I got an issue like this:
[2016-05-15 22:53:00] SECURITY[26428] res_security_log.c: SecurityEvent="FailedACL",EventTV="2016-05-15T22:53:00.203+0300",Severity="Error",Service="AMI",EventVersion="1",AccountID="admin",SessionID="0x7fb580001518",LocalAddress="IPV4/TCP/",RemoteAddress="IPV4/TCP/",SessionTV="1970-01-01T03:00:00.000+0300"
# [sebres] rebased to current master and resolving conflicts.
introduced parameter `mode`: more (default, combines normal and rbl), auth, normal, rbl, ddos, extra or aggressive (combines all)
replacement for gh-1239, gh-1697, gh-1764; closes gh-1245, gh-1297.
Fixed mail.log path since in the default rsyslog configuration of debians the `mail.warn` is commented now (see `/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf`: `#mail.warn -/var/log/mail.warn`).
Closes gh-1687
Commit 5678d08 of 2016-11-26 changed:
( user=<\S*>,)?
( user=<[^>]+>,)?
The change from `*` (zero or more times) to `+` (one or more times) may
not have been intended. It will miss lines containing, for example:
Aborted login (tried to use disallowed plaintext auth): user=<>
This commit reverts the `+` back to `*`.
* Update Kerio Connect filter
Fixed regex for some log entries that did not get recognized and some additional error formats are added.
* Add missing colon, GitHub address
* Add filter tests
* Add missing test
- dynamic bantime: introduces new action-tag `<bantime>` corresponds to the current ban-time of the ticket;
Note: because it is dynamic, it should be normally removed from `jail.conf` (resp. `jail.local`).
- introduced new action command `actionprolong`, used for prolongation of the timeout (ban-time of the ticket);
- removed default `timeout` from `actionstart` of several actions;
- faster and safer function escapeTag (replacement at once in one run, '\n' and '\r' escaped also);
- `<fq-hostname>` - fully-qualified name of host (the same as `$(hostname -f)`)
- `<sh-hostname>` - short hostname (the same as `$(uname -n)`)
Execution of `uname -n` replaced in all mail actions with most interesting fully-qualified `<fq-hostname>`.
new action parameter "actionstart_on_demand" (bool) can be set to prevent/allow starting action on demand (default retrieved automatically, if some conditional parameter `param?family=...` presents in action properties);
Fail2ban will not ban a host which matches such addresses.
Option "ignoreip" affects additionally to "ignoreself" and don't need to include the DNS resp. IPs of the host self.
- optional parameter `mode` rewritten: normal (default), ddos, extra or aggressive (combines all), see sshd for regex details);
test cases reformatted (since "filterOptions", we don't need multiple test log-files anymore);
- rewritten using `prefregex` and used MLFID-related multi-line parsing (by using tag `<F-MLFID>` instead of buffering with `maxlines`);
- optional parameter `mode` introduced: normal (default), extra or aggressive (see sendmail-reject for regex details);
test cases extended
Many times faster and fewer CPU-hungry because of parsing with `maxlines=1`, so without line buffering (scrolling of the buffer-window).
Combination of tags `<F-MLFID>` and `<F-NOFAIL>` can be used now to process multi-line logs using single-line expressions:
- tag `<F-MLFID>`: used to identify resp. store failure info for groups of log-lines with the same identifier (e. g. combined failure-info for the same conn-id by `<F-MLFID>(?:conn-id)</F-MLFID>`, see sshd.conf for example)
- tag `<F-NOFAIL>`: used as mark for no-failure (helper to accumulate common failure-info);
filter.d/sshd.conf: [sshd], [sshd-ddos], [sshd-aggressive] optimized with pre-filtering using new option `prefregex` and new multi-line handling.
Some filters extended with user name;
[filter.d/pam-generic.conf]: grave fix injection on user name to host fixed;
test-cases in testSampleRegexsFactory can now check the captured groups (using additionally fields in failJSON structure)
new ssh rule(s) added:
- Connection reset by peer (multi-line rule during authorization process);
- No supported authentication methods available;
Single line and multi-line expression optimized, added optional prefixes and suffix (logged from several ssh versions);
closes gh-864
Prevent executing of several actions (e.g. mail, send-mail etc) on restart (bans were already notified).
Test cases extended (smtp and by restart in ServerReloadTest).
Closes gh-1141
Closes gh-921
- fixed for newer version (one space, closes gh-1626)
reviewed and optimized:
- non-greedy catch-all replaced for safer match
- unneeded catch-all anchoring removed
- non-capturing groups
- fixes failregex, that ignores failures through some irrelevant info (closes#1623);
- ignores whole additionally irrelevant info in anchored regex before fixed failure data `\((?:auth failed, \d+ attempts( in \d+ secs)?|tried to use (disabled|disallowed) \S+ auth)\)`
- review, IPv6 compatibility fix, non-capturing groups
added helper "action.d/helpers-common.conf", and `_grep_logs` part-command for actions needed grep logs from multiple log-files
test cases: executing of some complex actions covered
- datedetector rewritten more strict as earlier;
- default templates can be specified exacter using prefix/suffix syntax (via `datepattern`);
- more as one date pattern can be specified using option `datepattern` now (new-line separated);
- some default options like `datepattern` can be specified directly in section `[Definition]`, that avoids contrary usage of unnecessarily `[Init]` section, because of performance (each extra section costs time);
- option `datepattern` can be specified in jail also (jails without filters);
- if first group specified, only this will be cut out from search log-line (e. g.: `^date:[({DATE})]` will cut out only datetime match pattern, and leaves `date:[] failure ip...` for searching in filter);
- faster match and fewer searching of appropriate templates (DateDetector.matchTime calls rarer DateTemplate.matchDate now);
- standard filters extended with exact prefixed or anchored date templates;
template cache introduced (in opposition to default template cache, holds custom templates cached by pattern for possible common usage of same template/regex);
- `datepattern = {^LN-BEG}` - only line-begin anchored default patterns
(matches date only at begin of line, or with max distance up to 2 non-alphanumeric characters from line-begin);
- `datepattern = {*WD-BEG}` - only word-begin anchored default patterns;
- `datepattern = ^prefix{DATE}suffix` - exact specified default patterns (using prefix and suffix);
common filter configs gets a more precise, line-begin anchored (datepattern = {^LN-BEG}) resp. custom anchoring default date-patterns;
* Misleading date patterns defined more precisely (using extended syntax %E[mdHMS]
for exact two-digit match)
* `filter.d/freeswitch.conf`
- Optional prefixes (server, daemon, dual time) if systemd daemon logs used (gh-1548)
- User part rewritten to accept IPv6 resp. domain after "@" (gh-1548)