
18 KiB

title: Icarus User Guide - Comment Plugins date: 2017-01-31 categories:

  • Plugins
  • Comment tags:
  • Icarus User Guide language: en toc: true

This article covers comment plugins supported by Icarus 3.

This article is also available in 简体中文.
The following comment plugins are provided by ppoffice/hexo-component-inferno. Please refer to it for a complete list of supported plugins and their configuration details.


You are required to obtain an ICP license from the Chinese government if you are going to use Changyan. Refer to ICP Licensing for more information.

Installation Guide

  1. First, register and log into Changyan. Get the comment HTML code by following this article.

  2. Copy the value of appid and conf to the corresponding settings in the theme configurations. For example, the following HTML code

    {% codeblock "Changyan Installation Code" lang:html >folded %}

    {% endcodeblock %}

    maps to the following theme configuration:

    {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} comment: type: changyan app_id: ????appid???? conf: prod_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx {% endcodeblock %}


Installation GuidePreview
  1. First, log into Disqus. Click the "GET STARTED" button on the front page or visit here and click "I want to install Disqus on my site" to create a new Disqus comment service.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/disqus-get-started.png 360 '"Get Started - Disqus" "Get Started - Disqus"' %}

  2. On the create new site page, fill in the "Website Name" and "Category", then click the "Create Site" button.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/disqus-create-site.png 360 '"Create Site - Disqus" "Create Site - Disqus"' %}

  3. Select a subscription plan if you want to. You can also skip this by clicking "Install Disqus" on the left.

  4. Next, choose the platform where Disqus is to be installed. Select the "I don't see my platform listed, install manually with Universal Code" on the bottom of the page.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/disqus-select-platform.png 360 '"Select Platform - Disqus" "Select Platform - Disqus"' %}

  5. Click the "Configuration" button on the bottom of the page to skip the "Universal Code install instructions".

  6. Make customizations to your Disqus service on the "Configure Disqus" page. Then, click the "Complete Setup" and "Dismiss Setup" buttons to finish the setup.

  7. Next, click the "Edit Settings" button on the top right corner of the comment service home page.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/disqus-service-homepage.png 360 '"Comment Service Homepage - Disqus" "Comment Service Homepage - Disqus"' %}

  8. Find the value of "Shortname" on the "Configure Disqus for Your Site" page, and copy it to the comment settings in the theme configurations. For example, the "Shortname" in the following screenshot is my-hexo-blog-1:

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/disqus-get-shortname.png 360 '"Shortname - Disqus" "Shortname - Disqus"' %}

    which maps to the following theme configuration:

    {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} comment: type: disqus shortname: my-hexo-blog-1 {% endcodeblock %}

  9. (Optional) You can add disqusId in the front-matter of the post as the unique Disqus ID. Thereby, you can change the location of the post in the future without losing all your comments:

    {% codeblock source/_post/some-post.md lang:markdown %} title: My first post date: 2015-01-01 00:00:01 disqusId: some-disqus-id

    Hello world

    {% endcodeblock %}


DisqusJS is an alternative for Disqus in areas where Disqus is restricted. You can refer to https://github.com/SukkaW/DisqusJS for the detailed configuration process of DisqusJS.

Installation GuidePreview
  1. Log into Disqus and visit here. Click the "Register new application" button or "registering an application" to create a new Disqus application.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/disqusjs-api-applications.png 360 '"Applications - Disqus" "Applications - Disqus"' %}

  2. Fill in the "Label", "Description", and "Website" on the next page. Then, click "Register my application".

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/disqusjs-register-application.png 360 '"Register Application - Disqus" "Register Application - Disqus"' %}

  3. After creating the application, go to the "Settings" tab of the application, fill in the domain name of your Hexo site, e.g., ppoffice.github.io, in the "Domains" field. Then, click the "Save Changes" button on the bottom of the page.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/disqusjs-application-settings.png 360 '"Application Settings - Disqus" "Application Settings - Disqus"' %}

  4. Click the "Details" link on the current page to go to the home page of the current application. Copy the "API Key" in the "OAuth Settings" section to the corresponding setting in the theme configurations.

    For example, the "API Key" in the following screenshot:

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/disqusjs-api-key.png 360 '"Application Details - Disqus" "Application Details - Disqus"' %}

    maps to the following configuration:

    {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} comment: type: disqusjs shortname: test-usildmkxo api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx api: https://disqus.skk.moe/disqus/ # Optional admin: ppoffice # Optional admin_label: Admin # Optional nesting: 4 # Optional {% endcodeblock %}

  5. To learn more about DisqusJS and its configuration, visit SukkaW/DisqusJS documentation or hexo-component-inferno.


Some AD blockers may block this comment plugin. Use it with caution.
Installation GuidePreview
  1. To enable Facebook comment, set the type of comment to facebook:

    {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} comment: type: facebook {% endcodeblock %}


Installation GuidePreview
  1. Log into GitHub and click here to register a new OAuth application. Fill in the "Application name", "Homepage URL", and "Application description". Then, type in the root URL of your Hexo site in the "Authorization callback URL" field. Click the "Register application" button to go to the application details page.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/gitalk-register-application.png 360 '"Register OAuth Application - GitHub" "Register OAuth Application - GitHub"' %}

  2. Copy the values of "Client ID" and "Client Secret" to the corresponding settings in the theme configurations.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/gitalk-application-settings.png 360 '"OAuth Application Settings - GitHub" "OAuth Application Settings - GitHub"' %}

    For example, the following Client ID and Client Secret

    {% codeblock GitHub OAuth Application %} Client ID xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Client Secret xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx {% endcodeblock %}

    maps the following Gitalk configuration:

    {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} comment: type: gitalk client_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx client_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx repo: Some-of-Your-GitHub-Repo owner: you_github_name admin: - you_github_name per_page: 20 # Optional distraction_free_mode: false # Optional pager_direction: last # Optional create_issue_manually: false # Optional proxy: # Optional flip_move_options: # Optional enable_hotkey: true # Optional {% endcodeblock %}

  3. You can review the description and possible values of the above configuration at Gitalk documentation or hexo-component-inferno.


