore Defaults",
"RestoreDefault": "Restore Default",
"RestoreDialogMessage": "Are you sure you'd like to restore to default initialization?",
"RestoreDialogTitle": "Are you sure",
"Result": "Result",
"Resume": "Restore",
"ResumeTaskSendSuccessMsg": "Recovery action has been dispatched, please refresh and check later",
"Retry": "Retry",
"Reviewer": "Approver",
"Revise": "Modify",
"RiskLevel": "Risk level",
"Role": "Role",
"RoleCreate": "Create Character",
"RoleDetail": "Role Details",
"RoleInfo": "Role Information",
"RoleList": "Role List",
"RolePerms": "Role Permissions",
"RoleUpdate": "Update Role",
"RoleUsers": "Authorized User",
"Rows": "Row",
"Rule": "Condition",
"RuleCount": "Condition Quantity",
"RuleDetail": "Rule details",
"RuleRelation": "Relationship Conditions",
"RuleRelationHelpTips": "And: Action will be executed only when all conditions are met; Or: Action will be executed as long as one condition is met",
"RuleSetting": "Condition Setting",
"Rules": "Rules",
"Run": "Execute",
"RunAgain": "Execute Again",
"RunAs": "Run as User",
"RunCommand": "Run Command",
"RunJob": "Run Job",
"RunSucceed": "Task Execution Success",
"RunTaskManually": "Manual Action",
"RunTimes": "Execution Count",
"RunUser": "Run User",
"RunasHelpText": "Enter the username for running the script",
"RunasPolicy": "Account Policy",
"RunasPolicyHelpText": "What account selection strategy should be taken when there is no such running user on the current asset. Skip: Don't Execute. Privileged Account Priority: If there is a privileged account, select the privileged account first, if not, then choose a common account. Only Privileged Accounts: Select only from privileged accounts, if none, then don't execute",
"Running": "Running",
"RunningPath": "Run Path",
"RunningPathHelpText": "Enter the running path of the script, this setting only applies to shell scripts",
"RunningTimes": "Last 5 Run Times",
"SAML2Auth": "SAML2 Authentication",
"SCP": "Sangfor Cloud Platform",
"SFTPHelpMessage": "Start Path of SFTP, Home Directory Can Be Entered As: HOME. <br/> Supported Variables: ${ACCOUNT} Account Username Linked, ${USER} Current User's Username, such as /tmp/${ACCOUNT}",
"SMS": "Message",
"SMSProvider": "SMS Service Provider",
"SMTP": "Email Server",
"SPECIAL_CHARREQUIRED": "Must Include Special Characters",
"SSHKey": "SSH Public Key",
"SSHKeyOfProfileSSHUpdatePage": "Paste Your Public Key Here",
"SSHKeySetting": "Setting SSH Public Key",
"SSHPort": "SSH Port",
"SSHSecretKey": "SSH key",
"SSO": "Single sign-on",
"SUCCESS": "Success",
"SafeCommand": "Safe Command",
"SameAccount": "Account with Same Name",
"SameAccountTip": "Account with the same username as authorized user",
"SameTypeAccountTip": "An account with the same username and key type already exists",
"Saturday": "Saturday",
"Save": "Save",
"SaveAdhoc": "Save Command",
"SaveAndAddAnother": "Save and continue to add",
"SaveCommand": "Save Command",
"SaveCommandSuccess": "\"Save Command Successful",
"SaveSetting": "Synchronization Settings",
"SaveSuccess": "Save Successful",
"SaveSuccessContinueMsg": "Created successfully, you can continue to add after updating content",
"Scope": "Category",
"Script": "Script List",
"ScriptDetail": "Script Details",
"ScrollToBottom": "Scroll to Bottom",
"ScrollToTop": "Scroll to Top",
"Search": "Search",
"SearchAncestorNodePerm": "Search for the authorization of the current node and ancestor nodes at the same time",
"Secret": "Password",
"SecretKey": "Key",
"SecretKeyStrategy": "Password Strategy",
"SecretType": "Ciphertext Type",
"Secure": "Security",
"Security": "Security Settings",
"SecurityCommandExecution": "Batch commands",
"SecurityInsecureCommand": "Once enabled, an alarm notification will be sent via email when hazardous commands are executed on the asset",
