* _enh/test_backends:
RF: reordered tests + enabled gamin now that its fix is pending in Debian
ENH+BF: filtergamin -- to be more inline with current design of filterinotify
ENH: 1 more sleep_4_poll to guarantee difference in time stamp
ENH: few more delays for cases relying on time stamps
ENH: tests much more robust now across pythons 2.4 -- 2.7
BF+RF: pyinotify refreshes watcher upon CREATE, unified/simplified *(add|del)LogPath among *Filters
ENH: fail2ban-testcases -- custom logging format to ease debugging, non-0 exit code in case of failure
ENH: Filter's testcases -- rename, del + list again --- a bit unstable, might still fail from time to time
BF: pyinotify -- monitor the parent directory for IN_CREATE + process freshly added file (Closes gh-44)
ENH: first working unittest for checking polling and inotify backends
RF/BF: just use pyinotify.ThreadedNotifier thread in filterpyinotify
RF: filter.py -- single readline in a loop
ENH: FilterPoll -- adjusted some msgs + allowed to operate without jail (for testing)
Minor additional comment to DEVELOP
ENH: extended test LogfileMonitor
* needed additional sleeps for polling filter since that one relies on
time-stamps and too rapid changes would not be caught by the
* in python 2.4, time stamps are up to a second (int's) so sleeps longer
* test_new_bogus_file -- just to make sure that addition of new files
does not alter our monitoring
* all of the *Filters had too much of common logic in their *LogPath
methods, which is now handled by FileFilter and derived classes only
add custom actions in corresponding _(add|del)LogPath methods
* upon CREATE event:
- unknown files should not be handled at all
- "watcher" for the monitored files should be recreated.
Lead to adding _(add|del)FileWatcher helper methods
* callback now obtains full event to judge what to do
* gh-magicrhesus/master:
Add the INCLUDE section to use __pid_re feature
Disable asterisk jail by default
Change jail for asterisk, add support for SIP and SIP-TLS on TCP and UDP ports
Change NOTICE by NOTICE%(__pid_re)s
Remove custom bantime
Add sample log file for asterisk
Add $ at the end of the failregex
Add asterisk support
config/jail.conf -- placed asterisk jails before recidive and added blank lines after the jail headers