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<a href="#" target="_blank">Halo</a>
> Halo may be the best Java blog system.
[简体中文](./README.md) | English
## Catalog
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Quickstart](#quickstart)
- [Demo](#demo)
- [Download](#download)
- [Docs](#docs)
- [Themes](#themes)
- [License](#license)
- [Todo](#todo)
- [Thanks](#thanks)
- [Donate](#donate)
## Introduction
**Halo** [ˈheɪloʊ],Become the best blogging system using Java.
Fast, concise, and powerful blogging system developed in Java.
> QQ Group: 162747721,Telegram Group:[https://t.me/HaloBlog](https://t.me/HaloBlog)
## Quickstart
git clone https://github.com/ruibaby/halo.git
cd halo
mvn clean package -Pprod
java -jar target/dist/halo/halo-latest.jar
Rapid server deployment(Support for CentOS only):
# Install Halo
yum install -y wget && wget http://static.ryanc.cc/halo-cli.sh && sh halo-cli.sh 1
# Upgrade Halo
sh halo-cli.sh 2
> Note: If you use Idea, Eclipse and other IDEs to run, you need to install the Lombok plugin.
Let's start: http://localhost:8090
## Demo
[Ryan0up'S Blog](https://ryanc.cc)
[SNAIL BLOG](https://slogc.cc)
## Download
> For deployment to the server, please refer to [Halo部署教程](https://ryanc.cc/archives/halo-run-with-git-maven) or [Wiki](https://github.com/ruibaby/halo/wiki).
## Docs
[Halo Document](https://halo-doc.ryanc.cc)
> The documentation is constantly being improved.
## Themes
In addition to the built-in [Anatole](https://github.com/hi-caicai/farbox-theme-Anatole) and [Material](https://github.com/viosey/hexo-theme-material), there are the following The theme is not integrated in the project. If you need it, please download it and upload it through the background.
- [Vno](https://github.com/ruibaby/vno-halo) - From Jekyll,Author[Wei Wang](https://onevcat.com/)。
- [Hux](https://github.com/ruibaby/hux-halo) - From Jekyll,Author[Xuan Huang](https://huangxuan.me/)。
- [Story](https://github.com/ruibaby/story-halo) - From Typecho,Author[Trii Hsia](https://yumoe.com/)。
- [NexT](https://github.com/ruibaby/next-halo) - From Hexo,Author[iissnan](https://notes.iissnan.com/)。
> Disclaimer: Do not accept any comments or suggestions on the functionality of the **Porting Theme**.
## License
> Halo uses the GPL-v3.0 protocol to open source.
## Todo
- [x] Article reading statistics
- [ ] Article overhead
- [ ] Integrate cloud services such as Qiniu yun or Upyun
## Thanks
The birth of Halo is inseparable from the following projects:
- [IntelliJ IDEA](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/):Personally think that the most powerful Java IDE.
- [Spring Boot](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot):Spring's microservices framework.
- [Freemarker](https://freemarker.apache.org/):Template engine to make the page static.
- [H2 Database](https://github.com/h2database/h2database):Embedded database, no need to install.
- [Druid](https://github.com/alibaba/druid):Database connection pool developed by Alibaba.
- [Spring-data-jpa](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-jpa.git):Do not need to write a sql script persistence layer framework.
- [Ehcache](http://www.ehcache.org/):Cache framework.
- [Lombok](https://www.projectlombok.org/):Make the code simpler.
- [Apache Commons](http://commons.apache.org/):Very easy to use Java tool library.
- [oh-my-email](https://github.com/biezhi/oh-my-email):Probably the smallest Java mailing library, support for CC, attachments, templates, etc.
- [Hutool](https://github.com/looly/hutool):A Java base tool library.
- [Thumbnailator](https://github.com/coobird/thumbnailator):Thumbnail generation library.
- [AdminLTE](https://github.com/almasaeed2010/AdminLTE):Background template based on Bootstrap.
- [Bootstrap](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git):Use the most extensive front-end ui framework.
- [Animate](https://github.com/daneden/animate.css.git):Very easy to use css motion library.
- [Editor.md](https://github.com/pandao/editor.md.git):Markdown front-end editor, sorry for the author abandoned.
- [Editor.md](https://github.com/hawtim/editor.md):Editor.md, the version that hawtim took over to maintain.
- [Bootstrap-FileInput](https://github.com/kartik-v/bootstrap-fileinput.git):Personally think that the best upload component.
- [Font-awesome](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.git):The most widely used font icon library.
- [Jquery](https://github.com/jquery/jquery.git):Use the widest range of JavaScript frameworks.
- [Layer](https://github.com/sentsin/layer.git):Personally think that the most practical and best-looking pop-up layer components.
- [Jquery-Toast](https://github.com/kamranahmedse/jquery-toast-plugin):Message prompt component.
- [Pjax](https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax.git):pushState + ajax = pjax
- [OwO](https://github.com/DIYgod/OwO):Front-end expression library.
## Donate
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