"SecurityInsecureCommandEmailReceiver": "When there are multiple emails, separate them with a comma ','",
"SecurityLoginLimitCount": "Limit Login Failure Attempts",
"SecurityLoginLimitTime": "Disable Login Interval",
"SecurityMaxIdleTime": "Max Idle Connection Time",
"SecurityMfaAuth": "Multi-factor Authentication",
"SecurityPasswordExpirationTime": "Password Expiry Time",
"SecurityPasswordLowerCase": "Must Include Lowercase Letters",
"SecurityPasswordMinLength": "Password Minimum Length",
"SecurityPasswordNumber": "Numeric Characters Required",
"SecurityPasswordSpecialChar": "Must contain special characters",
"SecurityPasswordUpperCase": "Must Include Uppercase Letters",
"SecurityServiceAccountRegistration": "Component Registration",
"SecuritySetting": "Security Settings",
"Select": "Select",
"SelectAccount": "Select Account",
"SelectAdhoc": "Select Command",
"SelectAll": "Select All",
"SelectAssetsMessage": "Select assets on the left, choose the running system user, execute commands in bulk",
"SelectAtLeastOneAssetOrNodeErrMsg": "Select at least one asset or node",
"SelectAttrs": "Select attributes",
"SelectByAttr": "Property filter",
"SelectCreateMethod": "Select Creation Method",
"SelectFile": "Select File",
"SelectKeyOrCreateNew": "Select Tag Key or Create New One",
"SelectLabelFilter": "Select Search Labels",
"SelectPlatforms": "Select platform",
"SelectProperties": "Select Attributes",
"SelectResource": "Select Resources",
"SelectTemplate": "Select Template",
"SelectValueOrCreateNew": "Select Tag Value or Create New",
"Selected": "Selected",
"SelectedAssets": "Selected Assets:",
"Selection": "Selectable",
"Selector": "Selector",
"Send": "Send",
"SendVerificationCode": "Send Verification Code",
"Sender": "Sender",
"Senior": "Advanced",
"SerialNumber": "Serial number",
"ServerAccountKey": "Service Account Key",
"ServerError": "Server Error",
"ServerTime": "Server Time",
"ServiceRatio": "Component Load Statistics",
"Session": "Session",
"SessionActiveCount": "Online Session Amount",
"SessionData": "Session Data",
"SessionDetail": "Session Details",
"SessionID": "Session ID",
"SessionList": "Session Log",
"SessionMonitor": "Monitoring",
"SessionOffline": "Historical Sessions",
"SessionOnline": "Online Sessions",
"SessionSecurity": "Session Security",
"SessionState": "Session Status",
"SessionTerminate": "Conversation Ended",
"SessionTrend": "Session Trend",
"Sessions": "Session ",
"SessionsAudit": "Session Audit",
"SessionsNum": "Number of Sessions",
"Set": "Already set",
"SetAdDomainNoDisabled": "Create standard account using privileged account on assets, can't be modified if AD domain is set (Windows)",
"SetDingTalk": "Set up DingTalk Authentication",
"SetFailed": "Settings Failed",
"SetFeiShu": "Setup Feishu Authentication",
"SetMFA": "Set Up Multi-Factor Authentication",
"SetPublicKey": "Set SSH Public Key",
"SetSlack": "Set up Slack authentication",
"SetStatus": "Set Status",
"SetSuccess": "Settings applied",
"SetToDefault": "Set as Default",
"SetToDefaultStorage": "Set as default storage",
"SetWeCom": "Setting Enterprise WeChat Authorization",
"Setting": "Settings",
"SettingInEndpointHelpText": "Configure the service address and port in System Settings / Component Settings / service endpoints",
"Settings": "System Settings",
"Show": "Display",
"ShowAssetAllChildrenNode": "Show All Sub-node Assets",
"ShowAssetOnlyCurrentNode": "Show Assets of Current Node Only",
"ShowNodeInfo": "Show Node Details",
"SignChannelNum": "Signature Channel Number",
"SignaturesAndTemplates": "Signatures and Templates",
"SiteMessage": "Internal Mail",
"SiteMessageList": "Internal Message",
"SiteUrl": "Current Site URL",
"Skip": "Ignore the current asset",
"Skipped": "Skipped",
"Slack": "Slack",
"Source": "Source",
"SourceIP": "Source Address\"",
