
3.9 KiB


Divide data collections which have related contents however belong to different types.

How to use

Basic and concise tabs.

:::demo Tabs provide a selective card functionality and it can be achieved only by using el-tabs and child element el-tab-pane. In these two elements, we provide a list of attributes. The label in el-tab-pane determines the label of selective cards, you can write content in the label; In the next example, we add a active-name attribute in el-tabs, which can take a String value. It means an active card. In the el-tab-pane you can set corresponding name attribute,if there is no name, then the default sequence is 1/2/3/4. In the example, the selected card is card 2. Since there's no name, then set active-name to 2 can reach the same goal.

    <el-tab-pane label="User Admin"></el-tab-pane>
    <el-tab-pane label="Config Admin"></el-tab-pane>
    <el-tab-pane label="Role Admin"></el-tab-pane>
    <el-tab-pane label="Task Compensation"></el-tab-pane>
  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        activeName: 'first'


Card Style

Selective card style tabs.

:::demo Set type to card can get a selective card style tab.

  <el-tabs type="card" @tab-click="handleClick" @tab-remove="handleRemove">
    <el-tab-pane label="User Admin"></el-tab-pane>
    <el-tab-pane label="Config Admin"></el-tab-pane>
    <el-tab-pane label="Role Admin"></el-tab-pane>
    <el-tab-pane label="Task Compensation"></el-tab-pane>
  export default {
    methods: {
      handleRemove(tab) {
      handleClick(tab) {



Closable tabs.

:::demo You can set closable attribute in el-tabs.It accept Boolean and it will be closable when the boolean is true.

  <el-tabs type="card" :closable="true" @tab-click="handleClick" @tab-remove="handleRemove">
    <el-tab-pane label="User Admin"></el-tab-pane>
    <el-tab-pane label="Config Admin"></el-tab-pane>
    <el-tab-pane label="Role Admin"></el-tab-pane>
    <el-tab-pane label="Task Compensation"></el-tab-pane>
  export default {
    methods: {
      handleRemove(tab) {
      handleClick(tab) {


Border card

Border card tabs.

:::demo Set type to border-card.

<el-tabs type="border-card">
  <el-tab-pane label="User Admin"></el-tab-pane>
  <el-tab-pane label="Config Admin"></el-tab-pane>
  <el-tab-pane label="Role Admin"></el-tab-pane>
  <el-tab-pane label="Task Compensation"></el-tab-pane>


Tabs Attributes

Attribute Description Type Options Default
type Tabs type string card, border-card
closable If can close the tab boolean true, false false
active-name Name of the selected card string Name of first selective card

Tabs Events

Event name Description Callback parameter
tab-click Hook function when tab is clicked Clicked tab
tab-remove Hook function when tab is removed Removed tab

Tab-pane Attributes

Attribute Description Type Options Default
label Card label string
name The identifier corresponding to the activeName of the selective card, representing the alias of the selective card string The ordinal number of the selective card in the sequence, i.e. the first one is '1'