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Halo may be the best Java blog system.

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Halo [ˈheɪloʊ],Become the best blogging system using Java.

Fast, concise, and powerful blogging system developed in Java.

QQ Group: 162747721Telegram Grouphttps://t.me/HaloBlog


git clone https://github.com/ruibaby/halo.git
cd halo
mvn clean package -Pprod
java -jar target/dist/halo/halo-latest.jar

Rapid server deployment:

# Install Halo
yum install -y wget && wget -O halo-cli.sh https://git.io/fxHqp && bash halo-cli.sh -i

# Upgrade Halo
bash halo-cli.sh -u


# Pull image
docker pull ruibaby/halo

# run
docker run -d --name halo -p 8090:8090 -v ~/halo:/root/halo ruibaby/halo

Docker Compose

# Download the Nginx Profile Template
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jwilder/nginx-proxy/master/nginx.tmpl > /etc/nginx/nginx.tmpl

# get docker-compose.yaml
yum install -y wget && wget -O docker-compose.yaml https://git.io/fpS8N

# Modify docker-compose.yaml, modify VIRTUAL_HOST, LETSENCRYPT_HOST for your own domain name, and modify LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL for your own mailbox.
vim docker-compose.yaml

# run
docker-compose up -d

Note: If you use Idea, Eclipse and other IDEs to run, you need to install the Lombok plugin, In addition, JDK10 is not supported at the moment, and there are problems with themes scanning and uploading.

Let's start: http://localhost:8090


Ryan0up'S Blog



KingYiFan'S Blog


For deployment to the server, please refer to Halo部署教程 or Wiki.


Halo Document

The documentation is constantly being improved.


In addition to the built-in Anatole and Material, there are the following The theme is not integrated in the project. If you need it, please download it and upload it through the background.

Disclaimer: Do not accept any comments or suggestions on the functionality of the Porting Theme.



Halo uses the GPL-v3.0 protocol to open source.


  • Article reading statistics
  • Article overhead
  • Integrate cloud services such as Qiniu yun or Upyun


The birth of Halo is inseparable from the following projects:

  • IntelliJ IDEAPersonally think that the most powerful Java IDE.
  • Spring BootSpring's microservices framework.
  • FreemarkerTemplate engine to make the page static.
  • H2 DatabaseEmbedded database, no need to install.
  • DruidDatabase connection pool developed by Alibaba.
  • Spring-data-jpaDo not need to write a sql script persistence layer framework.
  • EhcacheCache framework.
  • LombokMake the code simpler.
  • oh-my-emailProbably the smallest Java mailing library, support for CC, attachments, templates, etc.
  • HutoolA Java base tool library.
  • ThumbnailatorThumbnail generation library.
  • AdminLTEBackground template based on Bootstrap.
  • BootstrapUse the most extensive front-end ui framework.
  • AnimateVery easy to use css motion library.
  • SimpleMDE - Markdown EditorSimple, functional, and lightweight Markdown editor.
  • Bootstrap-FileInputPersonally think that the best upload component.
  • Font-awesomeThe most widely used font icon library.
  • JqueryUse the widest range of JavaScript frameworks.
  • LayerPersonally think that the most practical and best-looking pop-up layer components.
  • Jquery-ToastMessage prompt component.
  • PjaxpushState + ajax = pjax.****
  • OwOFront-end expression library.


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