"SourcePort": "Source port",
"Spec": "Specify",
"SpecAccount": "Specify Account",
"SpecAccountTip": "Specify Username Select Authorized Account",
"SpecialSymbol": "Special Characters",
"SpecificInfo": "Special information",
"Sqlserver": "SQLServer",
"SshKeyFingerprint": "SSH Fingerprint",
"SshPort": "SSH Port",
"Sshkey": "sshkey",
"SshkeyAccount": "Key Account",
"StartEvery": "Start, Each",
"Startswith": "Beginning with...",
"Stat": "Success/ Failure/ Total",
"State": "Status",
"StateClosed": "Turned Off",
"Status": "Status",
"StatusGreen": "Recent Good Status",
"StatusRed": "Last Task Execution Failure",
"StatusYellow": "Recent Execution Failures",
"Stop": "Stop",
"Storage": "Storage",
"StorageConfiguration": "Store Configuration",
"Strategy": "Strategy",
"StrategyCreate": "Create policy",
"StrategyDetail": "Policy Details",
"StrategyHelpTips": "Determine the unique attribute of the asset (such as the platform) based on the policy priority. When multiple configurations are possible for the asset attribute (such as the node), all Actions of the policies will be executed",
"StrategyList": "Strategy List",
"StrategyUpdate": "Update Policy",
"SuFrom": "Switch From",
"Subject": "Theme",
"Submit": "Submit",
"SubmitSelector": "Submit button selector",
"Subscription": "Message Subscription",
"SubscriptionID": "Subscription Authorization ID",
"Success": "Successful",
"SuccessAsset": "Successful Assets",
"SuccessfulOperation": "Operation Successful",
"SudoHelpMessage": "Separate multiple commands with a comma, such as: /bin/whoami,/sbin/ifconfig",
"Summary(success/total)": "Overview ( Success/Total )",
"Sunday": "Sunday",
"SuperAdmin": "Super Administrator",
"SuperOrgAdmin": "Super Administrator + Organization Administrator",
"Support": "Support",
"SupportedProtocol": "Supported Protocol",
"SupportedProtocolHelpText": "Set the protocols supported by assets. Clicking the settings button can modify custom configurations for protocols, such as SFTP directory, RDP AD domain, etc.",
"SwitchPage": "Switch Views",
"SwitchToUser": "Su User",
"SwitchToUserListTips": "When connecting to assets through the following users, the current system user will be used to log in and then switch.",
"SymbolSet": "Special Symbols Collection",
"SymbolSetHelpText": "Please enter the special symbol set supported by this type of database. If the randomly generated password contains special characters that this type of database does not support, the change password plan will fail",
"Sync": "Synchronization",
"SyncDelete": "Sync Delete",
"SyncInstanceTaskCreate": "Create Synchronization Task",
"SyncInstanceTaskDetail": " Synchronization task details",
"SyncInstanceTaskHistoryAssetList": "Sync Instance List",
"SyncInstanceTaskHistoryList": "Sync History List",
"SyncInstanceTaskList": "Sync Task List",
"SyncInstanceTaskUpdate": "Update Sync Task",
"SyncProtocolToAsset": "Synchronize Agreement to Assets",
"SyncSelected": "Sync Selected",
"SyncSetting": "Sync Settings",
"SyncStrategy": "Sync Policy",
"SyncSuccessMsg": "Synchronization Successful",
"SyncTask": "Synchronized Task",
"SyncUpdateAccountInfo": "Synchronize account information",
"SyncUser": "Synchronize User",
"SyncedCount": "Synchronized",
"SystemCpuLoad": "CPU Load",
"SystemDiskUsedPercent": "Disk Usage Rate",
"SystemError": "System Error",
"SystemMemoryUsedPercent": "Memory Usage Rate",
"SystemMessageSubscription": "System Message Subscription",
"SystemRole": "System Roles",
"SystemRoles": "System Role",
"SystemSetting": "System Settings",
"SystemTools": "System Tools",
"SystemUser": "System User",
"SystemUserAmount": "System User Count",
"SystemUserCount": "System User",
"SystemUserCreate": "Create System User",
"SystemUserDetail": "System user details",
"SystemUserId": "System User Id",
"SystemUserList": "System Users",
