"ACL reject login asset":"This login has been rejected due to access control policy restrictions",
"Account info":"Account info",
"Account not found":"Account not found",
"Account: ":"Account: {{value}}",
"Action: ":"Action:",
"Advanced option":"Advanced option",
"All sessions":"All sessions",
"Applet connect method":"Applet connect method",
"Are you sure to reconnect it?(RDP not support)":"Are you sure to reconnect it?(RDP not support)",
"Asset disabled":"This asset has been disabled, please contact an administrator",
"Asset not found or You have no permission to access it, please refresh asset tree":"Asset not found or You have no permission to access it, please refresh asset tree",
"Asset tree loading method":"Configure Asset Tree Loading Method",
"Asset: ":"Asset: {{value}}",
"Automatic login next":"Automatic Login next time (right click asset Connection to re-select)",
"Backspace as Ctrl+H":"CLI Backspace As Ctrl+H",
"Batch actions":"Batch actions",
"Batch connect":"Batch connect",
"Belgian French keyboard layout":"Belgian French (Azerty)",
"Database disabled":"This type of connection is not supported, please contact an administrator.",
"Database info":"Database info",
"Database token help text":"The database type token that the client connects to will be cached by the component for 5 minutes, which means that the token will not be invalidated immediately after it is used, but five minutes after the client disconnects",
"Disable auto completion":"Disable auto completion",
"Do not close this page":"Do not close this page",
"Don't prompt again":"Don't prompt again",
"Download the client":"Please download",
"Download the latest client":"Download the latest client",
"Driver redirect":"Driver redirect",
"Expand all":"Expand all",
"Expand all asset":"Expand all assets under the current node",
"Ticket review closed for login asset":"This login review has been closed, and the asset cannot be connected",
"Ticket review pending for login asset":"The login asset has been submitted, waiting for review by the assignee, you can also copy the link and send it to he",
"Ticket review rejected for login asset":"This login review has been rejected, and the asset cannot be connected",
"Token expired":"Token has expired",
"Tool download":"Tool download",
"Turkey keyboard layout":"Turkish-Q (Qwerty)",
"Type tree":"Type tree",
"UK English keyboard layout":"UK English (Qwerty)",
"US English keyboard layout":"US English (Qwerty)",