* commit '0.8.6-95-gc0c1232':
ENH: tests much more robust now across pythons 2.4 -- 2.7
BF+RF: pyinotify refreshes watcher upon CREATE, unified/simplified *(add|del)LogPath among *Filters
Ask users to report bugs to github's issues
Replace "|" with "_" in ipmasq-ZZZzzz|fail2ban.rul (Closes gh-66)
* needed additional sleeps for polling filter since that one relies on
time-stamps and too rapid changes would not be caught by the
* in python 2.4, time stamps are up to a second (int's) so sleeps longer
* test_new_bogus_file -- just to make sure that addition of new files
does not alter our monitoring
* all of the *Filters had too much of common logic in their *LogPath
methods, which is now handled by FileFilter and derived classes only
add custom actions in corresponding _(add|del)LogPath methods
* upon CREATE event:
- unknown files should not be handled at all
- "watcher" for the monitored files should be recreated.
Lead to adding _(add|del)FileWatcher helper methods
* callback now obtains full event to judge what to do
* commit '0.8.6-90-g08564bd':
ENH: fail2ban-testcases -- custom logging format to ease debugging, non-0 exit code in case of failure
ENH: Filter's testcases -- rename, del + list again --- a bit unstable, might still fail from time to time
BF: pyinotify -- monitor the parent directory for IN_CREATE + process freshly added file (Closes gh-44)
ENH: first working unittest for checking polling and inotify backends
RF/BF: just use pyinotify.ThreadedNotifier thread in filterpyinotify
RF: filter.py -- single readline in a loop
ENH: FilterPoll -- adjusted some msgs + allowed to operate without jail (for testing)
Minor additional comment to DEVELOP
ENH: extended test LogfileMonitor
ENH: add more verbosity levels to be controlled while running unittests
Added few tests of FileFilter. yet to place them into a Jail-ed execution test
DOC: distilling some of server "design" into DEVELOP notes for common good
ENH: minor, just trailing spaces/tabs + reformated a string
ENH: added a basic test for FilterPoll for detection of modifications
clarified that the are existing test cases and the 'coming soon' is about creating new ones.
Added beginnings of documentation for developers
BF: usedns=no was not working at all
RF: filtertestcase.py to put common testing into a helping subroutine
ENH: be able to control verbosity from cmdline for fail2ban-testcases
* commit '0.8.6-69-gb4099da': (57 commits)
DOC: Adjusted header for config/*.conf to mention .local and way to comment
Fixed addBannedIP to add enough failures to trigger a ban, rather than just one failure.
Fix Gentoo initd script (drop extra_commands)
ENH: catch failed ssh logins due to being listed in DenyUsers. Close gh-47 (Closes: #669063)
DOC: comment in jail.conf for the need of multiple jails for asterisk
Add the INCLUDE section to use __pid_re feature
Disable asterisk jail by default
Change jail for asterisk, add support for SIP and SIP-TLS on TCP and UDP ports
Change NOTICE by NOTICE%(__pid_re)s
Added a warning for the recidive jail
BF: fail2ban-regex -- adding forgotten char for -v
Remove custom bantime
Add sample log file for asterisk
Add $ at the end of the failregex
ENH: fail2ban-regex -- quieter by default and added --verbose mode
ENH: minor, just pythonized some parts of fail2ban-regex summary
ENH: rudimentary __repr__ for Filter and Jail + moved usedns into set method
BF: allow trailing whitespace in few missing it regexes for sshd.conf
BF+ENH: added %m-%d-%Y pattern + do not add %Y for Feb 29 fix if already present in the pattern
minor comment into TODO
* gh-magicrhesus/master:
Add the INCLUDE section to use __pid_re feature
Disable asterisk jail by default
Change jail for asterisk, add support for SIP and SIP-TLS on TCP and UDP ports
Change NOTICE by NOTICE%(__pid_re)s
Remove custom bantime
Add sample log file for asterisk
Add $ at the end of the failregex
Add asterisk support
config/jail.conf -- placed asterisk jails before recidive and added blank lines after the jail headers