"SystemUserListHelpMessage": "<b>System User</b> is the account JumpServer uses when logging in to assets, such as root `ssh root@host`, instead of logging in to the asset with this username (ssh admin@host)`;<br><b>Privileged User</b> is an existing asset user who has advanced privileges. JumpServer uses this user to `push system users`, `acquire hardware information about the assets`, etc;</br><b>Regular User</b> can preexist on an asset, or can be created automatically by the Privileged User.",
"SystemUserName": "System Username",
"SystemUserUpdate": "Update System User",
"SystemUsers": "System Users",
"System_usersAmount": "System User",
"System_users_nameGroup": "System Username",
"System_users_protocolGroup": "System User Agreement",
"System_users_usernameGroup": "System Username",
"TableColSettingInfo": "Please select the detailed information you would like to display on the list.",
"Target": "Target",
"TargetResources": "Target Resource",
"Task": "Task",
"TaskCenter": "Task Center",
"TaskDetail": "Task Details",
"TaskDispatch": "Task Issued Successfully",
"TaskDone": "Task Ended",
"TaskID": "Task ID",
"TaskList": "Task List",
"TaskMonitor": "Task Monitoring",
"TaskName": "Task Name",
"TaskVersions": "Task Versions",
"Tasks": "Task",
"TechnologyConsult": "Technical Consultation",
"TempPassword": "The temporary password is valid for 300 seconds and becomes invalid immediately after usage",
"Template": "Template",
"TemplateAdd": "Template Addition",
"TemplateCreate": "Create Template",
"TemplateDetail": "Template Details",
"TemplateHelpText": "When choosing to add by template, accounts not existing under the asset will be automatically created and pushed",
"TemplateUpdate": "Update Template",
"Templates": "Template",
"TencentCloud": "Tencent Cloud",
"Terminal": "Component Settings",
"TerminalAssetListPageSize": "Asset Pagination Per Page Quantity",
"TerminalAssetListSortBy": "Sort Asset List",
"TerminalDetail": "Terminal Details",
"TerminalHeartbeatInterval": "Heartbeat Interval",
"TerminalPasswordAuth": "Password Authentication",
"TerminalPublicKeyAuth": "Key Authentication",
"TerminalSessionKeepDuration": "Session Retention Duration",
"TerminalStat": "CPU/Memory/Disk",
"TerminalTelnetRegex": "Telnet Successful Regular Expression",
"TerminalUpdate": "Update Terminal",
"TerminalUpdateStorage": "Update Terminal Storage",
"Terminate": "Termination",
"TerminateTaskSendSuccessMsg": "The termination task has been issued, please refresh later to check",
"TermsAndConditions": "Terms and Conditions",
"Test": "Test",
"TestAccountConnective": "Test Account Connectivity",
"TestAllSystemUsersConnective": "Test All System Users' Connectivity",
"TestAssetsConnective": "Test Asset Connectivity",
"TestConnection": "Test Connection",
"TestGatewayHelpMessage": "If you are using NAT port mapping, set it to the port that SSH really listens to",
"TestGatewayTestConnection": "Test Gateway Connection",
"TestHelpText": "Please Enter Destination Address for Testing",
"TestLdapLoginSubtitle": "Please submit LDAP configuration before test login",
"TestLdapLoginTitle": "Test LDAP user login",
"TestMultiPort": "Separate Multiple Ports with a Comma",
"TestNodeAssetConnectivity": "Test Asset Node Connectivity",
"TestParam": "Parameter",
"TestPortErrorMsg": "Wrong port, please enter again",
"TestSelected": "Test Selected",
"TestSelectedSystemUsersConnective": "Test Connectivity of Selected System User",
"TestSuccessMsg": "Test Successful",
"The": "Number",
"ThisPeriodic": "This is a periodic job",
"Thursday": "Thursday",
"Ticket": "Work Order",
"TicketCreate": "Create Work Order",
"TicketDetail": "Work Order Details",
"TicketFlow": "Work Order Flow",
"TicketFlowCreate": "Create Approval Flow",
"TicketFlowUpdate": "Update Approval Flow",
