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Informs users while preserving the current page state.

Basic usage

Dialog pops up a dialog box, and it's quite customizable.

:::demo Set the v-model attribute with a Boolean, and Dialog shows when it is true. The Dialog has two parts: body and footer, and the latter requires a slot named footer. The optional title attribute (empty by default) is for defining a title. This example explicitly changes the value of v-model to toggle Dialog. In addition, we also provide open and close method, which you can call to open/close the Dialog.

<el-button type="text" @click.native="dialogVisible = true">click to open the Dialog</el-button>

<el-dialog title="tips" v-model="dialogVisible" size="tiny">
  <span>This is a message</span>
  <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
    <el-button @click.native="dialogVisible = false">Cancel</el-button>
    <el-button type="primary" @click.native="dialogVisible = false">Confirm</el-button>



The content of Dialog can be anything, even a table or a form. This example shows how to use Element Table and Form with Dialog。


<!-- Table -->
<el-button type="text" @click.native="dialogTableVisible = true" type="text">open a Table nested Dialog</el-button>

<el-dialog title="Shipping address" v-model="dialogTableVisible">
  <el-table :data="gridData">
    <el-table-column property="date" label="Date" width="150"></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column property="name" label="Name" width="200"></el-table-column>
    <el-table-column property="address" label="Address"></el-table-column>

<!-- Form -->
<el-button type="text" @click.native="dialogFormVisible = true" type="text">open a Form nested Dialog</el-button>

<el-dialog title="Shipping address" v-model="dialogFormVisible">
  <el-form :model="form">
    <el-form-item label="Promotion name" :label-width="formLabelWidth">
      <el-input v-model="form.name" auto-complete="off"></el-input>
    <el-form-item label="Zones" :label-width="formLabelWidth">
      <el-select v-model="form.region" placeholder="Please select a zone">
        <el-option label="Zone No.1" value="shanghai"></el-option>
        <el-option label="Zone No.2" value="beijing"></el-option>
  <span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
    <el-button @click.native="dialogFormVisible = false">Cancel</el-button>
    <el-button type="primary" @click.native="dialogFormVisible = false">Confirm</el-button>



Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
title title of Dialog string
size size of Dialog string tiny/small/large/full small
top value for top of Dialog CSS, works when size is not full string 15%
modal whether a mask is displayed boolean true
lock-scroll whether scroll of body is disabled while Dialog is displayed boolean true
custom-class custom class names for Dialog string
close-on-click-modal whether the Dialog can be closed by clicking the mask boolean true
close-on-press-escape whether the Dialog can be closed by pressing ESC boolean true


Name Description
content of Dialog
footer content of the Dialog footer


Each el-dialog instance has the following methods that can be used to open/close the instance without explicitly changing the value of v-model:

Method Description
open open the current instance
close close the current instance


Event Name Description Parameters
open triggers when the Dialog opens
close triggers when the Dialog closes