The maintenance of Gitment seems to be discontinued. You can choose Gitalk or utterances as an alternative GitHub Issue-based comment system.

Installation Guide

  1. Follow the steps in the Gitalk section to register a GitHub OAuth application.

  2. Copy the values of "Client ID" and "Client Secret" to the corresponding settings in the theme configurations.

    Here is an example of the Gitment configuration:

    {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} comment: type: gitment owner: you_github_name repo: Some-of-Your-GitHub-Repo client_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx client_secret: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx theme: gitment.defaultTheme # Optional per_page: 20 # Optional max_comment_height: 250 # Optional {% endcodeblock %}

  3. For more details on the above configuration, refer to Gitment documentation or hexo-component-inferno.


Isso is a valid choice if you wish to set up a self-hosted social comment system instead of relying on third-party ones. However, unlike the other services, Isso requires a web host for running the Isso server.

Installation Guide

  1. Follow the Isso documentation to install and run the Isso server.

  2. Fill in the HTTP URL of Isso server to the corresponding setting in the theme configurations. For example, if your service URL is https://posativ.org/isso/api/, you will have the following comment configuration:

    {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} comment: type: isso url: posativ.org/isso/api {% endcodeblock %}


Some AD blockers may block this comment plugin. Use it with caution.
Installation GuidePreview
  1. First, log into LiveRe. Click "Install" on the navigation bar to go to the installation page.

  2. Select the free "City" tier on the installation page and click the "Install Now" button.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/livere-select-plan.png 360 '"Select Plan - LiveRe" "Select Plan - LiveRe"' %}

  3. Fill in the "Site URL", "Name of website", and "Choose site category" on the "Get LiveRe City code" page. Check "I have check the advertising terms..." and click the "Get code" button to be redirected to the LiveRe HTML code page.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/livere-configure-service.png 360 '"Configure Service - LiveRe" "Configure Service - LiveRe"' %}

  4. Copy the value inside the quotes of data-uid="..." to the corresponding setting in the theme's configuration file.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/livere-get-code.png 360 '"Get Code - LiveRe" "Get Code - LiveRe"' %}

    For example, the LiveRe code below:

    {% codeblock "LiveRe Installation Code" lang:html >folded %}

    {% endcodeblock %}

    maps to the following theme configuration:

    {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} comment: type: livere uid: ABCD1234O0OxxxxXXXX000== {% endcodeblock %}


Installation GuidePreview
  1. Prepare a public GitHub repository.

  2. Go to GitHub Apps - utterances and click "Install".

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/utterances-github-app.png 360 '"GitHub App Page - utterances" "GitHub App Page - utterances"' %}

  3. (Optional) Select the user to install utterances to on the next page if you also have organizations under your account.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/utterances-select-user.png 360 '"Select User - utterances" "Select User - utterances"' %}

  4. On the next page, you can choose to install utterances to "All repositories" or "Only select repositories". Then, click the "Install" button.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/utterances-select-repo.png 360 '"Select Repository - utterances" "Select Repository - utterances"' %}

  5. You will be redirected to the utterances official site if the installation completes. You can review each configuration option and customize your utterances setup.

  6. When finished, move to the "Enable Utterances" and copy the attribute values from the utterances HTML code to the corresponding settings in your theme configurations.

    {% img "box px-0 py-0 ml-auto mr-auto" /gallery/screenshots/utterances-get-code.png 360 '"Get Code - utterances" "Get Code - utterances"' %}

    For example, the utterances code below:

    {% codeblock "utterances Installation Code" lang:html >folded %}

    {% endcodeblock %}

    maps to the following theme configuration:

    {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} comment: type: utterances repo: Your-GitHub-Username/Your-Public-Repo-Name issue_term: pathname # Required if issue_number is not set issue_number: 100 # Required if issue_term is not set. Every post can be mapped to a separate, manually-created GitHub issue. label: some-issue-label # Optional theme: github-light # Optional {% endcodeblock %}


Installation GuidePreview
  1. Create a LeanCloud application following the Quickstart guide.

  2. Copy the "App ID" and "App Key" of your LeanCloud application to the corresponding settings in the theme configurations. In addition, you can refer to the Config Reference to find out the details and possible values of the optional settings. Here is an example configuration:

    {% codeblock themes/icarus/_config.yml lang:yaml %} comment: type: valine app_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx app_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx placeholder: "" # Optional notify: false # Optional verify: false # Optional avatar: # Optional avatar_force: false # Optional meta: ["nick", "mail", "link"] # Optional page_size: 10 # Optional visitor: false # Optional highlight: true # Optional record_ip: false # Optional {% endcodeblock %}

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