"Tickets": "Ticket List",
"TicketsDone": "Completed Work Order",
"TicketsNew": "Submit Work Order",
"TicketsTodo": "Pending Work Orders",
"Time": "Time",
"TimeDelta": "Running Time",
"TimeExpression": "Time Expression",
"TimePeriod": "Time Period",
"Timeout": "Timeout",
"TimeoutHelpText": "When this value is -1, no timeout period is specified",
"Timer": "Scheduled Execution",
"TimerPeriod": "Scheduled Execution Cycle",
"TimesWeekUnit": "Times/Week",
"Title": "Title",
"To": "To",
"Today": "Today",
"TodayFailedConnections": "Number of Failed Connections Today",
"Token": "Token",
"TokenHTTPMethod": "Token Acquisition Method",
"TopAssetsOfWeek": "Weekly TOP10 Assets",
"TopUsersOfWeek": "Top 10 Weekly Users",
"Total": "Total",
"TotalJobFailed": "Number of Failed Jobs",
"TotalJobLog": "Job Execution Total",
"TotalJobRunning": "Number of jobs in action",
"TotalVersions": "Version Count",
"Transfer": "Transfer",
"True": "Yes",
"Tuesday": "Tuesday",
"TwoAssignee": "Secondary Receiver",
"TwoAssigneeType": "Second-Level Acceptance Type",
"Type": "Type",
"Types": "Type",
"UCloud": "UCloud",
"UPPER_CASEREQUIRED": "Must include uppercase letters",
"UnSyncCount": "Un-synced",
"Unbind": "Unbind",
"UnbindHelpText": "Local users are from this authentication source and cannot be unlinked",
"Unblock": "Unlock",
"UnblockSuccessMsg": "Unlock Successful",
"UnblockUser": "Unlock User",
"UniqueError": "Only one of the following attributes can be set",
"Unknown": "Unknown",
"UnlockSuccessMsg": "Unlock Success",
"Unreachable": "Cannot Connect",
"UnselectedAssets": "No assets selected or selected assets do not support SSH protocol connection",
"UnselectedNodes": "No Node Selected",
"UnselectedOrg": "No Organization Selected",
"UnselectedUser": "No user selected",
"UpDownload": "Upload Download",
"Update": "Update",
"UpdateAccount": "Update Account",
"UpdateAccountMsg": "Please Update System User Account Info",
"UpdateAccountTemplate": "Update Account Template",
"UpdateAssetDetail": "Configure More Information",
"UpdateAssetUserToken": "Update Account Authentication Information",
"UpdateEndpoint": "Update Endpoint",
"UpdateEndpointRule": "Update Endpoint Rules",
"UpdateErrorMsg": "Update Failed",
"UpdateMFA": "Change Multi-Factor Authentication",
"UpdateNodeAssetHardwareInfo": "Update Node Asset Hardware Information",
"UpdatePassword": "Update Password",
"UpdateSSHKey": "Update SSH Public Key",
"UpdateSecret": "Update Ciphertext",
"UpdateSelected": "Update Selected",
"UpdateSuccessMsg": "Update Successful",
"Updated": "Updated",
"UpdatedBy": "Updater",
"Upload": "Upload",
"UploadCsvLth10MHelpText": "Only csv/xlsx files can be uploaded, and must not exceed 10M",
"UploadDir": "Upload Directory",
"UploadFailed": "Upload Failed",
"UploadFile": "Upload File",
"UploadFileLthHelpText": "Only files less than {limit} MB can be uploaded",
"UploadPlaybook": "Upload Playbook",
"UploadSucceed": "Upload Successful",
"UploadZipTips": "Please Upload a Zip Format File",
"Uploading": "File Upload in Progress",
"Uppercase": "Capital Letters",
"UseParameterDefine": "Define Parameters",
"UseProtocol": "Use Protocol",
"UseSSL": "Use SSL/TLS",
"User": "User",
"UserAclDetail": "User Login Rule Details",
"UserAclList": "User Login",
"UserAclLists": "User Login Rules",
"UserAssetActivity": "Account/Asset Activity",
"UserCount": "User count",
"UserCreate": "Create User",
"UserData": "Account Data",
"UserDetail": "User Details",
"UserFirstLogin": "First Login",
"UserGroupCount": "Number of user groups",
"UserGroupCreate": "Create User Group",
"UserGroupDetail": "User Group Details",
"UserGroupList": "User Group",
"UserGroupUpdate": "Update User Group",
"UserGroups": "User Group",
"UserGuide": "User Guide",
"UserGuideUrl": "User Guide URL",
"UserIP": "Login IP",
"UserInformation": "User Information",
"UserList": "User List",
"UserLoginACL": "User Login",
"UserLoginACLCreate": "Create User Login Rule",
"UserLoginACLDetail": "User Login Restrictions",
"UserLoginACLHelpMsg": "When logging in the system, you may audit based on the user's login IP and time period to decide whether to grant system access (effective globally)",
"UserLoginACLUpdate": "Update User Login Rules",
"UserLoginAclCreate": "Create User Login Control",
"UserLoginAclDetail": "User Login Control Details",
"UserLoginAclList": "User Login",
"UserLoginAclUpdate": "Update User Login Control",
"UserLoginLimit": "User Login Restriction",
"UserLoginTrend": "Account Login Trend",
"UserName": "Name",
"UserNameSelector": "Username Input Box Selector",
"UserPage": "User View",
"UserProfile": "Personal Information",
"UserRatio": "User Proportion Statistics",
"UserSession": "User Session",
"UserSetting": "Preference Settings",
"UserSwitch": "User switch",
"UserSwitchFrom": "Switch From",
"UserUpdate": "Update User",
"UserUsername": "User (Username)",
"Username": "Username",
"UsernameGroup": "Username",
"UsernameHelpMessage": "Username is dynamic, use the current user's username when logging in to assets",
"UsernameOfCreateUpdatePage": "On target host, the username of the user; if existing, modifies the password; if it does not exist, add the user and set the password,",
"UsernamePlaceholder": "Enter Username",
"Users": "User",
"UsersAmount": "User",
"UsersAndUserGroups": "User/User Group",
"UsersTotal": "Total Accounts",
"Valid": "Valid",
"Validity": "Valid",
"Value": "Value",
"Variable": "Variable",
"VariableHelpText": "You can use {{ key }} to read built-in variables in the command",
"Vault": "Password Box",
"VaultHelpText": "1. Due to security reasons, the Vault storage needs to be activated in the configuration file. <br>2. Once activated, fill in the other configurations and conduct testing. <br>3. Perform data synchronization, which is unidirectional - it only syncs from the local database to the remote Vault. Once synchronization is finished, the local database will no longer store passwords. Please backup your data. <br>4. If you need to modify the Vault configuration a second time, the service needs to be restarted.",
"Vendor": "Manufacturer",
"VerificationCodeSent": "Verification code has been sent",
"VerifySignTmpl": "Verification Code SMS Template",
"Version": "Version",
"VersionDetail": "Version Details",
"VersionRunExecution": "Execute History",
"View": "View",
"ViewBlockedIPSHelpText": "View the list of locked IPs",
"ViewMore": "See More",
"ViewPerm": "View Authorization",
"ViewSecret": "View Cipher Text",
"VirtualAccountDetail": "Virtual Account Details",
"VirtualAccountUpdate": "Virtual Account Update",
"VirtualAccounts": "Virtual Account",
"VirtualApp": " Virtual Apps",
"VirtualAppDetail": "Virtual Application Details",
"VirtualApps": "Virtual Apps",
"VmwareClient": "vSphere Client",
"VmwarePassword": "Login Password",
"VmwareTarget": "Target Address",
"VmwareUsername": "Login Account",
"WeCom": "Enterprise WeChat",
"WeComTest": "Test",
"WebCreate": "Create Assets-Web",
"WebFTP": "File",
"WebHelpMessage": "Web type assets depend on remote applications. Please configure in remote applications in the system settings",
"WebSocketDisconnect": "WebSocket Disconnection",
"WebTerminal": "Web Terminal",
"WebUpdate": "Update Asset-Web",
"Wednesday": "Wednesday",
"Week": "Week",
"WeekAdd": "Added This Week",
"WeekOf": "Days of the Week",
"WeekOrTime": "Day/Time",
"Weekly": "Weekly",
"WildcardsAllowed": "Permitted Wildcards",
"WindowsAdminUser": "Windows Privileged User",
"WindowsPushHelpText": "Windows Assets do not Support Key Pushing",
"WordSep": "",
"WorkBench": "Workbench",
"Workbench": "Workbench",
"Workspace": "Workspace",
"Yes": "Yes",
"ZStack": "ZStack"